horror film poster analysis

Post on 12-Feb-2017






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Horror Film Posters Analysis

We can see that the poster is the video/DVD release poster, because of the fact that it includes the title of the film, gives you a rough idea of what it is going to be about, it has a one line review and also it has information about the production personnel.

The image of the tree helps to add the the horror effect in the way that it is dead, which implies death in the film, and also the tree is hanging over the house, which gives the effect of the house being dangerous.

The poster attempts to entice the audience in by showing what other films the director has done. In this case the director has made two other very famous and highly rated films.

The image of the noose hanging from the tree is effective for this film poster as it has a significance in the actual film itself. It also makes the audience think of death and it adds a sinister effect to the poster which depicts the film in a certain way.

In the main picture there is a dark sinister looking house which doesn't’t have any lights on, this will help to attract the audience because again it adds to the idea that it is old and isn't lived in, creating a spooky atmosphere. The house is also surrounded by a wall of dead trees and bushes, which gives the feeling of being trapped which helps entice the audience even more.

The poster has put the fact that the story is based on real life case files. This adds to the horror effect as it will make the audience feel like it can actually happen and this will make the film even scarier.

The poster has subtly used an image of a shadow of a person hanging from the tree. This creates effect as the fact that there is a shadow of a person who isn't actually there gives the impression of a ghost. This gives the audience a little insight into what the film is going to contain and this is another way in which the poster entices the audience.

It is clear that this is a video release poster because of the fact that it has the title of the the film on the poster, it also has information about the production and distribution personnel and also it has a short one line review.

The main image of the poster is a very good indicator of what the film is actually going to be about, (which is possession). We can see this because of the fact that the picture is a skull inside another skull.

The poster attempts to entice the audience in by showing what other films the director has done. In this case the director has made two other very famous and highly rated films.

Also because of the fact that the posters main picture is that of a skull looking like an X-ray, it helps to give the film a sort of Sci-Fi feel about it and this may entice extra audience.

There is quite a subtle picture of a white moth in the skull’s mouth. This is effective on a horror magazine poster because of the fact that a white moth is the symbol of death, and the fact that it is in the mouth of the skull suggests that death is inside of the possessed person, it is also a contributing factor to a gory genre.

The tagline for the movie poster “panic feeds on fear” helps to entice the audience, as it makes them think about it. It also adds an edgy effect to the sound of the film, and makes the audience want to learn more.

The film poster is using the name of the main actress of the film because of the fact that a lot of audiences are enticed to watch a film if there is an actor that they know and like in it.

The main picture used in the poster is one of a close up of a woman's eye. A woman's eye could have been used because of the fact that the main character is a woman or because of the fact that in most horror films a woman is used as the main victim, as they can be viewed as weak or helpless.

The skin tone of the persons eye is a very pale white, this is used because of the fact that it can suggest illness or even possession as it is like the person is dying.

We can see that there have been two different fonts used in the title of the film, and there is also a slight blur to the end of the second word “EYE”. This could suggest confusion and gives the audience an idea of what the film is going to contain.

The fact that the main image of the film poster is that of an eye links in with the title of the film and gives the audience a vague idea of what the film is going to be about.

In the main image on the film poster we can see that there is a hand coming out of the persons eye and holding the under part of the eye. The fact that there is a hand coming out of the eye could suggest to the audience that the film is going to be about someone getting possessed.

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