how the diffusivity profile reduces the arbitrariness of

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How the diffusivity profile reduces the arbitrariness of protein foldingfree energies

M. Hinczewski,1,2 Y. von Hansen,1 J. Dzubiella,1 and R. R. Netz1,a�

1Department of Physics, Technical University of Munich, 85748 Garching, Germany2Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742,USA

�Received 26 January 2010; accepted 11 May 2010; published online 28 June 2010�

The concept of a protein diffusing in its free-energy folding landscape has been fruitful for boththeory and experiment. Yet the choice of the reaction coordinate �RC� introduces an undesirabledegree of arbitrariness into the problem. We analyze extensive simulation data of an �-helix inexplicit water solvent as it stochastically folds and unfolds. The free-energy profiles for differentRCs exhibit significant variations, some having an activation barrier, while others not. We show thatthis variation has little effect on the predicted folding kinetics if the diffusivity profiles are properlytaken into account. This kinetic quasi-universality is rationalized by an RC rescaling, which, due tothe reparameterization invariance of the Fokker–Planck equation, allows the combination offree-energy and diffusivity effects into a single function, the rescaled free-energy profile. Thisrescaled free energy indeed shows less variation among different RCs than the bare free energy anddiffusivity profiles separately do, if we properly distinguish between RCs that contain knowledge ofthe native state and those that are purely geometric in nature. Our method for extracting diffusivityprofiles is easily applied to experimental single molecule time series data and might help toreconcile conflicts that arise when comparing results from different experimental probes for thesame protein. © 2010 American Institute of Physics. �doi:10.1063/1.3442716�


The problem of protein folding kinetics is formidablefrom a purely statistical mechanics point of view: The un-folded protein, in other words the entire ensemble of mi-crostates that significantly deviate from the native state, tran-sits via a myriad of distinct pathways to the folded �native�state, and trying to predict folding times from basic prin-ciples is obviously hopeless. Yet, robust features haveemerged both from experiments and theoretical concepts.1,2

A key fact is that any experiment that probes protein foldingor unfolding projects protein microstates onto a low-dimensional �typically one-dimensional� observable. For ex-ample, circular dichroism in the far ultraviolet and infraredadsorption spectroscopy basically measure the average helic-ity, while fluorescence is sensitive to side chain contacts orlocal solvent structure around tryptophan residues.3,4 Kineticinformation at ambient conditions and on short time scalesrelevant for fast folding events can be obtained by time-resolved spectroscopy after flash photoheating5 or by fluores-cence resonance/triplet-triplet energy transfer �FRET/TTET�correlation studies that couple to the distance between a do-nor and acceptor linked to two positions along the peptidechain.6,7 More recently, single-molecule spectroscopic tech-niques have allowed the observation of time-dependentfolding/unfolding of individual proteins, thus going beyondensemble averaging.8,9 Likewise, single molecule studieswhere forces are applied at two points along the peptide

backbone probe the distance between those two anchoringpoints.10 All these experimental observables in fact constitutedistinct reaction coordinates �RCs�.

Exponential distributions of folding times found formany �but not all� proteins using different techniques suggesttwo-state-folding as a quite general paradigm of folding ki-netics: here the folded and unfolded states are separated by afree-energy barrier along the respective RC.4 Even proteinsfolding via many intermediate states can produce a single-exponential folding time distribution if there exists a rate-limiting transition. Therefore, as long as the RC of choicedistinguishes the two states connected by the rate-limitingstep, using different kinds of measurement/RC would likelygenerate similar single-exponential kinetics even in such acase. Similar conclusions can been drawn from the directobservation of population distributions, where a free-energybarrier means that folding intermediates are rarelyobserved.8,9 The recent observation that different experimen-tal techniques yield different kinetics11 or distributionfunctions12,13 when applied to the same protein casts doubton the clear division between two-state �exhibiting a free-energy barrier� and downhill folders �without such a barrier�.In this paper we argue that such inconsistencies can arisewhen implicitly referring to different RCs, and show a wayhow to reconcile conflicting results.

In theoretical studies, various RCs have become popularto characterize the folding transition, either because they ap-proximately correspond to an experimentally accessible ob-servable or because they are simple to calculate. The radiusof gyration, the fraction of native contacts between residues,

a�Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic


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or the mean distance from the native state are typicalexamples.14,15 More complex topological order parameterssuch as the contact order have been suggested for describinguniversal features of protein folding kinetics.16 In the theo-retical framework that naturally emerges, the protein diffusesalong the RC, governed by a stochastic equation and subjectto deterministic forces encrypted in the free-energy land-scape, as well as stochastic forces due to the randomenvironment.17–19 Early on, it was realized that the diffusionconstant in this coarse-grained picture is an effective quantitythat takes into account the connectivity between states �i.e.,the number of possible connecting paths�, the energetic rug-gedness of such paths,20 as well as orthogonal degrees offreedom.21 As folding progresses, internal friction starts toplay a more dominating role,22,23 while solvent friction be-comes less important as more and more peptide groups losesolvent contact.5 Recently, the simplification of a constantdiffusivity was abandoned and a diffusivity profile was ex-tracted from simulations of peptides: these works either con-sidered proteins without solvent �and thus exclude variationsof the solvent friction�24–26 or considered exclusively short-time dynamics and thus are not applicable to global foldingkinetics.27 The trifold coupling between the choice of a spe-cific RC and the free energy and diffusivity profiles in thepresence of explicit solvent has remained elusive.

In this paper, we perform an in-depth analysis of longMD trajectories of an �-helix-forming oligopeptide includ-ing explicit water. Such model peptides form the subject ofdetailed experimental studies and constitute some of the sim-plest peptides that exhibit nontrivial folding kinetics.28 Theyare thus interesting in their own right and at the same time—due to their minute size—allow for realistic modeling overtimes much longer than their folding times, including solventdegrees of freedom.29 As a prerequisite for our analysis, weintroduce a simple way of extracting diffusivity profiles fromtime series data for an arbitrary RC, which can be conve-niently applied to experimental spectroscopic data,9 or forcespectroscopic data for RNA,30 or proteins31 as well. We dem-onstrate that different RCs for one and the same protein tra-jectory are associated with substantially different free-energyprofiles, some showing a barrier separating the folded andunfolded helix state, some showing no barrier at all �which isnot surprising and has been found in different contextsbefore32�. This resembles the experimental findings in con-nection with the dispute on downhill versus two-statefolding,12,13 but is resolved by accounting for the spatiallyinhomogeneous diffusivity: The diffusivity profiles are fullof structure and show considerable variation among differentRCs. No simple connection between the free energy and dif-fusivity profiles seems to exist. Yet, the folding kinetics pre-dicted using a stochastic approach based on the free-energylandscape is largely independent of the RC if and only if thediffusivity profile is taken into account. Thus, the variancebetween free-energy profiles along different RCs gives riseto kinetic universality if the coupling to diffusivity is in-cluded �where we distinguish between RCs that containknowledge of the native state and those that are purely geo-metric in nature�. This specifically means that the presence ofa free-energy barrier �i.e., absence of intermediate states� is

