hobart happenings issue 1 [2012]

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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Hobart Associates Newsletter


Current Promotions

• Powers Fasteners Introduces the Brand New C5 Gas Tool

• Qualtool Unleashes a Brand New Impact Quality Bit: QRYPTONITE

• Lackmond Diamonds is “Tooling Up for 2012”

Made in the USA, this high quality bit is plated with zinc chromate which adds two to ten times the life

expectancy. The aesthetically pleasing greenish-gold plating is designed for reduced shavings, a tighter fit,

as well as an all around hard, but not to hard product. Please call for free samples, or to take part in the

red hot distributor launch promotion.

Almost 20% lighter than the Ramset, and 10% lighter than the Hilti, this powerful tool can do everything and

more than both of its competitors. Whether the application is metal track to concrete or plywood to steel, this

105 Joule tool has the power to get the job done with ease. We are excited to get this tool in your hands,

so do not hesitate to call, we will get it to you to demo tomorrow!*

There is no better time than now to buy the WTS2000L. This 10” wet tile/stone saw with laser guide, LED

work light, and stand is an excellent buy. It is easy to operate and only requiring one man to transport from

location to location provides for time saving and increased productivity. It’s going fast, so hesitate to call

us for details!

Hobart Associates is equipt

with all the tools to help you

grow your business. We have

three mobile representatives

that will come to you to help

you sell! Backed up with a

knowlegable inside team, we

can meet all your needs to


716 East 16th AvenueNorth Kansas City, MO 64116816.472.5033 ph 816.472.5040 faxwww.hobartassoiciates.com

Hobart Happenings Issue 01 January 2012

*while supplies last

Professional Development

Hobart Happenings

Setting Hobart Apart From the Competition

01I S S U E

J A N U A R Y2 0 1 2

Volutpat mos at neque nulla lobortis

dignissim conventio, torqueo, acsi roto modo.

Feugait in obruo quae ingenium tristique elit

vel natu meus. Molior torqueo capio velit

loquor aptent ut lorem erat feugiat pneum

commodo vel obruo mara genitus. Suscipit,

vicis praesent erat feugait epulae, validus

indoles duis enim consequat genitus at. Sed,

conventio, aliquip accumsan adipiscing augue

blandit minim abbas oppeto commoveo.

Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in commoveo quibus

premo tamen erat huic. Occuro uxor dolore, ut at prae-

mitto opto si sudo, opes feugiat iriure validus. Sino lenis

vulputate, valetudo ille abbas cogo saluto quod, esse

illum, letatio conventio. Letalis nibh iustum transverbero

bene, erat vulputate enim dolore modo. Loquor, vulpu-

tate meus indoles iaceo, ne secundum, dolus demoveo

interdico proprius. In consequat os quae nulla magna.

Delenit abdo esse quia, te huic. Ratis neque ymo, venio

illum pala damnum pneum. Aptent nulla aliquip camur ut

consequat aptent nisl in voco. Adipiscing magna jumen-

tum velit iriure volutpat mos at neque nulla lobortis

dignissim conventio, torqueo, acsi roto modo. Feugait

in obruo quae ingenium tristique elit vel natu meus.

Molior torqueo capio velit loquor aptent ut erat feugiat

pneum commodo vel obruo mara genitus. Suscipit,

vicis praesent erat feugait epulae, validus indoles duis

enim consequat genitus at lerpo ipsum. Enim neo velit

adsum odio, multo, in commoveo quibus premo tamen

erat huic. Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si

sudo, opes feugiat iriure validus. Sino lenis vulputate,

valetudo ille abbas cogo saluto quod, esse illum, letatio


Letalis nibh iustum transverbero bene, erat vulputate

enim dolore modo. Molior torqueo capio velit loquor

aptent ut erat feugiat pneum commodo vel obruo mara

genitus. Suscipit, vicis praesent erat feugait epulae,

validus indoles duis enim consequat genitus at lerpo

ipsum. Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in commoveo

quibus premo tamen erat huic. Occuro uxor dolore, ut at

praemitto opto si sudo, opes feugiat iriure valid.

Suscipit, vicis praesent erat feugait epulae, validus

indoles duis enim consequat genitus at lerpo ipsum.

Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in commoveo quibus

premo tamen erat huic.

this issueCurrent Promot ions P.1

Sett ing Hobart Apart P.2

Growing in a Recession P.3

Maximizing Margins P.4

The way a business remains

profitable is currently in the

middle of a paradigm shift. The

majority of companies have cut

back on personnel, resulting

in less time to inquiry about

products/services used to run

there operations. Consumers

are taking advantage of this new

cost-effective model to make it

through these hard times. What

model am I talking about? The

significance of talent assets,

as opposed to physical assets;

for example how efficiently a

business is ran, effortless

innovation, as well as going

beyond satisfying a customers

needs. How well a company

can operate in this new model

will determine how much money

they can make/save their client.

Directly correlating to how much

money they, themselves will


Operating in Today’s Economy

Principles for Project Management Success

“You may have heard the

president of Hobart Associates

Don James, Jr. declare, “You

sell what you know.” This

is due to the fact that he is

committed to having a staff that

has the resources to get you the

information you need. Hobart’s

staff travels across the United

States to take training courses

directly from the manufacturers

they represent. This provides

the opportunity to provide fast,

knowledgeable support to

their clients. Everyone being

accountable for what they

sell provides for a smooth


Dedication to building a sustainable

business affords the possibility to

expand and hire new staff. This year

Hobart has added two young faces to

the team. A new addition to the inside

sales team, Jovo Bencun, transferred

from Office Max; where he was a

warehouse manager. He acquired

progressive skills in shipping,

receiving, inventory control, and

warehouse management. The other

new member, joining the outside

sales team, Bob DeFries, relocated

from Beijing, China, where he was

an architect. His knowledge in the

design side of the construction field

has given him a smooth transition to

the building side of the construction

field. These new additions aid to the

optimistic projections for 2012!

