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Hicksville High School NY April 2013 Newsletter Issue


Hicksville High School NewsletterHicksville High School Newsletter APRIL 2013 VOLUME 13 ISAPRIL 2013 VOLUME 13 ISSUE SUE 77

Kirk Larsen is one to watch. Recently named one of the hottest

artists of 2013 by the Creative Arts Studio of Sea Cliff, Larsen has

acquired numerous accolades and is continuing to build up an im-

pressive gallery of beautiful plein air paintings that capture the

beauty in the world around him.

Larsen is currently working on a series of paintings for a May ex-

hibit at the Hicksville Public Library. A longtime resident of

Hicksville, and graduate of Hicksville High School, Larsen hopes

to pay homage to his beloved hometown.

One scene Larsen is painting is Cantiague Park in Westbury, a

place Larsen spent many of his teenage days. His focus is the

dome-shaped Ice Skating Rink, and as he unpacks his canvas bag

full of art supplies and sets up his French easel on a bright, chilly

day in late February, he comments that he’s tired.

“The body sometimes does that to get ready for a painting,” he says.

As soon as he is set up however, Larsen comes alive. Larsen’s green pencil flies across his sketchpad, his

hazel eyes glancing up and down at the rink as he quickly takes note of the scene before him. 30 seconds

later, he is done with the sketch, which will serve as a point of reference for him as he paints. The initial

sketch is important, as it allows him to remember what the scene looked like as the sun moves, which

will affect the lighting, color and where the shadows fall.

Click here for the whole story

Local Talent: Kirk Larsen

Written by Betsy Abraham. Photos provided

and information courtesy of Antonnews.com

Hi everyone, especially the class of 1956!

Wanted to let you know that I recently shot two shows that will be on TV some time in Febru-

ary. The first is the new Investigation Discovery show, "Redrum," (Murder spelled back-

wards). It's the true story of the Duvardo family in California. I played Mary Ann Duvardo

(wearing my gray wig.) Unfortunately, along with her husband, Mary Ann was killed by their

son. It was quite a physical role as I had to fall down (dead) at least 10 times to get the shot.

The second was "Celebrity Ghost Stories" on The Biography Channel. Here I played Grand-

ma Ima, (no wig), the Grandmother of Adrianna Cos-

ta, who has a ghostly experience.

Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy, and successful


Harri Molese 1956

Hey folks this is really an interesting video of new technology. Oh, by the way, Giuliano Moschini is my step son.

Click the hyperlink below or copy and paste the link in your browser to see it.


Jim Cutropia 1963

Editor Note:

I had sent a note off to the HixNews

mailing list in January advising of Harri’s upcom-

Parish Valentine dinner celebrates

marriage, honoring 50-year wedded


More than 60 persons gathered in

Father Albert Hall on Saturday,

February 9 for St. Peter’s Parish in

Marshall, Virginia’s annual Valen-

tine’s Dinner, under the theme “A

Celebration of Marriage,” featuring




couples marking 50 years or more of mar-

ried life.

Special recognition was given to brother

Knight Bill Fogelberg and his wife Bon-

nie, who will celebrate their 50th wedding

anniversary this year, on October 13.

Bonnie graduated Hicksville High in 1961

To Whom This May Concern,

I stumbled across the newsletter while messing around on the Internet which I found interesting as an alumni my-

self, graduating in 1987. The issue was highlighting the retirement of the Vice Principal, Nancy DeSorbo, who

was my teacher for typing class back in the day. After looking through a few of the archived issues and further

research on the Internet there are some names missing from the In Memoriam section. Initially noticing the name

Thomas Pedecini class of 1989 drew my attention because I went to school with his sister, Anne. After looking on

Google I was completely shocked to read about brothers Mark and Stephen Colaio who also died on 9/11. I know

Stephen graduated from Hicksville High because we were in the same class, so I would bet his older brother did as

well. Please conduct your own research and add them to the In Memoriam section as they were needlessly taken

away from us too early and deserve to be recognized. Thank you.


William Remacle 1987

Editor Note:Perhaps you might want to add your name to the mailing list.On the Home Page http://hixnews.com

Go to the Google box on the left and enter your email address. Hit submit and you will be added to the monthly

mailing list. Henry who authored the mail list also maintains the list and sends out a notice when subsequent

newsletters are posted to the internet.

Regards, buffalo bob casale

I want to alert you to a review of the man you have on your website as selling Hicksville school yearbooks.

