how to find employees for your service business

Post on 20-Jan-2017






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How to Find Employees for Your Service Business

Great work! Business is booming and it’s time to build your team.Learn 4 actions to build a great team!

But how do you find good employees?

Learn more about how to hire good employees.

1. You have to find them

Don’t expect the best candidates to simply come to you. Go to them! Look in:• Apartments• Churches• Community Centers• Hardware or Cleaning Supply Stores

If you’re looking for landscapers, check out the landscape supply stores. Even consider

asking the store manager!

Learn to hire the right people to grow your business.

2. Figure Out What Prospects Want

• Do they hate getting paid late?

• Are they worried about being compensated fairly, even if they put in the effort?

• Do they fear being overworked?

• Did their last boss disrespect them?

Make sure your flyers and online ads appeal to what they want.

The more they feel like your ad is targeting THEM, the more likely they will ask for an interview.

3. Cautiously consider friends and family

• They must understand that you are running a business, not a nonprofit.

• They need to know you’ll treat them like any other employee.

4. Ask the groups you belong to

• Church groups• Community groups • Chambers of Commerce • Networking groups

These places are prime targets, since you will already have some kind of rapport with

these people.

5. Ask your employees

• Offer bonuses for every person they recommend that is hired and successful

6. Ask your local store managers

Maybe they don’t know anyone yet, but if you promise to pay them for references, they’ll keep

their eyes peeled.

7. Don’t make it too easy to apply

Ask applicants to include a paragraph or two about why they would make a good fit in your


Make them jump through hoops, like a background check, so you can weed out the

employees who are only interested in working for a month or two.

Personally interview all prospects to get a good feel for them.

If you can, interview them more than once, and in more than one


Those that really want the job won’t hesitate to come to multiple interviews.

8. Don’t let language be a barrier

• Add a few words in Spanish or French, or rewrite your entire advertisement in the chosen language.

• This proves to your prospects that you’re not going to cut them out just because they’re still learning English.

• Most business owners find workarounds for employees that don’t speak English.

Hiring isn’t easy. But when you get the right employees, you will be rewarded with loyalty, a great company culture, and healthier profits!

Learn the mistakes you need to avoid when hiring.

Service Autopilot can help you manage that team and keep your customers happy.

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