how cloud, mobile and big data will change accounting

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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How Cloud, Mobile and Big Data

Will Change Accounting

Accounting firms nowadays are looking to

expand their client services so as to increase their businesses growth.

The main frame of

achieving this goal is improving efficiency. It’s getting harder to ignore

the possible outcomes in revenue and efficiency that can be availed with

the updated use of technology.

Use of Cloud,

Mobile, and Big

Data is not just a trend, but a proven way to increase the

return to your efforts.

It's found that searching for documents and other nonproductive activities

costs firms nearly $4,000 in lost productivity per employee each month.

This is where Big Data comes in, Big data is a

term for data sets that are so large or complex that

traditional data processing applications are inadequate to deal

with them.

These days 90% of businesses have at least a “moderate”

investment in analytical technologies, talent

accusation, infrastructure, and processes, with the

majority of executives referring big data as a measure for achieving competitive advantage.

The undeniable growth of the cloud computing has enabled even the most reluctant industries to

embrace the benefits of the cloud.

In the recent research, it was found that "not only

company-mandated tools were used by fewer than half of respondents, they

were regularly being circumvented in ways that

undermine security and productivity, which in the end costs firms—not only

in terms of time wasted but in billable time lost."

Use of Cloud Computing can simplify

workflows, increase engagement of the

client and make it easy to access the data from anywhere at any time and virtually on any



According to a recent Harris Poll, "90% of IT decision makers view enterprise mobility as critical to customer

engagement, competitiveness, and

operational productivity. Further, 87 percent reported enterprise mobility as critical to

their company’s profitability."

Organizations with a mobile-based

strategy can attract filtered talent and

ultimately be successful in

retaining more business.

About us

Real Time Cloud Services offers a comprehensive range of cloud solutions like application hosting , managed hosting, hosted PBX, dedicated servers to its valued

customers helping them achieve their business objectives by providing innovative best in class virtual office solution.

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