how to get/ obtain european funds?

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How to Get/ Obtain European Funds?. GRU-o9-GRAT-13-IS Iaşi, Nov 2009, Trainer: Cristina Cherţ. How to get European Funds?. Anticip ate Formalize Accomplish / Realize Create and use package of necessary tools / use the convenient set of knowledge! Optimize your approach. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Iaşi, Nov 2009,Trainer: Cristina Cherţ

1. Anticipate2. Formalize3. Accomplish / Realize4. Create and use package of

necessary tools / use the convenient set of knowledge!

5. Optimize your approach


1.1. Design of project sheet/1.2. Organize the partnership / Partnership

structure/1.3. Achieving/ reaching community

expectations1.4. Understanding of the functioning

mechanisms of financing programs


2.1. Identification of relevant programs2.2. Organizing and structuring the project 2.3. Budget design2.4. Achieving the criteria for the selection

of projects /Understand very well the selection criteria for your project


3.1. Contract sign

3.2. Implementation


4.1. Anticipate

4.2. Formalize

4.3. Accomplish/ Realize


5.1. Organize a monitoring system of funding programs

5.2. Cooperation with European networks

5.3. Take into account of other funding opportunities

Why- MOTIVATION For whom-



Actual situation, specific and global objectives

Target groups(directe, indirecte)

Activities, stages

Skills, expertise

Geographical area

Products, impact

Your project represents:

- a future projection- a vision on many levels - multidisciplinary- a unique type of action (detached from the current

activities of your organization) it requires the creation of a specific, temporary

organization it must be gainful for:

- the target group- the applying organization / The lider of the

organization- the European Commission

European dimensionPartnership, the action map, the “know how“

exchange & the good practicies, mobility, data situation (benchmarking)

InnovationNew work methodes, new topics, different

instruments, innovative fields of application and products, the partnership composition

Impact The operation and the dissemination of the results,

exact copy of the actions, multiplier effects, promotion and comunication instruments

EvaluationThe evaluation of the implementation of the project

(internal and external), monitoring indicators (based on the project's results and realisations).


Sustainable development

Equality of chances and between gender

Labor occupation

Integration of the persons with disability


Identifying the potential partners

Chosing the right partner(s)

Develop a set of rules for the partnership management

Partners: They belong to different areas of expertise and states; They have common objectives materialised in concrete

actions/projects; They don't need a legal status (they are flexible); They bring their competences into the project to ensure

the expected success ; They respond to a unique coordination/ to the leader of

the project, responsable in front of the European Commission for the realisations of the project.

Partener's network: It creates a multicultural environment, that sometimes

knows different social or economical difficulties.


Lists with projects financed/ funded, successful projects etc.

Specialized databases Days information on programs Agencies and National Coordination

Offices European networks


For the pre-selected partners: Send the project summary; send the

project schedule Explain the role of the

leading/coordinating organisation; Suggest the partner profile.


Technical and language skills; International project management capacity; Financial stability (annual budgets, budget

plan for next year); Commitment and motivation of the partner,

organization involvement; Contact persons from the partner



a)Organize an internal information systemb)Leading a balanced partnership c) Establish appropriate rules for financial


a) Organize an internal information system

Communicate regularly, often, simultaneously, with all network members.

Tools: e-mail; Virtual Office working on the project; Tele-conferences.

a) Organize an internal information system

Virtual Office of working the project/ a virtual database on the project, which will allow:

exchange of information and worksheets; publication of documents with …. and online

publishing; meetings development; step by step project implementation

(compliance schedule and timing, delegation of tasks, etc.);

work access both online and offline.

b) Leading a balanced partnership

- active participation of all partners;

- assuming risks by all partners;

- democratic rules for decision making.

c)Establish appropriate rules for financial management

Anticipation of difficulties: development plan revenue from the project

budget; transparency of all financial elements: cost,

delay, payments, reports; analytical balances; coordinating organization keeps all financial

items, notes, invoices and supporting documents.

c)Establish appropriate rules for financial management

Solving future management challenges/ difficulties – solution in 2 steps for network management:

1. “flexibile” step– minimum requirements Letter of intent (letter of support, statement of partnership)

2. “formalize” step– partnership agreement

Signing of the partnership agreement

Synthetic, authorize the coordinator to submit the project proposal.