in principle compatible with both exponential and nonexpo-nential kinetics, and that different experimental probes arebound to measure different free-energy profiles. The sameconclusions also apply to more refined or optimizedRCs.33–37 Full understanding of protein folding kinetics thusrequires measuring both average distributions and kinetic tra-jectories. Similar conclusions were very recently drawn froma Bayesian analysis of folding trajectories of simple coarse-grained model peptides based on implicit-solventsimulations.26 Since �-helices are a prominent folding motif,the features we find are most likely relevant for more com-plex proteins as well.


A. Simulations

Standard all-atom molecular dynamics �MD� simulationsprovide 1.1 �s trajectories of an alanine �A�-based peptidewith sequence Ace-AEAAAKEAAAKA-Nme in explicitwater,29 which is a shortened version of similar sequenceswith charged Glu+�E� and Lys−�K� residues at positions i andi+4 that experimentally are known to spontaneously form�-helices.28 The mechanism for �-helix formation involves,in addition to the stabilizing influence of E-K salt bridges,hydration effects.29,38 The MD simulations utilize the parallelmodule sander.MPI in the AMBER 9.0 package with the ff03force-field and the TIP3P water model at a pressure of 1 barand a temperature T fixed by a Berendsen barostat andLangevin thermostat, respectively.39 The periodically re-peated cubic simulation box has an edge length L�36 Åincluding �1500 water molecules. Electrostatic interactionsare calculated by particle mesh Ewald summation and real-space electrostatic and van der Waals interactions are cut offat 9 Å. As a check on the convergence of the standard MDsimulation, replica-exchange MD �REMD� simulations areperformed with the AMBER10 simulation package.39 Here, thesame force-field and system parameters as in the other stan-dard MD simulations are employed, apart from switching toa constant volume ensemble. 32 replicas are considered in atemperature range between 265 and 520 K, with each replicasimulated for 22.5 ns, amounting to a total sampling time of720 ns. Temperature exchanges between neighboring replicasare attempted every 250 integration steps, leading to an ex-change rate of 10%–30%.

B. Reaction coordinates

Trajectory analysis is performed using the ptraj tool inthe AMBER package.39 The helicity �i.e., the �-helical frac-tion� is identified using the DSSP method by Kabsch andSander.40 In addition, we focus on five different RCs to fol-low the folding kinetics �Table I�:

�i� Q1, defined as the root-mean-square distance from afully helical reference structure, averaged over all Matoms of the peptide. The reference structure was cho-sen randomly from configurations which display100% helicity, with little variation depending on thespecific choice.

245103-2 Hinczewski et al. J. Chem. Phys. 132, 245103 �2010�

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�ii� The mean native hydrogen bond �HB� length, Q2

=�i=1N−4ri,i+4 / �N−4�, averaged over all N=14 residues

including the acetyl �Ace� and amine �Nme� end caps,where ri,j is the distance between HB forming atoms,i and j, in the peptide backbone.

�iii� The mean inverse HB length, Q3=1− �N−4�−1�i=1

N−4ri,i+40 /ri,i+4, where ri,i+4

0 �2 Å is the nativeHB length in the folded state, defined by the mostprobable length of each �i , i+4� HB.

�iv� The radius of gyration, Q4= ��i,j=1M ri,j

2 / �2M2��1/2, ameasure for the average peptide size and accessible inscattering.

�v� Q5, the distance between the centers of mass of theend caps.

Trajectories are recorded with a resolution of 20 ps, giving atotal of 54171 data points. To compare different RCs witheach other, we exclude for each RC the 11 smallest and 11largest values, and define rescaled RCs

qi = �Qi − Qimin�/�Qi

max − Qimin� , �1�

such that the minimal and maximal values of the remaining54 149 data points, denoted as Qi

min and Qimax, are projected

on the RC values qi=0 and qi=1, respectively.

C. Diffusion constant

We assume that the stochastic time evolution of a givenRC is described by the one-dimensional Fokker–Planck �FP�equation41

�t��Q,t� =

�QD�Q�e−�F�Q� �

�Q��Q,t�e�F�Q�, �2�

where ��Q , t� is the probability of having a configurationwith RC value Q at time t, D�Q� is the �in generalQ-dependent� diffusivity, �=1 / �kBT� and �F�Q�=−ln���Q�� is the free energy, where ���Q�� is the time-averaged probability distribution. A few methods to extractD�Q� from time series data based on Bayesian analysis oftransition rates34,42 or short-time fluctuations have beendescribed.25,27 Our method extracts D�Q� directly from fold-ing times. Define �FP�Q ,Qf� as the mean first passage �MFP�time to go from a state Q to some final state Qf withoutrecrossing Qf, corresponding to an adsorbing boundary con-dition at Qf. For the case Q�Qf one finds43

�FP�Q,Qf� = Qf



D�Q�� Q�


dQ�e−�F�Q��, �3�

and for Q�Qf one has

�FP�Q,Qf� = Q



D�Q�� Qmin

Q�dQ�e−�F�Q��, �4�

where at Qmin and Qmax reflective �zero-flux� boundary con-ditions hold. By differentiation with respect to Q, we obtainthe diffusivity for Q�Qf

D�Q� =e�F�Q�




dQ�e−�F�Q��, �5�

and for Q�Qf as

D�Q� = −e�F�Q�




dQ�e−�F�Q��. �6�

An even simpler procedure employs the round-trip time

�RT�Q,Qf� = sign�Q − Qf���FP�Q,Qf� + �FP�Qf,Q�� , �7�

the magnitude of which is the time needed to start at Q, reachQf for the first time, start from Qf again and reach back to Qfor the first time. One finds

�RT�Q,Qf� = ZQf



D�Q��, �8�

where Z=QminQmax

dQe−�F�Q� is the partition function. The diffu-sivity profile based on the round-trip time reads

