how to get pregnant ? few tips to get pregnant!

Post on 12-Feb-2017






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How To Get Pregnant? Few Tips To Get Pregnant

Every woman desirous to have children is looking for some advice on how to get pregnant.

The first thing that applies not only to women who want to conceive but also to everyone is that healthy body and healthy mind must be the priority.

Hence, if you want to get pregnant, the first step is to become conscious of your body.

Taking Good Care Of Body One of the best tips to get pregnant

is to become conscious of the foods, drugs, and beverages you put in your body.

Moreover, women who want to conceive must also keep aside some time for exercise.

Optimizing fertility is the primary needs and it all depends on the normal functioning of your overall body, especially your menstrual cycle.

Get Your Timing Right To ensure that you conceive early and know how to get

pregnant, you must take care of the timing. Sperm has a lifespan of three to five days.

However, an egg lasts only in between 12 to 24 hours. Hence, if you want to increase your chances of conception, the best way is to have daily intercourse.

It is highly essential, especially in the days that lead to ovulation and on the day, you ovulate.

Knowing Ovulation Better

It is not clear when a woman ovulates. However, it majorly depends on the length of the menstrual cycle.

In general, a woman ovulates 14 days before her next menses. Hence, if your menstrual cycle is of 28 days, it means that halfway through the cycle you will start ovulating.

In some women, the cycle is of 35 days.

In these women, the ovulation period is 21 days and not 17 days. Consider day 1 as the first day of your cycle.

Tips To Get Pregnant

Maintain Healthy Weight

It is difficult for obese women to become pregnant.

However, being too thin also reduces your chances of conceiving.

The best bet is to have a healthy weight.

So, if you are obese trying reducing few pounds.

On the other hand, if you are too thin, try gaining more weight.

Start Prenatal Vitamin 

These are usually prescribed after a woman conceives. However, if you are planning a pregnancy, you can start taking it even before conceiving.

It will prepare your body’s system for the pregnancy and help it stay.

It also helps to have a healthy and normal baby.

According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, women taking 400 mcg folic acid or prenatal vitamin have very fewer chances of having a pregnancy with birth defects.

Eat Healthy There is no such thing as a specific fertility diet promoting how

to get pregnant.

However, eating a variety of foods that are rich in nutrients and less in trans fats can give your body the much-needed boost to conceive and retain pregnancy.

A woman planning to get pregnant should take good care of her body by including adequate nutrient rich foods such as lean protein, dairy, whole grains, vegetable and healthy fat sources.

Avoid Stress and Strenuous Workouts Exercise is good for health. But during these days

you must not do strenuous exercises at it may interfere with your ovulation process.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a must.

Try meditation and yoga to keep you free from stress and also get enough exercise.

Kick Bad Habits

If you have the habit of smoking or drinking, you need to quit that habit.

Out of all, t he best tips to get pregnant is to kick out all the intoxicating habits including smoking, drugs, and alcohol.


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