home learning contingency plan and remote learning policy

Post on 28-Apr-2022






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Home Learning

Contingency Plan

And Remote Learning



The intent of this policy is to outline a contingency plan, in the event of further school closures or pupil absences, following the Covid-19 pandemic. At Egerton CP School, we understand the need to continually deliver high quality education, including during periods of remote working – whether for an individual pupil or whole class bubble. We recognise the importance of maintaining high expectations in all areas of school life and ensuring that all pupils have access to the learning resources and support they need to succeed when they are unable to attend school as normal.

Extensive remote learning would apply particularly in a situation in which the school is fully or partially closed for an extended period of time or a child is asked to self-isolate for an extended period of time assuming that the child/ren and teachers are healthy and able to work as normal from home.

Our on line learning platforms will also be the primary vehicle for sharing weekly homework to keep engagement high with the platforms in case school needs to activate the remote learning contingency plan. (Please refer to Homework Policy)

This policy does not normally apply in the event of short-term school closures e.g. as a result of inclement weather or a short-term student absence due to illness. Remote learning may also be appropriate in situations when students, in agreement with the school, have a period of absence but are able to work at home, at least to some extent. This may apply in cases such as exclusion from school, or longer term illness, assuming students are able to complete school work at home.

This policy aims to:

Minimise the disruption to the delivery of the curriculum, which would impact on pupils’ learning.

Ensure provision is in place so that all pupils have access to high quality learning resources.

Protect pupils from the risks associated with using devices connected to the internet.

Ensure staff, parent, and pupil data remains secure and is not lost or misused.

Ensure robust safeguarding measures continue to be in effect during the period of remote learning.

Ensure all pupils have the provision they need to complete their work to the best of their ability, and to remain happy, healthy, and supported during periods of remote learning.

Remote Learning During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Within the ever-changing circumstances we are currently living through, we have to be prepared for different scenarios. This plan will be applied in the following instances:

Remote Learning – School Closure.

Remote Learning – Due to an individual shielding or isolating.

Remote learning due to whole class isolating due to a class bubble closing.

In class remote teaching due to teacher isolating but at home well and fit for work. The plan complies with the expectations and principles outlined in the DFE document Guidance for Full Opening of Schools. Contingency planning

The school will work closely with the local health protection team when entering into Tier 4 and implement the provisions set within their contingency plan.

The school will work closely with the LA to ensure the premises is ‘COVID-secure’, and will complete all necessary risk assessments – results of the opening risk assessment will be published on the school’s website.

The school will communicate its plan for a local lockdown/Tier 4 with parents, including whether it will remain open to vulnerable pupils and children of critical workers, or if remote working will be applicable for all.

If a single class or ‘bubble’ needs to self-isolate, the school will implement remote learning immediately for that group.

Home Learning Contingency Plan

Learning materials

Reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure that all pupils have access to the resources needed for effective remote learning.

Teachers will ensure the programmes chosen for online learning have a range of accessibility features.

The school will review the resources pupils have access to and adapt learning to account for all pupils needs by using a range of different formats, e.g. providing work on PDFs which can easily be printed from a mobile device.

Work packs will be made available for pupils who do not have access to a printer – these packs can be collected from school.

Teachers will ensure lessons are inclusive for all pupils and can be adapted to account for the needs of disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND.

The SENCO will arrange additional support for pupils with SEND which will be unique to the individual’s needs, e.g. via weekly phone calls/emails.

Any issues with remote learning resources will be reported as soon as possible to the relevant member of staff.

In preparation for home learning, children will have log in and password details for the following resources

Tapestry (Reception Class Only) Class Dojo (Years One to Six) Purple Mash Spelling Shed TT Rockstars/Numbots Learning by Questions (Years Three to six) Oxford Owl Bug Club

Remote Learning Due to Whole School Closure

In the event of school closure, school will move over to remote learning for all children. The main portal for this will be Tapestry (Reception) Class Dojo (Years One to Six).

Where children do not have access to the appropriate technology, school will seek to have individual conversations with families regarding their own situations and aim to support them in loaning equipment.

Remote Learning will be set daily. This will be uploaded to individual Class Dojo pages (Years One to Six) and to Tapestry (Reception), all children will be expected to engage in home learning.

It is expected as per government guidelines that children will have daily contact with their teachers in the event of further school closure. There will be daily interaction between pupils and teachers through the use of Tapestry

and Class Dojo.