Do a google search on his store name and read the scathing reviews left by others & now myself as well. You will

want to think twice about sending anyone his way. The male owner (Amnon Tishler) of

Booklovers Paradise

2972A Merrick Road

Bellmore, NY, U.S.A.


deserves well below even a 1-star rating! Never been there before and thought I was visiting a friendly neighbor-

hood Book Store but NO!!! When asked a question about books (assuming he was an expert), I was told "This is a

business" and I would have to spend money first. Thought that was a bit gruff but I said OK & asked if he had a

particular book I needed to finish a set. Turns out he didn't have the book and instead of answering my question,

he literally picks up a bag I brought in and puts it OUTSIDE THE DOOR on the sidewalk of a busy street!!! I was

shocked! He was so rude & belligerent to treat me that way.

I asked in disbelief "Did you just put my bag outside?" He said yes & dismissed me and walked away. He must be

so bitter & hard up for money that he lost all his decency on how to treat people. There was not one other custom-

er in that cramped, ice-cold place either and I know why. Let's see how much farther his "business" declines after

others hear how he treats potential customers. And I hope he is reading this right now so he understands that bad

reviews travel quick & far by WORD OF MOUTH!!! Reap what you sow.

Hi Friends,

Joyce Hanagan and I recently performed four movements of my Suite Grandkids at an American Music Society Con-

cert in Colorado Springs. An AMS member, Paul, video taped the concert, edited it and put it on Youtube. Paul does

this kind of thing professionally (SpiritwindsArabs), so they came out very nice. If you want to see these, get into

Youtube and search “Jim Bosse” and they should come up, with the other Youtube performances that I posted with

Dos Americas Guitar Duo. I have also listed the links below.

I composed Suite Grandkids, one piece for each kid, originally for guitar trio. This version was decomposed for oboe

and guitar. Each child has some unique genetic heritage, so I used that for the inspiration for each piece. Riely is Af-

rican so I tried to compose a piece with no melody, just African drum rhythms. Somehow a rock n roll middle section

snuck in. When I decomposed this piece for voice and guitar, a rap song evolved. Thus the melody for the oboe ver-

sion is lean on melody notes (only two). To give Joyce more to do, I wrote a percussion part for her, and asked her to

ad lib exotic African animal sounds.

Analysia is Peruvian. For her main theme I used a simple chant that I heard street merchants in the Andes, singing to

announce their wares. Her middle name is Margarita, Daisy in Spanish. Timothy is Native American, so I wrote his

with that musical aesthetic in mind. Chiara is Scottish, so a lively Scottish Air evolved. I hope you enjoy these fun

pieces. Jim

Riely’s Dance http://youtu.be/gdRspucd4ZM

Analysia’s Margarita http://youtu.be/PXWv8HpSWUc

Toy for Timothy http://youtu.be/hGUOj3-URao

Air for Chiara http://youtu.be/Z0JF-WR5xiQ

Thanks. Don't remember doing that. Huh. Weird. Thanks so much. Jeanne

Hi Jeanne,

Besides me, only you could have done it (and I wouldn't be informed that you did). I would not have had any rea-

son to do it, so it had to be you (or someone using your email id). In any case, if you don't get my monthly an-

nouncement that our monthly issue of the Hixnewsletter has been published online (I usually send out the an-

nouncement email as soon as the new issue is available online, and that usually occurs before the end of the first

day of every month), let me know, and I will make sure your email choice has not been changed to "no email".

Best, Henry

Hi Bob,

I wanted to advise you that my email has changed. It is now (concealed). I hope that you can change it on our

class list. I am also attaching my class photo that I discovered in my photo collection. I hope all is well with


We are still doing repair work from Sandy. We had quite a bit of flooding in our lower levels and the garage.

We had to stay with friends for 10 days as there was no heat or hot water until then. The heat didn't come

back until a month after we returned to the house. But as long as we had power and hot water we made do.

Luckily it wasn't that cold and our house is well insulated. While we had a mess on our hands, at least we

were able to return to our home. There are so many others who had their entire home destroyed. Many are

still living in hotel rooms. We live right near a river here in Rockville Centre and this is the first time in 28

years that a storm had such an effect on our home. Needless to say, my neighbors had the same kind of dam-

ages that we incurred.

Warmest regards,

Beth Mangani – Knipfing 196

HI Henry: I noticed that my wifes name on the memorial list is badly misspelled. It

should be Gail Ann Erhardt Isaksen. If you can get it corrected it would be nice.

