how to get rid of scabies

Post on 10-Mar-2015






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How to Get Rid of Scabies“The information you should know before attacking the scabies mites”

by Michael Derrick

Table of ContentsScabies and Your Immune System.............................................................................................................3An Accurate Life Cycle of the Enemy Parasite.........................................................................................4

What Can You Take From This?...........................................................................................................5Facts and Myths About Scabies.................................................................................................................53 Popular Scabies Treatments That Cause Serious Side-Effects................................................................6Powerful Herbs to Remedy Your Scabies..................................................................................................7Tea Tree Oil for Killing Scabies.................................................................................................................8Neem Oil Treatment...................................................................................................................................9Sulfur Soap Treatment...............................................................................................................................9How to Prevent Reinfestation from Scabies............................................................................................10What's Next?............................................................................................................................................11

IMPORTANT!You can pass this guide around to your friends, family or anyone you meet online that you

want to help with their scabies problems, but you cannot make any changes to this guide inany way, shape or form.

Disclaimer:The information disclosed within this guide has not been put together by a medical professional and is foreducational and informational purposes only. This guide is not designed to substitute advice from a medicalprofessional. As with any new diet or treatment program, you should always contact a doctor before you start it.

Scabies and Your Immune System

There are some people who get scabies, while others are clearly exposed and don't get infected at all, or they can get rid of it easily. Some people had previous scabies infestation, and acquired it again years later. Many people have said that they were emotionally or physically down when they got scabies.

Apparently your immune system should help you to fight off parasites, including scabies.

Here's how to boost your immune system:• Exercise• Sleep• Yogurt• Whole grains• Echinacea• Garlic• Herbs• Limit sugar intake

Please understand that I'm not suggesting that boosting your immune system alone would be a cure for scabies. Some people do have an immune system that can fight it off. There are people who started to get cured after taking enough sleep. There are people who are convinced that getting a solid workout helped get rid of it and there are people who swear a lot just by eating a ton of fresh garlic.

Click the link below for a very informative article on how your immune system works.

An Accurate Life Cycle of the Enemy Parasite

1. Infestation begins with a single pregnant FEMALE mite. Once impregnated, she leaves her “Molting Pouch” to find a new host or to make her new permanent burrow. Male dies shortly after mating.

2. She lays 2 to 3 eggs per day that are approximately 0.10 to 0.15 mm in length. After 3 to 4 days, her eggs hatch inside the skin burrow. 10% of the eggs hatch males, 90% females. The 6 legged larvae remain in the female's burrow for up to one day, and then leave the burrow to excavate a their own Molting Pouch.

3. Larvae grow and change form by shedding their exoskeleton (molting) three times before they reach adulthood (larva, protonymph, tritonymph, adult). Each molting takes 2-3 days, and each molting requires the excavation of new molting pouch or hair follicle. After the final molt, the mite has reached reproductive maturity with 8 legs. Males leave the pouch to find a female. Females may leave the pouch to look for an ideal location to dig a new tunnel.

4. Meanwhile, pregnant female continues to lengthen her burrow and laying eggs until ( 60 to 90 eggs in all ) she dies in about 1 month. Burrows take an S shape.

5. Adult males are innocuous, residing in shallow areas on the skin and feeding on their human host until they find the molting pouch of a female mite. they are attracted to the openings of female mites' molting pouches, which contains large quantities of feces.

6. Newly impregnated mites tend to choose areas where there are folds and crevices, such as between the fingers, under the arms, on the wrists, around the waist, the breast area (on women), and around male genitalia.

What Can You Take From This?

You have to stop the males from searching a female. The male is crawling on the surface and stop the female from finding a new burrow, using skin creams. You have to be prepared for big outbreaks following each hatching cycle.

Remember that the female was laying eggs that will hatch and leave the burrow 5 to 6 days later. What does this mean? Every day new hatchlings are leaving the burrow to make new “Molting Pouches”. They must be stopped with skin creams and daily soaking until the last of the eggs have hatched. Pinpricks are the hatchling making a new “Molting Pouch”.

Facts and Myths About Scabies

There are a lot of information out there about scabies. There are those that have been proven to be true while the others continue to circulate as lies. It is best to be knowledgeable with the proper information as not to put our health in danger. Here are some myths and facts about scabies.

Fact: Having a strong immune system may prevent some people from getting Scabies, even if they are in close contact with someone that already has it. However, we don’t advise that you take that chance.

Fact: Scabies Mites can “engineer” counter measures or enzymes that neutralize the effectiveness of lindane, permethrins and other neuro toxins commonly used to combat skin mites on humans. These skin mites become super resistant and difficult to get rid of.

Fact: Overuse of lindane, permethrins and other neuro toxins commonly used to be effective against skin mites can cause very harmful side effects, including but not limited to:

* asthmatic breathing * temporary paralysis * liver failure * general weakness * lethargy * lowered ability to concentrate

Myth: Once you have had Scabies you can’t get it again.

