how is the relationship between the spanish and native-americans depicted in this picture?

Post on 22-Jan-2016






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How is the relationship between the Spanish And Native-Americans depicted in this picture?. How is the relationship between the Spanish And Native-Americans depicted in this picture?. Now Compare and Contrast the Two pictures. Picture #1. Picture #2. Exploration. The Good and not so Good. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


How is the relationship between the Spanish And Native-Americans depicted in this picture?

How is the relationship between the Spanish And Native-Americans depicted in this picture?

Now Compare and Contrast the Two pictures

Picture #1 Picture #2


The Good and not so Good

Imagine• You’ve only heard stories

– Filled with myths• Sea monsters, prehistoric animals, cannibals

• The Navigation is questionable– Sure advancements have made it better, but still– On top of that, a lot is based on celestial navigation

• The stars• Many have gone, and many have not returned• The lands and seas you are going to are unknown• You’ll be the first yes, but who knows that when your dead• But still you set sail• WHY?????


• The opportunity to bring riches to your nation• The opportunity to have it named after you• The opportunity to be the first• The opportunity to be Rich and Famous• People may love baseball, basketball, football,

soccer, volleyball– But they play it for that chance to make it to the

bigs• To roll in paper, Escalades, and be on Cribs!!!

Why the Early Explores Left

• First– Short route to spices of India and China

• Second– GOLD!!!

The Good

• There are various famous explorers• Some who discovered• Some who went to continue discoveries• Some who went to get rich on discoveries

Christopher Columbus

• Tried to sell his Indies voyage to various empires– England, France turned

him down• Dumb

– Spain backed him• Good

• Set sail Aug. 1492 landed Oct.12, 1492– San Salvador Island

Ferdinand Magellan

• Portugese• Circumnavigation of the

globe• Discovered the Straits

of Magellan– Route through South

America– Avoids more dangerous

Cape Horn

• Died on Journey

Hernan Cortes

• Spanish• Arrived in New World in

1504• Put in charge of

exploration of Mexican interior

• Defeats Aztecs


Francisco Pizzaro

• Spanish• Arrives in New World in

1502• Explores West Coast of

South America• Defeats Incas

Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca

• Lands in Florida as part of the Naraez expedition– Hurricane destroys ships– Only three survive

• Makes way to Mexico– Actually makes it

• First European to cross the Southern US and its tribes– Survived as a healer

Columbian Exchange

What the Spanish Brought• A. The Cross

– Forced conversions of Native Americans• B. Protections

– Pueblo Indians now had protection from Los Indios Bravos• C. Animals

– HorsesCows• D. Men

– Spanish families did not come to the New World– Spanish Men (conquistadors) did– Intermixing of Native-American women and Spanish men

• E. New foods– Originally from Arabia, brought to Spain by Muslims, brought to the

America’s by Spanish• Papaya, Avocado, Apples, wheat, potatoes, etc.

The Bad

• How these men and discoveries are seen today paint these events in much darker lights

• Focuses– Slavery– Destruction of cultures – Disease• Smallpox, Influenza, etc.

– Wide spread death


• Today Columbus is seen in two lights– Hero– Villian/Fraud

• Hero– Discovered America and exploration

• Villan/Fraud– Never actually set foot in America’s– 3 million Indians inhabited lands before he arrived

• 0 remained by 1550– Slavery

Columbus Day

• Celebrate it or not?• Activists say no– Celebration of Death and Slavery

• Preservationists– The discovery and journey is worth celebrating

• Italians– Part of heritage and history

• Historians– Celebration of something that never happened

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