In addition, there will be regular face to face contact through Microsoft Teams. This will be in the form of well-being / PSHE activities and Reading sessions. These should happen no less than three times a week – Monday,

Wednesday and Friday.

Where new content is being taught, online pre-recorded tutorials will be made by teachers and uploaded to Tapestry and Class Dojo.

Work will be set in line with the Egerton curriculum, continuing from the point that was left as the school closed. School will be able to access home learning website links via Dojo / Tapestry.

Children in Year 3 – 6 will be set Regular tasks on LBQ (Learning by Questions).

Children will also be directed to activities which they can access on Purples Mash, White Rose Maths and, where appropriate The Oak Academy. Where children are unable to access the online learning set, for example for

children with SEND, individual resource packs will be made for these children.

Children’s learning must be uploaded to Class Dojo where it will be checked on a daily basis by class teachers and feedback will be given.

Where children do not engage in remote home learning, telephone calls will be made to parents.

Children that are attending Key Worker / Vulnerable Child Group will have access to their home learning activities whilst in school.

Remote Learning – Due to an Individual Shielding or Self-Isolating

Assuming the child’s absence falls within the COVID-19 guidance for self-isolation, and the child in question is confirmed by the parent as healthy enough to work, the school will provide work to be completed at home. If this occurs for an

individual child, the collation of work and communication with the parent will be coordinated and led by the child’s class teacher.

Where a child cannot attend school due to isolating or shielding, they will be directed to the Oak National Academy

website https://www.thenational.academy/ and BBC Bitesize along with appropriate class work set by the teacher on the class Dojo. Any learning that children complete at home can be uploaded to Class Dojo / Tapestry, and their class teacher will check this daily. Where LBQ tasks are set in class, this code will be sent via instant messaging on Dojo for the child to

complete from home. At least one live session for a story time or teacher catch up should take place during a 2 week isolation period.

Each class has produced a Grab bag for children to work through at home in the first instance. If children are sent home

with COVID-19 symptoms then they will take a grab bag activity pack home with them. If parents phone to inform us they are isolating awaiting a test they can collect a grab bag from the office or we can deliver. Grab bags include paper copies of

some worksheets to address basic skills and include current learning the class are covering this term.

Remote learning due to whole class isolating and class bubble being closed

Staff will support learning and teach from home if they remain well and fit for work. Teaching and learning:

All pupils will have access to high quality education when remote working.

The school will use a range of teaching methods to cater for all different learning styles, this includes:

A pre-recorded online session each day or audio lesson.

Face to face Microsoft Teams sessions


Online materials

Educational Websites

Various reading tasks – e.g. comprehension, inference and prediction

Daily challenges

Times Table Rock Stars

Mental Health and Well-being activities

Teachers will ensure lessons are inclusive for all pupils and can be adapted to account for the needs of disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND.

Volume of Work in the event of whole school closure or whole bubble closure

Phase Volume of Work per Week Feedback expected

EYFS Work will be posted each day by the class teacher and support for learning, if needed, will be available throughout the school day if requested via the online learning platform.

1 Wellbeing focus; 1 Physical Development idea; 4 Phonics inputs via pre-

recorded video with the teacher and follow-up phonics activity;

4 Maths inputs via pre-recorded video with the teacher and follow up maths activity;

An Understanding of the World activity.

Teachers will access children’s completed work via the online platforms; Tapestry Feedback can be given individually through the platform. Feedback may consist of:

An individual general comment, for example, if a child had found something particularly challenging and you had offered support with the task. “I’m pleased to see that you were able to complete the task using the clue I gave you.”

A comment that identifies next steps for the child to extend their learning further.

Feedback on work needs to have been given within a week of it being submitted.

KS1 Work will be posted each day by the class teacher and support for learning, if needed, will be available throughout the school day if requested via the online learning platform.

1 Physical Development idea; 1 Topic or Science activity;

Providing feedback on work completed: Teachers will access children’ completed work via the Class Dojo; Feedback can be given individually through the platform. Feedback may consist of:

Remote learning due to teacher isolating but at home well

If staff are self-isolating at home but are not poorly and under normal circumstances would be well enough to work, they are required to work their ‘full hours’ and available for work between 8.30am and 4pm each school day, or their

adjusted contracted hours if working flexibly or on a part time contract.

If a class teacher has to self-isolate but is at home, then they will use Microsoft Teams to support the teaching of the class from their home. A teaching assistant will supervise the class or other non-class based staff. Children will all

attend school as normal.