Thanks Arthur (Isaksen) 1959

To: Joe Carfora Re: HHS Veteran’s Website

I received an email from Jonathan Varat (Class of 1963) regarding our upcoming reunion. In the mes-

sage, he mentioned that he served in the Army in RVN as an artillery officer after high school, but no-

ticed that his name was not included on the HHS Veterans Site. Could you please add his name to the

list? His contact information is: (concealed)


Elliot Borlin

National Cheeseball Day

April 17

To: Joe Carfora Re: HHS Veteran’s Website

I received an email from Jonathan Varat (Class of

1963) regarding our upcoming reunion. In the mes-

sage, he mentioned that he served in the Army in

RVN as an artillery officer after high school, but no-

ticed that his name was not included on the HHS Vet-

erans Site. Could you please add his name to the list?

His contact information is: (concealed)


Elliot Borlin

Dear Jonathan Varat,

I received the email below from Elliot Gorlin, your classmate at HHS, regarding your qualification for the Vi-

etnam War Era Memorial we are planning to put up in Hicksville. All I need to complete your listing is:

1) Do you have a middle initial? If so, what is it?

2) Tell me if you won any significant medals during your active duty service. If so, we may likely have room on

the memorial plaques to list one medal, so tell me which one you are proudest of and would like to have listed.


Joe Carfora HHS 1962

P.S. If you go to www.hixnews.com and then click on the "Honoring Our Veterans" tab of the website, you will

find an update on the Memorial Project. Near the end of the update will be a link you can click on to see the List

of Names we have already gathered from Hicksville residents who attended high school in Hicksville and served

at least a year on active duty during the Vietnam War Era. Earlier in the update is a list of requirements to qualify

for the Memorial.

Thanks, Elliot! I have added Jonathan to the Me-

morial List and will email him directly to see if he

has a middle initial. That's all I need to complete

his listing. Also, since you are working on your

50th Class Reunion, let me know if you come

across any other names that belong on our list.

We've done very well getting names from the 50th

Reunion Committees from '59 on, including my

own class last year as the 50th milestone is when

people start to surface again.

We had a great time at our 50th this past October

and I'm sure yours will go well too. Ed Kramer,

who was your class president was a good friend of

mine at HHS and I was sorry to hear he passed

away so young. He was a terrific guy.


Joe 1962

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the email. My middle initial is D.--as in David--and I received a

Bronze Medal for Service. Elliot correctly conveyed the basic information. You may not

need this, but my service in Vietnam was from July 1970 - July 1971.

I mentioned this to Elliot, but though I lived in Hicksville from 1955-1963 and graduated

from HHS in 1963, my mom moved to the Bronx just after graduation and before I turned

18 a few weeks later, so my draft board was in the Bronx. I thought maybe the Hicksville

Veterans list had been compiled from local draft board lists, which would explain why you

didn't have information about me, but in any event thanks for making the effort to do this project and for

including me.

Cheers, Jon

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. Another year gone or lately, in my case,

added to my waist. I think I'll probably have to put the 33 waist size in the back of the

closet and get some 34s. Damn tough to keep it off these days. Seriously, thanks again,

not only for the card but for all you and the HIX Newsletter staff do all year to help us

all stay in touch with our years at HHS.

Al Sypher 1958

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. Bob. I own over 5 dozen tropical birds, so

it was a good choice to send me

Jackie (Odell) Carter 1960


I have been happily reading HixNews for many years. I thank you

all for the wonderful job you do to keep us informed and connected

with our former classmates. I don’t think I have ever submitted our

birthdays and anniversary date. My birthday (Carol Neglia Clem-

ents) is May 2. My husband's birthday (Roddy Clements) is October 15. We will be married 49 years on May

2 of this year. Yes, I was married on my birthday. I was young and foolish!

Thanks again for all you do.

Carol Neglia 1962 Rod Clements 1961

Thanks for the great card!! And thanks for all the work

you do!!

Joan (Brandt) McHugh 1962

Editor Note:

You never looked “young and foolish.”

Bob and the Gang, Yours is the first card I received this year.

Thanks again for the "happy" wishes for my birthday. It is a treat to

get your message.

Carolyn (Wood) Imbrie 1963

Dear Hixnews

Thank you for the birthday card.