Even with the use of dangerous, highly toxic poisons, you can easily get Scabies again if you are exposed. There is no immunity drug available to prevent a new outbreak.

Myth: Apple cider vinegar for is effective for treating Scabies.

Apple cider will provide some relief from the itching of Scabies, however, it may only drown some of the skin mites and it will not actually get rid of the entire infestation.

Myth: Salt water eliminates Scabies.

Salt water, depending on its salinity and mineral content, has marginal benefits and relief as a Scabies treatment.

3 Popular Scabies Treatments That Cause Serious Side-Effects

You may have heard or have even used the following treatments for scabies. These have gained popularity over the years since this is what doctors usually prescribe. What most people don't know is that they even pose dangers for the users than actually treat scabies. I bet you wouldn't think that it's worth risking your life or that of your family's to try these treatments that have harmful side effects when there are countless other effective treatments available. Steer clear from the following and opt for safer alternatives.


This is the most commonly prescribed treatment for scabies but the side effects cause the same results as the symptoms you’re trying to cure! Side effects include: Itching, stinging & burning. How would you even know that it's working when your skin only becomes worse asyou continue to use it.

Permethrin is made from a synthetic form of Pyrethrum… a common ingredient found in insecticides! Some people react violently to Pyrethrum as it may be a carcinogen, that which causes cancer. So even though this is the most commonly prescribed treatment, it doesn’t always pay to follow the crowd.


Lindane used to be the most popular prescribed treatment for scabies until the FDA reported higher than normal occurrences of seizures in Lindane users. In fact, Lindane has been linked to an increase in leukemia in children and an increase in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in farmers who use Lindane on their cattle and grain. Lindane has been banned in 40 countries and its use is strictly regulated in 20 different nations. Unfortunately, the US has been slow to remove this chemical from the market.


Malathion is commonly prescribed for head lice, but may be prescribed for scabies in some cases.Unfortunately, over-exposure to Malathion can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, muscle weakness, difficulty breathing and even death when ingested. Malathion is considered “slightly toxic” and has been shown to cause birth defects in rats.

Powerful Herbs to Remedy Your Scabies

It is always best to opt for natural alternatives to treat scabies. It is already enough that you suffer from the itching and redness that scabies brings but the more expensive options in the market today have side effects that can only worsen your condition.

Now you have the choice to direct your own treatment as we provide you with natural herbs to get rid of scabies

Evening primrose and St. John's-wort

Evening primrose oil (EPO) is approved in the United Kingdom for treating eczema because it soothes the skin. But it's not approved in the United States because the Food and Drug Administration turns a blind eye to European research, and no U.S. drug companies want to invest hundreds of millions to prove the safety and effectiveness of something that they can't patent. As for St.-John's-wort, I've seen persuasive anecdotal reports that applying this herb to the skin can provide immediate relief from the itching of insect bites. You just need to steep flowering shoots of St.-John's-wort for a few days in enough EPO to cover them, then dab the oil on the affected areas. If you don't have access to the fresh herbm you can use a tincture of St.-John's-wort.

Neem and Turmeric

A few years ago, Indian researcher S. X. Charles, Ph.D., used these two herbs to treat 814 people with scabies. He made a paste with four parts fresh neem leaves and one part turmeric root. The people in his study rubbed it all over themselves daily. Almost 800 of them (98 percent) showed substantial improvement within three to five days and were completely cured within two weeks. You can buy skin-care products containing neem at some health food stores. Just mix in several teaspoons ofturmeric and apply it to the affected areas.


Onions contain quercetin, one of nature's best skin soothing compounds. Boil the skins of a half dozen onions for 15 to 30 minutes in a quart of water. Let the liquid cool then apply it liberally all over your body.

American Pennyroyal

Almost 2,000 years ago, the Roman naturalist Pliny noted that European pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) repels fleas. In fact, this herb's scientific name, pulegioides, is derived from the Latin for "flea," and the plant has been popularly known as fleabane for centuries. Pennyroyal oil is the active ingredient in just about every herbal flea collar for pets. Apply a strong tea or preferably a tincture directly to the affected area to alleviate the itch.

Mountain Mint

This weedy, three-foot-tall herb is loaded with pulegone, the same insect repellent found in pennyroyal. It's a fine weed to grow around the house, and it has many uses. Ball up a wad of

fresh mountain mint and rub the bruised leaves on your skin. This herb would be equally effective against mites and lice.

Tea Tree Oil for Killing Scabies

There's a study that says:

With 5% TTO, all scabies mites were dead within three hours, whereas terpinen-4-ol alone required 11.5 hours for 100% mortality. The effect of terpinen-4-ol alone on reducing viability of the scabies mites was similar to that when combined with alpha-terpineol and 1,8-cineole. These components used alone were relatively inactive against the scabies mite, suggesting that terpinen-4-ol is the active component. After one hour of exposure, only 10% of mites tested against 5% permethrin and ivermectin, and none of the mites tested against the Emulsifying Ointment BP88 were dead

Tea tree oil is a traditional Aboriginal medicine used for treating cuts, bruises and infection. It is a completely natural substance and constitutes a unique blend of a variety of active ingredients, some of which have not been found in any other plant.The oil is removed from the leaves and it contains a substance called terpinen-4-ol which is believed to kill the scabies parasite and eggs as well as soothe the itching.The oil penetrates into the lower skin layers with its anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, pain-killing and wound-healing qualities.