D�Q� =Ze�F�Q�

��RT�Q,Qf�/�Q. �9�

Intuitively, the slope of the round-trip time function is in-versely proportional to D�Q�. For a given F�Q�, a largerslope implies a slower return to the starting point, or equiva-lently a smaller local diffusivity. The FP approach assumesan underlying Markovian process, meaning that D�Q� andthus ��RT�Q ,Qf� /�Q are independent of Qf. We exploit �andcheck� this by defining a mean round-trip time function�̄RT�Q� that results from an average of round-trip times�RT�Q ,Qf� over their final states Qf. Since on the FP level�RT�Q ,Qf� curves for different Qf differ only by an additiveconstant, we should be able to collapse all such curves onto�̄RT�Q�. The assumption of Markovian behavior breaks downat short times and for unsuitable RCs �i.e., RCs that do notsingle out the transition state, as will be explained in detaillater on� and is clearly indicated by deviations of the round-trip time functions for varying Qf, �RT�Q ,Qf�, from the mean�̄RT�Q�. Insight into this can be gained with a simpler defi-nition of the diffusivity based on the variance in RC space27

Dvar�Q0,�t� = ��Q��t,Q0� − �Q��t,Q0���2�/�2�t� , �10�

where Q��t ,Q0� denotes one specific realization of a paththat starts at Q0 at time �t=0. As we will demonstrate,Dvar�Q0 ,�t� sensitively depends on the lag time �t. To getaccurate results, �t should be small enough that the regionexplored by the RC in this time interval has an approxi-mately constant first derivative of the free energy; however if�t is below a threshold time scale, the resulting Dvar may bedominated by non-Markovian properties. We will mostly usethe round-trip method for determining D�Q�, but compare tothe other methods as well.

TABLE I. List of RCs used in the paper.

RC notation Description

Q1 RMS deviation from perfect helixQ2 Native intrabackbone hydrogen bond lengthQ3 Inverse native hydrogen bond lengthQ4 Radius of gyrationQ5 End-to-end distance

245103-3 Protein diffusivity profiles J. Chem. Phys. 132, 245103 �2010�

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In our analysis of the simulation time series data wediscretize RCs in typically K=50 intervals and normalizeprobability distributions according to �k=1

K ��Q�k� , t�=K.

D. Fit of round-trip times

To extract D�Q� from the simulation data requires esti-mating the derivative ��̄RT�Q� /�Q. We start by fitting asmooth function to the numerical results, exploiting the factthat �̄RT�Q� should be a monotonically increasing function ofQ. Thus the fitting function �̄RT,fit�Q� can be expressed in theform

�̄RT,fit�Q� = �̄RT,fit�Qmin� + Qmin


dQ�eW�Q��, �11�

where W�Q�� is an arbitrary function. We expand out W�Q��in a basis of cubic B-splines defined over the range Qmin toQmax, and use the coefficients of the expansion as fittingparameters. The size of the basis is fixed at 40 splines. Thefull expression for �̄RT,fit�Q� is fit to the simulation estimatefor �̄RT�Q� using a standard least-squares technique, with onemodification: the quantity to be minimized is the sum ofsquared residuals plus another term which penalizes rough-ness in the fitted function. This additional term has the form


dQ���W�Q�� /�Q��2, with smoothing parameter .Larger values of lead to progressively smoother fits to thedata. The entire fitting procedure is implemented through theFunctional Data Analysis package in the R programminglanguage.44 For all the results shown below we set =50,since we found that varying in the range of 10–200 hadminimal effect on the resulting diffusion profiles. The unitsof are ��t�2 �Qmax−Qmin�, where �t=20 ps is the time res-olution of the MD simulation. The range 10 is unsuitablebecause we fit to jagged features in the simulation �̄RT�Q�curve, which are the result of statistical noise. For the range

�200, we over-smooth the curve, losing most of the localslope information and resulting in poor fits to the round-tripfunction.

E. Reparameterization

As is well-known,45,46 the FP Eq. �2� is invariant under

an arbitrary RC rescaling Q̃= Q̃�Q� if the functions �, F, and

D are simultaneously rescaled as �̃=� / Q̃�, F̃=F

+�−1 ln Q̃�, and D̃= �Q̃��2D. Here, Q̃�=dQ̃�Q� /dQ is as-

sumed positive. Thus an arbitrary diffusivity profile D̃�Q̃�can be obtained, while the kinetics on the FP level and thepartition function Z stay invariant, as long as the folding freeenergy is adjusted accordingly. For the particular choice of a

constant diffusivity, D̃= D̃0, we get Q̃�=�D̃0 /D and thus

F̃=F− �2��−1ln�D / D̃0�.


Figure 1 shows the complete times series data for thesimulated oligopeptide. In all five RCs and in the helicitydata frequent switching between the folded state �large helic-ity and small qi values� and the unfolded state is observed,meaning that the simulation is converged and allows drawingconclusions on the folding and unfolding kinetics �furtherevidence is provided by the excellent comparison betweenstraight MD and replica-exchange simulations, as shown inFig. 6�. The fine resolution data �Fig. 1, right panel� in termsof the rms-deviation from the fully helical state, RC q1, sug-gest that an intermediate state and two barriers are present.As the snapshots indicate, in the fully helical state �q1

�0.1� roughly three �-helical turns are stabilized by saltbridges between the Glu+-2 and Lys−-6 and the Glu+-7 andLys−-11 residues, respectively. In the intermediate state �q1

�0.4� only one of the two salt bridges stabilizes two turns,

FIG. 1. Complete time series data of the simulation run for the peptide in explicit water. Shown are helicity and the five considered RCs defined in Table I.Lines in black/blue show the full resolution data �20 ps�, while red lines are smoothed over time windows of 2 ns. The right panels show selected datawindows at higher time resolution for q1 and q5 together with a few selected MD snapshots of the peptide backbone structure.

245103-4 Hinczewski et al. J. Chem. Phys. 132, 245103 �2010�

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while in the unfolded state �q1�0.7� no bridge is present.Note that the characteristic transition time for unfolding ofone helical turn, i.e., for the transition from q1�0.4 to q1

�0.7 in �d�, is roughly 200 ps and thus about 100 timesshorter than the corresponding unfolding time in Fig. 3�e�.While a high degree of correlation between different RCscan be inferred from Fig. 1, there is no one-to-one mapping,e.g., q5 in Fig. 1�c� shows pronounced fluctuations in inter-vals where q1 stays virtually constant.

