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HOUSTON AREA PO BOX 1082 HOUSTON TX 77251-1082 www.moaahoustonarea.com

Newsletter to MembersVol. LII No. 4 April 2015


President’s Message

Prior to WWI, for which the 100thanniversary is from 2014 to 2018, GeneralLeonard Wood, the Army Chief of Staff,created military-style camps for collegestudents and businessmen to develop militaryskills. An excerpt from the manual that heprovided the participants stated: “Don’t getkilled unless necessary; your usefulness tothe State comes to an end when that occurs.”In our March 2015 National MOAA magazine, the concept of“continuous service” was highlighted. We can never give up butmust continue to be useful to our Nation and our community ofretired, former and active military and Families.To that noble purpose, Your Houston MOAA Board is movingforward with plans for recruiting through social media such asLindedin and Facebook. If You can assist us--Please speak up.

Additionally, we are in the cycle for ROTC and JROTCgraduations. Our chapter supports 72 high school JROTCs and 7university ROTCs. Would You like to be the presenter of ourMOAA award at one of their ceremonies?

Continuous service means that we do what we can--when wecan. But unless we do what we can; then the good that needs tobe done will not get done. As members of MOAA we stand onthe sacred ground of those who have gone before us and, by ourefforts, will retain for those who come after us. We can do noless!

I look forward to Your contacting me on how You can serve ouroutstanding organization and military community.

Let's spring into action in this season of Spring!


LTC Eugene Vecera, USA, President

OfficersPresident Eugene A. Vecera, LTC USA713.516.3459 evecera@hotmail.com

1st Vice President Program (Open)

2nd Vice President ArrangementsJeannette Evans, AUX 281.495.2202

3rd Vice President MembershipMitch Seaborn, MAJ USANG 281.409.2122 MitchSeaborn@gmail.com

SecretaryMatt Mancuso, Capt USAF Ret.703.200.3030 jmmancuso76@gmail.com

Treasurer Don L. Couch, LTC USA Ret.832.205.2009 couchdon@hotmail.com

Legislative RepresentativeROTC Scholarship William Taylor Cpt. USA Ret.281.482.7315 waterbury3@sbcglobal.net

Assistant Legislative Representative George McDowell Col USAF Ret.713.723.5166

LiaisonEugene Tulich CDR USCG281.376.0061 gene42@flash.net

ROTCWilbur E. “Mac” McConico LTC USA Ret 713.436.5912wemcconico@gmail.com

ChaplainKerry Magee CAPT USN Ret979.964.3236 h or 979.236.2415 cellusnr06ret@brazoriainet.com

Editor Carol Ann Wilson 8902 Sunnywood DriveHouston TX77088-3729281. 847.9754; 281.642.4050 cellcarolwilson@earthlink.net

Eugene A. Vecera,LTC USA

Newsletter of MOAA Houston Area, April 2015, p. 1

Kerry B. Magee,CAPT USNR-Ret.

MOAA Houston AreaBoard Meeting

Tuesday before Monthly Luncheon Meeting

Tues. April 21, 11:30Rudi Lechner’s 2503 S. Gessner

Future Meetings 4/21 5/26 6/23 7/21 8/25 9/22 10/17 11/16

No mtg in Dec unless called All members are welcome.


Houston AreaMonthly Meeting

and Luncheon

Saturday April 2511:30 fellowship

12 Noon LuncheonBraeBurn Country Club

8101 Bissonnet St (Btwn Fondren and Gessner)

Houston TX 77074 (713) 774-2586


Garden Salad

Trout Almondineor

Chicken Marsala

Seasonal Vegetables

Rolls, Butter

Coffee and Tea

Pecan Ball


complimentary valet parking

Reservations toJeannette Evans, 281.495.2202,

by Wed. 4/22

2015 MOAA-HA Meetings

May 16 Military Ball 6/27 7/25 8/29 9/26 10/31

11/19 (with MOWA) 12/5 Christmas Party

Military Officers Wives Association


Thursday, April 1611:30 FellowshipLuncheon at Noon

Rudi Lechner’s 2503 S. Gessner

Order off the Menuand Pay Individually

RSVP to Bobbye Parsons, 713.541.3143, by Mon. 10 a.m.