Q: When is the cutoff time to submit a Purchase Order to get same day shipping on a non-stock order? A: When distributors run out of stock, or need to

special order a part that they do not carry, that is when

our fax machine starts shooting out purchase orders.

Sean, Cathy, or Jovo will then start the process of

getting the product you need to you in an organized

and timely manner. First, Sean or Cathy will start

keying the order into our system. Multi-tasking is a

must, inevitably the phone will be ringing with people

needing answers to various questions ranging from

code approved anchors to a specific grip range of

a rivet to be used on an application that the person

calling only has half the information. All while they

are entering the PO into the system, Sean or Cathy

make educated guesses from their vast knowledge

in the field so the distributor calling can get the

correct answer to his customer. They then email a

confirmation to the distributor, followed by printing a

pack slip in the warehouse. Now it is Jovo’s turn to get

a cart and snake his way through the 43,000 square

feet of aisles to fulfill the PO. The last leg of the PO’s

journey is to the shipping room, where Sean or Cathy

double check the order so Jovo can pack, process,

and ship via UPS or FedEx. The whole process takes

an average of 40 minutes from the time you fax us to

putting the shipping sticker on the box. FedEx picks

up around 4:20 pm and UPS picks up around 5:00 pm.

To be safe, if you have your PO to us by 3:15 pm, we

can get it to you the next business day. Barring the

shipper’s logistics run in an orderly fashion. Note: All

this is being done while an average of 2-3 stocking

truck orders are processed daily.

This Issue’s Q&A

A growing business with new staff to back it up.Up double digits this year

yeilds potential to bring

new people aboard.

The Project Manager’s main

objective is to obtain a successful

project by submitting deliverables

on time, within budget, all while

being up to the stakeholders

standards. To do this, planning

is essential. There should be an

overall plan, accompanied by daily/

weekly sub-plans, to account for the

inevitable daily setbacks. The PM’s

main focus is on deadlines—to

prevent falling behind the timeline.

Regular status checks, meetings,

and reminders are necessary.

The PM should not assume

that everyone know what he is

instructing. He/she should sketch,

build mockups, and communicate

effectively, so everyone becomes

accountable for there work. Initially,

it costs far too much time and

money to get too deep into a project

before any building gets done.

Design/Build, or build some, then

get approval from the stakeholder;

repeat the process over and over,

this will limit backtracking so the

project can continually move

forward. As well as prevent using

unnecessary resources along the

way. It is important that the PM

has enough power to execute their

responsibilities; but this does not

mean that the stakeholders are not

by the PM’s side, step by step, to

help with decision making. They

must work together to meet the

same important goals. The afore

mentioned principles, along with the

most talented work force will ensure

that a project will move forward as

error free as possible.

Today, the details are the main

reason a business can continue to

turn over profits. Logistics is defined

as the planning, implementation,

and coordination of the details of a

business. Depending on how good

someone is at managing detail, is

a direct correlation to how long it

takes a person to complete a task.

The ancient business principle of

time is money has never been more

in the spotlight. How can a company

use this principle to their advantage?

Being organized and up to date...

it sounds simple, and is. Which

yields the question, why are so many

companies unorganized? Especially

when a computer can do it for you;

assuming that everyone knows how

to effectively use a computer. We

are all guilty of it; we want to get

today’s work out of the way, because

we can see the 5 o’clock finish line.

When, if we step back and go the

extra distance that one day, it will

create less work down the road. I

call it ‘residual work,’ you ‘do’ the

work once, and it continues to ‘do’

the work for you. That free time on

a later date could be used to gain

knowledge on another topic, creating

value to your customers, as well

as your employer, that will make

you an asset to your company. For

example, files in your companies

shared folders should have a system

that is intuitive for everyone to follow.

The first non team player to put a file

in the ‘branch of the tree’, and not out

by the ‘leaves’ leads the way to being

unorganized, which loses money.

Current pricing in a computer should

be updated and easy to access; the

time an employee takes to call up the

chain to get simple information could

be utilized learning about a new

product to sell a customer. But we

all know the easy answer, call up the

chain and have someone else to my

work. Cycling back to time is money.

Enough people relying on people

to do their work opens the door for

a competitor to take your business.

Not to mention the man power that

has to be hired to do your work—

raising the cost to get the product to

you. Which trickles down and cuts

out your margins, or you have to

drive your prices up, resulting in loss

of the sale. The end result: you lose

business, because your competitor is

more organized. It’s all in the details.

Maximizing Margins

This industry has immense

potential in generating huge

amount of employment. It has

been found out that construction

industry offers employment to

around 7% of the total employed

work force around the globe.

Construction Industry is

the largest sector in respect

of consumption of energy. It

consumes around 2/5th of the

total consumed energy through

out the world.

Resource utilization in case

of construction industry amounts

to half of the total resource used

all over the world.

SOFTWAREMonthly Picks

Our inventory management

and control software adjusts to

the individual needs of product

lines and manufacturers.

The use of Terminal Services

allows us to access company

resources from anywhere in

the country. Integrated and

innovative solutions are the key

to our continued longevity and



EYE ON ITCurrent Industry Trends

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