how does your music video challenge conventions

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?

Alex Chenery-HowesOCR Advanced Portfolio in Media Studies

Student No: 297675

I have incorporated aspects of what I have learnt from my A Level Film Studies creative project onto my music video, here is an example (inspired by the plug shot in Psycho) of using mise-en-scene to create meaning and establish the mood

This clip was inspired by the idea ofsubtle subliminal messaging to emphasisethe main elements behind the video. Theidea was taken from Fight Club, whichincludes inserted split images ofpornography. The idea of doing this was to disrupt the narrative and surprise the audience.

This scene was inspired by the movieThe Tracey Fragments, which was filmed entirely in Mondrian-style splitscreen. The idea of filming the same event from different angles and editingthem together w as inspired by thecamerawork in City Of God, a focus filmin my A Level Film Studies module ofPower, Poverty and Conflict.

As an entirely solo project, I had to do staticcamera shots whilst acting in front, I shot the same scenes multiple times in varying degrees of focus and edited them together to create a blurring-fade effect

I wanted to show directly how my research into influential music videos,this scene plays around with the GoodwinPrinciple of voyeurism and media productsand is also directly influenced by the AphexTwin Come To Daddy music video

In my Film Studies module ofSpectatorship and Early Cinema 1895-1917I was influenced by the term Cinema Of Attractions,a style that included breaking the fourth wall as a method of directly interacting with the audience.It also abides by the Goodwin convention of including closeups of the lead singer.

In my A Level Sociology module of the Mass MediaI was interested in learning the impact of the mediaon our day to day lives, and I have attempted to intertwinethe academic and analytical perspective on the media I havelearnt in Sociology with my creative productive skills I have learntin Media. The idea of the character worshipping the TV wasloosely based on this, the costume inspired by the burial shroudsand cloaks seen in Joy Division’s Atmosphere video.

In my study of Goodwin principles and of Postmodernism, I was influencedto construct the mise-en-scene in a way that included intertextual referencesto inspirational media products. This could have been including bandmerchandise such as the Ramones keychain.

Despite the unconventional, experimental nature of my music video, Ithink that it abides by many of the conventions of traditional media products, for example, showing a relationship between the music and thevisuals. I knew that in order to make a successful music video, it had to be cut to the beat. I also experimented with speed, making the cuts morefrequent and making the cinematography faster in order to co-ordinatewith the increasing pace of the song.

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