how business discovery is transforming reporting, analysis

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July 2012


How Business Discovery is Transforming Reporting, Analysis and Dashboards for NHS Trusts | 2


QlikView is used by more than 162 NHS Trusts to analyse and report on data from multiple critical systems. It gives non-technical users the answers they need to be more productive, efficient and effective, and promotes total visibility across all functions and departments. QlikView helps clinicians and managers with their day-to-day tasks by providing reliable, up-to-date information.

Drawing data from disparate sources and presenting it for real-time analysis, QlikView allows users to drill down to individual patient level for a clear and detailed view of performance. The multi-layered security model allows access to be restricted by rank, role or department, maintaining absolute patient data confidentiality while ensuring that everyone has access to the information that supports their function. Patterns and trends can be seen at a glance. Problems can be flagged early. QlikView compels users to take action by arming them with the facts.

Sample Clinical QlikView Dashboards include:

• 18 Week Wait Time Analysis

• Resource Planning

• A&E Performance Monitoring

• Theatre Management

• Patient Pathway Tracking (Incorporating Social Care)

• Workforce Performance & Accreditation Analysis

• Procurement Analysis

• Managerial Board Reporting

• Geographical Analysis on Community Care, Ambulance Response & GP performance

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Sample NHS Customers

• Barnsley Primary Care Trust

• Basingstoke and North Hants NHS Foundation Trust

• Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

• Calderstones NHS Trust

• Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust

• Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust

• Carmarthenshire NHS Trust

• Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust

• Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Trust

• Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust

• Ealing Hospital NHS Trust East

• Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust

• Kent and Medway NHS Trust

• Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Trust

• Medway NHS Foundation Trust

• Newham University Hospital NHS Trust

• NHS Bedfordshire PCT

• NHS Direct

• NHS Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery

• Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

• Norfolk and Waveney Mental Health Foundation Trust

• North West Strategic Health Authority

• Papworth NHS Foundation Trust

• Poole Hospital NHS Trust

• Royal Berkshire Hospital

• Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust

• Royal Surrey County Hospital

• Salford Royal Foundation NHS Trust

• Sandwell Mental Health NHS Trust

• Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust

• South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

• St Helens & Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust

• Stockport NHS Foundation Trust

• Stockport Primary Care Trust

• University Hospitals of Coventry and Warks NHS Trust

• West Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust

• Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Trust

• Yorkshire and The Humberside CPC

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Business Discovery: The QlikView Difference

The QlikView Business Discovery platform delivers true self-service BI that empowers business users by driving innovative decision-making. It enables business users to understand their businesses in brand new ways by:

• Consolidating relevant data from multiple sources into a single application

• Exploring the associations in your data

• Enabling social decision making through secure, real-time collaboration

• Visualizing data with engaging, state-of-the-art graphics

• Searching across all data—directly and indirectly

• Interacting with dynamic apps, dashboards and analytics

• Accessing, analyzing and capturing data from mobile devices

QlikView is the world’s first associative, in-memory Business Discovery platform. It enables business users to assemble data from multiple sources, explore it, make discoveries, and uncover insights that enable them to solve business problems in new ways. QlikView works the way the mind works. Users conduct searches and interact with dynamic dashboards and analytics from any device. They ask and answer streams of questions on their own and in groups and teams. They forge new paths to insight and decision.

In the NHS, as in other sectors, QlikView spreads readily through organisations because it solves significant problems that other BI solutions cannot address. IT’s task is simply to assemble and deliver data, then enable self-service BI.

QlikTech is the only vendor among those Gartner categorises as “data discovery vendors” to make it into the Leaders quadrant in the 2011 Magic Quadrant for BI Platforms.

The QlikView Difference: Rapid Adoption

QlikView delivers an unparalleled self-service BI experience that combines data extraction, querying, analysis, apps and reports – into a single business user-driven platform.