This is already evident from the average distributionfunction ���q�� shown in Fig. 2 as a function of all differentRCs. While the distribution ���q1�� in the leftmost panel asa function of q1 shows three broad peaks �correspondingroughly to none, one and two intact salt bridges�, clearlyseparated peaks are absent when ��� is shown as a functionof q2, q3, q4, or q5. The reason is simple: states that areseparated when, e.g., described by q1, are mixed when theyare projected onto different RCs. This is demonstrated by thecolored regions in Fig. 2 that for q1 correspond to pure states,i.e., narrow intervals of q1 values. While for q2 and q3, thecolored regions are smeared out but the ordering along theRC is preserved, for q4 and q5 the ordering is lost. Thispoints to a fundamental difference between the RCsq1 ,q2 ,q3, which embody knowledge of the native state, andthe RCs q4 ,q5, which are purely geometric.

In Fig. 3, we focus on RC q1. The free-energy profile�F�q1�=−ln���q1�� in a� reveals the intermediate state andtwo barriers at q1�0.26 and q1�0.48. Figure 3�b� shows theroundtrip times �RT�q1 ,q1

f � for various final states q1f as a

function of q1, directly extracted from the simulation timeseries.47 The data sets are shifted vertically �which accordingto Eq. �9� is irrelevant for extracting D�q1�� to illustrate the

predicted collapse onto a single mean round-trip time func-tion �̄RT�q1�. The smooth fit �̄RT,fit�q1� is shown as a bluecurve. The collapse of �RT�q1 ,q1

f � for different q1f is a strong

check on the consistency of the FP approach. The red curvedenotes the round-trip time from the Bayesian approach,42

obtained for optimized time interval and smoothing param-eters t=6 ns and �=0.2 ns−1.47 Figure 3�c� shows the dif-

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0q1






0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0q2





0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0q3



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0q4







0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0q5




FIG. 2. Mapping from RC q1 to different RCs. Plotted is the mean distri-bution ���q�� for the entire time series data in Fig. 1 and—in differentcolors—selected regions of the distribution corresponding to narrow inter-vals of q1 values.









0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Q1 [nm]





τ RT(q


f 1)

[ns] (b)




















τ FP(q



[ns] (d)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0q1




τ FP(q



[ns] (e)

FIG. 3. Results for RC q1 �note that the upper scale is in terms of theunrescaled RC Q1�. �a� Free-energy profile �F=−ln���. �b� Data points givethe round-trip times �RT�q1 ,q1

f � as extracted from the simulation data forvarious final states q1

f that are denoted by vertical colored bars. The data isshifted vertically for each q1

f to illustrate the theoretically predicted collapseonto a single mean round-trip curve �̄RT�q1�, with the smooth fit �̄RT,fit�q1�shown in blue. The red curve denotes the round-trip time from the Bayesianapproach. �c� Diffusivity from the round-trip time method equation �9� �bluecurve�, compared to the variance method equation �10� for lag times �t=200 fs, 20 ps, and 200 ps �dash-dotted, dashed, and dotted green curves�,and to the Bayesian method �red curve� �Ref. 42�. �d� MFP or folding time�FP�q1 ,q1

f � for the final state q1f =0.11, as extracted directly from the simu-

lation data �circles� and compared to predictions from Eq. �3� using thedifferent diffusivities shown in �c�. �e� MFP or unfolding time for the finalstate q1

f =0.57, same notation as in �d�. Vertical dotted lines in ��d� and �e��mark the final states q1

f for folding and unfolding.

245103-5 Protein diffusivity profiles J. Chem. Phys. 132, 245103 �2010�

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fusivity D�q1� extracted from �̄RT,fit�q1� via Eq. �9� �bluecurve�. Most notably, D�q1� varies considerably along q1: itis reduced by an order of magnitude around the intermediatestate at q1�0.32 and seems correlated with F�q1�. The D�q1�profile from the Bayesian approach �red curve� reproducesthe coarse features of our round-trip approach with a slightdifference that will be discussed below. We stress that wehave fitted the two parameters in the Bayesian approach,namely, the time interval and the smoothing parameter, by acomparison with the simulation mean-first passage times �seesupplement for further details47�. The diffusivity profiles re-sulting from the Bayesian approach sensitively depend onthese parameters, and without such a comparison, it is noteasy to see what are the sensible parameter values. Thishighlights an advantage of our method based on the round-trip time, since the only parameter is a smoothing factor thatoperates directly on the round-trip time, a physical observ-able, and sensible parameter values are straightforwardly es-timated. The variance method equation �10� for lag time �t=200 fs �upper green curve� overestimates D�q1� by twoorders of magnitude, yet for �t=200 ps �lower green curve�Dvar approaches the results of the other two methods quitenicely. Thus for �t�200 ps, Dvar is dominated by non-Markovian events that are unrelated to the long-time folding/unfolding dynamics; interestingly, this threshold time is simi-lar to the transition time for helix unwrapping inferred fromFig. 1�d�. In Figs. 3�d� and 3�e�, we show MFP times�FP�q1 ,q1

f � for q1�q1f =0.11 �folding� and q1�q1

f =0.57 �un-folding� calculated from Eq. �3� and the various D�q1� pro-files shown in �c�. �FP�q1 ,q1

f � directly extracted from simula-tion data �circles� in Fig. 3�d� is most accurately reproducedby the Bayesian fitting approach �red curve�, as expectedsince the probability distribution and thus the frequency oftransitions is maximal in the range q1�0–0.25 �see Fig.2�a��. The RT approach �blue curve� considers an equal bal-ance of folding and unfolding events and consequently de-scribes unfolding MFP times in Fig. 3�e� better. Notably, theRT approach is simple to implement, directly works on theproperty one wishes to describe �namely, folding/unfoldingtimes� and has apart from the functional form of the fittedround-trip time �̄RT�q1� no freely adjustable parameter. Thecombined deviations between simulation data and FP predic-tions in Figs. 3�d� and 3�e� are due to a combination ofnon-Markovian processes at short times and insufficient tra-jectory sampling.

