home learning plan 08.06.20 wk12 › assets › year-3-home... · 2020-06-05 · home learning plan...

Post on 09-Jun-2020






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Home Learning plan 08.06.2020 Week 12 Daily Routine

· 9.00: Daily PE Lesson – Live streamed at 9.00 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ

· 9.30: News Round daily so you are still updated on current topics: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/news/watch_newsround

· 9.30 – 10.30: English

· 10.30 – 11.00: Run around outside, take some fresh air or dance and sing to relax.

· 11.00 – 12.00: Maths

· 12.00 – 12.45: Lunch include (running around outside, take some fresh air or dance and sing to relax).

· 12.45 – 3.00: Wider Curriculum activities

Suggested structure to Wider Curriculum

· Monday: PE, Votes for Schools and Spanish

· Tuesday: History/Geography, Music

· Wednesday: Science, Music

· Thursday: Art/DT, RE

· Friday: Computing, PHS


Maths: Step 1. Work through the activities on the link below. https://app.mymaths.co.uk/351-lesson/frequency-tables-and-bar-charts Step 2. Compete the task set on the link below. https://app.mymaths.co.uk/351-homework/frequency-tables-and-bar-charts

English: Watch the following video: https://vimeo.com/68344409 Create a comic strip for the video you have just watched. You can use the template to help you or create your own.


Maths: Maths: Step 1. Work through the activities on the link below. https://app.mymaths.co.uk/352-lesson/pictograms-and-bar-charts Step 2. Compete the task set on the link below. https://app.mymaths.co.uk/352-homework/pictograms-and-bar-charts

Home learning plan 08.06.20 WK12 English: The clip has no speech. Imagine that the brothers were talking to each other throughout the ruckus- what do you think they would say? What would the tone/ atmosphere be like? Write the conversation between them as they chase each other for the diamond.


Maths: Maths: Step 1. Work through the activities on the link below. https://app.mymaths.co.uk/4781-lesson/interpreting-data Step 2. Complete the task set on the link below. https://app.mymaths.co.uk/4781-homework/interpreting-data

English: Remembering the rules for writing dialogue, use the speech bubbles you completed on the previous day to write a dialogue/ conversation between the brothers. There is an example for you to read first.


Maths: Step 1. Work through the activities on the link below. https://app.mymaths.co.uk/6016-lesson/bar-multiplication Step 2. Complete the task set on the link below. https://app.mymaths.co.uk/6016-homework/bar-multiplication

English: Look at the picture and answer the following questions.

1) What is happening in this picture?

2) What do you know about the baby?

3) How does the robber feel? How do you know?

4) Why might he feel this way towards a baby?

5) Why is he running away from the baby?

6) Why did he drop his bag?

7) How does this picture relate to the video you watched this week? What are the similarities/differences?


Maths: Log on to Times Tables Rock Stars and take the challenge.

Home Learning plan 08.06.2020 Week 12 English: Grammar Activity on Education City. https://go.educationcity.com Please Log in to Education City> Classwork> Click on ‘12.06.20 English h.w’ Complete the activity.

Weekly wider curriculum activities

Science: Investigate the muscles you use every day by completing the chart. Use the diagram to help you.

Music: Listen to Bruno Mars - Count on me. Sing along and create your own actions for the song. Click on the link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc6T9iY9SOU

Geography: Step 1. Read the text Continents of the World Step 2 Discuss what you have learnt with an adult Step 3 Answer the questions independently

Computing: Sorting out pictures into groups. Click on the link below: https://www.barefootcomputing.org/homelearning Scroll down to ‘Interactive learning games’ and click on ‘sorting it out’. Then play the game.

RE: Sikhism Starter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/religious-studies-ks2-ten-gurus/zvkvrj6 Read and discuss the Ten Gurus: https://www.learnreligions.com/gurus-of-sikh-history-2993569 Activity: In your books, write down the names of the Ten Gurus and what their main beliefs were.

PHSE: My kind acts Listen to the story ‘ Be Kind’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAo4-2UzgPo Now discuss the following questions:

1. Why did everyone laugh at Tanisha? 2. Would you have laughed at Tanisha? Why? 3. List 5 ways the character in the story has

shown kind act. 4. When can being kind be hard? 5. What does kind mean to you?

Now write a diary entry as if you are ‘Tanisha’ from the story and write down how you felt at school and why? You might want to think about:

• How you felt? Why? • Where did it take place? • Who helped you? · Who would have told?

