
Post on 17-Aug-2015






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w w w . w o r l d c o n g r e s s . c o m / w e l l n e s s

To p r e as o n s To aT T e n d :

→ Explore best practices for

implementing wellness and disease

management programs

→ Uncover ways to evaluate the

effectiveness of these interventions

→ Understand which populations benefit

most from wellness interventions and

where to focus resources to maximize ROI

→ Discuss behavior change initiatives

that have been enhanced through

incorporation of technology

→ Examine strategies for incorporating

consumer-generated data into

workflows and care plans, without

decreasing efficiency

InnovaTIons In wellness and populaTIon healTh managemenT

July 21, 2015seaport hotel

Boston, ma

I m p r o v e p o p u l a T I o n h e a l T h • d e c r e a s e c o s T s • I n T e g r a T e T e c h n o l o g y

To regIsTer, please vIsIT www.worldcongress.com/wellness • phone: 800-767-9499 • Fax: 781-939-2543 • emaIl : wcreg@worldcongress.com

Co-Located with: Educational Underwriter:

Organized by:

2 01 5

Strategies for Implementing, Sustaining, and Expanding Connected Health Programs to Capture the ROIJ u l y 2 0 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 5 • S e a p o r t H o t e l • B o S t o n , M a

MHealtH + teleHealtH World July 21-22, 2015

Seaport Hotel

Boston, MALeverage the Benefits of Mobile Innovation in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Pharmaceutical • Biotechnology • Medical Device/Diagnostics


hear BesT pracTIces For successFul

wellness and populaTIon healTh

managemenT programs From:

Paul Coppola, MBA

Head, Care Management, Program

Strategy, Innovation, and Design


Allison L. Hess

Director, Wellness Programs

GeisinGer HeALtH PLAn

Joseph C. Kvedar, MD

Vice President, Connected Health

PArtners HeALtHCAre

To regisTer, please visiT www.worldcongress.com/wellness • phone: 800-767-9499 • Fax: 781-939-2543 • email : wcreg@worldcongress.com

C O N S I D E R A S P O N S O R S H I P P A C K A G E • Present to Key Players in Your Target Market • Take Advantage of 1-on-1 Sponsor/Attendee Meetings Facilitated On-Site

CAPTURE A TRUE ROI THROUgH SPOnSORSHIP OF THE FOllOWIng:Agenda Thought leadership • networking Cocktail Reception • Breakfast Symposia • luncheon • Executive networking Breaks

To inquire about Sponsorship, Exhibit, and Executive Networking Opportunities, Contact Chris Karassik, Business Development Manager, World Congress [A-K] • Phone: 781-939-2419 • Email: Chris.Karassik@worldcongress.com

Suzanne Carroll, Business Development Manage, World Congress [L-Z] • Phone: 781-939-2648 • Email: Suzanne.Carroll@worldcongress.com

Who Should Attend:From Health Plans• Chief Medical Officer

• Chief Clinical Officer

• Chief innovation Officer

• Chief Digital Officer

• Medical Directors, VPs, and Directors– Wellness – Disease Management– Innovation – Benefit Design– Product Development – Analytics– Strategic Planning – Population Health

From Hospitals, Health Systems, IDSs• Chief Medical Officer

• Chief Quality Officer

• Chief Population Health Officer

• Medical Directors, VPs, and Directors– Wellness – Disease Management– Chronic Care – Innovation– Strategic Planning – Population Health– Analytics – Strategic Planning

This Summit also benefits • Communication Companies

• Behavior Change Companies

• Consultants

• Population Health Management solution Providers

• Wellness Companies

• technology Providers

Dear Esteemed Colleague,

Health care and health insurance are historically associated with illness or adverse health conditions; however in recent years, the industry has shifted its focus to identifying preventive measures and determining ways to promote health and wellness. This Summit convenes thought leaders to share best practices and lessons learned in consumer wellness and disease management to improve the health of populations and lower health care costs.

