honors u.s. history wwi · 2020-04-08 · archduke franz ferdinand, no man’s land, trench...

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• World War I• Most of the fighting happens in Europe

• The Great War• $338 billion

• 8.5 million deaths

• 21 million wounded

• “The War to End All Wars”• Russian Revolution

• World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War

Ch. 23 Americans in the Great War, 1914-1920

World War I Begins

• Main Idea• As WWI intensified, the U.S. was forced to abandon its neutrality.

• Why It Matters• The U.S. remains involved in European and world affairs

• Terms• MAIN (militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism), Allies, Central Powers,

Archduke Franz Ferdinand, no man’s land, trench warfare, Lusitania, Zimmerman Note

Long Term Causes of WWI

• MAIN• Militarism

• Belief that you need to have a large standing army prepared for war• Viewed as patriotic

• Alliance system• Made ware larger by having allies that could be forced by treaty to join the war

• Triple entente• Triple alliance

• Imperialism• Takeover of a country or territory by a stronger nation and controlling it politically,

economically, and socially• Colonies are seen as a sign of power

• Nationalism• Deep devotion for one’s nation that can be a unifying factor

Assassination Leads to War• Balkans

• Powder keg of Europe• Ethnic rivalries• Russia wants access to the Mediterranean and many Slavic

speaking people living there

• Archduke Franz Ferdinand• Heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire• Assassinated June 28, 1914

• Gavrilo Princip• Shot and killed the archduke and his wife Sophie• Member of Terrorist Organization “Black Hand” promoted

Serbian nationalism

• Harsh ultimatum• Serbia agrees to most of the terms

• Germany offers unconditional support to Austria-Hungary

Fighting Starts

• Germany declaration sets off chain reaction among the Alliance System

• August 3, 1914 Germany invaded Belgium

• Triple Entente becomes the Allied Powers

• Triple Alliance becomes the Central Powers

• Schlieffen Plan• German plan to avoid a two front war by

speedily attacking France then turning its attention on Russia

• Thought Russia would take a long time to completely mobilize

Western Front• First Battle of the Marne

• Stopped German advancement

• No man’s land• Area between the your

trench and the enemies with little to no cover

• Trench warfare

• 2 people wide, muddy, smelly, wet, nothing to see, nowhere to stay warm, rats, lice, dead bodies out in the open

• Trench foot• prolonged exposure of

the feet to damp, unsanitary, and cold conditions

• Trench Fever• Infection from lice

• Battle of Ypres• Poison Gas

Eastern Front

• Battle of Tannenberg August 1914• fought between Russia and Germany

between the 26th and 30th of August 1914, the first month of World War I. The battle resulted in the almost complete destruction of the Russian Second Army

• Germany stops Russian advance

• Frozen front

• Much more mobile than the west

• Russia’s major advantage is its large population and cold

Russia Struggles

• Has not yet industrialized as much as other European countries

• Short on food, guns, ammunition, clothes, boots, blankets

• Takes heavy casualties

• Supported by enormous population

• Tremendously important to Allies’ success because it tied up the German army

Americans Question Neutrality• Capitalist vs. Imperialist struggle

• William Jennings Bryan (socialis)• War is evil and America should set

example by not joining• Support capitalism?

• Some did not want to send their sons to a European war

• Many immigrants still had close ties

• Many sympathized with Britain since similar language, ancestry, and government

• Britain sensationalizes stories to gain support

• America close ties economically with France and Great Britain

War Hits Home• British Blockade

• U.S. selling to both Germany and Great Britain

• Germany could not get fertilizer and foodstuffs

• Britain would confiscate ships heading for Germany but pay for the cargo

• Germany U-Boats• Unrestricted submarine warfare

• Sinking of the Lusitania• 1,198 killed including 128 Americans• Germany stops unrestricted submarine


• More push for war• Need to ensure we would get repaid and

prevent Germans from threatening U.S. shipping

• 1916 Election• Wilson ran on the slogan “He kept us out of


1916 Battle of the Somme• British wanted to relieve French

who were overrun near Verdun by the Germans, with both sides losing over 300,000

• First day alone the British lost 20,000

• Each side suffered more than ½ a million deaths

U.S. Declares War• Germany returns to unrestricted

submarine warfare• Famine hit

• German Provocation• Zimmerman Note

• Russian withdrawal

SHEG: SommeDoc A Doc B Doc C

Who wrote it? When? What type of source?

