how to design a hailstorm

Post on 21-Mar-2016






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poetry & visuals


Invitations of day malt over and empty into repetitive horizon. The seasons seal up, all the remaining landpushes us out of the way. Thoughts of folly curl up and mix with the sawdust of answers, scratch springs off hints of air. Our bodies actions synchronized to the storms off the islands. Enter bloodstream of escape,penetrate skin acting as a barrier to population. Eyes widen. Colour escapes from your face. No other place to go.Under certain conditions the mechanisms fail.

This terrible symphony within throws high-pitched refrain of separation and dismisses such optimism as selective disciplined manner. Let the look be steady, and the turning motions in out hands be decorous.There is that relative minimum of words we use. Let the words bubble up among us in harmonious chuckles.We see words decreasing.

This is the only way to break the hard earth, if anything, a zone of silence is allowedto open between the abandoned and maintained the certain and together the remoteand well-placed. There is no oblique asymptote since the degree of the numeratoris not one more than the degree of the denominator. Scared to occupy the silent,the body follows, knew what it was to starve. Ache of rhythms. Plot the points and connect them with small curves, the value will never fall.

Undesirable words remain stripping meanings until this field is free from weeds.A heretical purpose not to extend but to diminish for the sake of choice vibrations but in vague wordless forms welded together in an easy course between condemned paragraphs and whole groups of sound. Remain silent form identity. A cavity: feeling of weariness to realize we could reach disappearances from some malignant disease. The whispering of stream rhythmic memories.It's a maneuver we engage to inhabit inner and outer action.Whatever is happening in the end, there is no clue here in which to be alive.For each aspect of the walking and the knowing, discerning how the breath moveswith some one else.

Like puppetry, communication fears loss of mobility. The spirit is frustrated when it can not move.To sort of branches, identify nerves embedded within moments of birth. Introduce melody and rhythmwhen you have access: sound may be hard to remember. Silence is eloquent. Silence is irreplaceable.Silence is a memorial service to celebrate life. Silence drops to the ground in area of wind breaks,and feeds on the under-surface of leaves. sheath, envelopes the tendons and continues slightly beyondto become separated and invoked teasing and mumbled comments that result in struggle and difference of answers.

Decomposing from desirable to stainedA big show of rolling tongues inside mouthsFor adoring flocks who utter surpriseRegard past with shining eyes

Pleased with enigmatic performanceThe same music still drones with


Speech: encore of malice and thoughtThat annoys.The ghosts that follow you from yesterdays provinceTheir intention pure, cares enough to lie to you

Their songs slow down and catch on fire.

Devastation’s sunWent down on spite and could barelyFeel the blade of pleasure with a slideAnd a shuffle, draws a bitter blow of Collapse. Sluggish envy if the cancer worldAche with erased mistakes. DecadesCement over drought yet boastingOf cotton nerve. Still had some steelIn records left. Targeted laughterBurst from top drawers of the pregnant.

Drive home the horror that structured a hedge on leather and air, mask the way that reigns over us on the other side of the derivative wound, a massive step back to invent a distance, invite to come aim fixed asunder in sleeps clothing: a daisy-chain collision like crushing foil. Closer. Bump you over in lack lustre with slow rise to absorb out fragrance. Effective friends temper a fragile montage of arrows around parity each molecule of air exploding, injurious timbre jeering build up, develop the choice of thieves harness light like a swallowing noose of commitment, burning down plural form to come thru brains of the operation. Parameters of comfort dry swallow. Shocks me otherwise my reflection in your every sedation, destiny and the mass to it mirrors and becomes part of the interruption and the interrupting encore. Bodies feel noise, noise is our collage, energy, noise is progress.

From variations different ways choseinevitability, feeling all experience centres.We call countless pulses innumerableindividuals. The light that there is createsaspects of different angles doing current values.Such a universe manifests spontaneously byan artifact engineer. Cut up from the soft machine:You see today’s pictures moving the eight hoursas forgotten composites, the learned was for reversed was same processes that sex in studio and assignment.

Every year under goes silent removals replaced withtheatre organs of world historians.Become an audience as the programme anticipates the noveltyAccompanied perhaps by underestimation and skill.If screaming of a name and instrument lastscrisis-crossed almost facts, usually kicks to accommodatea postponed epic schedule.Occupy animated addresses, engravea chorus of panic attacks. Try to get back to a bright place.Bang back into the cupboard of memory.

Winking beneath our lines. We fish for wire, secretlyburning across your face in the slowest way possible.Surrender the chain between your fingers.

Your breath separates.Your breath envelopes.You breathe rust.

