houston we have a problem… / hay un problema researchers have concluded there appears to be little...

Post on 26-Mar-2015






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Houston we have a Problem… / Hay un Problema

Houston we have a Problem… / Hay un Problema

• Researchers have concluded there appears to be “little or Researchers have concluded there appears to be “little or no differenceno difference between those who profess to know Christ and those who don’t.” Kinnamon and Lyons 47

• Born-againsBorn-agains were distinct in owning more Bibles, going to church more often, donating money to religious nonprofits. However, when it came to nonreligious factorsnonreligious factors—the substance of people’s daily choices, actions, and —the substance of people’s daily choices, actions, and attitudes—there were few meaningful gapsattitudes—there were few meaningful gaps between born-again Christians and non-born-agains.” Kinnamon and Lyons 46

• 95 mil Americans 60 mil committed Xtians. That much “salt” should make a difference in society.

• Only 3 mil operate with biblical world viewOnly 3 mil operate with biblical world view.

What can I do? // Que Puedo hacer?

What can I do? // Que Puedo hacer?

1. How much is this worth to

you? (Coming to the basics)

Building a Morality / Construyendo una Moral

Building a Morality / Construyendo una Moral

Ethical System

Moral Convictions

Values Values Values

Examples• Eliot Spitzer: One of the governors who fought

most against prostitution and who shut down a lot of prostitution houses as governor, was caught in the spending over $80,000.00 in prostitution.

• Ted Haggard: Fought strongly against prostitution and led one of the biggest marches and oppositions against drugs and drugs. He was caught and confessed to hiring a gay prostitute and using drugs with him.

Building a Morality / Construyendo una Moral

Ethical System

Moral Convictions

Values Values Values

What can I do? // Que Puedo hacer?

2. Allow God to confront you:

One on One (alone) time with God reveals who you are to God and to yourself.

What can I do? // Que Puedo hacer?

3. Accept that

you are not alone.

3. You’re not aloneGET CONNECTED

a. Connect to the Wordb. Connect to authority

c. Find mentors

What can I do? // Que Puedo hacer?

4. Know where you’re going

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