holy name cathedral...o come, divine messiah worship hymnal #387 venez, divin messie postlude...

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December 22, 2019 - 4th Sunday of Advent

Holy Name Cathedral 730 North Wabash Avenue 312-787-8040 www.holynamecathedral.org

Mass Schedule Daily Mass: 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 am, 12:10, 5:15 pm

Saturday: 8:00 am, 12:10 pm

Vigil Masses: 5:15 pm and 7:30 pm

Sunday: 7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 11:00 am; 12:30, 5:15 pm

Saturday Reconciliation: 3:00-5:00 pm; 6:15-7:15 pm

Mission Statement As missionary disciples of Jesus Christ we celebrate, transform, and engage our diverse Cathedral parish through worship, life long formation and service to one another.

Holy Name Cathedral

Archdiocese of Chicago

Charles Cherney for Kate Oelerich Photography Charles Cherney for Kate Oelerich Photography


2  4th Sunday of Advent December 22, 2019


Christmas Letter from Cardinal Cupich



Upcoming Weddings at the Cathedral

Welcomed Into Our Family of Faith

Mass Intentions

Holy Name Cathedral Chicago, Illinois

We Remember and Celebrate

Do you want others to pray for you and your intentions?

There are over 70 Ministers of Praise in our parish who pray for the intentions of those who request prayers. Our Prayer Request line is 312-573-4493 and is available 24 hours a day. We will add our prayers to yours.

We are looking for new committee members to help col-lect prayers and design the materials for our monthly mailings to our Ministers of Praise. Want to help? Email: prayers@holynamecathedral.org

Pope Francis is inviting Catholics throughout the world to pray the rosary every day to ask St. Michael the Archangel to protect the Church from the devil, who is always trying to separate us from God and from each other. The prayer to St. Michael was composed by Pope Leo XIII.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen

III. Greg Scheaffer & Nicole Krawiec

III. Daniel Cook & Gabrielle Dougherty

III. Cyle Kurkowski & Kathryn Andreoni

I. Eric Kabellis & Tabitha Drevetzi

Monday, December 23 - St. John of Kanty 6:00 a.m. Ronald Sodini, Sr. (+) 7:00 a.m. Anthony Ciszewski (+) 8:00 a.m. Robert E. Dunlap (+) 12:10 p.m. Tu Tran (+) 5:15 p.m. Lady Fatima Gitty (+) Tuesday, December 24 6:00 a.m. Betty Ann McAndrews (+) 7:00 a.m. Frances Ann Pouzar (+) 8:00 a.m. Weissensel Family (+) Wednesday, December 25 - The Nativity of the Lord Thursday, December 26 - St. Stephen 6:00 a.m. Marguerite R. Olson (+) 7:00 a.m. Maggie Oswald (+) 8:00 a.m. Sheila McAndrews (+) 12:10 p.m. Alfred San Martin (+) 5:15 p.m. Edward Eugene Seifert (+) Friday, December 27 - St. John, Apostle 6:00 a.m. Albert Pollastrini 7:00 a.m. Patricia Armitage (+) 8:00 a.m. Illinois Club for Catholic Women 12:10 p.m. Mary Ellen Daly (+) 5:15 p.m. Francesca Campione (+) Saturday, December 28 - the Holy Innocents 8:00 a.m. Duldulao Family 12:00 p.m. Special Intention

Eleanor Sophie Gray

Elliana Rose Kyprianides

Elsie Louise Porter

Merry Christmas

Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift. Jesus is here!


4 4th Sunday of Advent December 22, 2019

Order of Worship PRELUDE 11:00 a.m.

Rorate Caeli

Josef Gabriel Rheinberger

Rorate coeli desuper, et nubes pluant justum; Aperiatur terra et germinet Salvatorem.

Drop down, ye heavens, from above, And let the skies pour down your righteousness: Let the earth open, And let it bring forth a Savior.


People, Look East

Worship Hymnal #398

Sunday 11:00 am

Savior of the Nations Come

Worship Hymnal #388


Creator alme siderum

I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault,

through my most grievous fault; therefore

I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.

Music copyrights held by G.I.A. Publications, Chicago, Illinois. Reprinted with permission

under license #S-903874 of OneLicense.net. All rights reserved.