In Fig. 4�a�, we compare the diffusivities based on theround-trip time approach �blue curve� and the Bayesian ap-proach �red curve�, already presented in Fig. 3�c�, with re-sults obtained from the MFP times via Eq. �5�, shown as agreen curve. For the fit we used a final state q1

f =0.11 andconsidered folding events from q1�q1

f to q1f . It is seen that

the three curves roughly coincide, which testifies to the ro-bustness of methods for deriving diffusivities from foldingtimes. In Fig. 4�b�, we compare diffusivities from the vari-ance method, Eq. �10�, to the round-trip time method Eq. �9��blue curve�. Here we present results for Dvar�Q ,�t� for awider range of lag times of �t=200 fs, 20 ps, 200 ps, 2 ns,and 10 ns �green curves, from top to bottom�. It is seen thatfor lag times between �t=200 ps and �t=2 ns, Dvar�Q ,�t�

agrees with the round-trip time approach. As already dis-cussed, for smaller lag times Dvar�Q ,�t� is too large. Forlarger lag times Dvar�Q ,�t� loses structure and becomes toosmall, which has to do with the fact that at those times thepeptide explores a considerable subsection of the free-energyspace and the effect of the energetic barriers encountered isspuriously accounted for by a reduction of the diffusivity.The situation is similar to the Bayesian approach: there is noa-priori way of knowing what the suitable parameter valuefor the lag time is, unless one compares to a physical observ-able, which might be the folding or round-trip time. In thatcase, however, a direct fitting of D�q� based on folding timesas suggested by us seems more direct and transparent.

A free-energy barrier, as exhibited by F�q1� in Fig. 3�a�,was argued to arise from a subtle compensation of energyand entropy effects, which both increase upon unfolding.3

This scenario, developed in the context of lattice models, isbasically confirmed by our explicit water simulations. In Fig.5�a�, we show free-energy profiles at different temperaturesT from replica-exchange simulations. Indeed, the entropiccontribution TS, estimated from the free-energy differencebetween T=280 and 320 K, shows considerable numericalerror but rises across the unfolding transition. In Fig. 5�b�,we show the number Nwat of backbone-bound water mol-ecules that have a distance to a backbone oxygen smallerthan 0.35 nm. Apart from the loss of one bound water mol-ecule at q1�0.3 �paralleled by a helicity increase�, Nwat

steadily rises from about N=20 in the folded state to N=30in the unfolded state. So we conclude that the entropy in-crease upon unfolding results from a competition of waterbinding and conformational effects. The overall good com-






[1/ n










0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0q1






[1/ n











FIG. 4. Results for RC q1. �a� Diffusivity from round-trip time method Eq.�9� �blue curve� and the Bayesian approach �red curve�; these are the samedata already shown in Fig. 3�c�. The green curve is based on the first passagetime method and follows from Eq. �5� for the final state q1

f =0.11. �b� Dif-fusivity from the round-trip time method Eq. �9� �blue curve� compared tothe variance method Eq. �10� for lag times �t=200 fs, 20 ps, 200 ps, 2 ns,and 10 ns �green curves, from top to bottom�.

245103-6 Hinczewski et al. J. Chem. Phys. 132, 245103 �2010�

Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see

parison between the free-energy profile from a standard MDsimulation run �for a length of 1.1 �s� and results from areplica exchange MD simulation �trajectory length 22.5 nsand equilibrated with 32 replicas at different temperatures� atT=300 K in Fig. 6 gives good evidence that the times seriesconsidered in our kinetic analysis is long enough.

The appearance of a free-energy barrier, as seen in F�q1�in Fig. 3�a�, is often interpreted as equivalent to exponentialkinetics, which is not necessarily true as we will now dis-cuss. In fact, even the presence of a free-energy barrier de-pends on the specific RC employed and thus is a much lessrobust feature than often assumed. In Fig. 7, we show the

free energy F�qi� and diffusivity D�qi� profiles of all fiveRCs. We separate RCs that embody knowledge of the nativestate q1 ,q2 ,q3 and the unbiased RCs q4 ,q5. In the columnsmarked “original,” we use the bare RCs qi as defined in Sec.II; in the columns marked “transformed,” we use rescaled

RCs q̃i such that the diffusivities are constant, D̃�qi�= D̃0.Two features strike the eyes:

�i� Most diffusivity profiles are full of structure and varysubstantially along the reaction path; it immediatelytranspires that a description of the folding kineticswithout consideration of the diffusivity profile canfail.

�ii� The profiles F�qi� and D�qi� vary considerably amongdifferent RCs. In fact, while F�q1� shows pronouncedbarriers and an intermediate state, the profiles F�q2�and F�q3� are free of barriers: We conclude that thepresence of barriers depends on the RC chosen.

Do the kinetics within an effective FP description alsovary among RCs, possibly showing exponential for some andnonexponential behavior for other RCs? While the free-energy profiles F�qi� as a function of the original RCs show

large variations, the profiles F̃�q̃i� after the transformationare quite similar �this is most striking for the radius of gyra-tion, q̃4, and the end-to-end radius, q̃5�, and thus the kineticsas characterized by the MFP times �FP�qi ,qi

f� in the bottomrow are very similar. This at first surprising result can beeasily rationalized: the round-trip method is designed to op-timally reproduce the complete set of round-trip times andthus the slowest conformational transitions in the system.The different diffusivities D�qi� and free-energy profilesF�qi� together uniquely determine the folding times. Assum-ing that different RCs yield a comparable separation of statesinto the unfolded and folded basins, it follows that the fold-ing times must be very similar. This in fact holds for the RCsq1 ,q2 ,q3 on the one hand and for the RCs q4 ,q5 on the otherhand. Since after the rescaling the entire kinetic informationis contained in the free-energy profile, those profiles must bequite similar. It follows that the presence of a free-energybarrier does not necessarily imply exponential kinetics; forthat statement to be true the free-energy barrier must persistafter a RC transformation that makes the diffusivity profileflat. Although there are still differences among the free-energy profiles for q1 ,q2 ,q3 after the transformation, they aresmall enough that the kinetics are not particularly distin-guished.

To highlight the implications of these results, we nowturn the argumentation around. Consider a general RC trans-formation

q̃ = q + c�tanh��q − q��/d� − 1� , �12�

which is assumed to be a monotonic function implying thatd�−c. This rescaling corresponds to a local stretching/compression of the RC around q� and via the reparametriza-tion properties of the FP equation also modifies the diffusiv-ity and the free-energy profiles. In Fig. 8, we show three

different rescaled F̃�q̃1� and D̃�q̃1� profiles, all generated via

Eq. �12� from the RC q̃1 for which D̃�q̃1� is flat �shown in





T=280 KT=300 KT=320 KTS (T=300 K)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1q

















FIG. 5. �a� REMD results for the free-energy profile �F�q1� for differenttemperatures T, together with the entropic contribution TS obtained from thefinite-T difference �with T=20 K� of �F�q1�. �b� Helicity and the numberNwat of backbone-bound water molecules vs. q1 at T=300 K. The horizontalbroken lines denote 20, 21, and 22 backbone–bound water molecules.