Home learning plan 08.06.20 WK12 Art and design/DT: The Bird Catcher Telling stories in pictures. Discuss Paula Rego. Read the story below. As you are reading think about the main characters and what the problem is. Activity: Draw a picture to represent this story.


Rosetta Stone are allowing students to access their

language learning website free of charge for three



Votes for schools: Click on the following link and log in using the details below. https://voice.votesforschools.com/login/teacher Username: primaryteacher@votesforschools Password: covid-19 Follow the powerpoint discussing the question and then vote yes or no at the end.

PE: Everyday watch Joe Wicks https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/19/joe-wicks-holding-live-pe-classes-keep-kids-fit-school-closures-uk-12424288/amp/ for your daily work out.

Weekly story writing task: See weekly story writing task 08.06.20’ . 1. Remember to include: 2. Adverbs of time 3. Adverbs of manner 4. Adjective 5. Various punctuations(, ! ? () 6. Conjunctions

Websites to help your learning (if you do not remember your log in, please contact your teacher on dojo or year3@eps.barking-dagenham.sch.uk)

· https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ · www.educationcity.com · https://login.mymaths.co.uk/myportal/library/11?login_modal=true

Monday 8th June 2020

The activities in this pack are designed to use with the following clip (This is the same video from last week): https://vimeo.com/68344409

Create a comic strip for the video you have just watched. You can use the template below to help you or create your own.

Tuesday 9th June 2020

The clip has no speech. Imagine that the brothers were talking to each other throughout the ruckus- what do you think they would say? What would the tone/ atmosphere be like? Write the conversation between them as they chase each other for the diamond.

Wednesday 10th June 2020

Next, remembering the rules for writing dialogue, use the speech bubbles you completed on the previous page to write a dialogue/ conversation between the brothers. Below is an example for you to read first.

Thursday 11th June 2020

1) What is happening in this picture? 2) What do you know about the baby? 3) How does the robber feel? How do you know? 4) Why might he feel this way towards a baby? 5) Why is he running away from the baby? 6) Why did he drop his bag? 7) How does this picture relate to the video you watched this week? What are the


Science Task: Investigate the muscles you use every day by completing the chart. Use the diagram to help you.


Telling Stories in Pictures

Paula Rego likes to tell stories in her paintings and drawings. She uses traditional Portuguese stories, fairy tales and Disney films (Snow White, Pinocchio and Fantasia) to inspire her work.

Read the story below. As you are reading think about the main characters and what the problem is. Once upon a time, there lived two pigeons. They were husband and wife. They spend

their day looking for food. In the evening they would come and rest on their favourite tree in the forest.

One evening, the wife returned home early. A usual she was waiting for her husband, when suddenly it started raining. She started to worry. “Where are you, my dear? You

never get so late," she whispered to herself.

Just then she saw a bird-catcher coming towards her. In a cage he had a pigeon. It was her husband. “OH no, what shall I do now" I wish I can help my husband," she

said. She desperately tried to distract the bird-catcher by flapping her wings, but all in vain.

Soon, it stopped raining. “Brrr! It is so cold," said the bird-catcher. His clothes were wet. He decided to sit under the same tree where the two pigeons lived.

The poor wife sat by her husband’s cage. And she started to cry. The husband said. “Do not feel sad, dear. We now have a guest. This man is shivering and hungry. He needs your help." Hearing this, the wife flew around getting dry twigs. She made a fire for the bird-catcher. Then she looked at the bird-catcher and said, “You are our

guest, since I have no food to offer, I will jump into this fire. In few minutes I will become an edible item for you. You can eat me."

By now, the bird-catcher was overwhelmed by the hospitality of the humble pigeon

couple. He at once stopped the wife jumping into the fire.

He opened the cage and set the husband free. “I have been cruel and selfish. I will never trap any bird in my net again," said the bird-catcher and went away. The two

pigeons were happy to be reunited. Activity: Draw a picture to represent this story.

Short writing task

Week beginning: 08.06.20

Pick a character from any fiction book and write a character profile.

In your character profile you should:

• Tell me basic information (e.g. name, age, where they are from etc.)

• Describe the appearance of the character. • Describe their personality (What do others think of

them?). • What makes them special (any abilities or hobbies).

Try to separate your information into paragraphs.

Challenge: Can you use any words from the story to help you describe them and put them in quotation marks?

e.g. The other children thought Mildred was “clumsy” as she was always falling off her broom.

(Taken from The Worst Witch)

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