READINGS Worship Hymnal #1010



All other Masses

Celtic Alleluia

Worship Hymnal #333

Sunday 11 am

Mode IV

Worship Hymnal #326


To all of our faithful parishioners who give of their time, talent and treasure – thank you for your generosity.

To our visitors today from all over the country and world, know that your monitory gift will go towards the support of the mission and ministries of Holy Name Cathedral. Thank you for your generosity



Worship Hymnal #124 Jacques Berthier


Unity Mass

Worship Hymnal #250

Norah Duncan


Unity Mass

Worship Hymnal #251

Norah Duncan


Unity Mass

Worship Hymnal #255

Norah Duncan


5 Holy Name Cathedral Chicago, Illinois

Order of Worship Sign of Peace & Communion from the Cup During Cold & Flu Season:

As we enter this cold and flu season, it is important to

recognize that some people are especially susceptible to

the viruses that can be spread by contact and that some

immune systems are very sensitive. Please understand

that some people may choose not to shake hands

during the Sign of Peace, but might simply greet you

with a smile. If you do decide to come to church for

Mass, please remember that frequent and thorough hand

- washing, refraining from physical contact during the

Sign of Peace, and refraining from receiving

communion from the Chalice can help prevent the

spread of germs.


Behold, a virgin shall conceive

Alto Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and

shall call His name Emmanuel, God with us.

(Isaiah 7:14 = Matthew 1:23)

O thou that tellest

Alto O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion, get thee up

into the high mountain. O thou that tellest good tidings to

Jerusalem, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not

afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, behold your God!

(Isaiah 40:9)


Take and Eat

Worship Hymnal #940

Sunday 11:00 am

Dixit Maria

Hans Leo Hassler

Dixit Maria ad angelum: Ecce ancilla Domini, fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.

Mary said to the angel: See, I am the handmaiden of the Lord.: Let it happen to me as you have said.


Sunday 11 am

Creator of the Stars of Night  

Worship Hymnal #405


All other Masses

O Come, Divine Messiah

Worship Hymnal #387


POSTLUDE Dialogue dur les Grands Jeux from

Ave Maris Stella

Nicolas de Grigny


4th Sunday of Advent December 22, 2019 6


Dear Friends,

Music is such an important part of this Christmas season. As Chris ans, we have a beau ful tradi on of song

around the birth of Jesus Christ. Most of us know these songs by heart. We light up as we hear them at Mass and

join in willingly as the choir sings them. Perhaps we even shed a few tears as our souls are filled with joy.

“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” It must have been an

awesome sight that first Christmas night to see the sky full of thousands of angels bringing the music of heaven

down to earth. It must have been an awesome experience for those shepherds to be struck with great fear at the

angels who appeared to them and then be filled with wonder at the sign that was revealed to them - “an infant

wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.”

The angels invite us to give glory to God. What did those shepherds see when they approached the stable at

Bethlehem? Just what the angels had foretold - “a child wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.”

They saw the Creator of the Universe and Savior of the World, helpless, cold, and poor. They saw a God who had

become like them - with no home of their own, looked down on by others, and going unno ced. In stark contrast

to the angels who inspired such great fear in them, they could approach this God and even pick Him up in their


If we are to welcome the baby Jesus into our hearts, then we too must become small. We must make ourselves

like li le children if the wonder and joy of this Christmas night is to become a reality for us. It means le ng go of

any pretense we might have of being able to save ourselves.

May the wonders of His love fill your heart with joy this Christmas. Wishing you joy and peace as we celebrate

the birth of our Jesus.

Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Wesołych Świąt, Maligayang Pasko, Buon Natale, Fröhliche Weihnachten

Liturgy Department of Holy Name Cathedral

Fr. Marek M. Smolka - Director of Liturgy

Michelle M. Pel er - Director of Liturgical Services and Special Events

Mr. David C. Jonies – Ac ng Music Director

John Lee - Administra ve Assistant to the Music Department

Faith Formation

Holy Name Cathedral Chicago, Illinois 7


Last Sunday, December 15, 9 adults and one child who are processing in the journey of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults celebrated the Rite of Acceptance (seeking Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) and the Rite of Welcome (baptized in another Christian faith tradition and be received into full communion of the Catholic Church), or baptized Catholics completing the Sacraments of Initiation.

The Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens establishes a relationship between unbaptized persons and the church. Joined to the Church now in this public moment, the

catechumens are now part of the household of Christ. In the Rite of Welcome, Candidates express their intention to become members.

During this rite, the Catechumens, Candidates and their sponsors went up to the altar as their names were called, and asked what they are seeking and why. The sponsors and the entire assembly expressed their willingness to help the Catechumens and Candidates find and follow Christ more deeply. At this time the priest traced the sign of the cross on the forehead of the Catechumens and Candidates. Their sponsors continued with the signing of other parts of the body such as the ears, eyes, lips, shoulders, hands, and feet.

With great joy, the Holy Name Cathedral Faith Community welcomes our Catechumens and Candidates into the next process of the RCIA, the Catechumenate. During this time they enter an extended period of time during which they are given pastoral formation and guidance, aimed at training them in the Christian life and the faith of the Catholic Church so as to express a desire to be one with us at the table of the Lord by following a path of prayer, service and love.

Let us pray for these sisters and brothers and look forward to the day they will share fully with us at the Lord’s Table.


Lord Jesus,

Encircle this tree with your blessing.

May its twinkling lights remind us of the hope and promise of your coming.

May we find joy in the memories we share in its tinsel and trimmings.

May the presents we place beneath it give rise to an appreciation for the gift of Your Presence among us.

We ask this in Your Holy Name. Amen

From Sadlier Religion Publisher


There will be no Bible Study, Wednesday, December 25. Gatherings will resume, Wednesday, January 8, 6:30 p.m., in the rectory.


Holy Name Cathedral invites adults (19 years old+) seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation, to register for the eight week preparation, beginning March 10, with reception of the sacrament, May 5, 2020. Register online by clicking on the Adult Confirmation slider on the parish website home page,. For more information, contact Dr. Kenneth Ortega.


Holy Name invites adults who want to learn more about the Catholic Church throughout the year. If you, or someone you know, expressed an interest, contact Dr. Ken Ortega, kortega@holynamecathedral.org

The following restaurants donated meals to the Thursday and Friday suppers served each week by Holy Name Cathedral parish to the local hungry. As you may be dining out, please consider supporting them for

their generous support of our ministry. Be sure to mention that you are from Holy Name Cathedral and appreciate their donations.

Italian Village 71 W. Monroe 312-332-7005 Tiparo’s 1540 N. Clark St. 312-712-9900

The Chicago Chop House 60 W. Ontario 312-787-7100 Flaco’s Tacos 46 E. Chicago Ave. 312-266-8226

Joe’s Seafood & Steak 60 E. Grand Ave. 312-379-5637


Human Concerns

THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SUPPERS Every Thursday and Friday at 3:45 p.m. What: A free, warm meal Where: Catholic Charities - 721 N. LaSalle (LaSalle & Superior) For Whom: 130 local hungry dine-in guests, plus 80 bag lunches to go = 210 people fed each night. Cost: Free for the guests; almost $1,000 for the par ish. Funded by: Donors like you. Make a donation to suppor t this impor tant ministry of the Cathedral by dropping off a check addressed to Holy Name Cathedral in an envelope marked Thursday-Friday Suppers.

4th Sunday of Advent December 22, 2019 8

BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK We want to thank all of our dedicated and passionate volunteers for making this program an overwhelming success this year. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Volunteers pack and deliver 250 bags of supplemental food to St. Malachy School each week during the academic year. The bags reduce the chance of hunger on weekends, allowing students to focus on their education and enjoy being kids! Please join our group of dedicated volunteers on Thursdays from 10:30 a.m.—Noon on the second floor of the Rectory. Sign up at https://tinyurl.com/HCCblessings NOTE: There will be no packing on December 26th and January 2nd due to the Christmas and New Years Holidays. Does your company or business need a volunteer opportunity? Contact HNCblessings@gmail.com


Join us as we sort and pack food at the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Your 3.5 hours of volunteering not only contributes to local families’ meals but also provides food credits for Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly to use to purchase food from the Depository. You can meet us at the Food Depository, 4100 W. Ann Lurie Place, at 8:15 AM or, if you are carpooling, meet in front of the Cathedral no later than 7:45 AM. Although sign up is a 2-step process, it is quick and easy. Carpooling will only be possible if drivers volunteer. Riders should check SignUp Genius using the link in Step 2 before heading to the Cathedral to carpool. Step 1: You must r egister with the Greater Chicago Food Depository before signing up with us. Register at: https://tinyurl.com/fd0120 (This link changes each month.) Step 2: Let us know whether you will be meeting us at the Food Depository or carpooling. If you can drive other carpoolers, please enter "Driver" in the comment section of the sign up page. Sign up for either option at: https://tinyurl.com/HNCfdDep2 If you have any questions, contact us at: HNChumanconcerns@gmail.com