Neem Oil Treatment

Neem oil is a powerful and effective natural treatment for scabies. It is also much safer and poses more advantages than conventional scabies treatments that are toxic and harmful like Permethrin.

All the available conventional treatments are pesticides that have to penetrate the skin to kill the mites that cause this infection. The skin reacts and becomes irritated. Using them usually results in allergies and other complications.

Neem oil on the other hand is very healthy and safe for the skin. This natural scabies treatment kills the scabies mites, soothes the itching, and relieves the pain. It also heals any secondary infections and open lesions that might have been caused by the scratching .

It is important to note that the treatment for scabies with Neem oil takes some time. Because Neem does not kill the mites but stops their proliferation so it wipes out their population over time. The good thing is that this treatment guarantees an instant relief from the pain and the itching.

The symptoms should disappear within three to five days. Unless we are talking about very severe cases where the whole body is affected and secondary infections need to be treated as well. To heal severe cases of scabies with neem may take up to two weeks. That is still

faster and safer then conventional products.

Sulfur Soap Treatment

Scabies and sulfur soap or sulfur ointment treatment dates back over 2,500 years, the treatment being pioneered by the late Egyptians. Scabies mites are killed and the rash they cause healed within six weeks of treatment with sulfur soap.

Using hot water, the sulfur soap should be worked into a lather against a wash cloth and the rash scrubbed twice a day.

While sulfur soap kills scabies mites, it fails to kill the eggs they leave behind, meaning treatment with sulfur soap should continue several months after all signs of scabies rash have disappeared in order to kill the newly hatched mites.

Sulfur soap can cause an excessive dryness of the skin, though the application of moisturizer will reduce the dryness, it will also decrease the efficacy of the treatment as the sulfur will be less able to come into contact with the mites.

How to Prevent Reinfestation from Scabies

1. It is important to make your environment as inhospitable to Scabies Mites as possible. In order to that, use DE (Diatomaceous Earth) to act as a long-term barrier between you and the Scabies Mites. Apply Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth on your furniture, in your car, even on your carpets and bedding, to make them deadly to Scabies Mites and other parasites. The non-toxic fossil-shell dust is safe to use around children, pets, and even in the kitchen.

2. Mattresses are the primary reason most people get reinfested. The scabies mites leave your body while you are lying in bed and venture into the mattress and come back up the next night to reinfest you when they sense warmth. Use a professional steam cleaner to immediately get rid of any Scabies Mites and eggs on the seams and tufts of your mattress and box spring. And for long-term Scabies remedies, sprinkle DE over your mattress and place a mattress cover over your mattress to trap any Scabies that may have infested it and prevent any future infestations. This is critical to eliminate reinfestation. Wipe the mattress cover with a disinfectant spray every night before you put mite free sheets on the bed.

3. All bed clothes (spreads, comforters, sheets, pillow cases, blankets) including pillows should be put into the dryer on high every night before placing them on your bed. Remember that 140 degree heat eradicates the Scabies mites in 20 to 30 minutes. Remove any down comforters or feather pillows and bag them up for later use, when you're Mite free. Excess bedding should be stored until the Mite and Scabies problem has been eliminated to avoid excessive cleaning.

4. Use a steam cleaner to clean the carpets in your home, car seats, office chair and other upholstered furniture.

5. All clothes should be placed in the dryer on High for 20 minutes before wearing them. After laundering them, store your clean, sanitized clothes in large plastic bags during the cleaning process.

6. If you are experiencing Scabies mites on your feet or lower leg sections, it is probably because you are getting infested from your shoes, socks or from your car mats. Use the professional steam cleaner to steam the floor boards and mats in your car and eliminate any Scabies mites or eggs infesting them. Spray disinfectant spray in your shoes and then use a hot hairdryer in your shoes daily.

7. Never use the same bath towel twice and always throw it in the clothes dryer on high before putting it in the dirty clothes hamper.

8. Vacuum vigorously and often to remove as many Scabies mites as possible and discard the bag each time to prevent them from being blown right back into the air. We suggest using a vacuum with a hepa filter and a crevice tool for maximum cleaning.

9. Scabies Mites can live away from a host from between 24 and 72 hours. Some biting Mites can live up to a month off a host. Therefore, it's important to understand that you can't unbag too soon.

What's Next?

There's still a lot more to be discussed when it comes to getting rid of scabies for good. So I will continue to provide you with more valuable and helpful tips on how you could win your battle with scabies. Make sure you stay tuned to your emails because we still got more ground to cover.

Any comments or questions? Feel free to send your inquiries to the email address below:

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