Author’s Tone

Did the author witness the events he describes?

According to this document, who won the first day of the battle? How?

Using evidence from the documents answer the Central Historical Question:Who won the first day of the battle? How?

All by your lonesome

• Complete Would You Make A Good Officer

• Read Life in the Trenches• give a short summary

• answer the questions at the end.

• Answer the Guiding Questions for the US Entry in WWI SHEG

America Tips the Balance

• Main Idea• U.S. mobilized a large army and navy to help the Allies achieve victory

• Why It Matters• U.S. military evolves into a powerful fighting force

• Terms• Eddie Rickenbacker, Selective Service Act, convoy system, American

Expeditionary Force, General John J. Pershing, Alvin York, conscientious objector, armistice

America Mobilizes

• Only 200k were in service with few having combat service

• Selective Service Act• Needed to boost numbers to fight the war• Men were required to register and be randomly selected to serve• End of 1918 24 million were registered and 3 million were called into service• 2 million troops go to Europe• ¾ saw combat• 1/5 foreign-born

• 400,000 African Americans served• Half were in France• Excluded from the Marines and Navy• Many were assigned to noncombat units

• Women in the War• Army Corps of Nurses

• No pay, rank, or benefits

• Navy and Marines had 13,000 who served as nurses, secretaries, and telephone operators with military rank

Fighting Over There

• American Expeditionary Force led by General John J. Pershing• Soldiers were called doughboys• Pershing did not simply want to sit on the lines in a defensive warfare

• New Weapons• Artillery and machine guns already use but much more effective• Tanks and airplanes

• Germany was first to perfect the interrupter gear instead of having to shoot pistols in aerial combat

• Poison Gas• Mustard and Chlorine• Banned after WWI• Gas Masks

• Flamethrowers• Observation Balloons

American Troops on the Offensive

• American War Hero• Alvin York• Conscientious objector• Killed 25 Germans armed with a rifle and a revolver• He and 6 other doughboys captured 132 prisoners

• Collapse of Germany• Food shortages • Unpopular at home• Last push at the Second Battle of the Marne• Soldiers mutiny• Kaiser Wilhelm II steps down• Weimar Republic replaces him

• November 3, 1918 Austria surrenders

• November 11, 1918 armistice, cease fire

1. How did the Great War threaten the lives of civilians on both sides of the Atlantic?

2. Why was America more strongly tied to the Allies than that of the Central Powers?

3. Why did Germany continue its policy of unrestricted submarine warfare?

4. Why was the Great War so deadly? Why was it so different from past wars?

5. What is meant by “Food is ammunition. Don’t waste it.,” as it relates to the war?

War at Home

• Main Idea• WWI spurred social, political, and economic changes

• Why it Matters Now• Such changes increased government powers and expanded economic opportunities

• Terms• War Industries Board

• Bernard M. Baruch

• Propaganda

• George Creel

• Espionage and Sedition Acts

• Great Migration

Congress Givers Power to Wilson

• War Industries Board• Coordinate all facets of industrial and agricultural production• Industrial output increased by 20%• Chemical, meatpacking, oil, and steel industries see massive increases in profits• Railroad Administration and Fuel Administration controlled their respective industries

• War Economy• While wages increased rising food prices and housing costs undercut gains• National War Labor Board• In order to keep production up• Could revoke exemption status

• Food Administration• Help produce and conserve food• “gospel of the clean plate”• Meatless, wheatless, porkless• Victory gardens

Selling the War

• War Financing

• Committee on Public Information• Wartime propaganda

• Germans portrayed as cold-blooded, baby killing, power-hungry Huns

• Rejected all things German

• Sauerkraut to liberty cabbage

• German immigrants in America experienced violence against them

Attacks on Civil Liberties Increase

• Anti-Immigrant Hysteria

• Espionage and Sedition Acts• Espionage

• Prohibited anyone from using the U.S. mail system to interfere with the war effort or draft