Contains: Information about the legal status of the

partner organization; Authorization of coordinator to sign the

contract with the European Commission; Original signature of the legal representative

of the partner organization.

Statement of partnership/ Partnership agreement /Declaraţie de parteneriat

1. To obtain a minimum agreement between <xxx> potential partners to develop a competitive project proposal to call for tenders for projects under the EC <xxx> Funding Program, each partner of the Partnership Declaration signatory agrees to the following:

2. Consortium aims: drafting and submission to funding the project, if successful, writing Partnership Agreement for Consortium

Therefore, each partner is responsible for active participation in drafting the proposal: supply the necessary information, participation in project development and working meetings, allocation necessary resources, compliance planning and lead times

Statement of partnership/ Partnership agreement /Declaraţie de parteneriat–

continuare3. Privacy

All information concerning the structure, establishment of the methodology and technical content of the proposal are confidential and can not be disclosed without the Consortium approval. None of new partner can not be contacted or informed about the technical details of the project without prior approval of all partners and after signing this Declaration.

I am agree to start negotiations for gaining / joining as partner of XXX project, respecting the conditions mentioned in the Declaration of Partnership. Signed at - the institution represented by xxx

Agreement, governing the relationship between the contractor and each partner:

obligations of the contractor and his partners; tasks assigned to partners; financial contribution of partners; end of the contract, the courts, law of the

contract (the country of leading organization).

TIPS:Sign Partnership Agreement while you expect

the EC response.

a. Define the project and identify necessary skills;

b. Identify possible/ potential partners with appropriate expertise/ skills;

c. Suggest them a draft project and send them partner profile; Negotiate, changing points of views and select organizations motivated and which showed a real interest in the project;

d. Before submitting the proposal, formalize letter of intent;

e. Formalized the partnership.


Characteristics of programs - present:

tools of motivation for the European partners; have many beneficiaries; it covers various fields of activity; cover (at least) throughout the EU; adopted for many years (multiannual

programs); are managed directly by the CE.

Characteristics of programs – trends:

Delegation (by CE Delegations in other countries);

Decentralization of programs ( EU Member States: national agencies, ERF);

Inclusion of different programs within a larger program (one on DG);

Founding agencies to manage funding programs.

Composed of 4 sectoral programs:

COMENIUS: pre-university education;

ERASMUS: university education;

LEONARDO DA VINCI: vocational education;

GRUNDTVIG: Lifelong Learning

Section 1: Employment

Section 2: Protection and social inclusion

Section 3: Conditions at work

Section 4: Anti-discrimination and diversity

Section 5: Gender equality

Entreprenorship and Inovation Programme

TIC Programme

Inteligent Energy Programme

More actions: In the middle of the program: ProjectsAround program: Program evaluation, studies, thematic data collection

Exceptions in some programs: Funding basic activities of the European Networks

Preparatory phase: pilot projects, preparatory actions

financing! Programming phase: legal base (decision

rules) financing!

Implementation phase: the selection of projects

financing! Re-programming phase: public consultation,

pilot projects, preparatory actions financing!

... or Call for proposalLaunch in a funding program

Published:- in OJEU, seria C web- site DG

CE funding opportunities with priority actions and eligible activities

Beneficiaries Actions Budget Calendar Procedure Sources of information

Identify:Beneficiaries Actions Budget Calendar Procedure Sources of information

Working program through annual grants (the DG and the financing program)

Pre-information announcement


2.1. Identification of relevant programs2.2. Organizing and structuring the project 2.3. Budget design2.4. Achieving the criteria for the selection

of projects


Documents relating to the program Decision concerning the Program (legal basis) New rules of financial Working program through annual grants Note/Addendum or Corrigendum Application form and annexesProfessional tools: Eurofunding Catalogue and alerts lists, databases,


a) First check of the eligibility - funds - domains;- beneficiaries;- actions;- regions.

b) Second check of the eligibility: - eligibility; - goals and specific objectives; - types of actions funded.

c) Final check: - Funds available, timetable, actions.