Thanks to a truly intuitive user interface, application developers can be rapidly trained to deliver complex analysis tools. The QlikView approach to analysis not only allows you to connect to a broader array of data sources, but also removes the need for the data warehousing and preordained data ‘cubes’ that make traditional BI so slow, complex and costly. With QlikView, fully interactive BI apps, developed for your specific needs, can often be delivered in days and weeks instead of months.

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QlikView in Action: Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust


Faced with difficulties around automation, and struggling to make other BI solutions achieve the outcomes needed, Colchester wrote a plan for a “smarter, sharper, more intelligent way of reporting.”


The Trust bought a QlikView server and licences in 2011 and began developing applications in-house. From an initial 26 users, the deployment is now the fastest growing in the UK, reaching 365 licences and with a further 200 on the way. Using a single dataset, applications cover cancer waits, A&E CQIs, readmissions, length of stay and theatre utilisation. Rollout and adoption has been helped by the Trust’s ‘launch and tweak’ approach, which spurs development by showing users what’s possible so they can define their needs more clearly and quickly.


• New way of looking at data – QlikView allows deeper querying, encouraging users to explore the reasons behind events like wait-time breaches

• Time savings – For example: a suite of reports that used to take 200–231 hours to produce is now completed in 53–54hours.

• Senior engagement – QlikView is used from ward right up to deputy chief executive level on a daily basis

• Rapid rollout – Easier to launch applications and get buy-in

“QlikView’s ease of use encourages users to explore deeper, for example drilling down from wait-time breaches to types of admissions. It kicks off discovery every day. It’s a paradigm shift in the way we look at things.”

– Orlando Agrippa, Associate Director Business Informatics (Analysis), Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust

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Clinical Solutions DPS

QlikView helps clinicians and managers with their day-to-day tasks by providing reliable, up-to-date information.

Drawing data from disparate sources and presenting it for real-time analysis, QlikView allows users to drill down to individual patient level for a clear and detailed view of performance. The multi-layered security model allows access to be restricted by rank, role or department, maintaining absolute patient data confidentiality while ensuring that everyone has access to the information that supports their function.

The result? Patterns and trends can be seen at a glance. Problems can be flagged early. QlikView compels users to take action by arming them with the facts.

Trusts like Cambridge University Hospitals, Newham University Hospital and Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital are all benefiting from improved clinical reporting and dashboards thanks to QlikView.

Sample clinical applications include:

• 18-Week Wait Time Analysis

• Resource Planning

• A&E Performance Monitoring

• Theatre Management

• Patient Pathway Tracking

“We have found that [QlikView] allows clinicians to manage their data and substantially reduces lead time for reporting. Managers have the information at their fingertips. It has engaged clinicians and given them assurance that key targets and standards are being met.”

–Janet King, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

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Finance and Management DPS

Finance and Management Solutions

QlikView pulls together disparate data to create fast, accurate reports that demonstrate a single version of the truth. It delivers dramatic, valuable insights into financial performance, P&L improvements, patient-level costing/service line reporting and suppliers – all from one platform, and in minutes, not days.

With QlikView, users can go from high-level costs to individual line item detail in seconds. This ability to truly understand what makes up the high-level numbers means you can make the right decisions more quickly and with more certainty than ever before.

The North West NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub deployed QlikView to consolidate data from 45 financial and purchasing systems – a project which took less than 12 weeks to implement. QlikView has since delivered procurement cost savings of £33 million and freed up hundreds of hours previously spent on manual reporting and analysis.

Typical finance and management applications include:

• Patient Level Costing/Service Line Reporting

• General Ledger, AP and AR

• Suppliers

• Cost Centre Analysis

“The difference is the speed at which we can manage huge masses of data. QlikView blows the Excel pivot tables we used to use out of the water. It produces single reports from multiple systems and data sources and its visual presentation is better than anything else we’ve seen.”

