hospital security: why it is important - id card printer

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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A hospital can never take their current security system for granted; they always ought to be looking for ways to improve. One such improvement is to create access zones where zones can only be accessed by personnel that have HID access cards.


Hospital Security – Why it is Important

With the world falling apart at the seams, it is becoming readily apparent that security is needed in almost every sector of the economy, even hospitals.

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While victims of a violent crime will usually wind up at a hospital, it does not necessarily mean that they are out of the woods.

In the event that a perpetrator does not finish the job, a victim becomes the most vulnerable when they are admitted into a hospital.

This brings us to our first point.

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One of the most significant areas where security guards can make a difference is in preventing victims of violent crimes from being further traumatized.

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Nearly one and a half million violent crimes were committed in 2009; and there is no reason to assume that that number shrank in the last two years.

Many times, if a criminal was unable to finish the job and they believe that the victim could identify them, they will go to great lengths to see that that never happens.

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While an armed security guard is imposing, sometimes a well thought out security system, sans security guards, is all that is needed to keep a victim safe.

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Hospital security guards can also come in handy in deterring break-ins and robberies.

While it is true that there may not be a whole lot in the way of money to be stolen from a hospital, there are other high dollar items that can become targets of would-be thieves.

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With more and more people becoming dependent on drugs, any hospital pharmacy is a potential target.

In fueling that their dependencies addicts also require needles and other paraphernalia.

The plethora of high tech gadgetry can also be a draw to addicts, as these items can fetch a pretty penny on the black market.

With the right system in place, these issues can become nonexistent.

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While fewer than ten infants are kidnapped from hospitals each year, infant-napping is a problem.

Numerically speaking, this might seem acceptable, but to the ten families that are affected, this statistic is less than satisfactory.

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A continuous, consistent security guard presence can make statistics such as these become history.

In the event that a hospital becomes the center of attention due to an “incident,” security guards can come in handy when having to deal with crowd control.

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While reporters may just want to get “the scoop,” it is important to preserve the privacy of the victims and their families in their time of grief and sorrow.

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The bottom line is that a hospital can never take their current security system for granted; they always ought to be looking for ways to improve.

One such improvement is to create access zones where zones can only be accessed by personnel that have HID access cards.

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If it is impossible to mandate HID access cards for all personnel, then a hospital ought to ensure every employee’s uniform be equipped with badge holders.

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Badge holders come in many shapes and sizes and they are there to ensure that an employee’s id is always visible and easily read by anyone at any time. In designing your security system bear in mind that it might be economical to look into a id card printer.

Id card printers, coupled with id card software, can help to bring down your overall security costs.

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Oftentimes, depending on employee turnover, ids only have to be printed once and they can be used at multiple jobsites.

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Obviously, due to the nature of the job, ids may tend to have a shorter lifespan than in other occupations; however, id card software can make id card reproduction a snap.

Most id card printers these days are so easy to use that you shouldn’t have to hire someone to run it exclusively.

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