how effective s the combination of your main

Post on 04-Aug-2015






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1. How effective s the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? Fiona Chastney 2. BRAND IDENTITY W hat is brand identity? This is when a business wants a brand's name, communication style, logo and other visual elements to be perceived by consumers. The components of the brand are created by the business itself, making brand identity the way in which a business wants consumers to perceive its brands, not necessarily how it is actually perceived. 'Paranormal Activity': A marketing campaign so ingenious it's scaryWe took great inspiration and based all three of our marketing products on The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity. When researching Paranormal Activity as a group we noticed that the way they marketed this film enabled it to escalate very quickly and become a huge hit in no time. This was surprising as it only cost $15,000 to produce but managed to make billions when it hit the box office after its release. They did this by starting with small cinema screenings and as word got out about how this a true story it became a worldwide hit. Another unique selling point that shows brand identity was through social media. This massively contributed to the makers success as it was advertised and shared between people online reaching out to many who wouldnt have heard of it beforehand and this was at no extra cost as it was online. The use of the web meant that a film that because it had been knocking about around film festivals and caught attention by DreamWorks, using it for people to choose to have it in their hometown screened increased popularity. The individuality that had not been seen since Blair witch of home video style was very new again and caught attention of many new and fresh fans increasing the popularity leading to worldwide craze for this film. 3. How were colours, fonts, star images and taglines used in Blair witch Poster? Colours- This red symbol instantly stands out from the black and white background. It suggests to audience that it is key relevance in the film and connotes danger due to bold red colour as red its widely used in horror as it typically associated with death and is very easy to connect with the film once seen which gives it an individual identities. Also the black trees suggests its set in a forest and with the surrounding black implies they are they for a long time.Tagline- The tagline is very important as it gives away a hint to the film. For Blair witch it gives you part of the story and you instantly know that its based on true story with the date on the poster in the tagline. Underneath this it tell you a year later the footage was found This unique selling point entices the audience in and creates more and more attraction to watching the real footage when really it is based and exaggerated.Star Images- This image of the girl looking very terrified on the poster is very dominant out of everything and is the first thing that you predominantly see. It has a very effective feel on the poster as the eyes stare straight out to whoever is looking which connects you the film as you can empathise the fear and danger that this character will be put it and pulls you in to want to watch it.The red web address at the bottom that stands out from all the billing but this links you to the their website which gives you more insight to film and you can find out about the story and who created it. Fonts- The Blair witch project title is very bold in bright white and stands out on the dark demonic background. Its a traditional style of font and is quite basic but I feel very effective and you instantly see it and the title is one of the main things that catches your eye. 4. How were colours, fonts, star images and taglines used in our poster? Colours- we stuck to the black and white them as we felt it was much more effective than colour as it catches the eye a lot more and lets the title stand out for the audience to notice. We added fading to show a face through the which is very pale white but you adds a better effect because it is black and white.Fonts- The main title is in capitals and is spaced over the whole poster so is very difficult to miss for the eye. It stands out a lot because of the white and black background. Its red signifies danger and possible death and also it is a classic style but not to bold that it takes over the posters but clear enough you can identify it from other films.As we thought Blair witch Project poster was very effective and we took inspiration from their film, we also took the same approach when making our Posters and used the same techniques to create this.Star image- This image, like Blair witch is very dominant on the poster and the eyes are the first thing that hit you and connate significant fear and danger . It blends into the background but you can tell this person is one of the main characters and something happens to her which is a great selling point for the audience.Taglines-Unlike other horror film posters, we do not have a tagline to identify the brand in this way but we do have reviews with high rating that give the audience an instant opinion because of who has said how good the film is. We added stars to this create that film is excellent and is must see movie of the year attracting more and even a different audience to judge for themselves 5. How were colours, fonts, star images and taglines used on our paranormal magazine? Star image- We used two images Colours- we thought it was be best to add a lot of colour onto our magazine as if it was in a shop it would have to stand out as much as possible from the rest of the magazines. We used very bright colours that would stand out over the picture and to catch the eye as it s a special edition. The use of red again is bold and connects to the poster colours. We didnt think using the black and white theme again would feel right for this type of marketing.Paranormal is not a film magazine, this is why we made it a movie edition to attract a bigger audience, especially as the film is paranormal which links to the magazine a lot.because we felt that one picture of the main character on the poster didnt look right for the front cover., so we added a picture from the woods to draw the audience in to question this choice. As it was supposed to be real footage found in the woods, we couldnt have official and professional photos as it was supposed to keep in keeping the idea of the film brand identity. The image is very strong but doesnt give away a lot so encourages the audience to buy it. Font- All the font is the same on the cover, bold and in capitals. The font for our title is a deep red and black in keeping with the rest of the promotion. We wanted to create our own identity by using these colours for all that we did so it was easy to relate and connect with our film. 6. How were colours, fonts, star images and taglines used in our teaser trailer? We stuck to black and white for our teaser trailer and toned down the images to create a creepy and haunting effect like they do in other horror films to keep with the genre conventions , like Blair witch and paranormal activity, they used relatively dark colours.For the short story intro, we took this idea from B.W because it worked well to understand what the film is about as it is old footage . The font is Ariel bold and is white that stands out on the black background very well. The other font is the small titles telling us who is the director and from the makers of what other films and this is in a light colour that shows up well on the dark background.Brand identity is essential for the teaser as it creates individuality that draws in more audience that creates profit and because of film research this is what we tried to do. 7. How these elements appeal to our target audience We initially set out for our target market to be aimed at older teens to middle 20s that loved horror and were either boy or girl that also like both music and speech equally. All these elements appeal to our target market because we feel that we achieved this. Our film aim was to be gripping and interesting due to being recovered footage and because we made this clear in the trailer it entices people to want to watch it especially as we give detail and not too much away. There also is intense sounds whilst also parts of dialogue. We made sure that this could be reach our target audience by getting out onto social media which is why we used links to websites and put them on our poster. The colour also attracts our target audience because It is bright, eye catching and modern. The tagline seems very believable and the audience we aimed our film at would very easily believe this which would create great hype around The proceedings.

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