homily - web viewall recite the lord’s prayer together. the . reader . prays. the first half...

Post on 31-Jan-2018






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Template for Prayer Service on the Occasion of the

Consecration of Canada to the Immaculate Heart of the

Blessed Virgin Mary

Outline of Service






Devotional Liturgy


Liturgy of the Word Readings for peace and justice from the Ritual Lectionary

First no. 887(2)

Psalm no. 889(3)

Second no. 888(3)

Acclamation no. 890(1)

Gospel no.891(1)



Adoration. Three choral anthems spaced 15 minutes apart:

10:30 1 anthem then silence

10:45 1 anthem then silence

11 1 anthem


Supplications A cantor can chant the petitions and the people have a sung response or they can be spoken by a reader. The text is from the CCCB Book of Blessings for Canada Day.

Prayer of Consecration The final two stanzas of the prayer have been modified to have the same wording as the prayer on the prayer card. The celebrant pauses to invite the people to join in praying the end of the consecration prayer.

Marian Song Magnificat sung by all for the social justice focus


Rosary Joyful mysteries with intentions for the occasion



Eucharistic song (Tantum ergo)


Litany for Canada in place of Divine Praises


Closing hymn: O Canada




thurible, incense, coals, lighter

cope for presider

ceremonial binder

assistant or stand for presider

stand and microphone for rosary readers




Lectors: 2



Rosary: 5 readers




Immediately after the distribution of communion, the monstrance is placed on the altar. The deacon or celebrant places the host in the monstrance.

Prayer After Communion

The celebrant returns to the chair and, after a brief period of silent prayer, stands and says the prayer after communion. The concluding rites of the Mass are omitted.

Incensation and Song

The celebrant then goes to the altar and, after placing incense in the censer, kneels and incenses the holy eucharist. Meanwhile, the cantor and people sing O salutaris hostia.

O salutaris hostia CBW III #689


The readers should be seated in the front pew on the west side for easy access to the lectern. The lector will sit near the ambo.

Opening Hymn Blest Are They CBW III #522

The cantor invites all to stand and join in the opening hymn. The celebrant and ministers, if not already at the chairs, walk in from the sacristy, genuflect before the Blessed Sacrament, and take their places.


Welcome to our parish during this 150th anniversary of the Confederation of Canada as we consecrate our diocese to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Please stand and join in our opening hymn.



In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

R: Amen

The Lord be with you.

R: And with your spirit.

Opening Prayer

Let us pray.

All pause for a moment of silent prayer.

Lord Jesus Christ,

look on the people of our land

and bless us all.

May our worship of your presence in the Eucharist

help us to see your presence in all people,

work for peace and love,

and lead us to share in eternal life in heaven

where you live with the Father and the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.

R: Amen

First Reading

Isaiah 32.15 - 18

The effect of righteousness will be peace.

Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 122

Give peace, O Lord, to those who wait for you.

Second Reading

James 3.13 - 18

A harvest of righteousness is sown in peace for those who make peace.

Gospel Acclamation

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.


Matthew 5.1-12a

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.


Extended Period of Adoration


Let us now take a period of time in quiet before the Blessed Sacrament to reflect upon what we have heard to pray for our country and its people.

At 15 minute intervals the choir will sing sacred music to enhance the period of prayer.


15 min

15 min

Upon conclusion of the third piece of music, the celebrant stands for the supplications and the cantor/reader goes to the ambo.

Supplications All stand

All stand for the Prayer of Supplication.

Celebrant:On this 150th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada, let us pray for peace for our country and for the world:

Cantor: Lord, give us your peace.

Cantor leads from the ambo.

Cantor: Lord Jesus, bring peace to the world.

R: Lord, give us your peace.

Cantor: Help all nations to work in harmony.

R: Lord, give us your peace.

Cantor:Bless our country, and help us to work together for peace.

R: Lord, give us your peace.

Cantor:Guide those who govern us, and help them to work for the good of all.

R: Lord, give us your peace.

Cantor: Make us generous in sharing our gifts with other people.

R: Lord, give us your peace.

Cantor:Teach us to do your will and to grow in service to others.

R: Lord, give us your peace.

Prayer of Consecration

The Celebrant recites the prayer of Consecration.


The Blessed Mother shines forth in the community of believers as the perfect example, icon, and model of what it means to live by faith. In imploring our Ladys help we welcome with enthusiasm the joys of discipleship in the work of the New Evangelization as we commend the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Blessed Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church,

when the first Christian believers came to these shores,

they planted a Cross made of the fresh timber of the New World

as a sign of their faith in your Son and the power of his Resurrection.

Furthermore, they placed their lives

under your maternal protection

and honoured you as the Immaculate Conception.

With full confidence we come before you today

giving thanks to God on the 150th anniversary of Canadian


Assembled in the communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

we commit the past, the present and the future of Canada

to your maternal care,

and we consecrate our country and all its people

to your Immaculate Heart.

Holy Mother of God,

we find ourselves at a crossroads in our history.

Help us, as Catholics, to live in peace with all people of good will

and to dialogue with respect and friendship.

Loving Mother, help us to uphold religious freedom in Canada

and the natural rights of parents and families;

inspire us to protect the unborn,

to help the poor, the marginalized,

and to give support to the infirm and elderly.

Weighed down by our concerns, but hopeful for the future,

we turn to you, the new Eve, Mother of all the living,

for help and strength.

Intercede for our country and for all our people,

especially for the Indigenous Peoples,

the first stewards of this land of Canada,

and for all who come here to live, take refuge, or visit.

Let us pray together:

Here the assembly joins the celebrant in reciting the consecration.

Mary our Mother, may the Cross of your Son,

planted on and in Canadian hearts,

be known as the Tree of Life;

whose fruit is visible and available to all

in the garden of this world.

We place our country Canada

in the sanctuary of your Holy Heart

for we know that there we will find Jesus,

who lives and reigns with the Father

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.

R: Amen

Marian Song Canticle of Mary from CBW III #14I

Rosary Prayer - The Joyful Mysteries (SIT)

The first reader goes to the lectern, not the ambo. Bishop invites the people:


Rejoicing in the blessings we have received, let us pray the five joyful mysteries from the life of Christ, imploring the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the Father for this country of Canada, all who live here, and for the role of Canada in the world.

The celebrant and assistants seated.

The reader reads the petition. All recite the Lords Prayer together. The reader prays the first half of the Hail Mary and all pray the second half. The reader takes a seat after the Gloria Patri and the next reader goes to the lectern.

Reader: The First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation. A moment of silenceWe offer this decade for all whose vulnerability is hidden.

For unborn babies, those with chronic pain or with mental illness, and those imprisoned by guilt or fear. Also for the protection of religious freedom,freedom of speech, and for all who publicly defend it.

Our Father

AllOur Father, who art in heaven...


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