The Innovations in Wellness and Population Health Management Summit brings together health plans, hospitals, and health systems to discuss strategies for implementing and sustaining wellness programs that engage consumers and influence behavior change. After identifying high utilizers and exploring the importance of community partnerships, discuss the role of wearable technologies and patient-generated data in improving health outcomes.

Don’t miss this opportunity to network with your peers and gain valuable insights that you can bring back to your organization to increase the success of your wellness and population health management initiatives.


Paul Coppola Paul Coppola, MBA

Head, Care Management, Program Strategy, Innovation, and Design, AetnA

Chairperson, Innovations in Wellness and Disease Management Summit

InnovaTIons In wellness and populaTIon healTh managemenT

July 21, 2015seaport hotel

Boston, ma

I m p r o v e p o p u l a T I o n h e a l T h • d e c r e a s e c o s T s • I n T e g r a T e T e c h n o l o g y

To regisTer, please visiT www.worldcongress.com/wellness • phone: 800-767-9499 • Fax: 781-939-2543 • email: wcreg@worldcongress.com

Tuesday, July 21, 20157:00 am – 8:00 am Registration and Morning Coffee

8:00 am – 8:10 am

Chairperson’s Welcome and Opening Remarks

Paul Coppola, MBA Head, Care Management, Program Strategy, Innovation, and Design AetnA

8:10 am – 8:50 am

shift the Paradigm in Wellness and disease Management to Impact Population HealthWellness has not always been at the forefront of the health care industry, but with an increased focus on population health, organizations are realizing the importance of wellness as an essential way to improve the health of consumers.

• Discover the role of personalization and multiple program choice in wellness and disease management• Explore the additional data that can help guide program choice• Uncover the tools needed to increase personalization of programs

neal sofian Director, Member Engagement PreMerA BLue CrOss

8:50 am – 9:30 am

discuss strategies for Implementing and evaluating Wellness and Population Health Management ProgramsTo have a successful wellness program, organizations must understand the steps needed to implement such a program and strategies for enrolling members and patients.

• Explore the implementation process for a new program• Uncover strategies for enrolling consumers in pilot programs• Examine ways to plan evaluation of wellness and disease management programs to determine effectiveness

Paul Coppola, MBA Head, Care Management, Program Strategy, Innovation, and Design AetnA

9:30 am – 10:15 am Networking and Refreshment Break

10:15 am – 10:55 am

Case study: Geisinger Wellness — explore Value on Investment This case study examines the overall development, strategic planning, trending, and evolution from a participation-based to outcomes-based wellness program. Hear a review of evaluation metrics for the organization’s wellness programs, discuss population health integration points, and review participant and leadership engagement strategies. The geisinger Wellness programs started in 2006 with a strong focus on data-driven program design, value on investment, and creating a company and community wide culture of health and wellness.

• Examine the previous and current strategic plans for the overall approach of a culture of health and wellness, including the population health strategy• Hear lessons learned and programing development• Identify current and future strategy with health care reform including the new economics of health care benefits design• Explore unique internal system and department partnerships and integrations• Discuss current programs with initial results including preliminary ROI, such as system collaborations, medical home, case management, lifestyle

coaching, and telemedicine and telehealth programs• Discover the unique geisinger Health Plan Wellness Program model development and operations • Assess the analytics dashboard including value on investment

Allison L. Hess Director, Wellness Programs GeisinGer HeALtH PLAn

Co-Located with:

2 01 5

Strategies for Implementing, Sustaining, and Expanding Connected Health Programs to Capture the ROIJ u l y 2 0 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 5 • S e a p o r t H o t e l • B o S t o n , M a

MHealtH + teleHealtH World July 21-22, 2015

Seaport Hotel

Boston, MALeverage the Benefits of Mobile Innovation in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Pharmaceutical • Biotechnology • Medical Device/Diagnostics


To regisTer, please visiT www.worldcongress.com/wellness • phone: 800-767-9499 • Fax: 781-939-2543 • email: wcreg@worldcongress.com

Tuesday, July 21, 2015 (continued)10:55 am – 11:35 am

utilize data to Influence Behavior ChangeFor a wellness program to successfully influence behavior change, organizations need to understand the characteristics, current behaviors, and motivations of the target audience. Effective programs also segment populations in order to ensure tailored and targeted programs.

