how smoking affects my body

Post on 09-Feb-2017






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What smoking does to your body

Smoking is injurious to health and is responsible for causing number of diseases. Smoking is responsible for one out of every five deaths. The smoke from burning tobacco contains nearly 7,000 other chemicals that are known to cause cancer and damage our body.

Your Bones are Affected: Weakening of bones leading to osteoporosis and making you prone to spine injuries and fractures

Your Respiratory System: Increased risk of lung infections, inflammation of the lungs, damaged air sacs, and narrow lung airway leading to breathlessness

Your Circulatory System: Increased blood pressure, narrow arteries, increased clot formation leading to increased risk of heart attack

Your Immune System: Weak immune system making you prone to infections and prolong the time taken for recovery

Reproductive Problems: Smoking can reduce the quality of sperms and can affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle in women

You Will Look Older: Loose skin around eyes, wrinkles, poor skin tone, age spots, stained fingers, early balding, crow’s feet, cataracts, and stained teeth

Diseases: Smoker becomes prone to cancer, digestive problems, lung diseases and several other deadly diseases.

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