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1q









continuous MDREMD

FIG. 6. Comparison between REMD results �red broken curve� and standardMD results �black solid curve� for the free-energy profile �F�q1� atT=300 K.

245103-7 Protein diffusivity profiles J. Chem. Phys. 132, 245103 �2010�

Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see

blue�. Depending on the parameters q� ,c ,d we generate free-energy profiles that either exhibit a more pronounced barrier�green curve�, a reduced barrier �red curve�, or a free-energyprofile where the position of the minimum is moved from thefolded to the unfolded state �turquoise curve�. We mentionthat by construction, the kinetics as characterized by the

round trip or MFP time is invariant under this rescaling.What this figure demonstrates is that under a combined res-caling of F�q� and D�q� one can generate a bewildering va-riety of free-energy curves which share the identical kinetics,meaning that the free-energy profile without the diffusivity isnot sufficient to even qualitatively predict protein foldingkinetics.

Much of the preceding discussion and the usage of one-dimensional RCs presumes that the RCs are “good” in thesense that �i� the ensemble of transition states is assigned toa narrow region of RC values and �ii� that the probability offinding a transition state in that region is maximal.33,34 Tomake that notion more concrete, one introduces the splittingprobabilities �A�q� and �B�q� for each value of the RC,where �A�q� is the probability to reach, starting from RCvalue q, region A before region B.34 In the context of transi-tion states, the regions A and B would denote regions corre-sponding to the folded and unfolded domains flanking thetransition region. The splitting probabilities are normalizedas

�A�q� + �B�q� = 1, �13�

since eventually any state will diffuse out toward the bound-aries. For a trajectory that passes through state q1, there arefour choices: it can be trajectory starting in A and returningto A, starting in B and returning B, starting in A and endingup in B or starting in B and ending in A. The respectiveprobabilities are normalized as

P�A → A�q� + P�A → B�q� + P�B → A�q� + P�B → B�q� = 1.


For nonballistic stochastic motion, the transition path prob-ability P�TP �q�= P�A→B �q�+ P�B→A �q�, i.e., the prob-ability that the trajectory connects regions A and B, can bemaximally 1/2. A maximum close to 1/2 characterizes a good





















0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7qi





τ FP(q


f i)


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8q̃i




0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Q5 [nm]











0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7qi

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8q̃i

FIG. 7. Free-energy profiles �top row�, diffusivity profiles �middle row�, and folding MFP times �bottom row� for all five RCs. The columns denoted originalshow results as a function of the original RCs qi, while in the columns denoted transformed, rescaled coordinates q̃i are used such that the diffusivity profilesare constant. The final states qi

f for the folding �marked by dotted vertical lines� are chosen such that they map onto a single value q̃if separately for the

q1 ,q2 ,q3 and q4 ,q5 groups.







0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8q̃1







FIG. 8. Free-energy �top� and diffusivity profiles �bottom� for different res-caled RCs q̃1. Starting from the RC exhibiting a flat diffusivity �shown inblue�, we arbitrarily rescale q̃1 according to Eq. �12� such as to increase thebarrier �green�, decrease the barrier �red� and to relocate the stable minimum�turquoise�.

245103-8 Hinczewski et al. J. Chem. Phys. 132, 245103 �2010�

Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see

RC, a significantly smaller number points to a bad RC. InFig. 9, we show a detailed RC analysis for RC q1 with aresolution of 25 bins in the range 0.1�q1�0.33 and usingthe full time resolution of 20 ps. In �a�, we show again thecomplete time series and in �b� the corresponding probabilitydistribution. Region A for q1�0.1 is the folded region; re-gion B for q1�0.33 is a region where one helical turn isunfolded. In �c�, we show the splitting probabilities �A�q1�and �B�q1� �orange and blue lines�. The behavior is as ex-pected, with the probabilities switching from zero to unitybetween the boundaries of the regions A and B, and a ratherlarge slope in the region around q1�0.25–0.30. The maxi-mum of the transition path probability P�TP �q1

‡��0.43�shown as a red curve� at a position q1

‡�0.23 means that q1

is quite close to a perfect RC and that the FP analysis per-formed in this paper is appropriate for long times on theorder of folding and unfolding events. Note that q1

‡�0.23 isclose to a minimum in the equilibrium distribution ���q1��,see Fig. 9�b�, at which position the free energy thus exhibitsa maximum. This is coincidental, since as we have shown inFig. 8, one can easily change the free-energy profile by areaction-coordinate rescaling, which however leaves thesplitting probabilities and the transition path probabilities in-variant.


In the naive approach toward protein kinetics, foldingtimes are deduced from the free-energy profile F�Q� alone.As has been argued before,24–27 such an approach is unreli-able since for the simplest nontrivial folder, namely, a singleshort �-helix in explicit solvent, the diffusivity profile D�Q�varies substantially along the folding path. Our D�Q� varia-tion comes out somewhat stronger than from similar simula-tions with implicit solvent, suggesting that explicit solventfurther increases the importance of diffusivityinhomogeneities.24 In fact, to match experimental folding

times of simple alpha-helix-forming oligopeptides withinsolvent-implicit simulations, an overall correction factor tothe time scales is typically applied.48,49 A detailed micro-scopic justification for this is lacking; on the contrary, it hasbeen shown that in many cases explicit solvent strongly in-fluences the free-energy landscape and introduces novel ki-netic mechanisms that are completely absent in solvent-implicit simulations.50,51 When extending the analysis to fivedifferent popular RCs, we find free-energy and diffusivityprofiles to vary substantially among different RC representa-tions. Yet, the kinetics that follows from an FP description islargely independent of the RC chosen, if and only if D�Q� isproperly accounted for. A similar conclusion was reachedrecently based on coarse-grained, solvent-implicitsimulations.26 This means that a quasi-universal �i.e., RC in-dependent� description of protein folding kinetics necessarilyinvolves D�Q�. For this quasi-universality to hold we have todistinguish between RCs that are based on the distance to thenative state �such as Q1 ,Q2 ,Q3� and those that are purelygeometric in nature �such as Q4 ,Q5�. By considering gener-alized RCs and using the reparametrization invariance of theFP equation, we can design arbitrary F�Q� profiles with nobarrier at all, an enhanced barrier, or an interchange of thenaive stable and unstable states. This means that the conceptof a free-energy profile is to some degree arbitrary, whichmight be relevant with regards to recent discussions in theexperimental literature.11–13 The kinetics, embodied in thefolding time, and dependent on F�Q� and D�Q�, is less arbi-trary.