See you there!Dues are due! Send to Shirley Hooks.


Z Treasurer’s ReportApril 1, 2015

Receipts $ 775.00 Expenses $1823.36 Balance $5288.28

Don L. Couch, Treasurer LTC USA Ret.

Concerns for Members: CharlesdeValcourt is hospitalized at BayArea Regional Medical Center, 200Blossom St, Webster, TX 77598, 281.525.7000. Lonez Fox isrecuperating from surgery. Let's prayfor their speedy recovery.

New Member

Welcome to the followingnew chapter member, whoattended our March meeting:

Mark Moore, W-4 USCGSpouse: Sandra2322 Riata Park CtKaty TX 77494907.942.3176Marksallot@msn.com



Ahhh! Spring is finally here,and the beauty of God'screation is bursting out anewwith strength and vigor inareas of flora and fauna. Themulti-colored shades ofazaleas around the greaterHouston and East PineyWoods areas are in full bloom(please enjoy this scenery bytaking your grandchildren andgreat-grandchildren to theRiver Oaks Azalea Trail!).

And the beautiful, whitepetals of the dogwood trees,glistening in the sunshine, arenow in full bloom in andaround the Palestine/Ruskarea and others areas of EastTexas (as an old Atlanta,Georgia, boy, I really do missthe beautiful dogwoods at thistime of the year!). The newfauna is represented bymulti-colored chicks, ducks,and bunny rabbits, which thekiddos certainly enjoy duringegg-hunting days.

For people of faith, Springrepresents two events that arereverently remembered:

Newsletter of MOAA Houston Area, April 2015, p. 2

New Member Mark Moore(USCG) and wife Sandra

President Vecera presents SpecialAward to Past President Magee

Speaker Baudo with Pres. Vecera

For our Hebrew brothers, itis the Passover, whereinGod's angel of death passedover the slave-Hebrewhomes as they heeded thewarning received in dreamto paint their door post withthe blood of an unblemishedlamb, when all the Egyptianfirst-born were killed. TheHebrews worship Yahweh asa Provider of BountifulGrace and Salvation byfollowing the TenCommandments.

For Christians, Easterrepresents the gloriousresurrection of Jesus Christ,the Son of God, after suffer-ing a cruel death on the crossand all who believe in Himare promised eternal life, andshall see Him again.

Have a Blessed Passover anda Happy Easter!

God be with you and blessyou all!


Chaplain/Past President

Photos From OurMarch 28 Meeting

Thanks again to our veryspecial COL Andy Parsonsfor more great photos!

Treas. Don Couchwith WinnerEugene Vecera,who donated itback.

Endowment Fund and Houston Corps of Cadets

As you know, I am forever asking you toconsider donating tax deductible funds tothe Corps of Cadets at The University ofHouston. Some of us have and for that Iam most grateful. Our results are asfollows. As of August 31, 2013 the fundwas at $21,873.38 and as of August 31,2014 the last reporting date the fund wasat $25,169.88.Distributions of the fund for scholarshipslast year was $784.00. These figures arefrom the U of H Endowment Fund andare the most current. Our fund is apermanent part of the U of H family andforever is designated to support theHouston Corps of Cadets. It is verymuch tax deductible and I urge you to dowhat you can.

William Taylor Cpt. USA Ret.

Speaker for April 25

JuliánCárdenasGarcía willspeak to usabout theU.S.Sanctionsapprovedthrough anExecutive

Order March 9, 2015, and thegeopolitics of Oil. The USAimposed economic sanctionsagainst 7 Venezuelan officialsand declared the current situationin Venezuela as an unusual andextraordinary threat to thenational security and foreignpolicy of the United States. Thishas particular implications, sincethe United States is the mainbuyer of Venezuelan oilproduction and is the host ofsome of the most importantVenezuelan refineries andcorporations, CITGO, whichprovide substantial revenues toMaduro's government.