Tom Gill 1966

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. It

brightened my day. As always, you guys at

Hixnews do an awesome job. Keep up the

good work!

Beverly (Fetz) White 1967

A cute card to brighten up my day - thank you so much!!

Karen Kelly LaCarrubba 1969

“Thanks for the card and for thinking of me.“Thanks for the card and for thinking of me.

It was much appreciated. ”It was much appreciated. ”

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. It was much appreciated.

Jennifer & Pete Foster 1957

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. It was much appreciated.

Lisa Weller DiBartolomeo 1980

Hi Buf,

Thanks for the BD card and for thinking of me. It was much


Henry Lichtenstein 1959

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. It was much appreciated.

The theme of the card sure fits to a tee...I am only getting older in years...not in

state of mind!

Thanks again!

Fred Fulco 1960

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. It was much

appreciated. This one is the big 7-O. Hard to believe.

Tom Steedman 1960

Thanks for the card and for thinking of

me. It was much appreciated.

Jacci (LaSalle) Gallucci 1959

National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

April 2

“Thanks for the card and for thinking of me.“Thanks for the card and for thinking of me.

It was much appreciated. ”It was much appreciated. ”

Thanks for the card and for thinking of

me. It was much appreciated.

Barbara (Weber) Knueppel 1961

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. It was much ap-


Sandi (Notov) Katz 1965

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. It was much ap-


Howard Bell 1968

Thanks for the card and for think-

ing of me. It was much appreciat-

ed. Loved the card!!

(Sister) Maureen Schrimpe 1963

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. It was much


Lynn (McMorrow) O’Riordan 1968

Thanks for the card and for thinking of us . It was much


Lisa (Dorais) Wissler (1971) & Robert Wissler

National Caramel Popcorn Day

April 7

“Thanks for the card and for thinking of me.“Thanks for the card and for thinking of me.

It was much appreciated. ”It was much appreciated. ”

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. It was much appreciated.

Carolann (Luisi) Saletto 1975

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. It was

much appreciated.

Edward Coakley & Lorin (O’Neill) 1977

84 year old Sniper

Watch this guy.. remember, it's been

aboutsixty years since he's done this.


National Submarine Day

April 11


I think we were the Wanderer's.

Famous Actresses morph into each other!

Beautiful Women, this is really neat


What a wonderful group of young men.

Faith in humanity: RESTORED


This is our future in medicine.........


This was on Rock Center with Brian Williams from NBC NEWS.....

(just get past the 10 sec. commercial.)

Hi Bob & the gang at HixNews

Thanks for the birthday card. Look for-

ward to it every year.

Chris Andersen 1967

Editor Note:

Chris, what was the name of your group and who

are the guys with you?

Thanks bob

Billy Hiskey '67 Tony Bucci '67 Mike Bucci '69

Suzanne De Groot 1962 Dennis Joannides 1961

Caryl Hellrigel 1965 Martha (Riegelsperger) Mascharka 1966

Denis Burgoyne 1969

Bruce Glatt 1968

Allison Spettmann 1977 Gary Fippinger 1972 Jackie Spitzer

Vincent Longo (Dawn of the Decade) 1980

Virginia (Castiglia) Fippinger 1982

William Fippinger 1983

Dawn Marie Myron Pierce 1992

Rich Luhrs

Editor Note: We have a problem.

Does anyone know when Rich

graduated? We Don’t know!!

Anita M. Fellenz (widow of Tom Fellenz 1954)

Tom was deceased as of October 26, 2008 while residing in Santa Rosa

National Submarine Day

April 11

I would like to add two entries to the “Looking For” list - I am looking for George

Smith, class of 1961, and Steven Smith, not sure of class date - later than 1962.


Suzanne De Groot 1962

Editor Note:

Hi Suzanne. We will gladly accommodate your request, once you have

become a member of HixNews. To subscribe, please use the subscription

box on our home page (it's free) at: http://hixnews.com

Best, Henry

Editor Follow Up Note:

Thanks for subscribing, Suzanne. We were recently notified by an alumnus from

Hicksville that George Smith has passed. We found the following obituary on the

Legacy website.

Thank you, Bob - for looking further and finding this. It is sad, of course, but now I know. His younger brother

Stephen is the other person I was looking for - he was 5-6 years younger, maybe more, but went to Hicksville

also. I graduated in '62, in between George and his other brother Philip, also deceased. I was hoping to find

Stephan also.


We found Pat Sarle. Please remove him from

the People Looking For People list.

