how about some new innovations in traffic safety

Post on 12-Feb-2017






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How About Some New Innovations in Traffic Safety

The number one concern for pedestrian’s in any country is their traffic safety.

Sadly, United States transportation infrastructure is overly concerned about

accommodating cars more than its people.

And that’s detrimental.

People’s lives are at risk and statistics can attest to that.

Pedestrian fatalities and injuries are on the rise owing to car crashes being at an

all-time high.

To enhance people’s safety on the streets, cities are now employing new innovations

in traffic safety.

This post will examine innovations and technologies designed to help save

pedestrians lives and to enhance their safety.

Incidentally, these innovations represent just a few of the many reliable

technologies you can find in the traffic safety market today.

Good thing the Internet has popularized some of these innovations since most

people are not aware of their existence.

Traffic Safety and the Mobileye Advanced Driver Assistance System

Mobileye is the producer of this driver-focused technology that helps drivers

avoid accidents.

What the advanced driver assistance system does is to warn drivers of

imminent accidents.

It alerts drivers when other cars, cyclists or pedestrians are dangerously close.

It’s a user-friendly innovation that also alerts drivers when they veer out of their


It even reads traffic signs.

It’s an in-car traffic safety device that comes with a camera.

Mobileye relays recorded pictures on its platform [an Android app] via Bluetooth.

So it must be mounted on the windshield for the camera to get a good point of view

of the pedestrians, cars or cyclists.

This technological innovation is optional accessory that’s offered by car


Traffic Safety and Traficon’s Traffic Safety Pedestrian Detectors

Crosswalks are necessary since they help drivers identify pedestrians where they should be [or are] crossing the street.

However, they are not 100% reliable.

It’s easy for a driver to get distracted and fail to notice the flashing lights or signage

that represents sidewalks.

Fortunately, Traficon, a Belgium-based manufacturer of several traffic

technologies, has crafted pedestrian detectors that help control traffic lights and detect the presence of pedestrians.

This innovation is optimized to keep pedestrian and vehicle traffic moving in


Traffic Safety Tech Pedestrian Switch Pads

There’s no finer way to increase pedestrian’s safety on the street than

employing the use of pressure-sensitive pedestrian switch pads.

This remarkable innovation detects pedestrians crossing and activates a call

button that by design controls traffic lights, making vehicles stop.

Once the switch pads [made of a tactile material] are vacated, traffic automatically starts moving.

It’s a laudable innovation that increases the traffic safety of both pedestrians and

vehicles on the street.

Technological advancements, in this era aptly christened the instant information

age, can help enhance pedestrian’s safety on the street while keeping vehicle traffic

flowing smoothly.

So, better traffic safety is achievable if the transportation infrastructure can

employ the use of these technologies to lower mortality rates of drivers and

pedestrians on the street.

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