He served as career diplomat atthe Venezuelan Ministry ofForeign Affairs, where heworked on sovereign borderissues and multilateral affairswith the United Nations and theOrganization of American States.He is also a Venezuelan attorneyexpert in petroleum law and ingeopolitics of energy and he iscurrently an Adjunct Professor ofLaw at the University of HoustonLaw Center, where he teachesTransnational Petroleum Lawand International Investment Lawand Arbitration.

Newsletter of MOAA Houston Area, April 2015, p. 3

The Houston Military Affairs CommitteePresents the

Armed Forces Day Military Ball

The Ball Committee requests the pleasureOf your company at the

2015 Armed Forces Day Military Ball

"100th Anniversary of the Naval Reserve"

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Marriott Houston South at Hobby Airport9100 Gulf Freeway, Houston, TX 77017

6:00 p.m. Social Hour/Silent Auction, 7:00 p.m. Ceremony and Dinner

Individual tickets- $65Tables:

Executive - $2000 (display table and up to 20 seats)Commercial- $1350 (display table and up to 10 seats)

Organizational- $650 (up to 10 seats)Military- $650 (display table and up to 10 seats)

Non-Profit Organization- $650 (display table and up to 10 seats)

Featured Speakers

Rear Admiral Robert L. GreeneDeputy Director, European Plans and OperationsCenter, ECJ-3, United States European Command

Brigadier General Dirk BackenFederal Republic of Germany Military Attache

Congressman Randy WeberRepublican, Texas 14th District

Hotel AccommodationsHouston Marriott South at Hobby Airport (713) 943-7979


Newsletter of MOAA Houston Area, April 2015, p. 4


Executive - $2000 (display table and up to 20 seats)Commercial- $1350 (display table and up to 10 seats)

Organizational- $650 (up to 10 seats)Military- $650 (display table and up to 10 seats)

Non-Profit Organization- $650 (display table and up to 10 seats)Individuals- $65.00

Questions regarding sponsorship, reserving entire tables, or how to join the "I Support The Troops" Honor Roll should be directed to

Commander Gene Tulichat 832-276-3193,email: gene42@flash.net

Organization _____________________________________________________________Table Preference _________________________________________________________Contact Phone __________________ E-mail __________________________________Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List table members belowRank/Title Name _______ _____________________________________________________________ _______ ______________________________________________________________ ________ ______________________________________________________________ _______ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______ ______________________________________________________________ ________ ______________________________________________________________ ________ ______________________________________________________________ ________ ______________________________________________________________ ________ ______________________________________________________________ _______ ______________________________________________________________ _______ ______________________________________________________________ ________ ______________________________________________________________ _______ ______________________________________________________________

Please send this form to: Houston Military Affairs CommitteePO Box 300526, Houston, Texas 77230-0526

Please include this form with check made payable to HMACTo pay by credit card or PayPal, go to www.hmac.us

Newsletter of MOAA Houston Area, April 2015, p. 5

Newsletter of MOAA Houston Area, April 2015, p. 6

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal withMyrna and Eugene Vecera recently

MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, HOUSTON AREA Houston Corps of Cadets ROTC Endowment Fund–The University of Houston

(Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force)

Please Print Donor name:_______________________________________________________Mailing Address______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Phone: Day_______________Evening_____________e-mail__________________________

My pledge of $_________should be designed to support MOAA,HA Houston Corps of Cadets

My gift will be made with installments of $______to be paid monthly___quarterly___annually___. Beginning date:_______The Office of Stewardship will send reminders.)