–Adam Davies, Senior System Development Manager, South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

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Board Level Reporting

Senior NHS staff often have to make decisions based on monthly reporting. QlikView’s ease of use and timeliness means leaders can gain insights from data that’s just hours old – or even real-time.

The intuitive visual design of QlikView applications makes them ideal for non-expert users. To kick-start adoption, IT staff in charge of QlikView deployments can, for example, email screenshots highlighting areas of interest and focus. With pointers like this, senior staff are easily encouraged to explore data further, often finding unexpected insights. Regular – or even constant – data refreshes mean applications can be set to flag up areas of concern as soon as triggers are reached. For managers without access to the application, QlikView can automatically generate PDF reports that highlight issues and help guide fast decision-making.

As well as putting deeper, more up-to-date insights into the hands of board-level people, QlikView saves on the time and cost of reporting. Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust spent approximately 200 hours to produce a single suite of reports, in an expensive manual process. Using QlikView, the same reports take around one-quarter of the time to produce, efficiency saving of over £40,000 per year on this suite of reports alone. The Trust’s board now depends on QlikView to understand how their business is performing.

QlikView supports the balanced scorecard view of performance too, generating transparent views that help Trusts communicate their strategies and visualise performance.

“I believe, quite simply, that the combination of your team and QlikView technology plus our team working together on a balanced scorecard for hospital management has produced the best of its kind I have ever seen in the world – and I have examined hospitals in 18 countries! I saw something similar in Boston about 2-3 years ago, but your product is so superior that it really makes management for clinicians (i.e. getting hands-on doctors and nurses to manage) so much easier. I believe that we have a winning combination that has a huge future.”

–Gareth Goodier, Chief Executive, Addenbrooke’s Hospital

“At any time we can see income and expenditure for service lines, even getting a P&L for each patient. We’re linked into the external data feeds so we can benchmark against peers too.”

–Darran Hague, Head of Corporate Information, St Helens & Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust

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QlikView in Action: South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust


South Devon sought a solution for better service line reporting. The Trust wanted deeper insights into how finance ties into its activities, and the ability to provide reporting and costing at patient level.


Using the Trust’s data warehouse, QlikView is now beginning to provide the reporting front end for service line reporting across the business. But it’s also added value for the Trust in several other ways. An income mapping application provides a visual display of income sources and helps analyse threats based around Any Qualified Provider. Its Procurement Dashboard brings together data from the Agresso system with NHS logistics data to give a detailed view of procurement spend. And its Pathology Dashboard manipulates massive quantities of data to help the department balance its workload.

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• Speed – QlikView manipulates large data volumes quickly, significantly faster than the Excel pivot tables it relied on before.

• Ease of interpretation – South Devon considers QikView’s visual presentation to be better than anything else available.

• No need for external consultancy – Applications can easily be developed in house.

• Clearer view of finance – Service line reporting gives insights that help drive down costs.

QlikView in Action: St Helens & Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust


Initially looking for a fast and reliable service line reporting tool, St Helens & Knowsley rapidly saw the potential of QlikView throughout the Trust.


The Trust’s three-strong team of in-house QlikView developers began by creating a service line reporting application that has ‘totally transformed’ the way the trust looks at data. It can show income and expenditure all the way from specialty to patient level. And it shows both managers and consultants exactly what’s happening at any given moment, a radical departure from the previous monthly reporting cycle. The Trust went on to develop applications for A&E, radiology and pathology and has now developed benchmarking reports to analyse performance against peer organisations and carry out what if analysis. It’s currently building in mapping to provide patient information for marketing.


• Single source of information -- Although it started with service line reporting, QlikView is now the Trust’s principal information source

• Up to date reporting – The Trust can see income, expenditure and performance data at any moment, on-demand.

• Breaks down barriers – Consultants and clinicians can see data directly, which helps improve quality and information cycles.

• Time saving – QlikView has dramatically reduced information requests to the corporate information department, freeing up resource.

