how can i make housetraining my puppy easier

Post on 24-Jan-2017






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How Can I Make Housetraining Easier?

Housetraining Your Puppy

Having a puppy can bring joy to any home, but your puppy requires some housetraining first.

House training can require a lot of patience because the first few attempts can end up rough. 

Housetraining Your Puppy

It is important to keep your consistency throughout the entire process. 

Be consistent in terms of giving rewards for every good deed done.

But, it is important not to expect too much as well.

At 2months, you can pretty much control his bladder for a couple of hours and will continue to improve as he gets older.

Housetraining Your Puppy

Like any other youngster, keep close watch on your puppy when you are at home. 

Watch them closely to prevent accidents and watch for signs that can indicate that he needs to poop, like sniffing and walking in circles.

Housetraining Your Puppy

When this happens, take him outside to let him poop or pee.

You can also try taking him out every hour to give him opportunities to do these things outside.

If your puppy does not pee nor poop outside, immediately take him back inside. 

This way, you let your puppy know what you are expecting him to do everytime you take him out.

Housetraining Your PuppyMake sure to always lead him to the same place outside. 

You can also try to use a “potty” phrase. 

Eventually, saying that phrase will tell him go to his ‘place’ and do his thing.

Housetraining Your Puppy

Establishing routines is important during housetraining.

One example to this is a regular schedule of meals. 

Of course, for every good behavior that your puppy does, remember to keep the praises and the rewards coming. 

Housetraining Your Puppy

When you have to go away for work, your puppy is left alone in your home. 

Keep him confined in a crate to avoid going home to a mess. 

Take your puppy out immediately when you get home and take him outside to poop or pee.

Housetraining Your Puppy

The work you have to put into all these will determine the result you will reap after a long training process. 

Remember to be consistent during training with rewards and praises.

Thanks for watching!

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