Our simulations are for a single �-helix fragment, one ofthe shortest oligopeptides which shows nontrivial folding.There is no reason to believe that for larger proteins thesituation will simplify; we therefore argue that the diffusivityprofile will be full of features and thus important in thosemore complicated situations as well. Our conclusions alsoapply to optimized or otherwise carefully selected RCs,33–37

since the reparametrization can be done for any RC and thusarbitrarily create, annihilate and shift barriers in the foldinglandscape �incidentally, RC q1 turns out to be a quite goodRC according to the definition of Ref. 34, as shown in Fig.9�. Our method of extracting the diffusivity profile via themean-first-passage or round-trip time formalism can be eas-ily applied to time series data from FRET or force-spectroscopic experiments, so an experimental test of ourresults is possible.


We acknowledge support from the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft �DFG� within the contract SFB 863and the Emmy-Noether-Programme �J.D.�. The Leibniz Re-chenzentrum �LRZ� Munich is acknowledged for supercom-puting access.

1 E. Shakhnovich, Chem. Rev. �Washington, D.C.� 106, 1559 �2006�.2 K. A. Dill, S. B. Ozkan, M. S. Shell, and T. R. Weikl, Annu. Rev.Biophys. 37, 289 �2008�.

3 M. Oliveberg and P. G. Wolynes, Q. Rev. Biophys. 38, 245 �2005�.4 A. Fersht, Structure and Mechanism in Protein Science �W.H. Freemanand Company, New York, 1999�.

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0 200 400 600 800 1000

t [ns]






1.0q 1


0 1 2 3 4



0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30










(TP|q 1



FIG. 9. Test for the quality of RC q1. �a� shows the complete trajectory, �b�shows the corresponding equilibrium distribution ���q1�� and the regions A�q1�0.1� and B �q1�0.33� marked in orange and blue, respectively. Thecomplete trajectory contains 181 transitions between A and B �90 from A toB and 91 from B to A�. Panel �c� shows the splitting probabilities �A�q1��orange� and �B�q1� �blue� and the transition path probability P�TP �q1��red�. P�TP �q1� reaches the maximum value P�TP �q1��0.43 for q1=q1

�0.23, denoted by a red circle in �c� and red lines in ��a� and �b��.

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Supplement to: How the diffusivity profile reduces the arbitrariness of protein folding free energies

M. Hinczewski1,2, Y. von Hansen1, J. Dzubiella1, R. R. Netz1∗1Physics Department, Technical University Munich, 85748 Garching, Germany

2Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742∗To whom correspondence should be addressed; E-mail:


Fig. 1 shows in the columns the average distribution func-tion 〈Ψ(qi)〉 as a function of all five different RCs consid-ered in the main text. In each row the coloured regions de-note identical subsets of states and are chosen to correspondto pure states for one reaction coordinate. While among theRCs q1, q2, q3 and among the RCs q4, q5 the ordering of thecoloured regions is preserved, this ordering is lost betweenthose two groups. This points to a fundamental difference be-tween the RCs q1, q2, q3, that embody knowledge of the nativestate, and the RCs q4, q5, which are purely geometric.


In Fig. 2 we show the free energy profiles, the round-triptimes and the diffusivity profiles of all five reaction coordi-nates. In Fig. 3 we show the mean-first passage times forfolding and unfolding events for all reaction coordinates, asextracted from the fitted diffusivity profiles and the Fokker-Planck description. The final states qfi were chosen such that≈ 20% of the probability distribution 〈Ψ(qi)〉 is contained inthe range 0 ≤ qi ≤ qfi (folding), or qfi ≤ qi ≤ 1 (unfolding).The noise and non-monotonicity in the τFP curves extractedfrom the simulation data are due to the statistical effects of in-sufficient trajectory sampling (particularly at the edges of thefree energy landscape) and time discretization.


We briefly review the optimization method introduced inRef. [1], and used previously to extract diffusivity profiles forprotein folding dynamics in implicit solvent [2].

Master equation approach

When discretized in reaction coordinate space, the FP equa-tion takes the form of a master equation [3]


= Ri,i−1Ψi−1(t)+Ri,i+1Ψi+1(t)−Ri,iΨi(t), (1)

where the probability of being in bin i is denoted by Ψi(t) ≡Ψ(Q(i), t)∆Q, the bin width is ∆Q, the bin index i ranges

from 1 to M , and the transition rate from bin j to bin i is Ri,j .The rates fulfill detailed balance, i.e. Ri,j 〈Ψj〉 = Rj,i 〈Ψi〉,where the equilibrium probability of each bin i is denoted by〈Ψi〉; the loss in bin i is caused by transitions to neighboringbins, i.e. Ri,i = −∑j 6=iRj,i. The rates in the master equa-tion 1 are related to the free energy F (Q) and the diffusivityprofile D(Q) in the FP equation via:

F (Q(i)) ≈ −kBT log( 〈Ψi〉


), (2)

Di+1/2 ≈ (∆Q)2Ri,i+1

√〈Ψi+1〉〈Ψi〉 , (3)

with Di+1/2 ≡ (D(Q(i)) +D(Q(i+1)))/2 being the diffusiv-ity between the bins. For M bins the system is consequentlycharacterized by 2M − 1 independent parameters: M − 1rates Ri,i+1 for transitions from the neighboring bin on theright hand side and M equilibrium probabilities 〈Ψi〉.

