how to answer where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Post on 21-Apr-2017






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Where Do You See

Yourself In 5 Years?

( L e a r n h o w t o a n s w e r t h i s j o b i n t e r v i ew

q u e s t i o n )

Where do you see yourself in 5

years? 1

What a stupid question to ask!

It really is…

“First things first,

let me introduce

myself. Deniz Sasal PwC Consulting Manager


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Let’s continue…

Here are what not to dos

Don’t try to be funny! Not a place for your jokes

Don’t talk about your future ambitions. Start from today

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Don’t talk about your life story. Be realistic

-Deniz Sasal

Let me now share with you the best ways

to answer “where do you see yourself in 5

years” job interview question “

First, I will share with you the

conventional safe approach. Once, this is

out of the way, I will share with you my

way. “

“the first approach is

the safest one. It’s

what everybody uses

and it is what I call

“bullshit approach” Deniz Sasal

PwC Consulting Manager


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“your BS answer may

tick the box and prevent

you from taking risks.

But, at the end of the

day, it’s BS” Deniz Sasal

PwC Consulting Manager


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Here is a good example of a BS Answer

I am really determined to achieve my and company’s goals. I’d like to deliver to the best of my abilities while learning from the best. Having said that, I see myself 5 years down the road growing into a managerial role and demonstrating my leadership capabilities

Or Another One…

I am really looking forward to spending the next five years in an organization where I feel I share all of its values, especially when it comes to [some values]. I would love to have the opportunity to demonstrate my leadership capabilities when the time is right, hopefully within 5 years and contribute to its growing success.

Alright, they are safe answers but not

necessarily something I would


“and I didn’t. When I

was asked this question

5 years ago at my PwC

Consulting interviews, I

said…” Deniz Sasal

PwC Consulting Manager


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I said… PwC Consulting Partner (Interviewer): Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Me: Hmm. Let me gather my thoughts for a second… [Yes, I literally took my time to think. You should try it too…] Judging by the fact that where I saw myself in the past and where I ended up, it’s really hard to say where I will be. The only way I can see the future is by looking at my past, right? And if you asked this question to me almost 8 years ago when I was working at Standard & Poor’s as a financial analyst, I’d tell you I wanted to be an investment banker, then 5 years later I was a project management consultant, then sustainability consultant, and now here I am interviewing for a management consulting role which I can confidently do very well. So, as you see, where I wanted to be almost never happened and it’s really hard to say now where I will be in 5 years. But I guarantee you this. I will do my best in this role and try my best to have a wonderful career at PwC with your team and with your leadership. And when the times comes, I will assume more leadership roles, hopefully easing some of your intense work load.

When I gave this answer,

something incredible happened...

Partner was definitely shocked

hearing my answer and I could

tell he wasn’t expecting this.

And after that, he started to

pat me in the back, saying

“Son, it’s okay. It’s very normal

going through things like this

at your 20s, we don’t always

get to have the career we

want. But don’t worry things

will be a lot more clear for you

moving forward with us.”

He was completely engaged for the

rest of the interview, conversing with

me, giving details about the way

they work, and telling me that he’d

love to have a talent like me in the


Then, he asked how soon I can


“I couldn’t ask for

a better interview

for sure! What

worked was simple;


Deniz Sasal PwC Consulting Manager


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I was probably one of the few people who took the path

less traveled. I was someone who had the courage to

choose a less than perfect answer instead of lying and

bullshitting. “

“next time you are

asked this

question, can you

do the same thing? Deniz Sasal

PwC Consulting Manager


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“I have 1 more

awesomeness for

you today! Deniz Sasal PwC Consulting Manager


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