Holy Name Cathedral Chicago, Illinois


Looking for something different as a Christmas gift? Consider a donation to our Thursday-Friday Suppers in the name of a family member who has everything or a friend who is hard to shop for or a co-worker. A letter of announcement is mailed to the honoree and a letter of acknowledgment to the donor.

Feast of Santo Nino. Saturday, January 11 at 11AM. Main Presider: Rev. Louis J. Cameli. Includes the Cathedral Filipino Singers (CFS). Gathering time at the church is 10:30 a.m. CFN celebrates the annual Feast of Santo Nino with the venerated statue of the Child Jesus of Prague. Devotion to the Child Jesus is ubiquitous and observed with reverence around the world. On January 11, the Santo Nino de Cebu, a newly acquired image from the Philippines, will join the CFN celebration. The original statue was a gift from Ferdinand Magellan in 1521 to the Queen Humamay, wife of Rajah (King) Humabon. At the Basilica Minore the Santo Nino de Cebu is the oldest surviving Catholic relic in the Philippines along with the Magellan cross. CFN Feast of Sto Nino includes Illinois and Indiana devotees, who bring their Santo Nino statues for blessings during the Mass. All are welcome to attend CFN events. For more details, cfn.hnc@gmail.com or 312-933-4762.


Season of Giving Love

Season of Receiving Grace

Holy Name Cathedral BLOOD DRIVE

Sunday, December 22

8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. - Parish Center Cafeteria

Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus

For an appointment, please visit www.redcrossblood.org

You can save time when you donate by using RapidPass!

Visit redcorssblood.or/RapidPass for more information.

Please note: Br ing a photo ID or your donor card, or two other forms of ID.


With the New Year approaching, Holy Name is pleased to announce it will continue sponsoring the Volunteer Income Tax program in 2020 and is seeking volunteers. Every Saturdays, from February 1 through April 11, 2020, volun-teers will assist clients in preparing their tax returns. The site is open from 10am to 2pm. Volunteers may assist as many Saturday as they wish and no prior professional experience is needed.

If you are interested or have questions, please contact hncvita@yahoo.com.

Holy Name Cathedral

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance


COMING SOON! myCathedral

Holy Name Cathedral will be launching myCathedral, an exciting new online platform in mid-January. myCathedral is a digital community enabling the people of Holy Name Cathedral to easily access up-to-the-minute information on programs, connect with people in your groups, and more deeply engage in your ministries. Each person will have a private, personal portal to reflect your groups' planned activities as well as your engagement with the Cathedral.

Learn more about myCathedral by visiting the Holy Name Cathedral website at




4th Sunday of Advent December 22, 2019

Welcome Back to Holy Name Cathedral Our Blessed Mother

On December 8th we welcomed back the original Statue of Mary, over 100 years old, that was recently discovered in the basement of a south side parish after being gone for over 50 years. Mary is home thanks to: The Rigali Family of Daprato-Rigali who found the statue, notified us, refurbished and in-stalled this beautiful image of Mary. Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Tamari and family who sponsored the refurbishing and installation with a generous gift. They told me this was one of the most important days of their lives. So many of our parishioners came up to them with hugs and thank yous! Thanks to our Cathedral Priests and Staff who made the Blessing Ceremony a very touching, spiritual moment in our Cathedral history. Please stop by Mary’s Shrine and offer your intercessory prayers to Our Blessed Mother. Fr. Greg

O Holy Mary,

Mother of God

“We are forever grateful.”

The Tamari Family

December 8, 2019

11 Holy Name Cathedral Chicago, Illinois

For more information about any activities email youngadults@holynamecathedral.org or check out the HNC Young Adults Facebook page http://facebook.com/hncya.

ACT II . . . for everyone 40 and over ACT II is committed to the needs and interests of Holy Name parishioners age 40 and over. Our goal is to encourage participation and a sense of belonging within the Holy Name community by providing opportunities for SOCIAL gathering, CULTURAL & EDUCATIONAL pursuits, SPIRITUAL development and community SERVICE.

