how to get the best out of yoga

Post on 10-Aug-2015






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How to get the best out of Yoga?

Whatever form of yoga one practices, the most important and crucial requirement is self-discipline, without which, one cannot see the positive results of yoga.


It is the willingness to do the work and the desire to learn. In yoga, self-discipline is the commitment to the practice.

In the Patanjali Yoga Sutra, self-discipline is known as 'Tapas'

What helps you maintain SELF-DISCIPLINE in practising Yoga?

Acquire knowledge about yogasanas and their benefits

Speak to your yoga teacher and share your concerns if any

Discuss with like minded people and gain understanding about yoga


Have an early and light dinner at least 2-3 hours before you sleep

Maintain a regular sleep schedule and ensure that you get 7-8 hours of sleep

Avoid using electronic gadgets like laptop, mobile phone, etc., or watching TV for a long time in the night

Practice yoga at a fixed time and place, to avoid irregularity in time and lethargy in choosing a place


Practice with a group or with friends

Make it a teamwork & enjoy the activity

Achieve the benefits together

Team work:

These are some of the attributes that may help you in maintaining self- discipline to practice yoga. Following which, you can get the

best positive results of yoga.

-White Swan Foundation

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