how to make a funny door dangler

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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It is comprised to two different categories : - a door sign which we hang on to the door knob so that we can tell others about what we wish them to do . For example:

- a door sign which we hang on to the door knob so that we can inform our whereabouts. For example:

Making a door dangler not to hang on the door knob but pasting it on the door itself.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A large piece of cardboard box card Pencil A paper cutter Marker (of any colour) Paint colour Thread (of any colour for one-metre long) Sticky tape

Draw a picture of a large spider web on the cardboard box card . It is easier to draw a cross and another cross going diagonally across it to make the spokes of the spider web. Then , draw the curved lines to join the spokes. Then, cut it out.

By using a pencil, make a hole on the left and right side of the spiders web. (Be careful on not to make a hole at the edge of the cardboard as it may ruin the whole thing).

- Next, on the leftover cardboard box card , draw two speech bubbles and cut it out. You need one speech bubble to face one way and the other on the opposite way.

Now, write what you want to say on your speech bubbles . For instance, we can say Stay out and Welcome on the 2 speech bubbles. You can write any messages as long as it is opposite to one another. After completing the messages, we now can start drawing the spiders that suits each of the messages and the key is that the spiders must be bigger that the speech bubbles.


Paint the spiders , the spider web and the speech bubbles to make it more attractive. (Tips: Paint the spiders according to their character. For example, an angry spider can be coloured with dark colour and the happy spider with brighter and cheerful colour. )

Lay all the pieces of art on the table. Next, you need a metre long thread. Thread the end to each holes in the web-in at the front, out at the back, in at the back and out at the front.



Tape one end of the thread to the angry spider and the other end at the friendly spider. Ignore the speech bubbles for a while. Stick the speech bubbles on the door so that when you pull one spider down, the other speech bubble is hidden and vice versa.12 13


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