There’s More to Christmas… There’s more, much more to Christmas

Than candlelight and cheer; It’s the spirit of sweet friendship

That brightens all the year; It’s thoughtfulness and kindness,

It’s hope reborn again, For peace, for understanding,

For goodwill to men! Author Unknown

Our ACT II coordinators and members join in wishing all our Holy Name Cathedral family of clergy, staff, volunteers and fellow parishioners a very BLESSED CHRISTMAS...one filled with the presence of friends and family; fond memories of times and people past; gratitude for our country's many freedoms and renewed resolve to dedi-cate ourselves to the promise of the Christ child's birth two millennia ago.


Events Holy Name Cathedral Young Adults welcome everyone in their 20’s and 30’s to share companionship in Christ.

Roundtable with Josh Goralski Sunday, January 12 at 6:30pm at the Clubroom Audience: Young Adults (20-39 years old) Come join us after the 5:15pm mass for another roundtable. Josh Goralski, founder and CEO of Unlocking Communities, will be speaking on the Catholic Social Teaching-based model of Unlocking Communities that used currently being used in ten communities across Haiti and his journey to get to this point. We will be meeting in the clubroom.

Prayers with Mary in the Chapel Every Thursday at 6:00pm at the Chapel Audience: All Ages Every Thursday join the young adults in the Holy Name Cathedral Chapel at 6:00pm for our Prayers with Mary rosary prayer session. Whether you are looking to strengthen your faith, relieve stress from the trials of the day, or meet other like -minded Catholics, Prayers with Mary can bring great benefit to your spiritual and daily life. People of all ages are welcome, No rosary experience is necessary… just bring yourself! Rosaries and prayer books are provided.

Christmas Toy Drive Thanks to all of you who donated toys and money for our toy drive a few weeks ago. We collected over $2600 and a room full of toys! A lot of kids will be very happy because of your generosity. Thanks again and Merry Christmas!


This Week at the Cathedral Humor from the Rector Sunday, December 22 EVENT TIME LOCATION RCIA 8:30 AM Club Room Blood Drive 8:30 AM Cafeteria Advent Vespers & Concert 3:30 PM Cathedral Monday, December 23 EVENT TIME LOCATION Rosary 5:45 PM Cathedral Rainbows 6:30 PM Rm 208 Tuesday, December 24 EVENT TIME LOCATION Christmas Eve Masses: 4pm & 6pm

Wednesday, December 25 EVENT TIME LOCATION Christmas Masses: Midnight 7am, 8:15am, 9:30am, 11am, 12:30pm, 5:15pm Thursday, December 26 EVENT TIME LOCATION Adoration 12:45 PM Cathedral Holy Hour for Vocations 3:00 PM Cathedral Benediction 5:00 PM Cathedral Young Adults/Prayers with Mary 6:00 PM Chapel Friday, December 27 EVENT TIME LOCATION No Scheduled Events Saturday, December 28 EVENT TIME LOCATION No Scheduled Events Sunday, December 29 EVENT TIME LOCATION Parish Baptisms 2:00 PM Cathedral

4th Sunday of Advent December 22, 2019

ELECTRONIC GIVING Visit our website at https://holynamecathedral.org/give/ or scan the QR Code to make your one time; weekly or monthly contribution online.

God bless you for your generous heart!

“Wow! Another Christmas money ask from Fr. Greg!”

Holy Name Cathedral 730 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60611 Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago and Pastor

13 Holy Name Cathedral Chicago, Illinois

Rector Very Rev. Gregory S. Sakowicz gsakowicz@holynamecathedral.org

Controller/Human Resources Director Patricia Palacios ppalacios@holynamecathedral.org Assistant to the Rector for Planning and Development Mark J. Teresi mteresi@holynamecathedral.org Chief Facilities Officer and Operations Stan Strom sstrom@holynamecathedral.org Associate Pastors Rev. John P. Boivin Rev. Marek Smolka Rev. William Vollmer Residents Rev. Kevin Birmingham Rev. Louis Cameli Rev. Ramil Fajardo Rev. Bill Moriarity Rev. William Woestman, O.M.I. Weekend Associates Rev. Msgr. Michael Boland Rev. Peter Wojcik Deacons Deacon Michael McCloskey Deacon Stan Strom Deacon Dan Welter

