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Holy Family Catholic Church & School - La Sagrada Familia de La Iglesia y Escuela

2509 Nogales St. Corpus Christi, TX, 78416 ▪ Phone: (361) 882-3245 ▪ Fax: (361) 882-4968

Website: http://holyfamilycc.net ▪ Facebook: facebook.com/holyfamilycc

April 23, 2017 | 23 de Abril 2017 | Divine Mercy Sunday– Domingo de La Divina Misericordia 2

All are invited to pray the Divine Mercy

Chaplet, TODAY, Sunday, April 23, 2017 at 3:00pm in the

Church. Please arrive by 2:30pm.

Todos están invitados para orar la Coronilla de la Divina Mis-

ericordia, HOY, el Domingo, 23 de Abril a las 3pm de la

tarde en la Iglesia. Por favor llegue a las 2:30pm de la tarde.

Divine Mercy Sunday/Domingo de La Divina Misericordia

Pray for the Sick: Josie Abrego, Richard Abrego, Ralph Alvarado Jr.,

Bri Avalos, Sandra Avalos, Steve Avalos, Paul Ballesteros Jr., Brianna

Barron, Sunshine Burden, Aurora Burkhatter, Adam Ceballos, Elvira

Crespo, Javier & Virginia DeLaRosa, Jessica Ponce Deleon, Lupe

Elizondo Jr., Norma C. Esochcea, Gloria Garcia, Miguel (Mike) Gar-

cia, Jose & Maria Gatica, Olga Gonzalez, Daniel Gutierrez, Lucero

Casares Guzmán, Miguel Casares Guzmán, Luke Gutierrez, Brandon

Harrison, Greg Harrison, Ed Jordan Hernandez Jr., Elida Hernandez,

Eric Hernandez, Jesus Hernandez Jr., Yolanda Guzmán Hernandez,

Rosemary Juarez, Steve Juarez, Joe Lopez, Jesse Lucio, Andy Mar-

tinez, Belen Martinez, Barbara Martinez, Dolores Martinez, Erma Mar-

tinez, Roel Martinez, Sofia Martinez, Viola Martinez, Teresa Deleon

Mata, Abagail Mondragon, Adan Mondragon Jr., Blanch Mondrag-

on, Makaela Mondragon, US Coastal Guard - Luis Miguel Munoz,

Sofia Munoz, Richard Nunez, Esther Padida, Sully Repalo, Kloe

Ponce, Mario Ramirez, Annette Rodriguez, Daniel Rodriguez, Denver

Lincoln Rodriguez, Gloria Rodriguez, Martin Rodriguez, Nora Rodri-

guez, Rebecca Rodriguez, John Rourke Jr., Maria Salazar, Jose Luis

Casares Sanchez, Mrs. Sanchez, Farrell Smith, Graciela Smith, Izaiah

Solis, Joe Solis, Mr. Guadalupe Vidaurri, Dave Whitney, Joseph Wil-


Pray for the Troops: Jose Angel, Abel Arriaga, Army, LCPL, Baldemar A.

Barba, TSgt. Mark A. Benavidez USAF, Joshua Manuel Davidson, S. Estudil-

lo, Christina Flores, Aaron G Garcia, Adan Garcia, Julio Alejandro Garcia,

Gabriel Garcia, Steve Gatica, Anthony Gerber, CWO4, Ruben Gomez,

Benjamin J. Gonzalez, David Gonzalez US Navy, Jacob A Guajardo, Amy

Guartuche, Deanne Guartuche, LCPL Luis Guerra, III, Michael Anthony Her

-nandez, Andrew P. Hoffman, Luis Jaime Jr, Luis Jaime Sr., Navy Chief

Bryant Little, Alexander V. Lopez, Humberto L. Lopez, Alex Maldonado,

Gary G Maldonado, Jerry Maldonado, Mindy Maldonado, Army PFC

Richard Henry Martinez, Susanna Martinez, Andrew Mata, Julie McGill,

Daniela Minemyer, Humberto Moses Miranda, Gilbert Moctezuma, Sgt.

