hoorcollege 13: architectonics

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics



    Cache, Spuijbroek en Mulder

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


    Cache in Buiten: Wat is geografie?

    Geografie is niet omgeving van een

    gebouw maar de onmogelijkheid van

    zijn afsluiting. Het is een lijn door

    objecten; van de stad tot de theelepel.

    This outside is not relative to a giveninside; it exceeds any attempt at


  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics



    Mandelbrot: geometrie heeft nooit bestaan,is een product van threshold of perception(Massumi) een startpunt van dewaarneming.

    Voorbeeld: How Long Is the Coast ofBritain? Statistical Self-Similarity andFractional Dimension

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics



    fractal logic:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_GBwuYuOOs&feature=related

    It is therefore not only the power of continuity that allows a virtual

    infinity to emerge between two points, contiguous as they may be. Itis that between any points there is an interval, a zone of

    indeterminacy or availability that can always give rise, in an aleatory

    manner, to another fold. If we draw surfaces with variable

    curvatures within an architectural framework, we can say that we

    are introducing an outside on the inside.

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


    Stuctuur en Huid

    Twee architectonische principes,

    structuur en huid (skin):

    Gropius en Corbusier prefereren


    Loos en Semper gaan uit van huid

    Architectuur als kleerhanger

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


    Maar als we echt volgens Mandelbrot ruimte willen

    ontwerpen (niet volgens representatie), moeten we niet

    aan de buitenkant blijven, maar moeten we ook de

    ruimte binnen ontdekken

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics



    Soft architecture: is al lang aan de gang mbt life

    Michel Serres: Life has evolved from animal forms,where what is soft lies on the inside and is covered by a

    hard outside, to other forms, such as ours, where what ishard becomes interior: bones, cartilage, skeleton, whilethe soft is pressed out: flesh, mucous, skin

    By the end of this evolution we might drop the bonesaltogeter.

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


    Cimabue (1240-1302)Cimabue (1240-1302)

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


    Diller Scofidio + Renfro


  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


    Spuybroek/ NOX: Machining Architecture

    The continuity of action and perception can happen only in a bodywhere a perception is not followed by a movement, but whereboth form a system which varies as a whole

    Maurice Merleau Ponty

    McLuhan to the extreme: perception and action are inseperable.Ons brein wordt gevormd door de boodschappen waarin wij leven,en ons body schema wordt er voortdurend opnieuw doorvormgegeven (Oliver Sacks).

    Spuybroek (als Cache): Moeten we architectuur ook niet eensminder chronologisch denken maar fundamentally plastic,topological and continuous?

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


    Plato and Kant failed to explain how there

    can be real communication (p.7)

    Design is about creating an architecturalmorphology, a rethinking of the body plan thatmobilizes all the elements of the system

    Transitive geometry is about 4 morphologies

    a. Deep surfaces: planes and sufacesb. Blisters: single flat surfaces locally transformed

    c. Filo: double or multilayered structures

    d. Sponges: multioriented morphology

    What else can architecture be than apermanent interaction with the body schemeand the group scheme?

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


    A. Deep surfaces: Tommy

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


    B. Blisters: D-towerB. Blisters: D-tower

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


    C. Filo: Son-O-house

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


    D. Sponges: Oblique WTC

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


    Mulder: the Object of Interactivity (static

    versus dynamic media)

    Modernist art represents nothing but

    itself, it is interpassive:it requires a silent

    reflection of art that gives back nothing of

    itself. It creates an audience. Interactive

    art creates itself though the audience.

    How? Susanne K. Langer: art expands our

    inner self (think McLuhan) and thus

    creates the illusion called the Virtual


    Virtual life is life that is actualized by thebeholder of art through the living

    experiences he or she carries within his

    or her own person (p.334)

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


    The virtual is real without being actual,

    ideal without being abstract

    Marcel Proust

    Our brains and our bodies do not contain two separatesystems of experience, where the one can be activatedonly by real experiences and the other only by media.

    Medial experiences are as real as immediate ones andthe accompanying feelings are just as authentic (p.335) Architecture evokes a virtual ethnical domian: it turns any

    arbitrary location in to a site for a people, a company or a family.

    Dance contains virtual powers: the powers to which dancersseem to attract and repel eat other wile in reality being able tomove freely in any direction

    Musics virtual object is the controlled, intensified passage of thepresent, of time that seems to come alive in rhythm and melody.

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


    Again: D-towerAgain: D-towerD-tower consists of a visible

    sculpture that includes a

    virtual kinetic volume: it

    moves yet it is stationary.

    D-tower is therefore not so

    much a sculpture that shows

    the emotional state if theresidents of Doetinchem as it

    is an installation that enables

    them to understand, expand

    and deepen their emotional

    life. (338)

    (is this Aristotle?)

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


    Again: Tommy

    Tommys functionality that it is a vase for

    flowers - is a mere excuse it is an

    animate object, a living thing, containing

    something that directly touches and brings

    to life the body of its owner.

  • 8/14/2019 Hoorcollege 13: Architectonics


    Art contains virtual experiences, virtual emotions

    But what is living about an object? This: the virtual feeling that isactualized in humans and that comes to life within us.



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