Any lessons taught in the absence of the class teacher, will be planned and assessed by the class teacher. Senior staff will take account of staff’s own individual home commitments during isolation and be accountable for maintaining

their positive well-being during this time.

5 reading/phonics including pre-recorded video inputs where appropriate;

5 English activities including pre-recorded video inputs where appropriate;

5 Maths activities including pre-recorded video inputs where appropriate;

1 list of spelling words. In addition, teachers will provide;

1 Wellbeing focus – live on Microsoft teams;

1 story time – Live on Microsoft teams;

1 Achievement Time – Live on Microsoft Teams;

an individual general comment, for example, if a child had found something particularly challenging and you had offered support with the task. “I’m pleased to see that you were able to complete the task using the clue I gave you.”

a comment that identifies next steps for the child to extend their learning further.

individual feedback for a piece of longer written work or if a child has gone above and beyond to produce an exceptional piece of work. The comment may acknowledge something specific that has been achieved or completed. “I really like the way you have described the actions of your character. As a reader I could tell that they were sad at the beginning but very happy at the end of the story.” or “Wow! You must have done a lot of extra research about the living things to be able to complete this informative poster and the way you have presented it makes the information very clear. Well done”

if an answer sheet has been provided, there is no expectation for staff to mark or comment on this work. If there has been specific dialogue in the week regarding a particular question which the child has gone on to get correct, staff may feel they want to praise the child but think this should be on a case by case basis.

Feedback on work will be provided in a timely manner of it being submitted.

KS2 Online learning platform: Class Dojo Volume of work for the week:

1 Physical Development idea; 5 writing/SPAG activities to

include including pre-recorded video inputs where appropriate;

1 list of spelling words 5 Maths activities including pre-

recorded video inputs where appropriate;

5 reading activities including pre-recorded video inputs where appropriate;

1 Topic or Science activity; In addition, teachers will provide;

1 Wellbeing focus – live on Microsoft teams;

1 story time – Live on Microsoft teams;

1 Achievement Time – Live on Microsoft Teams;

Remote Learning Policy When teaching pupils who are working remotely, teachers will:

Ensure that all provisions for remote learning will meet the needs of the class group’s age and ability.

Set learning so that pupils have meaningful and ambitious work each day.

Deliver a planned, coherent and well-sequenced curriculum, which allows skills to be built upon incrementally in line with school policy.

Provide frequent, clear explanations of new content through high quality curriculum resources, including through educational videos.

Assess progress by using questions and other suitable tasks and be clear on how regularly work will be checked.

Adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to questions or assessments, including, where necessary, revising material or simplifying explanations to ensure pupils’ understanding.

Plan a programme that is of equivalent length to the core-teaching pupils would receive in school, including daily contact with teachers.

In exceptional circumstances, the school may reduce its curriculum offering to enable pupils to cope with the workload – the Head Teacher will assess this need, keeping pupils’ best interests in mind, and will not make the decision lightly.

Teachers will continue to make use of formative assessments throughout the academic year, e.g. quizzes.

Online safety

This section of the policy will be enacted in conjunction with the school’s E-Safety Policy. All staff and pupils using video communication must:

Use Microsoft Teams

Communicate in groups – one-to-one sessions are not permitted.

Wear suitable clothing – this includes others in their household.

Be situated in a suitable ‘public’ living area within the home with an appropriate background – ‘private’ living areas within the home, such as bedrooms, are not permitted during video communication.

Use appropriate language – this includes others in their household.

Maintain the standard of behaviour expected in school.

Use the necessary equipment and computer programs as intended.

Not record, store, or distribute video material without permission.

Ensure they have a stable connection to avoid disruption to lessons.

Always remain aware that they are visible.

Keeping in touch with children and parents

Contact with parents or children should only be made via our agreed school communication


- School phone line

- Agreed email address parents@egerton.bolton.sch.uk

- Parentmail email and text

- Tapestry online platform

- Class Dojo online platform

Any emails or messages sent by parents or children via Tapestry and Class Dojo should only be

responded to within normal school hours (9.00am-3.30pm). There is an expectation that any emails

or messages received before 2pm will be responded to the same working day. Emails or messages

received after 2pm may be responded to the same working day, or the following working day.

Messages giving children feedback on their work can be completed at a time that is convenient to

the staff member but must be completed by Monday of the following week at the latest.