Bayesian analysis of trajectories

In a system described by Eq. 1 the conditional probabilityof landing in bin i in time ∆t given a start in bin j is:

p(i|j; ∆t) =(



i,j, (4)

where←→R is the matrix with entries Ri,j . In our case

←→R is

tridiagonal and the transition probabilities are easily obtained

numerically by diagonalization of the symmetrized matrix←̃→R

defined by the entries R̃i,j = Ri,j (〈Ψj〉 / 〈Ψi〉)1/2 [1, 3].For a process described by Eq. 1, the likelihood of observ-ing a certain sequence {Q(iα)(tα)}Nα=0 with N transitions atequidistant time intervals ∆t is:

L =N∏α=1

p(iα|iα−1; tα − tα−1) =M∏


p(i|j; ∆t)Nij , (5)

where Nij is the total number of transitions from j to i ob-served along the trajectory and the time intervals tα− tα−1 =∆t ∀α. Bayesian inference (BI) can be used to determinethe underlying free energy F (Q) and diffusivity profile D(Q)from a stochastic trajectory. Bayes’ theorem states that for agiven trajectory (≡ data) the probability of certain parameters









































































































































0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0











0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0










0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0








0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0









0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0







0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

FIG. 1: Mapping between different reaction coordinates. Columns show the density distribution 〈Ψ(q)〉 plotted in terms of the differentreaction coordinates q1, q2, q3, q4, and q5. In each row selected regions of the distribution are shown in color.

{F,D} to be correct is:

p({F,D}|data) =p(data|{F,D}) · p({F,D})


∝ L ·M−1∏i=1

exp(− (Di+1 −Di)2


)︸ ︷︷ ︸


, (6)

where L is the likelihood of Eq. 5; in our case the priorp({F,D}) just depends on the diffusivity profile D(Q), pe-nalizing large deviations of the diffusivity at adjacent gridpoints.

Optimization procedure

A standard simulated annealing scheme is used to optimizethe probability p({F,D}|data) in Eq. 6 by iterative variationof the 2M − 1 parameters of the system. The quantity to beminimized is the “energy” E defined by:

E ≡ − log(L)N

− log(p({F,D})). (7)

At each step the parameters {Ri,i+1}M−1i=1 and {Pi}Mi=1 are

slightly perturbed giving rise to a new configuration with en-ergy Enew, which is always accepted for Enew ≤ E andaccepted with probability pacc = exp (−(Enew − E)/T ) forEnew > E; the “temperature” T of the system is subsequently










0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8q1








0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8q2

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8q3

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8q4

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0q5





τ RT(q

i,qf i








τ RT(q

i,qf i




FIG. 2: The columns give results for all different RCs considered. a) Free energy profile βF (qi) = − ln〈Ψ(qi)〉. b) Data points give theround-trip times τRT(qi, q

fi ) as extracted from the simulation data for various final states qf

i that are denoted by vertical colored bars. c) Samedata shifted vertically to illustrate the approximate collapse onto a single mean round-trip function τ̄RT(qi) for all qf

i , with the smooth fitfunction τ̄RT,fit(qi) shown as a blue curve. The red curve denotes the round-trip time from the Bayesian approach. d) Diffusivity from theround-trip time method (blue curve), compared to the Bayesian method (red curve).

lowered until the optimized F (Q) and D(Q) are reached.Several independent simulated annealing runs are performed;variations in the results obtained in different runs allow draw-ing conclusions on the quality of the estimate and the suitabil-ity of the process for a FP type description.

Dependence of D(Q) on the time interval ∆t and the smoothingparameter γ

The Bayesian optimization method is applied to the dynam-ics of the reaction coordinate Q ≡ q1. In Fig. 4 we compareresults obtained for different time intervals ∆t; in Fig. 5 re-sults for different values of the smoothing parameter γ weight-ing the prior in Eq. 6 are shown.

We show results for 60 bins along the RC, and show aver-age values of F (q1) andD(q1) from 50 independent optimiza-tion runs. Though being a fit quantity, the free energy profileF (q1) does not significantly differ from 〈Ψi〉 obtained fromthe equilibrium analysis of the trajectory (black lines in theupper panel of the figures). We note that the diffusivity pro-

file D(q1) is strongly sensitive on the time interval ∆t: whilealmost identical profiles like in the variance method analysisare obtained for ∆t = 20 ps, the diffusivity subsequently de-creases for larger ∆t. The parameter γ can compensate insuf-ficient sampling by externally requiring a smoothness of thediffusivity; however, strong external constraints correspond-ing to low γ-values tend to erase any structure in D(q1).

Reasonable choices of the parameters γ and ∆t are not evi-dent a priori — to ensure that the long-time dynamics are cor-rectly reproduced by the optimization result, we compute theposition dependent MFP times τFP(q1, q

f1 ) for a folded state

(qf1 = 0.11) and an unfolded one (qf1 = 0.57) for each of theoptimized diffusivity profiles and compare these curves to theone directly extracted from the simulation data. This compar-ison shows that in our case γ = 0.2/ns and ∆t = 6 ns aresensible values.






τ FP(q

i,qf i)


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8q1




τ FP(q

i,qf i)


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8q2

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8q3

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8q4

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0q5

FIG. 3: The columns give results for all different RCs considered. Upper row: MFP or folding time τFP(qi, qfi ) for different final states qf

i ,as extracted directly from the simulation data (circles) and compared to Fokker-Planck predictions using the diffusivities from the round-triptime approach (blue curves) and the Bayesian approach (red curves). The optimized parameters of the Bayesian approach are γ = 0.2/ns and∆t = 6 ns for q1 and q2 and ∆t = 2 ns for q3, q4 and q5. Lower row: MFP or unfolding time, same notation as in upper row. The verticaldotted lines in both rows mark the final states qf

i for folding and unfolding.

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](a) ∆t [ns] γ [1/ns]

0.02 0.20.2 0.22.0 0.26.0 0.210.0 0.2











τ FP(q



[ns] (c)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0




τ FP(q



[ns] (d)

FIG. 4: Free-energy F (a), diffusivity D (b) and MFP timesτFP(q1, q

f1 ) (panels (c) and (d)) for fixed value of γ = 0.2/ns and

different times intervals ∆t used in the optimization procedure. Thefree-energy obtained from the equilibrium analysis of the trajectoryis shown as a solid black curve in (a), the target states qf

1 = 0.11

and qf1 = 0.57 are denoted as vertical dashed black lines, and the

values of τFP(q1, qf1 ) extracted directly from the simulation data as

black circles in (c) and (d).










](a) ∆t [ns] γ [1/ns]

6.0 0.026.0 0.16.0 0.26.0 1.06.0 2.06.0 20.0











τ FP(q



[ns] (c)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0




τ FP(q



[ns] (d)

FIG. 5: Same as Fig. 4, but showing the influence of the smoothingparameter γ on the diffusivity profile D(q1) for fixed time interval∆t = 6 ns.

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