Paul David Morado, Joseph D. Morales, Luis Alberto Moreno, Myranda

Morin, Benjamin Muñoz, Jose Gilberto Ochoa, Nicolas Ortega, Jr. (Army),

Lance Corporal Noe Ortega (Marine Corps), Cdr. Armando Ramirez, Ern-

est Ramirez, Sgt George B Reyes, Alfredo Rivas Jr, Eddie Rivas, Gilbert

Rivas, David Robles, Michael Patrick Rodriguez USAF, Rogelio Rodriguez,

David Ruiz, Eustalia Salazar, Danny Sanchez, Felipe S Sanchez, Lt. Cdr.

Michael Santomauro, Alexander J. Saucedo, Joe Solis, Naomi Stewart, TX

Army National Guard SFC Richard L. Titler Jr., Anthony Trevino (Navy),

USMC CPL Daniel Tovar, Mark Vasquez

Sunday, April 23, 2017

7:00AM Maria H. Gutierrez by MG. Gutierrez

8:30AM Ernestina A. Carranza by Family

10:30AM For the People of the Parish

12:30PM Celestino Cisneros by Wife & Son

6:00PM Julia F. Villarreal-In Thanksgiving for Her

Birthday, Frank Villarreal-In Memory of His

4th Anniversary, Ramon Vera-In Memory of

2nd Anniversary by Family

Monday, April 24, 2017

6:30AM Pray for Troops

6:00PM Enedina C. Fernandez-In Memory of 1st

Anniversary, Gabriel Fernandez-In Memory

of Birthday by Family

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

6:30AM For the People of the Parish

6:00PM Communion Service

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

6:30AM Pray for Sick

6:00PM Domingo Jasso Sr. by Sabina Jasso

Thursday, April 27, 2017

6:30AM Joe B. Segura-In Memory of His Birthday by His


Joe Carlos Segura Moreno-In Thanksgiving

for His 3rd Birthday from Grandma

8:15AM Special Intention for Holy Family School Children

6:00PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Chapel

Friday, April 28, 2017

6:30AM Communion Service

6:00PM John David Gonzales Manuel Elena

Herrera by Gonzales Family

Saturday, April 29, 2017

6:00PM Octavio David Saenz - Esposa y Hijos

Sunday, April 30, 2017

7:00AM Luis Crespo by Maria Escamilla

8:30AM For the People of the Parish

10:30AM Antonio Montes by Family

Mack Susie Johnny Luciano Alvarez by

The Alvarez Family

John Rourk by His Wife & Family

Rogelio C. Rodriguez-In Memory of His

Birthday by His Wife & Family

Gerome Seal, For Eternal Rest and All The

Souls in Purgatory by Juanita Gonzalez

Fermin G. Sanchez by Aurora Garza

Fermin Sanchez & Carolina Sanchez-In

Memory of 70th Wedding Anniversary by Family

Joe Ray Sandoval Consuelo Garza

Guadalupe Garza by Manuel & Grace


12:30PM Celestino Cisneros by Wife & Son

Celia Morales Campos by Norie Melve

Ricardo G. Pena by The Pena Family

Maria de Jesus Rojas George Morales by

Mr./Mrs. Jose Deleon

Por La Intencion de Jose Luis Casares Sanchez,

Yolanda Guzman Hernandez, Miguel Casares

Guzman, Lucero Casares Guzman by

Their Family

Sister Guadalupe Barcena by Estella Trevino

6:00PM Silvestre Rios by Wife & Family

Mass Intentions/Intenciones de la Misa

The Sanctuary Light symbolizes the Eternal Sacrifice.