Any safeguarding complaints or concerns should be shared with either Miss S Mitchell (Tuesday –

Thursday) or Mr P Johnson (Monday). In the event that either Miss S Mitchell or Mr P Johnson isn’t

available, please contact Mr J Mills. DSL responsibilities can be found in the Safeguarding Children


If children are not engaging with the learning, this should be brought to the attention of the Head

teacher and actions will be agreed.

Key Worker Club for children of Critical Workers In the event of school closure, school will operate a Key Stage 1 and a Key Stage 2 key worker club, for the children of parents who work as key workers, as outlined in the government key worker lists.

Parents will be required to provide evidence as to their role as a key worker.

Places in the key worker club will also be offered to those children who school consider to be ‘vulnerable’ as well as those children with an Education Health Care Plan.

Any places in Key Worker Club must be booked a minimum of 1 week in advance via parents@egerton.bolton.sch.uk

Key Worker Club will run from 9am until 3:30pm.

Additional wrap around provision may be available from Egerton Out of School Club.

There will be no charge for KWC.

A full risk assessment will be conducted and guidelines issued to parents.

In the event that there is not enough staff to run ‘Key Worker Club’ due to staff sickness and shielding, the key worker club will be withdrawn until it is safe to reinstate.

Attending virtual meetings with staff

All staff should dress appropriately for a virtual meeting.

All Staff should consider the location used (e.g. avoid areas with background noise, nothing

inappropriate in the background)

When Staff are scheduled to be working in school with keyworker children, time will be provided for

them to attend the weekly virtual staff meeting.

CPD All staff members are responsible for engaging with CPD as requested and organised by school and as fits their pay and conditions.

Subject leads

Alongside their teaching responsibilities, as outlined above, subject leads are responsible for:

Working with teachers teaching their subject to make sure work set is appropriate and consistent.

Alerting teachers to resources they can use to teach their subject.

Senior leaders

Alongside any teaching responsibilities, senior leaders are responsible for:

Coordinating the remote learning approach across the school.

Monitoring the effectiveness of remote learning through weekly virtual staff meetings with teachers and a parental questionnaire.

Monitoring the security of remote learning systems, including data protection and safeguarding considerations.

Arranging for paper packs of home learning to be provided for those children who have no internet or IT access.

Children and parents

Staff can expect children to:

Be contactable during the school day

Complete work to any deadline set by teachers

Seek help if they need it, from teachers

Alert teachers if they’re not able to complete work

Staff can expect parents to:

Make the school aware if their child is sick or otherwise can’t complete work

Seek help from the school if they need it

Be respectful when making any complaints or concerns known to staff

The governing board is responsible for:

Monitoring the school’s approach to providing remote learning to ensure education

remains as high quality as possible

Ensuring that staff are certain that systems are appropriately secure, for both data

protection and safeguarding reasons

Who to contact

If staff have any questions or concerns, they should contact the following:

Issues in setting work – subject leads / SENCO

Issues with IT or systems – Computing lead / SBM

Issues with their own workload or wellbeing – Head Teacher

Concerns about data protection – Head teacher/ Data Protection Officer

Concerns about safeguarding – DSL and deputy DSLs

Data protection

Accessing personal data

When accessing personal data, all staff members will:

Only use the server in your IT network either on site or using remote access through


Only use devices provided by school, such as laptops. Staff should not be using

personal devices to access data.

Sharing personal data

Staff members may need to collect and/or share personal data such as email

addresses as part of the remote learning system. Such collection of personal data

applies to our functions as a school and doesn’t require explicit permissions.

While this may be necessary, staff are reminded to collect and/or share as little

personal data as possible online.

Keeping devices secure

All staff members will take appropriate steps to ensure their devices remain secure. This

includes, but is not limited to:

Keeping the device password-protected – strong passwords are at least 8 characters,

with a combination of upper and lower-case letters, numbers and special characters

(e.g. asterisk or currency symbol)

Use multi-factor authentication wherever possible

Making sure the device locks if left inactive for a period of time

Not sharing the device among family or friends

Installing antivirus and anti-spyware software

Keeping operating systems up to date – always install the latest update


Please refer to the Child Protection Policy and COVID-19 Addendum for details.

Monitoring arrangements

The Head Teacher will review this policy annually. At every review, it will be ratified by the full

governing board and monitored by the curriculum committee.

Links with other policies

This policy is linked to our:

Behaviour policy

Child protection policy and coronavirus addendum to our child protection policy

Data protection policy and privacy notices

ICT and internet acceptable use policy

Online safety policy

Homework Policy

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