how to master networking if you’re an introvert

Post on 12-Feb-2017






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How to master networkingif you’re an introvert

6 tips from recruiter Andrew Ellis

Find safety in numbers

Take your comfort zone with you by networking in pairs or even larger groups.

You’ll feel supported and bounce conversations off each other.

Tag your partner in if you’re struggling.

Don’t assume others are confident

It helps to understand that the person (or people) you’re speaking to will probably feel just as awkward as you do, or they have done at some point in the past.

The person you’re speaking to may appear confident enough, but they could be feeling just as uncomfortable as you. How would you know?

Challenge yourself

Quantify your efforts by setting achievable targets, such as meeting with 5 new people every month.

Turn it into a numbers game and you’ll feel more focused on the process than the outcome at each meeting.

Set the tone

Do you worry about what to say in conversations? Then shift the onus on to your acquaintance by asking questions.

You can relax and practice your listening skills – something you’re probably very good at!

Showing a genuine interest in the person you’re talking to, will certainly make you one of the more memorable people in the room.

You don’t have to be perfect

Remember there is no perfect way to interact with another human being.

Realise that even ‘bad’ meetings bring opportunities to learn and hone your approach so there really is no need to worry or overthink on every social encounter.

People won’t remember what you say; they’ll remember how you made them feel. So be friendly, be helpful and don’t try to be perfect.

And finally… Smile

What better way to start a conversation?

People will see you as more approachable and you’ll be the person that pops up in an acquaintance’s thoughts when they’re racking their brain for someone to refer – people remember a smile.

Happy networking!

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