how to manage data growth: addressing analysis, security and protection

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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HOW TO MANAGE DATA GROWTH:Addressing analysis, security and protection

Senior managementhas long viewed

storage as a cost item,

not a strategic investment.

As a cost item,storage presented

problems for IT managers.

End userscreated and stored

more data.

Some companieseven created


data retention policies.

Piles of data continued

to grow with no hope of

leveling off.

So IT had torepeatedly ask for more storage.

without tangible ROI.

Defending those budget requests

was hard

Storage admins were left to wrestle withthree problems:

2. Find tools to decipher, manage and protect data;

3. And actually derive value from that data.

1. Control growth;

Disparate tools to:

• Analyze usage patterns• Make data searchable• Assess security• Protect data

Each with its own user interface,

complexity and price tag

What IT teams really needed was a way to transform data storage.

from a cost to a benefit.

From a potential liability

into a self-aware asset

From a weakness

into aprotected strength

Smart storagearms users with

powerful data insights.

Data-driven decisions add the context employees need to

increase the ROI of every task.

So, it made sense tobring insights

to the point of storage.

You’re managingdozens of terabytes


You know thatthe load will be

larger tomorrow.

Are there any unusual

access patterns?

How will you figure out:

Is corporate storage beingused for personal files?

Are therecompliance violations

in the stored data?

What data can wemove off

to cheaper storage tiers?

The only way to answer those questions is to track and catalog

all data interactions.

Identify potential risks and exposures

before they turn into headlines.

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