• Sedition

• Illegal to prevent selling of war bonds or to speak disparagingly of the government, flag, military, or Constitution

• Both laws violate 1st amendment but vaguely written allowing courts to have great leeway in their interpretation

War Encourages Social Change

• Women in the factory

• African Americans and the War• DuBois encouraged blacks to enlist

• Blacks were segregated (sent to French command) and mostly put to labor jobs

• Great Migration• Wartime manufacturing jobs in the North

• New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit

• 500,000 blacks move in search of work

Schenck v. United States (1919)

• 1919 Supreme Court upheld Espionage 3x

• Schenck prominent socialist and critic of American capitalism arrested and convicted for printing and mailing leaflets urging men to resist the draft

• Schenck argued that it violated the 13th amendment

• Freedom of speech not absolute and be held if it posed a “clear and present danger”

• No yelling “FIRE” in a crowded theater if there is no fire

• Laws will be useful in curtailing paranoia brought by the Russian Revolution


• Created to quell fear of a takeover

• Many radical labor unions branded enemies of the state and their leaders arrested

• Eugene Debs imprisoned for criticizing the war

Wilson Fights for Peace

• Main Idea• European leaders opposed most of Wilson’s peace plan and the U.S. Senate

failed to ratify the peace treaty

• Why It Matters• Many of the Nationalist issues left unresolved after WWI continue to trouble

the world today

• Terms• Fourteen Points, League of Nations, Georges Clemenceau, David Lloyd

George, Treaty of Versailles, war guild clause, reparations, Henry Cabot Lodge

Wilson Presents His Plan• Allies meet at the Paris Peace Conference

• The Big Four• Italy, Great Britain, US, France• Orlando, George, Wilson, Clemenceau

• Wilson does not wish to punish Germany harshly• No huge reparation payment

• Fourteen Points• Wilson’s plan for peace• Freedom of the seas• Limit armies and navies• Self-determination• 14th point

• League of Nations• International peacekeeping organization

• Allies reject Wilson’s Plan• Do agree to League of Nations

Debating the Treaty of Versailles

• Provisions of the Treaty

• Reparations• Germany took sole blame for the war• 33 billion dollars in reparation• Took territory from them• Could not have a large military

• Treaty’s Weaknesses• Many are upset

• Germany extremely punished and limited• Russia will want to regain lands lost• Japan and Italy thought they should have been rewarded more

• Lack of enforcement• U.S. does not enter the treaty

• Congress did not approve• Did not want to get stuck into another war or interfere with European affairs

• Henry Cabot Lodge

• Along with other republicans did not wish to join the league

Legacy of the War

• Accelerated America’s emergence as the world’s greatest industrial power• Contributed to the movement of African Americans to Northern cities• Intensified anti-immigrant and anti-radical sentiments among mainstream

Americans• Brought over one million women into the work force• 22 million die, more than half civilians• 20 million wounded• 10 million refugees• Worldwide flu epidemic• Geneva Protocol 1925

• Bans use of toxic and biological weapons during war

1. How did the Great War threaten the lives of civilians on both sides of the Atlantic?

2. Why was America more strongly tied to the Allies than that of the Central Powers?

3. Why did Germany continue its policy of unrestricted submarine warfare?

1. Why was the Great War so deadly? Why was it so different from past wars?

1. What is meant by “Food is ammunition. Don’t waste it.,” as it relates to the war?

2. How did governmental power change during World War I? Do you agree with it? Give specific examples.

3. Why do you think the flu spread so quickly among the troops?

4. Was WWI a positive or negative on American society?

1. Why do you think the Treaty of Versailles failed?

2. Do you think it would have made a difference in stopping World War II had America joined the League of Nations?

Sedition in WWI SHEG

• Were critics of World War I anti-American?

• What does patriotism mean to you?

• Do you think it’s important for people to be patriotic? Why or why not?