Lamp Intentions are a $15.00 donation

This Week -

Church Lamp Burns for: For the People of the Parish

Chapel Lamp Burns for: For the People of the Parish

April 23, 2017 | 23 de Abril 2017 | Divine Mercy Sunday– Domingo de La Divina Misericordia 3

La Iglesia Católica de la Sagrada Famil-

ia tendrá un retiro de ACTS en español

para las mujeres de nuestra parroquia.

Fecha de el retiro: 11 al 14 de mayo de

2017. Hay sólo 35 lugares disponibles

para este retiro. Invitamos a todos los fe-

ligreses. El costo de inscripción es de

$130 con un depósito de $50 para man-

tener su lugar. Por favor, no deje que el

costo financiero la impida vivir este re-

tiro, becas están disponibles. También se

puede organizar un plan do pago para

usted. Si tiene alguna Pregunta, por fa-

vor comunícese con Melissa Lopez ext.

44 o Irene Anes ext. 13 en la Parroquia

882- 3245.

Holy Family Parish will be hosting a Span-

ish ACTS Retreat for the women of our

parish. The retreat dates are May 11-14,

2017. There are only 35 spots available

for this retreat. We invite all parishioners.

The registration cost is $130 with a $50

deposit to hold your spot. Please do not

let the financial cost keep you from liv-

ing the this retreat as scholarships are

available. A payment can be also be ar-

ranged for you. If you have any ques-

tions, please contact Melissa Lopez ext.

44 or Irene Anes ext. 13 at the Parish Of-


April 23, 2017 | 23 de Abril 2017 | Divine Mercy Sunday– Domingo de La Divina Misericordia 4

Beautify Holy Family Parish

April 29, 2017

Works starts at 8am until 1pm General Debris/Trash Clean Up

Around the Parish, The Parking Lot

and Around the School and Play-


We will need help in picking up

garbage, throwing away old

flowers and general clean up

around the parish and school. Men, Women, and Teenagers are encouraged to participate in helping

clean up the parish grounds and removing all the trash and debris. What to bring

Work Gloves, Insect Repellent, Closed Covered Shoes,

Bring Landscaping Tools (Trim Trees, etc.)

General Clean Up — Church Grounds

General Clean Up — Around the School and Playground Sign Up Sheets After Mass on April 23rd

Thank you for choosing to be a better Steward of the

Earth. Please, REMEMBER SAFETY FIRST and drink lots of WATER!

Proteje La Tierra

29 de Abril de 2017

Participa En Este Gran Evento Voluntario Para

Embellecer Nuestra Parroquia de La Sagrada Familia

La trabajo comienza a las 8am hasta las 1pm Limpienza de Toda Basura/Desperdicio en General Alrededor de

La Parroquia, El Estacionamiento y Los Alrededores de La Escuela

y Area de Juegos

Vamos a necesitar tu ayuda recogiendo la basura, desechar flores viejas y

limpieza en general en los alrededores de la parroquia y la escuela. Hombres, mujeres

y adolescents son bienvenidos para que participen en

la limpieza del campus de la parroquia y remover toda basura y desperdicio. Que se Necesita traer?

Guantes para trabajar, repelente para insectos, zapatos completamente cerrados

Traer herramientas de jardinería (árboles de recorte, etc.)

Limpieza General-Campus Parroquia

Limpieza General-Alrededores

de la escuela y area de juego

Inscribete como voluntario


de cada Misa el 23 de Abril

Gracias por tu decision de

protejer la tierra de una major

manera. Por favor, RECUERDA LA SEGURI-

DAD ES PRIMERO y toma su-

fieciente AGUA!

April 23, 2017 | 23 de Abril 2017 | Divine Mercy Sunday– Domingo de La Divina Misericordia 5

Cathecism of the Week

X. Indulgences Reference : Catechism of the Catholic Church

1471 The doctrine and practice of indulgences in the Church are closely linked to the effects of

the sacrament of Penance.

What is an indulgence?