My Project? In what Program?

What are my specific objectives?

What countries are involved or targeted?

What is the legal status of my organization and my partners?

What activities will I implement?

What budget do I need?

Program objectives

Geographical coverage

Organizations eligibility

Financing activities Maximum and

minimum amounts of funding

Analyse according to stages of fund identification

Combating discrimination E-learning ENEA Leonardo da Vinci 2 – Pilot projects Leonardo da Vinci 5 – Reference Material MIE – Incentive Measures in the field of

Employment Socrates – Grundtvig 1 European Year of Worker Mobility


split in Work Package (WP) or tasks

follows logical stages of the project

WP helps to define in project of the:- deliverables- milestones

Defining project objectives;

Combination of tasks / activities for these objectives (in parallel with effort estimated/ resources required);

 Identify deliverables for each task;

Defining groups of tasks;

Bringing groups of tasks in WP .

Every Work Package contains:

WP Name: objectives tasks or activities partners’ responsabilities deliverables milestones outputs estimating the time period and resources.

Any specific measurable output/result is called deliverabledeliverable

Stated binding in the contract/Se menţionează obligatoriu în contract

Examples: reports, catalogues, analyses of work performed, promotional materials, prototypes, tests, demonstrations, samples…

•  Highlights / control points for decision making for next phase of the project.

Examples: agreement on project implementation, conferences, networks, final reports

More partners in a WP - proof of cooperation

Setting the WP leaders Pay attention to time period of each WP

Increased attention to human resources allocated to each WP

Pay attention to WP coherence/ WP management

Observance of WP budget allocated from the total budget

Project Coordinator time allocation based on its involvement in the management of the WP and other WP

WP objective: project implementation to achieve the objectives according to the budget and scheduled activities.

web-site public events (at launch and in the end of the project)

statements / working conferences newsletters films, video, exhibitions

Instrument: Gantt Diagram a.brings together the WP actions ;b. planning;c.added responsibilities and budget for different WP

Become an instrument for monitoring

project managementmapping, benchmarkingtraining, education, problem awareness

materials developmentgender issues, fundamental rights

external communications, information dissemination

Work Package Name Activities details


PL 1

Sarcina 1

Sub-sarcina 1.1

Sub-sarcina 1.2

Sarcina 2

Sub-sarcina 2.1

Sub-sarcina 2.2

Sub-sarcina 2.3


Calendar of activities

bounds work plan and tasks in a calendar

defines the duration of each work package and each task

Means and resources

person responsible on WP allocating budgets and sub-budgets

Application formBudgetChecklist

BINDING ANNEXES:• Copies of application form (original)• statement of financial information • status, financial reports • declaration / partnership agreements• statements of co-financing • CVs of persons involved (coordinator, project leader, expert)

Other annexes which might be included in project:• letters of support• details on certain aspects of the project• information concerning sub-contractors (mention names)

a. Applicantb. Partners networkc. Activities/ Actionsd. Budget

organization (contact details, status, number of employees)

legal representative (authorized signature of legal representative)

project leader/ contact person regular sources of funding the

organization relevant experience participation in European


Contact details for partners Skills, experience Responsibilities, roles of each partner Receiving grant Network management methods provided by the coordinator

Project summaryspecific objectivesplanned activities, durationmethodological approachoutputs/ resultsdissemination of the results

context (needs and global objectives)specific objectivesconnection between the project/ program/ policies

actions (implementation time schedule)comunication/ dissemination innovative elements impact (goal, multiply effect)evaluation

Budget summaryestimated total eligible costs of the

projectamount requested / grant requestfinancial contribution of the applicant /

auto-finance financial contribution of partners other financial contributions revenue generated by the projectcontributions in kind

