how to encourage yourself to do exercise

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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How to Encourage Yourself to Do EXERCISE

Doing exercise will benefit every individuals health. It will make the body healthy and strong. Most people are lazy to move even a single muscle and just love to sit or lie down in bed. When people don’t do exercise, their immune system become weak and they easily get sick. Doing exercise will also make your muscles visible and will enhance your physical strength. There are also people who become fat because they don’t do anything to burn calories. The worst thing that will happen is they will have heart problems. Some people says that they are very busy that’s why they don’t do exercise. It is possible to do exercise even if you are busy. You just need to motivate yourself to make it as your daily routine. If you have a job, you can join a fitness gym or a Mixed Martial Arts Gym near the place of your work.

Here are some Tips onHow to Encourage Yourself to Do Exercise

The first thing you need to do is find a reason, you should have a reason why you do exercise. Do you want to be healthy? Do you want to have a sexy or masculine body? Do you have a crush on a girl on your job? Do you want to wear those fit jeans that you have? Always keep the reason in your mind why you have to do exercise. You should think about it all the time because it is the simplest way to get motivated. Some people are lazy to do exercise because they don’t have reason and they don’t care what happen in their body. Don’t be discourage because you have work, you can also do exercise in the morning before you go to work. You can also join a gym near the place where you work so that you can do exercise before or after your work.

You should have reason

You can also ask yourself or talk to yourself to get motivated. “If I don’t do exercise, I won’t be able to get healthy.” If you always think that way, you are threatening yourself and you are thinking negatively. Just think positively like, “If I do exercise now, my body will become more healthy and strong.” If you always think that doing exercise is a work or an obligation, it will exhaust your mind and you will become lazy. You should always think that doing exercise has a positive effect on your body. Most people can’t start doing exercise because they think that they can’t even run a mile or they will get tired easily. Always remember that it is normal to get tired and you will feel body pain in your first time. If you do it every day, your body will definitely find it if you miss one day of your exercise.

Be Positive

The very best way to improve and get motivated to do exercise is to set a goal. If you want to improve your physical body, you should also improve your daily routine. For example, every day you run 10 to 20 minutes in the morning, all you need to do is extend it. You need to run for 20 to 30 minutes in the next week, in that way your stamina will also be enhanced. You can also sign up into a charity run, in that way, you can continue on your work out until the day of the charity run. Having a goal in mind will make you more motivated. Another example is you want to join a fitness contest, that goal will set into your mind and you will surely do anything just to have a good body.

Set a goal

Don’t be so hard on your exercise or don’t push yourself too much. Don’t try to do what others do like running 5 miles. Remember that you are still starting to do exercise; you won’t be able to do intense exercise in an instant. You need to start from mild exercise until the day that you need to improve your exercise routine. If you are doing exercise, you also need to rest. Always remember that people who do exercise starts from easy routine or program. If you push yourself too much, you will possibly hurt yourself and will be afraid or discourage on doing exercise. When you get hurt or got sick, don’t be discouraged, stand up and start again.

Don’t be so hard

One good way to motivate yourself to do exercise is to ask your friend to do exercise with you. One reason why people are getting lazy to do exercise is because they are alone. For example, you do running in the morning, ask your friend to join you, in that way you won’t feel lonely and you have someone to talk to while you are running. You can also ask your friends to join a fitness gym with you. In that way, you can compete with your friend like who has the most improvements. Both of you can also help each other specially when weight lifting. Both of you can support each other. You can also ask your family members, relatives or classmates.

Bring someone

If you have a job, you should do workout or exercise on your free time. You can also do exercise when you are at work like, walking up and down in the stairs than using elevator. If you have a car, park it in a place that is not too near the place that you work. In that way you can exercise your legs by walking or running. If you want to know about self defense or martial arts, you can join into a mixed martial arts gym so that you will learn how to fight and at the same time your physical body will be enhanced. I recommend Evolution Gym because they have a good facility and they provide good quality training.

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