how not to be bullied

Post on 16-Jan-2015



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Grade 5Mrs. Glasgow

Bullying S behavr dats intendD 2 cauZ mNtL distress n.or fizikL harm, exists ina R/Ship n wich there's an imbalance of pwr n str, n S repEted ovr tym

Literature Connection

A v fune story bout a 3:o) named Molly Lou Melon & hw she maintained her self confidNc dspite d foolish ways of her classm8s.

Be Proud• Walk as proudly as

you can and the world will look up to you–Ronald Durkin called her

a shrimpo •Molly ran right under

him and scored a touchdown

wlk az proudly

az U cn & d wrld

wiL L%k ^ 2 U

Smile• Smile big and the world will

smile right back at you.– Ronald Durkin made fun of

her teeth• Molly stacked pennies on her

teeth and the others smiled with glee

*S* big & d wrld wiL *S* rght bak @ U

Be Strong• Sing out clear and strong

and the world will smile with you.– Ronald Durkin said she

sounded like a sick duck– She sang out quack so loud

Ronald fell, hit his head and went to the nurse, everyone was glad he was gone.

Sing out clr & strong & d wrld

wiL *S* w U

Believe in Yourself• Believe in yourself and the

world will believe in you too– Ronald Durkin said she made

her snowflake the wrong way– But she knew she had made

the most beautiful one of all and everyone believed it

BlEv n yorself &

d wrld wiL BlEv n

U t%

Define: Bullying• Bullying is behavior that : – Is intended to cause mental

distress and/or physical harm– Exists in a relationship in

which there is an imbalance of power and strength

– Is repeated over time

Bullying S behavr dats intendD 2 cauZ mNtL distress n.or fizikL harm, exists ina R/Ship n wich there's an imbalance of pwr n str, n S repEted ovr tym

Types of Bullying• Direct Bullying– Aggressive– Indirect– Intimidation

• Indirect– Social Alienation



Physical Aggression


Physical Aggression

Physical Aggression




Physical Aggression


Physical Aggression

Physical acts that are demeaning and humiliating

but are not physically harmful

Physical Aggression

Verbal Aggression


Verbal Aggression


Verbal Aggression

Dirty Looks

Verbal Aggression


Verbal Aggression

Teasing about

clothes or possessions

Verbal Aggression

Teasing about


Verbal Aggression

Verbal threats of violence


Threatening to reveal personal


Strategies to Stay Bully-Free

Walk, act and look confident

Hold your head up, stand up straight,

and make eye contact

Strategies to Stay Bully-Free

Be assertive Say “STOP IT!”Say “Leave me


Strategies to Stay Bully-Free

Stay calm

Strategies to Stay Bully-Free

Use Humor

Strategies to Stay Bully-Free

Practice one-line

comebacks ahead of time

Strategies to Stay Bully-Free

Say “Whatever”

Strategies to Stay Bully-Free

Use “I messages”

“I do not like being treated

this way.”

Strategies to Stay Bully-Free

Be with other kids

Ex. hall, lunch, recess

Strategies to Stay Bully-Free

Be observant

Strategies to Stay Bully-Free

Walk away

Strategies to Stay Bully-Free

Tell your friends/classmates

what happened and ask if they saw

the incident

Strategies to Stay Bully-Free

Tell adults if the problem

does not stop

Strategies to Stay Bully-Free

Golden RuleTeach others how to

treat you. We all deserve to be treated


Treat others the way you want to be


Get HelpIf these things do

not work and things are getting

out of hand. Go to a teacher or adult

for help.

Literature Connection

When you read Shredderman: Secret

Identity this year think about Nolan

and how he handled bullying situations.

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