how to be successful and beloved in advertising

Post on 30-Nov-2014






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Is this strategy document taking the piss? Or is this insight that is deeper than deep? Judge for yourself, kemo sabe.


How to Be Successful and Beloved in Advertising.

Step One:Get a job in advertising.

Step Two:Be a scientist. Observe.Take a look at what make things and people rich and beloved.

Start with the real world.

Dating sites like OK Cupid have a lot of data to crunch about what people do to meet someone they love (even for a night), as opposed to what they say they think.

For example, OK Cupid users rate can rate pictures of each other on a 5-point “attractiveness scale”.

This woman is rated a 3.4.Lots of scores of 5s and 4s.

This woman is rated a 3.3.Lots of 5s. But also lots of 1s, the lowest score.

The women on the right gets 3 times more messages than the woman on the left.

OK Cupid’s Insight:“If someone doesn't think you're hot, the next best thing for them to think is that you're ugly.”

Insight:Being beloved is easier if you’re a not bland -- and people can see it.

(Before we move on, a tangent for all you single people – men and ladies.)

OK Cupid has also analyzed what single question is the MOST LIKELY INDICATOR that someone will consider having sex on the first date.

And that question is:

“Do you like the taste of beer?”

People who like the taste of beer – regardless of gender – are 80% more likely to consider having sex on the first date.

Work THAT into a Budweiser pitch this year.

Moving on…

Holiday Observation:

What beloved figure does this sound like?Big belly.Extremely generous.Laughing all the time.Really seems to have his shit together.


Santa? Or Buddha?

Insight:Being know for happiness and easy-going generosity can make you beloved around the world.

What about the fake world of advertising and marketing?

Observation:This is the Super Bowl ad people consider the best-ever. The product it introduced was a miserable flop for almost a year after it aired.

Conclusion:Beloved -- But Not Successful

Observation:The guy who got his soup at eye level on this store shelf probably sold more product than any Super Bowl ad ever.

Conclusion:Successful -- But Not Beloved

Observation:This is Steve Hayden – the guy who wrote the “1984” Super Bowl ad.

Steve ran global creative for the IBM at Ogilvy – NY from 1997 until this year.

He was well-known as one of the most generous guys in advertising – from collaborating to giving credit.

And Ogilvy has traditionally been known for its weekly, in-building happy hours.

Insight:Working hard, doing good work, knowing your shit, and not being a dick will go a long way to make you successful and beloved – and regular free drinks don’t hurt.

What final conclusion does that bring us to?

Fat, drunk and stupidly happy is a GREAT way to go through an advertising life – and be successful and beloved while doing it.

A final thought

Fake Buddha Quote #197: “When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.”

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