how to create an authority blog that brands you as a leader & generates you leads every day

Post on 15-Apr-2017



Small Business & Entrepreneurship



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How To Create An Authority Blog That Brands You As A

Leader & Generates You Leads Every Day


What You’re Going To Learn Why it’s absolutely essential to blog and brand yourself online?

Simple steps to define your target market & your message

How to design an amazing branded blog

How to consistently generate high quality leads with your blog

The 3 Biggest obstacles to blogging

How to monetize your blog for profits

How to NEVER ever run out of content ideas to create for your blog

14 ways to promote your blog posts & your blog

How to craft your own giveaway/opt-in for your blog to generate leads

How to get FREE access to 6-Figures Mastermind members area

Q & A + Mastermind


Vision & Purpose Teach real online marketing skills to help home business entrepreneurs make a 6-Figure income online.

Help people become powerful leaders, independent experts online so they can grow any business.

Help people brand themselves online & create powerful blogs.

Help people create social media following and grow their email list.

Create a safe mastermind environment where people are welcomed regardless of their online business

model and where people can ask any questions they want.

Provide weekly marketing training teaching skills of Online Lead Generation, Traffic, Video Marketing,

Blogging, Funnel Creation, Capture Pages, Prospecting & Sponsoring, Social Media Marketing,

Copywriting, Email Marketing & More

Allowing reviews of YOUR Marketing, Group Coaching, Mastermind, Q & A.


Why To Blog & Brand YOU? People don’t join companies. People want to do business with experts & leaders that they know, like & trust.

Your blog allows you to brand yourself online as the leader, the expert, the trusted & credible authority.

Your blog is a HOME on the Internet where you provide value and people get to know, like & trust you.

It’s a consistent source of very high quality leads & sales.

When you brand YOU, you’re secure & immune to market changes.

It gives you the opportunity to build a loyal following.

Stand out from everyone else & create a legacy.

You build relationships with your audience 24/7, your prospects, audience, followers & subscribers.

You take your brand anywhere. You become Goooogleable.

You have total control over your blog.


Define Your Target Market/Audience Who is most likely to buy your products & services?

Who would you actually LOVE to work with? Who do you want to attract? What fires you up?

Who your ideal customer is? Who are you speaking to?

Who is most likely to resonate with you?

Who would you like to serve?

What niche would you like to become an authority in?

If you are speaking to everybody you’re speaking to nobody.

Stop trying to sell a steak to a vegetarian..

Who is your PRIMARY market? Who is your secondary market?


Define Your Target Market Have real conversations with your people in your target audience.

What are their pains, struggles, what keeps them late at night?

How can you help them solve their problems?

What are their desires and dreams?

What do they already buy?

What problems might they have that you can solve?

If you can't define them you can't find them!


Your Branded Name - Domain URL If you are home business entrepreneur & online marketer I highly recommend that you brand your

personal name.



Your Tagline Or Slogan What are you about?

What are the benefits?

What are the wants and needs of your target audience?

What results have you accomplished or would like to accomplish?

What do you want to be known for?

What is your CORE MESSAGE?

What your deeper meaning is?

Helping/coaching/teaching/showing XYZ to do/achieve/How To XYZ.

Your goal is to be on the top of your audiences mind when they think of ___


Your Image/Look/Logo Think about what type of feeling you want your audience to feel when they see your brand? Family,

Freedom, Health, Wealth, Happiness, Relief, Excitement..

Think of a few colors that you would like to have present around your Brand

Make a good looking professional picture that you’ll use online

Optional: Create a personal logo with your graphic designer

I recommend that you hire someone to do the graphic design for you – or


Your Story & Your Values Why your audience should listen to you?

What is your VISION?

What do you stand for? What do you believe in? What do you stand against?

What are your values? What are your passions?

What experience do you have in your marketplace?

What about your family can you share that will be relevant to your brand?

What’s your back story?

What is your story of STRUGGLE that people can relate to?

Be relatable. Be YOU.


Critical Pages About Me/My Story – Use the word YOU more then the word I

Work With Me


Products/Recommended Programs




3 Biggest Obstacles To Blogging Technology

What do I talk about?

Why would someone listen to me?


Stop Being Perfectionist! Just start putting your content out there.

You can always change the branding and messaging of your blog.

Focus on THEM and the value you provide.

Perfection is the lowest standard.

You can always be better at blog posts, videos and communication.


Blog Monetization Strategies Opt-In Form to generate LEADS - On the side, pop-up, bar, at the bottom, throughout the post.

Recommendation to visit capture pages and sales pages in the post itself

Links to sales pages as part of the page, or sales pages.

Banners leading to capture pages/automated webinar

P.S. line



Content Creation Write conversationally, use short paragraphs, easy to read.

Provide value to your target audience, solve problems & questions they have in mind.

Invest, Learn & Teach (Also implement at the same time)

There are 2 types of notes: What WILL I implement? What WILL I teach?

You don’t have to have results to start teaching!

The notes you don’t teach are like un-chased checks.

Content = Value = Money

Want to make more money? Provide more value.

Content is highly leveraged cause it stays forever.


Sources Of Content Existing Books

Coaching calls (both ways)




Blog Posts

Past Notes

Guru’s social media.

Guru’s blogs


Blog Post Promotion Send and Email to your list

Post it on Twitter and automate the process

Share on Pinterest, Instagram (OnlyPult), Linkedin

Post a video on your Facebook Fan Page, or a blog post snippet

Post on your personal Facebook timeline

Post it on YouTube

Post in Facebook Groups

Post in LinkedIn Groups

Post In Different Blog Syndication Facebook Groups

Post In Different Google Plus Groups

Create Press Release on IboToolbox

Add a Project To ViralContentBuzz


Your Giveaway/Opt-In What is the main reason to create online content? To build your audience and build your email list – to

get more leads!

Blog is one of the best branded ways to generate highly targeted leads.

Without a good opt-in form that brands you, traffic almost doesn’t matter.

What can you offer that would make your target prospects toss and turn at night if they didn’t opt-in?

What’s sexy and seductive?

What people are struggling with in your target market?

Be specific, give them exactly what they WANT.

Use power words, numbers, compelling copy.

Track your conversions.


How To Generate More Leads Lead generation is your primary focus every day!

Every blog post, video and piece of content you produce should have a call to action for people to

become your leads.

Record everything – interviews, events, webinars and use them to generate leads.

Use Pretty Link plugin to promote your webinar replays, videos & online assets.

Create a video where you share tips on what contains behind the capture page and then give a call to

action to a capture page


Want More In Depth Training On

Blogging? Ray Higdon is generating 600 – 900

leads a week from his blog for free.

He is making $3K - $5K+ a day from his

blog alone.

He is a 7-Figure blogger inside the home

business niche.

In-depth course with 20 modules and 40

Bonus Training videos.

You might want to check it out if you are

serious about creating a branded blog.

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