how do you prevent gout and uric acid development

Post on 07-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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DESCRIPTION Gout occurs when uric acid in the blood stream becomes too concentrated.


How Do You Prevent Gout And Uric Acid Development

Gout and uric acid go hand in hand.

Gout occurs when uric acid in the blood stream becomes too concentrated.

Once the concentration of uric acid reaches a certain level it cannot stay

dissolved in the blood.

When this happens the uric acid crystallizes out of the blood in the form of monosodium urate monohydrate.

That’s a bit of a mouthful so let’s stick with “uric acid crystals”.

Read on to learn more, and also about how diet and weight loss may help reduce the

likelihood of further gout attacks.

Alternatively, you could watch the video below.

These uric acid crystals are tiny needle-shaped crystals, between 5 and 25 microns in length.

A micron is one millionth of a millimetre.

When they crystallize out of the blood they deposit into soft tissues, usually around the joints.

These crystals are seen as foreign bodies in your system, and as a result your system

tries to get rid of them.

It does this by triggering an inflammatory response, much as it would if you had

contracted a bacterial infection.

The inflammatory response is swift and severe, as any gout sufferer can attest.

The inflammatory cells try to digest the uric acid crystals by using enzymes.

These inflammatory cells are about 12-15 microns in length so are often smaller than the

crystals they are trying to destroy.

Sometimes the inflammatory cells themselves may actually break down while

trying to destroy the crystals.

When this happens the enzymes can be released from the cell which will usually trigger

even more of an inflammatory response.

The vast majority of people who have an acute gout attack will have had high

concentrations of uric acid for several years before their first attack.

And because the first gout attack normally comes and goes quite quickly, many

people do not realize that they have an underlying medical condition.

If someone has had an attack of gout and uric acid levels remain high, then that person is very likely to have another attack at some

point in time.

Even if you have already had gout and uric acid levels remain high, you may not be

experiencing gout symptoms.

But you can be sure that the uric acid crystals are still forming and still depositing

into your soft tissues.

And it will only be a matter of time before you have another gout attack.

Often a second gout attack will happen in a completely different joint.

So if you have gout and uric acid levels are high, what can you do about it?

While there may be some specific medical issues causing high uric acid levels

(which might be genetic or related to other disorders such as kidney disorders) often the

cause may be as simple as diet.

But don’t forget that you should be seeing your doctor to make sure that it is not

something more serious.

A doctor may also consider prescribing medication which can help keep your

uric acid levels down.

Being overweight is strongly associated with gout.

Many studies have shown that just by losing weight a gout sufferer can reduce the likelihood

of future attacks.

But you have to be careful that you don’t have rapid weight loss, as this may actually cause you

more problems and may trigger a gout attack.

Uric acid is a by-product of the digestion of foods high in purines.

A purine is a type of molecule similar to some of the most essential chemicals in the body.

Essentially they form a part of your DNA, and are also vital for providing energy for

bodily functions.

Some foods are a lot higher in purines than others, and eating too many of these high-purine foods can lead to increased uric acid production.

This occurs when there is too much purine in the system, and not all of it can be converted to ATP

which is the main energy source for the body.

It so happens that many of the low purine foods are actually quite healthy for you (eg fruit and many vegetables) and many of the high purine

foods might be regarded as “unhealthy”.

So as a consequence of switching to a low purine diet, you may find that you naturally lose weight as well, hence reducing one of the

other high risk factors for gout.

Gout and uric acid are very closely related.

If you have suffered from gout then you can be certain that you have high uric acid levels.

However it is important to note that other conditions may lead to gout-like symptoms,

and it is always important to talk to a medical professional about your health issues.

Read more about gout diet

For more details and information to get rid of gout forever,


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