how to make the holidays magical this year!

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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Single moms can make the holidays special for their kids! It's up to you!


Honorée Corder

How to Make the Holidays

Magical This Year!

The holidays are upon us…

~Your ex might be actin a fool and you’re doing some damage


~Or maybe this is your first “single mom” holiday season.

~Seeing your ex during the holidays or trying to fill a void

they’ve left can be a drain.

~Trying to make the holidays happy in the midst of co-parenting

and single-parenting chaos can be the worst.

You hold the cards!

~You’re more in control of what happens – and doesn’t happen –

than you think.

~You can have a pretty wonderful holiday season, and there are

many things you can do to make it so!

Singles Holiday Season

I don’t know about you, but it can be especially tricky to make

every single person happy…including yourself!

If you’re co-parenting for the first time, trying to navigate who

goes where, and when…you can find my two cents here.

Here are six ways to make the holidays

magical this year:

Kids remember events and magic moments. I bet you can remember what your parents did on Christmas Eve, or made you for breakfast, or even that time they scooped you up from school early to take you gift shopping.

Be fun and playful, do something unexpected, and most of all, make magic moments they’ll remember.

1.Enjoy every moment you have with your kids.

2. Keep old traditions. Make some new ones.

Every year, we bake cookies for an entire day. Dozens and dozens

and dozens of cookies. We always get brand new pajamas on

Christmas Eve. We created our own traditions—even some for

when it was just the two of us.

Spend some time thinking about and consulting your kids about

how they would love to spend their time with you. Then, do it

again next year.

3. Take the high road.

Help your kids pick out a present for their dad. Come on, you know what he likes and it’s your kids who will get the most out of having a present to give.

Wish you ex “happy holidays,” smile a genuine smile {even if it almost kills you}, and tell your kids you really want them to have a good time with their dad. Remember, what you put out comes back to you in spades.

4. Ignore what he’s doing.

If he’s trying to be a “Disneyland dad” by out-doing everything

you’re able to do, refer to #1. Your kids may love they they get

“lots of presents” but if they’re anything like my kid, in about

three days they won’t even remember all the gifts.

They will remember some cool magic moments though.

If he is completely off the radar and hurting your kids feelings,

help them deal with it, and do your best to not let it upset you.

5. Make yourself happy.

Remember that time you complained that you couldn’t go to the

bathroom by yourself? Well, when your kids are with their dad,

you can have alone time! Take a hot bath, or a long shower.

Guess what? There are a ton of thing you can do if your kids are

away! In case you need suggestions, I wrote about that in here.

6. Keep going, sister!

You’ve got this. Whether it’s your first holiday as a single mom,

or your tenth, you can handle whatever is thrown at you,

including this! Put one foot in front of the other, give yourself

something to look forward to every day, and very soon you’ll be

ringing in a brand new year!

P.S. While you’re at it…

Set some Big Hairy Audacious Goals for 2015!

You can make next year your best year ever. I mean, why not?

{I’m doing a series about this on my coaching blog. You can

check out the first one here.}

Happy Holidays!

Honorée Corder writes about business growth and personal development,

including shedding limiting beliefs, dreaming big and living the life you truly

want. If you enjoyed this article, then join her free newsletter




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