In size answer shortly to all questions (do not exceed space provided)

do not include unnecessary information

use ordinary characters, not the lowest acceptable

use relevant language (usually English), avoid jargon

In presentation split the document into sections and subsections, use numbering and lists ...

use: - figures and graphs only for clarification, not to fill the space allocated and only what and how much is needed - short sentences with basic structures - strong action verbs

In text do not specify a national situation ever,

but the situation at EU level (national cases are mentioned as examples)

do not write in the name of the coordinator

It is said about parts with an interest in the problem (stakeholders) in general terms

link directly draft program and policy objectives

Your proposal is unique, give it an identity: logo, acronym, website, flyers

Evaluators expect: relevance, clarity, credible proposal, the EU added value, low cost, promotion results

Promote your project to increase the VISIBILITY!

Meet: - Managers responsible for program funding (before the tender period for projects) - Decision makers (mayors, ministers, parliamentarians, etc., to get their support)


coherent, safety organization, coherence of the organization's current budget and project budget

balanced (revenues = expenses) following financial conditions, the rate of

co-financing and other funds to the project, eligible costs assumed

analytical approach, trying to separate the consequences of the financial aspects of project

collect all information and documents available (as shown in the tender of projects/ cerere de oferta)

understand the difference between eligible and ineligible costs

follow strictly the structure of the application form

established methods of coherent calculation (keep them for further verification)

indirect costs to cover administrative costs

a lump sum not exceeding 7% of eligible direct costs of the project and not to be justified




3.1. Contract

3.2. Implementation

4. Create and use package of necessary tools to:

4.1. Anticipation4.2. Formalization4.3. Realization/ Achievement


Work package Decizia privind programele

Fişă de informaţii financiare Fişa proiectului

Cerere de finanţare Bugetul

Garanţii financiare Auditul proiectului

Cerere de ofertă de proiecte Ghiduri

Partners database Scrisori de intenţie

Annexes Ghidul aplicantului

Lista de verificare Carta Albă

Compendium Plan de actiune

Acorduri de parteneriat Programul anual de lucru finanţat

Contract de finanţare Raportul intermediar şi final

Profilul partenerilor Amendamente la Contractul de finanţare

Fişe şi alerte privind finanţările Noi reglementări financiare

Diagrama Gantt

Tools for project definition

Project sheet, Green and White Papers, Action Plan, Gantt Diagram

Tools for building partnership

Letter of Intent, Partnership Agreement, Reimbursement grid, Partners Database, Compendium, Profile sheet for Partners

Tools to collect relevant documents of the Program

Programme’s decision, Action Plan, Annual workprogramme, Call for proposals, Guide for applicants, Guidelines, Addendum et corrigendum, New Financial Regulation, Eurofunding Alert and Sheet

Tools to formalize the application– Application documents

Financial Information Sheet, Application Form, Budget Form, Annexes (letters of support, details...), Checklist, Logical Framework, Partnership agreement, Letter of Intent, Gantt Diagram

Tools for contract– Contract documents

Grant agreement, Partnership Agreement, Financial Guarantee sheet

Tools to complete a project funded

Amendments to the Grant Agreement, Mid-term and final report, Gantt diagram, Logical framework, Reimbursement grid


5.1. Organize a monitoring system of funding programs

5.2. Cooperation with European networks

5.3. Take into account of other funding opportunities

Official sources (EC site, different site DG)

Profesional sources (Eurofunding Guide, funding alerts)

Networks Unofficial sources

Tips: Give this task to a single person Subscribe to newsletters and open a file for it Make a list with sources of information Check the information frequently and


Check the date of the last posting on the web!

Benefits: Exchange of information, more visibility Help for building the projects and personal

advice Joint implementation of European projects New contacts made easy Value added to expertise


Site CE (site DG) Specialized databases List of networks financed by CE for their

core activities

Call for tenders

EIB Group

Council of Europe

Structural Funds

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and theCommission cannot be held responsible for any use which

may bemade of the information contained therein.’

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