• Discover how data are collected and reported on audience behaviors• Explore ways to monitor changes in behavior after wellness programs are put in place• Discuss ways to encourage automated reporting to minimize resources needed to manage data

niraj Jetly Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Information Officer, nutrisAVinGs

scott Pingree Director, Strategic Planning interMOuntAin HeALtHCAre

11:35 am – 12:15 pm

determine the Need for Integrated and Tailored Wellness Offerings to engage ConsumersBringing increasing levels of wellness and well-being to members requires a careful, measured, and tailored approach. An integrated wellness program with multi-faceted offerings — ranging from Health Coaching, EAP, Incentives and Rewards, and Heightened Engagement Strategies — can bring wellness solutions to members in a way that meets their specific needs.

• Define the necessary elements of a wellness program offering • Understand the breadth and depth of wellness program offerings that are available to address not only physical wellness, but well-being that addresses

the whole person, and determine which combination of interventions meet the specific needs of the intended audience• Discover the benefits of tailoring messages and interventions to keep consumers engaged

Lauren Koretzki, MPH Director, Wellness Strategy and Innovation HArVArD PiLGriM HeALtH CAre

trapper Markelz general Manager MeYOu HeALtH

12:15 pm – 1:15 pm luncheon Keynote:

evaluate Mobile self-Management – delivering Value Where it Matters MostMobile programs are an effective way to overcome barriers to self-management and have brought about opportunities to deliver health education in an efficient and effective manner. However, with so many apps in the market, it can be difficult evaluating which mHealth solutions engage and motivate consumers while also meeting the needs of the organization.

• Explore ways to overcome barriers to mHealth adoption• Discover critical requirements – from the user perspective – for sustained engagement and behavior change progress• Consider how to evaluate mHealth innovations for best company and user satisfaction

Connie Mester, MPH Founder and Chief Executive Officer tHriVe 4-7

1:15 pm – 1:55 pm

explore Community Partnerships to Increase success of Wellness ProgramsEvidence shows that being in a state with a strong public health infrastructure significantly improves the success of wellness and disease management initiatives.

• Understand the impact community partnerships have on influencing behavior change• Discuss the impact of social context on the outcomes of these programs• Uncover opportunities for working in collaboration with state public health officials on wellness initiatives

edward Anselm, MD Medical Director HeALtH rePuBLiC insurAnCe Of neW JerseY

1:55 pm – 2:35 pm

determine Best Practices for Collaborating with employers on Behavior Change InitiativesEmployers are increasingly utilizing wellness programs to improve the health and productivity of their employees and reduce their employee health care costs. Health plans benefit from collaborating with employers on these initiatives, as it allows plans to access their members in their work setting, where they spend a large portion of their time.

• Explore the role of a health plan in assisting employer groups in the development of a wellness program and culture• Discuss strategies for performing corporate wellness assessments with employer groups• Uncover best practices for planning and implementing employee interest surveys, health assessments, claims reviews, and wellness proposals

Beth foley Vice President, Quality and Clinical Operations fALLOn HeALtH

To regisTer, please visiT www.worldcongress.com/wellness • phone: 800-767-9499 • Fax: 781-939-2543 • email: wcreg@worldcongress.com

Tuesday, July 21, 2015 (continued)2:35 pm – 3:20 pm Networking and Refreshment Break

3:20 pm – 4:00 pm

Shared programming with mHealth + telehealth World 2015

Outline the Benefits of Wearable Technologies in Health CareThe introduction of wearable technologies has brought a lot of discussion about their potential in various industries. Understanding their place in the health care industry requires a focus on the real use of these technologies and their impact on patients and caregivers.

