how to get rid of the very idea of rejection

Post on 02-Aug-2015



Self Improvement



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How To Eliminate

Rejection From Girls

The human brain is a pretty amazing tool.

One that's not even close to being understood yet.

It's very fast, which is great for survival.

But it's not so accurate.

In a sense, it's a lot like your web browser.

When you visit a familiar site, instead of loading up all the stuff fresh, it references your browser's cache.

This makes it load much quicker than if you had to download everything every single time.

Web servers do this as well.

If the page is static, they serve up a cached copy, as it's much quicker.

This is how the brain operates in both familiar and unfamiliar surroundings.

A long, long time ago, maybe there were people that needed to stare at something for a long time, and let the information soak in long enough

to figure out what was what.

But they all got eaten by dinosaurs.

Which means the only people that are left are us goofs who don't reference reality any more than your web browser downloads every piece

of data every time you visit the same web site.

Science has measured this.

They know which areas of the brain are responsible for imaginary stuff, and which part is responsible for reality stuff.

Most of the time, it's a mix of two.

Why is this important?

Well, consider this next time you're out checking out the ladies.

One of the reasons guys get so nervous is they see some super hot girl, and make all kinds of assumptions about her.

And because are much more attracted to women based on looks, this puts us at a disadvantage.

We walk over there, already having decided that she passes all of our criteria.

Only she knows nothing about us.

So we feel like we're walking over there with her having all the power.

The power to accept us, or the power to reject us.

This, of course, causes all kinds of anxiety.

But when you remember that what you're seeing is literally an illusion, it makes it easier.

Now, this is something you'll have to consciously remember, and practice.

There's NO magic thought that you only need to think once that will get rid of your fears.

It's something you need to train in.

Just like a mental version of Karate Kid.

But this is a good way to practice.

When you see her, don't let your caveman get away with assuming all kinds of crap.

Go over there NOT to hopefully get accepted, but to find out if she IS as hot as you think she is.

All girls have flaws.

Just like all guys have flaws.

See your first approach to get a better picture of her.

Withhold judgment of her, until you talk to her.

If you approach with this mindset, you'll never get rejected.

Because you're not trying to get accepted.

You're just getting more information.

Get Powerful


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