how to add music and graphics to your email signatures

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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How To Add Music And Graphics To Your Email Signatures


How to Add Music and Graphics in Your

Yahoo! Mail Signatures

Step - 1

Open Your Yahoo Mail Account In Internet Explorer

Step 2Go to “Mail Options”

Step 3

� Find “Signatures” in mail options

Step 4your signature box is “Plain” or it is

with “Color and Graphics” ??? (If not then Open it in “Color and Graphics”)

Explanation :-

If your signature box is with colors and graphics , you will see “rich text toolbar” above the signature box , and if it is plain then “rich text toolbar” will not appear.

Rich text tool bar

If your signature box is without “Rich text toolbar” then you have to enable It by Clicking on “Color and Graphics” Hyperlink

This Signature box is with Color and Graphics Support and u can also see rich text toolbar above.

In this case you don’t have to do any thing.

and this signature box is for plain text (it is without “Rich Text Toolbar”)

in this case you have to click on “color and graphics”.

Step 5

� Now Check the “View Html Source” option

Check this option

<div id=RTEContent><div>

Step 6

� Now you are ready to Paste the Music Code

Choose any of the codes given on next slides and paste them on the signature box

Romantic MusicCopy and paste code below in your signature box

<!--start copy from here --><a href=""><bgsoundsrc=""loop="-1"><img border="0"src=""width="588" height="452"> <!--end here -->

More Romantic Music FilesYou can check more romantic music files by replacing the code in red 01.txt to the following files

02.txt , 07.txt , 13.txt , 16.txt , 17.txt , 18.txt , 19.txt , 22.txt , 24.txt , 29.txt , 30.txt , 31.txt , 32.txt , 33.txt , 34.txt , 35.txt , 38.txt , 41.txt

For advanced internet users:- if you have any url of mp3/ wav or any other windows media player compatible music file uploaded on the web then you can replace that underlined code with the correct url of the uploaded file

Happy Happy MusicCopy and paste code below in your signature box

<!--start copy from here --><a href=""><bgsoundsrc=""loop="-1"><img border="0"src=""width="588" height="452"> <!--end here -->

More Happy Happy Music FilesYou can check more romantic music files by replacing the code in red 08.txt to the following files

09.txt , 10.txt , 12.txt , 20.txt , 21.txt , 23.txt , 26.txt , 27.txt , 28.txt

For advanced internet users:- if you have any url of mp3/ wav or any other windows media player compatible music file uploaded on the web then you can replace that underlined code with the correct url of the uploaded file

Funny MusicCopy and paste code below in your signature box

<!--start copy from here --><a href=""><bgsoundsrc=""loop="-1"><img border="0"src=""width="588" height="452"> <!--end here -->

More Funny Music FilesYou can check more romantic music files by replacing the code in red 03.txt to the following files

04.txt , 05.txt , 06.txt , 11.txt , 14.txt , 15.txt , 25.txt , 36.txt , 37.txt , 39.txt , 40.txt , 42.txt , 43.txt , 44.txt

For advanced internet users:- if you have any url of mp3/ wav or any other windows media player compatible music file uploaded on the web then you can replace that underlined code with the correct url of the uploaded file

For Example

Step 7Paste Your selected Code in signature box and Click on save

warning :- don’t try to hear the music by opening signatures again , you can check the signatures sound by sending an email to your own yahooaccount

Changes Saved and music Added


Adding Graphics to the signatures

Repeat all steps till Step 6

Step 7<!--start copy from here --><a href=""><bgsoundsrc=""loop="-1"><img border="0"src=""width="588" height="452"> <!--end here -->

Replace the underlined code with the correct url of the image file upload on the web.

For example we have uploaded some graphic files on the web, you can add their addresses too

Url of signatures of Bollywood are stars given below

You can view these files by copying and pasting on Internet Explorer addressbar

For Example<!--start copy from here --><a href=""><bgsoundsrc=""loop="-1"><img border="0"

src=""width="588" height="452"> <!--end here -->

Step 8

� (Copy Paste) or write code in the signature box and Click on Save

Step 9

� Now you yahoo mail signatures are ready with great music and graphic.

as only yahoo give the support to add html code in signatures so music code can be added only in yahoo mail signatures. if any other mail server gives this support then you can try on any other server too. But the famous ones for example hotmail and gmaildon’t support adding html code in signatures

Step 10

� Forward this slideshow to your friends

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