how to make name placards

Post on 16-Feb-2017






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How To Make Name Placards In OUAT Free

Toast Host


The below officers have access to make name tags on the Orange Upon A Time Website.

Club Secretary VP Membership Club President

Go to

Click on Member Login

Enter your E-mail or Name, select your name, and then enter your password.

Your first time?

If this is your first time logging in to our website, or if you forgot your password, just select your name and click "Authenticate / Login" without entering in a password. An authentication link will be e-mailed to you. You will then be prompted to reset your password.

Review the “Members Only” Section

The “Members Only” section gives access to the parts of the site that you as a member and officer can review.

Select, “Membership Management.”

You will then be navigated to the Membership Management page.

Confirm / Edit Member Name

Find the member’s name on the list. If the member’s name needs to be corrected, check

the arrow to the right of their name to make any necessary edits.

Confirm / Edit Member Name

You will be taken to the, “Edit Member Profile,” screen.

Make changes to the member’s name in the, “Your Name with Toastmasters Designation,” field.

Click, “Save,” to capture all changes.

Print Name Placards

Close out of member management once you have confirmed the member’s name spelling, award credentials, and title.

Click on, “File Manager,” in the, “Members Only,” section on our home page.

Print Name Placards

Print Name Placards

On the, “File Manager,” screen, scroll down until you find the, “Secretary : Name Placard” document file.

Click the document icon on the left to download the file.

Download Placard File

Download Placard File

You will see a File Download box appear. Click the, “Download,” button to save the word document to your computer.

Print Name Placards

Once the Microsoft Word document has been saved to your computer, you can open it from your saved folder.

Print Name Placards

Fill in the form fields in the word document with the member’s first and last name.

Print Name Placards

You can add their award achievements by clicking on the drop down menus next to the form field. If the member

doesn’t have any awards, click on the blank space under, “Choose an item.”

Print Name Placards

If the member is an officer, click on the field next to, “Orange Upon A Time #192,” to add their officer title.

If the member doesn’t have an officer role, click on the blank space under, “Choose an item.”

Print Name Placards

Once all information has been entered, print the document onto card stock.

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