"An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already

been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through

the action of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of

the satisfactions of Christ and the saints."81

"An indulgence is partial or plenary according as it removes either part or all of

the temporal punishment due to sin."82 Indulgences may be applied to the living or the dead.”

Plenary Indulgence of DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY, 2nd Sunday of Easter

Ref. JP II 13 June 2002

A Plenary indulgence, granted under the usual conditions as follows:

Sacramental confessions

Eucharistic Communion

Prayer of the intentions of the Pope in the Church of Chapel

Complete detachment from the affection for a sin even venial sin

Take part in the devotions held in honor of Divine Mercy, or who, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament ex-

posed or reserved in the tabernacle, recite the Our Father and the Creed, adding a devout prayer to the

merciful Lord Jesus. i.e Merciful Jesus, I trust in you.

Partial Indulgence, granted to the faithful, who, at least with contrite heart, pray the merciful Lord Jesus a legitimate

approved invocation.

April 23, 2017 | 23 de Abril 2017 | Divine Mercy Sunday– Domingo de La Divina Misericordia 6

Mass Book

The Mass Book is now open to make Mass

Intentions and intentions for the Sanctuary Light for

the months of May, June, July and August.

Libro de Misa

El Libro de Misas está abierto para hacer inten-

ciones de la Misa y intenciones de la Luz Santuario

para los meses de Mayo, Junio, Julio y Agosto.

Please turn in your Lenten folders and cans

to the Parish Office or in the collection basket.

Por favor entregue sus carpetas y latas

Cuaresmal a la oficina parroquial o en

la canasta de la colección.

Your Gifts for the Week of April 9, 2017

Sunday Envelopes: $4,492.42

Loose Collection: $4,239.50

Register Envelopes: $1,151.00

Online Giving: $431.00

Total: $10,313.92

Children’s Envelopes: $238.78

Works of Mercy: $1,931.37 Your Gifts for the Week of April 16, 2017

Sunday Envelopes: $5,656.85

Loose Collection: $4,126.69

Register Envelopes: $334.00

Online Giving: $793.00

Total: $10,910.54

Children’s Envelopes: $158.75

Holy Thursday Collection: $1,191.15

Good Friday Collection: $1,005.96

2nd Collection General Fund: $1,065.05

The Parish Office is selling the

Holy Candles. Please come by

the Parish Office, if you would

like to purchase

any candles.

Holy Candles

are $3.00 each (Limited Quanti-

ty Available)

La Oficina Par-

roquial estará

vendiendo las

Velas Santas.

Por favor venga

por la Oficina

Parroquial, si ust-

ed desea com-

prar cualquier vela. Velas San-

tas por $3.00 cada uno (Cantidad Limitada Disponible)

Spanish Men’s ACTS Retreat

La Iglesia Católica de la Sagrada Familia

tendrá un retiro de ACTS en español para los

hombres de nuestra parroqua que viene en

Agosto de 2017. Por favor, continúe manten-

erse actualizado para obtener más detalles.

Holy Family Parish will be hosting a Spanish

ACTS retreat for the men of our parish com-

ing in August 2017. Please continue to stay

updated for more details.

Attention Middle School Students:

Upcoming Retreat

Where: El Shaddai Retreat Center (Yorktown, TX)

When: Friday, April 28, 2017 - Sunday, April 30, 2017

Cost: $100 per youth

Registration Forms found in back of the

Communications Center in the Church

Need more information? Please Call (361) 882-3245

ext. 13 or Call Alfonso Ramirez at (361) 688-3364 SIGN UP TODAY!

Monday, April 24, 2017

No Faculty Meeting Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Block Kids — 3:30pm - 4:30pm Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Progress Reports Sent Out Thursday, April 27, 2017

School Mass — 8:15am

1st Communion Rehearsal — 6:30pm Friday, April 28, 2017

Blue Jean Day $2.00 Sunday, April 29, 2017

1st Communion — 2:30pm in the Church

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