how to achieve 4300% roi with email marketing

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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With Email Marketing

How to Achieve 4300% ROI




A Facebook “Like” is equivalent to an Email



Email Marketing Is here to stay



of adults in the U.S. check email first thing in the

morning(Ezanga 2014)


yields, on average, 4300% return on investment for business and brands across the United States.

Email Marketing

(Direct Marketing Association (DMA) 2016 Statistical Fact Book)


Email Marketing is also the most effective, and least difficult digital marketing tactic available to Marketers.

(Ascend2 2014)


70% of US Consumers say email is their preferred method of communication from businesses. (MarketingSherpa)


How come not everyone who is utilizing email is

seeing a 4300% ROI?


What works is Value Exchange

Determine Your Customer Journey



Trying to be everything for everyone means that you’re nothing to no one.


Modern email marketing is best described as ‘Email Nurturing.’

Modern email marketing is best described as ‘Email Nurturing.’

It’s all about delivering the right content to the right person, at the right time.


Maximize Your Email Marketing Spend

1 Define your target market.

2 How do they interact?

3 How do you plan to reach them –

directly, indirectly, word-of-mouth?


Where do you believe your revenue will come from in the next 24 months?

The unaware -people or

businesses that have no idea who you are


The aware – people or

businesses that know of you today but are

not a customer

The active -people or

businesses that have already

purchased from you

The ultimate goal of your marketing strategy is to make the unaware aware,

drive the aware to become active, and get the active to return on a regular basis.


Email marketing and dating

relationships both begin at the infatuation stage.


Build a Highly Effective Email List



Ascend2’s 2015 Email List Growth Strategy named “website access” (aka form-based registration) as the

best way to build a list.


Pop-up Forms can increase opt-in rates by 1000%!


What if pop-ups aren’t your thing?


Content downloads

also are one of the only

methods where it is generally acceptable to ask for more

than a name and email address


Most people don’t want to spend more than a few seconds filling out a form, so keep it short and sweet.


Using Social Media

List Growth

Don’t be afraid to go out-of-the-box with your social media email list growth strategy.

What about Purchased Lists?



Of doing email the right way

Tertiary Benefits


Customer loyalty can also be built through your email marketing strategy when you communicate your desire to continue the

relationship with your customers after they make a purchase.


Loyalty results in more frequent purchases, higher purchases per

transaction, and other benefits that aren’t even tied to the cost of the email

you sent.


Start an Autoresponder Welcome Series



Relevant emails drive 18x more revenue than broadcast emails

(Jupiter Research, 2016)


A recent study from Return Path found that welcome emails don’t just boost click-through rates. They kick up the revenue,



An Autoresponder Welcome Email is a series of email content that gets delivered every time someone subscribes to your

email list.


Work Off a Plan



41% of companies surveyed pointed to lack of an effective strategy as the most challenging obstacle to email

marketing success.(Ascend2, 2016)


Don’t automatically assume that you know what your customers or audience want to hear about.

If a plumber can provide value in their email marketing strategy, then you can, too!

Make Sure Your Email Content Is Not About You



Remember these three questions when creating highly valuable content:

1. What does your subscriber need? 2. What are their main problems that you can help solve? 3. How can you be of service?


Use Targeted List Segmentation & Message Personalization



A 2015 Lyris study found that 39% of marketers who segmented their email

lists experienced higher open rates, 28% experienced lower unsubscribe

rates, and 24% experienced better deliverability and greater revenue.


For the beginners out there, don’t overcomplicate your segmenting strategy.


There is no “perfect” sending frequency that will apply to everyone on your list


The average shopping cart abandonment rate is 67%



Utilize Responsive Design



Act-on more than doubled their own CTR with responsive email and significantly increased the number of sales-ready leads

(SLRs) generated.

Optimize Transactional Emails



The click rate for transactional emails is 42% higher than the click

rate for a newsletter.

(Vero, 2016)


Amazon Is the King of Personalized Transaction Emails


ABABT – Always Be A/B Testing


What should you test?1. Call to Action Button2. Subject Lines3. Send Time4. Images5. Content6. Placement


Always Include a Call-To-Action



Calls to action actually make the top of the list for most effective ways to

increase click-through rates by 65%

(Ascend2, 2016)



Track, Measure and Improve


“Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I’ll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I’ll give you a stock clerk.” ~ J.C. Penney


According to research from the Direct Marketing Association, 60%

of consumers have made a purchase due to an email marketing

campaign.(Direct Marketing Association)


SIX KPI’s To Consistently Track

1.Conversion Rate2.List Growth3.Unsubs4.Engagement5.Open Rate6.CTR


DO NOT take on a relationship with more than one person at the same time.

Email me at for a free eBook of today’s


Anthony Antonicello



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