Executive Administrative Assistant Dawn G. Swanson dswanson@holynamecathedral.org Assistant to the Controller Ronald Birch rbirch@holynamecathedral.org Associate Pastor for Faith Formation Rev. William Vollmer wvollmer@holynamecathedral.org Director of Faith Formation Dr. Kenneth Ortega kortega@holynamecathedral.org Coordinator of Children’s Faith Formation Peter Harley pharley@holynamecathedral.org Associate Pastor of Liturgy Rev. Marek Smolka msmolka@holynamecathedral.org Director of Liturgical Services & Special Events

Michelle M. Peltier mpeltier@holynamecathedral.org Associate Pastor for Pastoral Ministries Rev. John P. Boivin Director of Pastoral Ministries Lori Doyle ldoyle@holynamecathedral.org Oblate Sisters of Jesus the Priest Sister Guadalupe Lopez, Superior Sister Maria Louisa Sanchez Sister Lorenza Pat-Cahuich Sister Maria Elia Licona Vargas

Acting Director of Music & Organist David C. Jonies djonies@holynamecathedral.org Administrative Assistant, Music John Lee music@holynamecathedral.org Chief Engineer Ryan Pietrzak rpietrzak@holynamecathedral.org

Associate Building Engineer Jesse Macias jmacias@holynamecathedral.org

Office Manager Janet Scheckel jscheckel@holynamecathedral.org

Frances Xavier Warde School 751 North State Street 312-466-0700

Head of School Michael Kennedy

Archdiocese of Chicago Vocation Office and House of Discernment 750 North Wabash 312-534-8298

Bishop Quarter House 750 North Wabash 312-640-1065

Vocation Director Rev. Tim Monahan

Ministry of Praise Hotline 312-573-4493

Register as a Parishioner: If you regularly pray with us at the Cathedral, we want to welcome you as a member of our Faith Community. You can register on our website, or stop by the Cathedral Administrative Offices.

Keep Us Informed: Help us keep our database up-to-date by sending us any changes in address, email, phone number or name.

Private Prayer: The Cathedral is open throughout the day for private prayer and devotions.

Volunteer Opportunities: Find yourself looking for that perfect opportunity to volunteer at the Cathedral? Send an e-mail to hncvolunteercommunity@gmail.com and become a member of our volunteer community.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Are you looking to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation? Contact Dr. Ken Ortega at kortega@holynamecathedral.org

Mass Intentions: Weekday Mass intentions are available for parishioners who would like their intentions to be remembered at Mass. Intentions are available for those who have died or through a Spiritual Bouquet for someone who is living. Stop by the Cathedral Administrative Offices to obtain a date and time.

Eucharistic Adoration: Join in adoration in the Cathedral on the first Friday of the every month and every Thursday after the 12:10 p.m. Mass. Rosary: The Rosary is prayed Monday through Wednesday after the 5:15 p.m. Mass. On the first Wednesday, our Rosary and Novena honor Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Tours: Want to know more about the Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Chicago and this historic landmark in our city? Schedule a tour through our website with one of our Cathedral Docents. Baptisms: Infant baptisms are celebrated on designated Sundays throughout the year at 2:00 p.m. Parents of infants are asked to participate in a one-time baptism preparation class before the baptism. Contact Dawn Swanson at dswanson@holynamecathedral.org to register for the class and to schedule the baptism.

Baptisms for children over the age of six are coordinated through our Children’s Faith Formation program. You can contact Peter Harley, Coordinator of Children’s Faith Formation via email at pharley@holynamecathedral.org for more information. Baptisms for adults are a part of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. You can contact Dr. Ken Ortega at kortega@holynamecathedral.org

Marriage: You must be a currently registered member of Holy Name Cathedral in order to be married at the Cathedral. Please allow at least six months prior to the wedding date you desire before making any other plans. Consult our website for more information on celebrating the sacrament of matrimony at the Cathedral.

Ministry of Care: If you or your loved one is sick or homebound and unable to attend Mass with us, a trained Minister of Care can bring you Communion. Contact Lori Doyle, Coordinator of Pastoral Ministries, at ldoyle@holynamecathedral.org.

Follow Holy Name Cathedral on Social Media!




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