how to make an explainer video-elements of an animated video

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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9 Elements of a Great Promotional Video

It opens with a personal bond

(Make a personal bond with the audience from the outset, and retain it and develop it from start to



(Keep things moving and keep things interesting. You can do this with different camera angles if you want, and use graphics and/or cartoons. But, don’t bore your audience with just one shot of a bloke telling us to buy your product. They won’t.)


(Plant the seed. Make us care about the product. Ask a question to the audience and then proceed to answer it.)

Make an irresistible offer

(Work out exactly what problem your product or service is solving, explain it succinctly in your video, and then say how you’re going to solve it.)

The art of rhetoric

(Well, there’s two here, actually. The first is to be bold. If you’re product really is as good as you think, then say so. The second is to try and predict any objections to your argument, and dedicate a section of your script to overcoming them. This allays any fears about the product.)

Create a mass enemy

(Position yourself as a knight in shining armour that will save your customer. Remember, you are the solution that we’ve all been waiting for.)

Add value

( Never overlook the obvious. No matter where it is that your product adds value – and that doesn’t necessarily have to be on the price – highlight it to the audience. Get a bit creative if you have to, and try and unearth some deeper value points that might otherwise be missed.)

The call to action

( Again it’s about adding value. If you can use a metaphor then so much the better. But your potential customer must really feel like they’re going to have a good time by signing up with you.)

Close with a memorable tagline

(Come up with a memorable strap line for your product or service. Something that indicates what your product will do, but also how users will benefit. It doesn’t have to rhyme, but it has to convey the brand, the product and the added value all in one.)

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