__Enclosed is a check (made payable to University of Houston) for the first pledge payable.Please charge my credit card for the amount of my gift, as scheduled above:

___Visa ___Mastercard ___American Express ___DiscoverAccount Number_________________________________ Expiration date:_______________ Name as it appears on card:_________________________________________________Signature:_____________________________________________________________________I would like to be contacted about fulfilling my pledge with a gift of appreciated securities.My pledge payment will be matched by: __________________________________________ (Please specify company for our records)Donor signature:___________________________________date_______________________

Donor Signature:___________________________________date_______________________

Thank you for your support of the MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, HOUSTONAREA, HOUSTON CORPS OF CADETS ROTC ENDOWMENT FUND, THE UNIVERSITY OFHOUSTON____________________________________________________________________________

University of Houston; Advancement Services; P.O. Box 867; Houston TX 77001-0867 Attn: Nancy V. Clark E-mail: uh.edu/giving

When the People fear the Government,There is Tyranny.When the Government fears the People, There is Liberty.

–Thomas Jefferson

Please Support Our Advertisers

Newsletter of MOAA Houston Area, April 2015, p. 7

NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________(Please print) Last First Initial Grade /Rank Service Branch_____________________________________________________________________________Spouse’s first name: ________________________Tel. For Directory___________________________Home address:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Civilian Occupation:_________________________________________________________________Business Firm ____________________________________Business phone_____________________E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________________ Dues: Regular Membership $30 first year; annual renewal $30 ($20 for each addn’l year pd w/renewal) Auxiliary (spouse of deceased officer) $15 ($10 for each addn’l year pd w/renewal)WOULD YOU SERVE ON A COMMITTEE? ___________________________________________Comments__________________________________________________________________________

Make check payable to MOAA,HA and send to MOAA,HA PO Box 1082 Houston TX 77251-1082

For more information, call Capt Matt Mancuso 703.200.3030

Report on Our March Speaker

Another extremely interesting speaker who was obtained for us by PresidentVecera. Daryush Baudo spoke to us on “The Dark Web: Threats, Reality, andNew Trends–How Terrorists Use the Internet.” Mr. Baudo works for a Fortune 500 company as a political and security analyst, and he also consults forprivate intelligence groups in NYC that specialize in threats associated with Internet security–the DeepWeb. For five years he worked for the Australian government in intelligence and policy development,including the Australian Signals Directorate, which is the equivalent of the US CIA cyber intelligenceagency. He also served on the Australian task force for counter-terrorism and illicit drug enforcement.

He described the three areas of the Internet: (1) Surface Web; (2) Deep Web; and (3) Dark Web.The Surface Web is where we all work and live and search and play. Whatever search engine you use,when you start looking around on the Internet, you will get thousands of items returned, and you maylook through a dozen or less before finding what you are seeking. Think of how much information that is!But the Surface Web is ONLY ABOUT FOUR PERCENT of the entire Web, and it’s transparent. TheDeep Web has its information hidden behind parts, it’s not transparent, and it’s 500 times larger than theSurface Web. Passwords are required to penetrate the hidden files, such as in university libraries. But theDark Web is where all the bad stuff resides, among things like forums, and includes an untraceable formof currency with which to purchase things like arms and fake IDs. Mr. Baudo asked us to imagineourselves in a room with 50 doors from which to exit to get to the path we need. And to further imaginethat the “window” of time to find that door is very short. He said that’s what searching on the bottomlayers is like, and that’s where the jihadists lurk and recruit young, unhappy, disillusioned Western boysand girls to their service. He said that “Cyberspace is a Battle of Minds, more than a Battle of Steel,” andthat on the Dark Web, “we aren’t dealing with amateurs.” He told us about Jake Belardi, a youngteenager from Melbourne who became a suicide bomber in Iraq last March after being recruited by thejihadists. He told us that there is even a form of Facebook and Twitter being developed for us on the DarkWeb. The forums are full of visuals and all forms of propaganda depicting the evilness of the Westernway of life, weapon-building, bomb-making, and lots more. Scary stuff, to be sure. We’re very sorry ifyou missed this one. -30-

Military Officers Association of America, Houston AreaMembership is available to Officers who have held a Federal Warrant or Commission in any of the sevenuniformed services of the United States or to the surviving spouse of such a person. Please use this form forapplication for membership, renewal, or changes to the current directory of members.

Newsletter of MOAA Houston Area, April 2015, p. 8

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