Fatigue and How to sail a shipinto jagged rocks?Well satisfied with regard even in the form of beginningtherefore in cases where as we have

others. There are unsolved problemsthat have worried, trilled significanceit must be remembered what they have foundrefer, surrounding the idea of our daily livesin previous years nothing could pull together.Sound which will follow to confer bullets that went right thruthe living room, aim towardunpredictable conduct.

Direction itself rests inthis condition and showers a fuss of one way out.Even the most wretched situation under all circumstancescan be apprehended when a man can conceive that themotive for his acts are missing.Something is drawn from putting fingers on life and inreality to the extent that it reflects an obscene opposite.Nature meets this more than halfway, we fail to go on but arenot distressed, our moods will master us. Casually embedded andnever recognized.

You'd think nothing would remain.

Rare honeys :who do you belong to?The last time a range ofrubble where they'd soonbe given over to performing this job. The trouble is,who could ever replace them when the train stopped?

Twenty-three minutes later an immense leapof attempts to prove that you, and your orders weregiven a clear mess of concrete destination. Could I step in while they boarded just before midday?In the written words of the book the time hadcome. Here it is. One of a handful.

Soaking a mountain in oil and setting it ablaze?There is an ugly smack of obligation about commiseration, qualities of an individual.At the same time we knowthat there is larger andmore important opportunityto hear at the outset,only bewilderment can result.

Nothing could bemore unfair and in that sort of wrong latitude. Sweep awayany accumulation regarding what is then disclosedmost of us have come, and many spent a lot of timeand effort for oppressing ourselves out of the oilyocean waiting to come here. It's like milk to you.That is what the dead come to remind us, born without separation we rarely strip complete, let me draw overlet me get up on it. If you can not discover what thedeception is, lead down like a rain storm, it may not beexactly what you envisioned

The purpose of mapping approaches the theory of similar attainment.

Fog emerges to write future answers across the sky.Seeing the dissociated likea collection in parts. A deeper sense of where we gather aboveor outside of nature, or in barren fields left to decay.

Don't hesitate to analyze systems of prediction. In the wide spread way of thinking in every corner in time may become more apparent.Stretching and folding operations traced lines connected to forests, finally abandon outside.

When we look we no longer possess pleasures, there is no justification withouta trace of cynicism. If you want to recommendthe bland indifference energy must be generated.We differ from the barriers which the fullestharmony is a question that can penetrate natural obstacles,

there is no reason which we alone influence direction that our veins flow.

The connection is as I repeat an accident andmake jokes among the famous and dress up tolook like I want to know you. I have to takecare of trust that is near you, even if youcan't receive fault. We would like to giveand attend to the regard of messages in the cellar.We want to make sure you're taken care of, it'sas if we want to know that we tried to be seenbut do we have anything we want to say?

Why would we have any idea of what is happening?

To run with hares and to hunt with hounds In every case we will turn our attention from all that goes on and today is when form is ourscompletely. We arrive at the possibility ofdelight in every form of choice.

We will fall through the ceiling erected by the past,progressively. Who is this creature we wouldeducate so joyfully? Whose eyes sparkle and snap likeconfetti ? Makes you cast mere presentation ofthe environment in the finely honed when theability an exacting and exhausting business, thisdamming up the sublime only through uttermastery of technique. Then we will rememberonly as distant, not formalistic. Looking forchange, flood of what energy it takes toeducate the useful, and sometimes joyful.

We glance resentfully at you, then go on to theresponse of only a thin slice, as well we see, of what we can do to score high on thoserigged ratings we call the solving of elegantmathematical problems and it won't be true.The series of what are our capacities, can theybecome rare and valuable, each response atevery step along the way, better to utilize the rigidity to resist change. The worst of that we will need to keep to ourselves.

They are the valiant, making love in the same beds as we do.

How to design a hailstorm?I am aware of an instance where a considerable length of cable unspoiledinto an uncharted trench.

I'd imagine a source of curiosity, I hope thereis a kind of influx of people who just come hereto stare at our ancestors.This forgivable error of solipsism has left the door open.Circling each other, since then neither able to arguemore logically, we owe nothing to their memoryeven if it were to stand a chance.We broke open those pockets of pus, we peeledthe remaining walls of abscesses. There'snow an openness to it that we try to understand.

Turn off, Lay low, Shut up.

A sense of camaraderie and unspoken arrangements.This forgivable air of dusk-traffic left those doors openand presented an awkward form of opportunityand everything else ispretty much debris in comparison.A more serious threat of deaf-will looms, it's nothing but greyand the differences in us between are exposed :Values that we might not peril flutter.

''Values" are the songs liars dance to, now that you know the words, sing it to me.

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