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QlikView in Action: NHS Direct


With 7.6m contacts a year and 33 call centres, NHS Direct is data-rich. It needed a tool to analyse and publish information from its data warehouse quickly, efficiently and – where possible – automatically.


Choosing QlikView, which was ‘head and shoulders’ above other solutions, NHS Direct rapidly developed in-house expertise then polled the requirements of 400 potential dashboard users. Its first application, developed in less than one week, “really struck a chord” with users who were impressed with updates every 15 minutes, the ability to drill into individual performance and the wealth of history it made available. NHS Direct also uses QlikView for ‘proactive reporting’, using the Publisher feature to send PDF reports by email when areas of the business are getting close to failure points.


• Identifying issues proactively – QlikView alerts managers to potential problems, saving them from searching reports to spot problems.

• Easy to navigate – QlikView’s ease of use encourages more exploration

• In-house development – Building in-house expertise is a quick and painless process.

• Reduced risk of error – No need to transfer data between applications

• Faster and more efficient – QlikView analyses and reports on data for NHS Direct more quickly and accessibly than before.


New NHS structures mean high levels of complexity. There’s a greater need than ever before to make sense of large volumes of dynamic data from different sources. QlikView excels at this task, helping NHS organisations to understand customers and costs.

South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust originally implemented QlikView for more effective service line reporting. Sitting on top of the Trust’s data warehouse, it answers a critical question: how does our financing tie in with our activities? With QlikView the Trust can see costing down to the level of an individual patient.

However South Devon has gone deeper with QlikView. It has developed an income mapping application that leverages mapping software to visualise its sources of income. This helps analyse threats based around Any Qualified Provider and shows where its income is vulnerable to competition.

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Its procurement application collates data from the Agresso system with NHS logistics data to create an overall view of procurement spend: contracts, carriage charges, supplier details and stock analysis.

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Implementing QlikView


QlikTech and our certified partners can provide an extensive and flexible training solution to suit the needs of your organisation. You can rapidly learn how to harness the power of QlikView and put it to work for your organisation with our classroom- based, on-site training and online programs. Training courses are tailored to the specific needs of each Trust to deliver the maximum value in the shortest time possible.


QlikView is radically easier and faster to deploy than traditional OLAP solutions. Most organisations find they can be up and running in a few weeks. In addition, QlikView deployments tend to be iterative – we work with extremely fast cycle times to create exactly the solution the customer requires. QlikTech has a global team of consultants, supplemented by our Deploy Partners, available to install and configure the QlikView software for QlikView customers. Our team is available to provide any level of assistance required, whether you need us to deliver the project in its entirety or only require remote support for an in-house implementation.


QlikTech provides telephone, email and online support at every stage of engagement. Another resource our customers find useful is QlikCommunity (www. – a virtual meeting place where QlikView users from all over the world can share ideas, get expert advice, explore sample applications and watch bite-sized video tutorials on a range of topics. We are always on hand to help you get the best possible value from your system, from developing new solutions to helping you engage end-users.

Challenge QlikView

Powerful, flexible analysis is within reach. QlikView is uniquely capable of delivering rapid results – and we can prove it. Give us just 3 hours and, using your own data, we’ll show you specific views, reports and dashboards you’ve never seen before. Demonstrations are completely risk-, cost- and obligation-free. Call 01926 458888, contact your QlikView supplier to arrange a demonstration or visit The power and simplicity of QlikView really does have to be seen to be believed.

© 2012 QlikTech International AB. All rights reserved. QlikTech, QlikView, Qlik, Q, Simplifying Analysis for Everyone, Power of Simplicity, New Rules, The Uncontrollable Smile and other QlikTech products and services as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of QlikTech International AB. All other company names, products and services used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The information published herein is subject to change without notice. This publication is for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and QlikTech shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to this publication. The only warranties for QlikTech products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting any additional warranty.

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