• Is it patriotic or anti-American to criticize the government?

• War declared April 1917

• Espionage Act 1917

• Sedition Act 1918

• Suppressed anti-British, pro-German, and anti-war opinions

• Over 1500 people prosecuted and over 1000 convicted

• Deported foreign-born , anti-war radicals and drew closer to pro-war unions

• Fill out graphic organizer up to “close reading” before actually reading the main part of the document.

• Do you think Debs and Schenck were anti-American? Why or why not?

• Read Document C

• Were Debs and Schenck guilty of breaking the law?

• Debs served 32 months in prison until President Harding released him in 1921 and Schenck spent 6 months in prison

• Read Document D

• What does the ruling say?

• Do you agree with the ruling?

• Write a paragraph addressing the question: Were critics of WWI anti-American? Include evidence drawn from at least 3 of today’s documents.

Great Migration SHEG

• Why did African Americans migrate to Newark at the beginning of the 20th century?

• Jim Crow laws

• Sharecropping

• Lynching

Disenfranchisement• In 1867, African

American men voted for the first time in the South. More than 1,500 African Americans were elected to office from 1865 to 1876. However, beginning in the late 1860s, white Southern vigilante groups, most notably the Ku Klux Klan, used violence and intimidation to prevent African Americans from voting. Poll taxes and grandfather clauses also effectively disenfranchised freedmen and future generations of African Americans

Illustration of freedmen voting in New Orleans from 1867

Illustration of KKK members in Mississippi from 1872

Sharecropping• After emancipation, previously enslaved African

Americans sought employment, and Southern plantation owners sought cheap labor. Laws barred African Americans in the South from most occupations other than agricultural labor. Sharecropping became the dominant economic system in Southern agriculture. In this system, landowners signed agreements with farmers to work the land in exchange for a share of the harvested crop. Landowners or local merchants often sold or leased farming supplies, such as seeds, fertilizer, and farming tools to sharecroppers on credit. The sharecroppers would then repay the landowners after the crops were harvested. However, high interest rates, unfair contracts, and unpredictable harvests often led sharecroppers to become deeply indebted to landowners. Laws often made it difficult for sharecroppers to sell their crops on the open market and prevented them from moving if they were in debt. Approximately two-thirds of sharecroppers were white and one-third were African American.

African American family picking cotton in North Carolina between 1910 and 1920

Jim Crow Laws• After Reconstruction, with

federal oversight gone and African Americans barred from the polls, state and local governments in the American South enacted laws mandating racial segregation. These laws required African Americans to use separate public facilities. In the Plessy v. Ferguson decision of 1896, the Supreme Court upheld Louisiana’s segregation laws and established the “separate but equal” doctrine, which held that segregation was constitutional as long as the separate facilities were equal. In reality, facilities for African Americans were grossly underfunded and far from equal.

Political cartoon by John McCutcheon from 1904

Lynching• Lynching is a term used to describe a public killing carried out by a mob. Following the end of the Civil War, lynching emerged as a tool to intimidate freedmen and their supporters in the South. Although it is difficult to track exactly how many individuals were lynched in the U.S. because there are no official records of these illegal acts, estimates of the number of African Americans lynched in the South range from three to four thousand. Lynching victims were often falsely accused of committing a crime. Sometimes they were accused of minor offenses, such as testifying against a white person or trying to vote. Lynchings sometimes attracted hundreds of spectators and photographs like this one were sometimes even sold as postcards.

The mob preparing to lynch Jesse Washington, an 18 year-old African American, in front of Waco, Texas, city hall on May 15, 1916

Distribution of African American Population in 1900

The Great Migration

• 1910 – 90% of all African Americans lived in the South, and 75% lived on farms.

•WWI – 500,000 African Americans moved from the South to Northern cities.

• 1920s – 800,000 African Americans moved from Southern states to Northern cities.

Newark’s Population

Newark’s African American Population

• Read Documents A-E

• Answer the guiding questions

• Using evidence from the documents, answer the central historical question• Why did African Americans migrate to Newark at the beginning of the 20th


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