how can a best cardiologist in hyderabad help lower causes of heart attack?

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Overview of Heart disease scenario in IndiaWith more than 70% of the Indian population facing the risk of heart disease, the country is all set to become the coronary heart illness and global diabetes capital.Unfortunately, heart diseases are mostly caused due to bad habits and sedentary lifestyle.Although the risk for the disease can be substantially controlled by changing diet and increasing physical activity, managing stress levels can be difficult.

How the heart attack does occurs?The Heart muscles require oxygen for survival. When the oxygen enriched blood supply to the heart is severely reduced or in some cases completely cut off, it leads to heart attack. Studies indicate that most of the people die of coronary heart disease(CHD) because the heart muscles could not get adequate blood supply.That is why, whenever you feel any ache or pain in your heart you must consult your nearest cardiologist.

Does an attack damage your heart permanently?When your heart receives an attack, the heart muscles suffer from injury because of loss of blood supply. The damage can vary depending upon the intensity of heart attack and the size of the area blocked.

When the heart muscles heal from a heart attack, it forms a scar and takes more than a few weeks for complete healing.

However, since it is damaged, the heart becomes weak and loses its capability to pump blood as usual. Even then, you can reverse the working capacity of the heart by making lifestyle changes and proper treatment.

Recovering from Heart attack

You can recover from heart attack, enjoy real life and live long.

According to medical study, it takes around eight weeks for the heart to recover completely.

However, again, the extent of damage to the heart muscles decides how efficiently the blood is pumped all through the body and the amount of loss of function depends on the location and size of the scar tissue.

A best cardiologist can help you to understand the ways to implement lifestyle changes in daily life and improve quality of life.

Many people wonder whether most of the chest pain is related to heart attack . The answer is no.

More than heart attack the chest pain you suffer is more often due to angina or angina pectoris.

The major difference between a heart attack and angina is that it does not permanently damage the heart muscles and mostly can occur when you are under emotional stress or exercising, and your body is in the requirement of more blood and oxygen for the muscle.

Even though, angina chest pain is not a heart attack; it is an indication that your heart has become weak and needed attention.

Risk factors for CHD and Heart attackSmoking DietHigh blood pressureDiabetesObese or overweight Lack of exerciseAlcoholAge and sexFamily historyEthnicityAir pollution


Preventing Heart attackBe responsible to your healthUnderstand risk of heart attackAvoid second-hand smokeKeep blood pressure under control Keep a Tab on cholesterol levelsLimit calorie intakeExercise dailyDo not be DoctorControl stress levels

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