• Explore the benefits of wearable sensor technology deployed in clinical studies and discuss the future of this technology• Uncover the role of wearable technology in improving outcomes for chronic and acute conditions for patients and care networks• Examine the increasing value of a wearable technology platform approach

simon Hall Managing Consultant PA COnsuLtinG GrOuP

Maulik D. Majmudar, MD Associate Director, Healthcare Transformation lab MAssACHusetts GenerAL HOsPitAL

Chris steel Senior Partner PA COnsuLtinG GrOuP

4:00 pm – 4:40 pm

Shared programming with mHealth + telehealth World 2015

uncover the ROI of Incorporating Wearable Technologies and sensors Wearable technologies received a lot of attention when they initially entered the market, but some health care organizations are questioning their true value.

• Review where and how these technologies are currently used by health plans and hospitals• Discover what interventions see the most success after implementing these technologies and the impact on programs• Discuss the ROI on incorporating this additional technology

Lori Huss Director, Wellness Capabilities HuMAnA

4:40 pm – 5:20 pm

Shared programming with mHealth + telehealth World 2015

Closing Keynote: Incorporate Consumer-Generated data into Workflows and Care PlansThe introduction of new consumer-centered health care technologies – such as wearables and remote monitoring devices – brings about additional data on consumers.

• Consider ways to incorporate additional data with minimal disruption in workflows and efficiency• Discuss what to do with this additional information once it is collected and available• Examine the impacts of HIPPA on utilization of consumer-generated data

Joseph C. Kvedar, MD Vice President, Connected Health PArtners HeALtHCAre

5:20 pm – 6:20 pm Close of Summit; Cocktail and Networking Reception

C O N S I D E R A f u t u R E S P O N S O R S H I P P A C K A G ETo inquire about Sponsorship, Exhibit, and Executive Networking Opportunities, Contact

Chris Karassik, Business Development Manager, World Congress [A-K] • Phone: 781-939-2419 • Email: Chris.Karassik@worldcongress.comSuzanne Carroll, Business Development Manage, World Congress [L-Z] • Phone: 781-939-2648 • Email: Suzanne.Carroll@worldcongress.com

Educational Underwriters:

MeYou Health offers a well-being program that helps people eat better, walk more, quit smoking, and make small but meaningful changes. MeYou Health solves the complex problem of how to reduce costs and increase employees’ happiness, productivity, and well-being.

nutriSavings is the first online ecosystem where retailers, CPgs and growers join forces with employers to get employees healthy. nutriSavings helps employers and healthcare companies educate consumers on healthy eating and then rewards the purchase of healthy food choices with savings at the grocery store or farmers market.NutriSavings Earns Frost & Sullivan’s CIO Impact Award for Enabling Breakthrough Business Models and Strategies in Employee Wellness — nutriSavings develops first measurable employee nutrition wellness program, which rewards healthy purchases with savings at the supermarket. www.prweb.com/releases/nutrition-wellness/employee-benefits/prweb11571543.htm

2 01 5

Strategies for Implementing, Sustaining, and Expanding Connected Health Programs to Capture the ROI

mHealtH + teleHealtH World

J u l y 2 0 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 5 • S e a p o r t H o t e l • B o S t o n , M a

top reasons to attend: Speakers Include:

Explore the ROI and value proposition of existing mHealth and Telehealth programs

Understand where the industry is moving in terms of reimbursement for connected health programs

Discover innovative ways to increase provider and consumer engagement

Examine the ROI of incorporating mHealth and Telehealth technologies to improve medication adherence

Discuss the proposed solutions to licensing and credentialing issues and when the industry should expect a change

Assess opportunities for expansion of connected health programs and prioritize these opportunities

Uncover how use of connected health with procedure-based care differs from its use with other specialties

seth Bokser, MD, MPH Associate Chief Medical Information Officer uniVersitY Of CALifOrniA, sAn frAnCisCO

Humayun J. Chaudhry, DO, MACP President, Chief Executive Officer feDerAtiOn Of stAte MeDiCAL BOArDs

Lou Lannum Director, MyPractice Imaging Solutions CLeVeLAnD CLiniC

Aaron smith-McLallen lead Research Scientist, Client Solutions inDePenDenCe BLue CrOss

WWW.WorldcongreSS .coM/MHealtHIf you are interested in registering for both the Wellness and mHealth summits, please call customer service for pricing details: 800-767-9499

InnovaTIons In wellness and populaTIon healTh managemenT is co-located with mHealth + telehealth World 2015. extend your stay in Boston and enjoy sessions from both programs.