Ed Osborne 1956

Now this is really something! This is what makes the Internet so



Here is an amazing bit of technology that you would never see in

person, as you would NEVER be alone in the room. It is ALWAYS

VERY CROWDED and of course you can't see Michelangelo's art-

work close up as you can here. This is especially spectacular if you

have a large high-definition screen! Too many details to view on an





In the lower left, click on the plus (+) to move closer, or the minus (-

) to move away. Choir is thrown in free.



This virtual tour of the Sistine Chapel is incredible. Apparently done

by Villanova at the request of the Vatican .


This is a terrific 11 minute video. Where has the time gone?


What American accent do you have?

This is very interesting.. What part of and where in our country is your accent from? It diagnosed me perfectly.


Dear HixNews

Good afternoon, please note that Vernon Ritter passed away 5 years ago. I spoke

with his sister who said he died in a VA hospital.

Thanks for all you do.

Vi Reilly

Hello--I was wondering if you could add my sister's name to the "In Memoriam"


Patricia Oehler Class of 1966. She passed away January 19th.

Thank you.

Dolores Oehler Garger Editor Note:

Added, Dolores. Sorry for your loss.

Roger Whitaker, webmaster for hixnews.com

This is a note I sent to Bob Arthofer…

Do you have an email address for Agnes Arthofer Tessitore?

HixNews has two but not sure which is correct.


buffalo bob casale


Agnes passed away last fall.

Regards, Bob

Dear HixNews

I graduated in '55 & wonder if I could get a list of members who

died & who are still alive.

My maiden name was Barbara Bowne.

Barbara Orr Editor Note: The list is available on the current newsletter and is

updated as we get notifications of people passing. Go to the

Home Page http://hixnews.com In the menu at the top of the

page, click on In Memoriam and a new window opens...scroll

down to see your class. The list is relatively short in comparison

to some lists. If you know of someone who has passed, please let

us know. We can then add the names. love yah buffalo bob


In Memoriam Class of 1955

Michael M. Contant

Richard G. Hogan

Donald G Huffstutler

Joseph G. Kasten

James P. McGuirk

Bernice T. Marcus

Jay H. Poggiali

Jerome A. Siegler

Joan T. Sullo

Albert M. Rife

Here's a list of your classmates from 1955 who are subscribed to

the newsletter (including you).

Thanks so much for the info on the class of 1955…is more than I know. Is there a facebook page of the clas-

ses? Also, Jean Neumann from the class of '56 died either in Nov or Dec of 1999. Living in Minnesota & no

more relatives on the Island so I don't hear much. Was there a lot of damage from hurricane,


Thanks again

Quiz for Bright People

There are only nine questions. This is a quiz for people who know everything! I found out in a hurry that I

didn't. These are not trick questions. They are straight questions with straight answers.

1. Name the one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader until

the contest ends.

2. What famous North American landmark is constantly moving backward?

3 Of all vegetables, only two can live to produce on their own for several growing seasons. All other vegeta-

bles must be replanted every year. What are the only two perennial vegetables?

4. What fruit has its seeds on the outside?

5. In many liquor stores, you can buy pear brandy, with a real pear inside the bottle. The pear is whole and

ripe, and the bottle is genuine; it hasn't been cut in any way. How did the pear get inside the bottle?

6. Only three words in standard English begin with the letters ' dw' and they are all common words. Name

two of them.

7. There are 14 punctuation marks in English grammar. Can you name at least half of them?

8. Name the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form

except fresh.

9. Name 6 or more things that you can wear on your feet beginning with the letter 'S.'

Go to Casale’s Corner for the answers!!!

Next Generation Photography. 360 Degree Pictures. Amazing!! OK, this is absolutely incredible!!

Note, it is not just 360 it is 360 at every latitude...try going up or down! Don 't get dizzy!! You can

also look straight up and down too.

Click on the pictures below and when they come up, click again and drag your mouse in any direc-

tion and the picture will give you a 360 degree view. Amazing Photography!



Hicksville Rock n' Return Reunion

Ctrl & Click to follow link:

Hicksville Rock n' Return Reunion

Home Giving Back Tickets Location & Directions Battle of the Bands Contact Us FAQs

If you experience problems getting to the website through the above hyperlinks, simply click the below link or

copy and paste to your browser: http://hicksvillerrr.webs.com/

Aunt Bea Gloria at 83

National Garlic Day

April 19

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