@Wcrhealthtech #mhealth2015

Organized by:

Registration Fee: Register By 4/24/2015

Register By 6/19/2015

Register By 7/21/2015

standardConference $ 895.00 $ 1095.00 $ 1295.00

Conference + 1 Workshop* $ 1095.00 $ 1295.00 $ 1495.00

Health PlansConference $ 495.00 $ 695.00 $ 895.00

Conference + 1 Workshop* $ 695.00 $ 895.00 $ 1095.00

Hospital & Health systemsConference $ 495.00 $ 695.00 $ 895.00

Conference + 1 Workshop* $ 695.00 $ 895.00 $ 1095.00

Fee for conference includes welcome coffee, lunch, reception, refreshments, and web-based conference documentation available pre- and post-event, accessible through password-protected website. Checks in U.S. funds drawn from U.S. bank payable to: WC Research Inc. No personal checks accepted. Verification may be required for rate approvals. Please contact us should you have any special needs.

SPECIAL TEAM DISCOUNTS: Your organization may send ONE executive FREE for every three delegates registered. All registrations must be made at the same time to qualify. To register your team, contact us at 800-767-9499.

PARTICIPANT SUbSTITUTION AND CANCELLATIONS: Your registration may be transferred to a member of your organization up to 24 hours in advance of the conference. Cancellations received in writing on or before 30 days prior to the start of the event will be refunded, less a $395 administrative charge. No refunds will be made after this date; however, the registration fee less the $395 administrative charge can be credited to another World Congress conference if you register within 6 months from the date of this conference. In case of conference cancellation, World Congress’ liability is limited to refund of the conference registration fee only. World Congress reserves the right to alter this program without prior notice.

SATISFACTION gUARANTEED: World Congress stands behind the quality of its conferences. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the conference, a credit will be awarded towards a comparable World Congress conference of your choice.

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World Congress500 West Cummings Park, Suite 5200Woburn, MA 01801Hl15031

Best Value

VENUE: Seaport Hotel 1 Seaport Lane, Boston, MA 02210Phone: (617) 385-4000 www.seaportboston.comRoom Rate: $269 Cut-off Date: 7/1/15Please mention WC Research/World Congress when registering to receive this special rate!

* Workshop options can be viewed at www.worldcongress.com/mhealth

w w w . w o r l d c o n g r e s s . c o m / w e l l n e s s

To regIsTer, please vIsIT www.worldcongress.com/wellness • phone: 800-767-9499 • Fax: 781-939-2543 • emaIl : wcreg@worldcongress.com

InnovaTIons In wellness and populaTIon healTh managemenT

July 21, 2015seaport hotel

Boston, maI m p r o v e p o p u l a T I o n h e a l T h • d e c r e a s e c o s T s • I n T e g r a T e T e c h n o l o g y

F e aT u r e d cas e sT u dy :

geisinger wellness — explore value on Investment This case study examines the overall development, strategic planning, trending, and evolution from a participation-based to outcomes-based wellness program.

Allison L. Hess Director, Wellness Programs GeisinGer HeALtH PLAn

hear BesT pracTIces For successFul wellness and dIsease managemenT programs From: → Aetna→ Fallon Health→ geisinger Health Plan→ Harvard Pilgrim Health Care→ Health Republic Insurance of new Jersey→ Humana→ Independence Blue Cross→ Partners HealthCare→ Premera Blue Cross

WEBSItEWorldCongress.com/ wellness

REgISTER NOw!E-MAILwcreg@ worldcongress.com

PHONE800-767-9499781-939-2400 outside the U.S.

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