hitting two birds with one stone: a phenomenological

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European Scientific Journal August 2019 edition Vol.15, No.24 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431


Hitting Two Birds with One Stone: A

Phenomenological Inquiry of Junior

High Math Buddies in a University

Flordeliza Soroño-Gagani, PhD Candidate University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines

Michelle Mae Olvido, PhD

Amelia M. Bonotan, PhD

Cebu Normal University, Cebu City, Philippines

Doi:10.19044/esj.2019.v15n24p187 URL:http://dx.doi.org/10.19044/esj.2019.v15n24p187


To provide adequate academic support services in the area of

Mathematics, a peer tutoring program called Math Buddy was initiated and

studied using phenomenology to capture the life experiences of the tutors and

tutees who were purposively selected Grade 9 students in Mathematics. The

descriptive analysis of the students’ weekly journals, written evaluations,

observations, and focused group discussions had revealed the following

themes: (1) challenging initial implementation; (2) embracing social

responsibility; (3) understanding varying personalities; (4) recognizing

benefits and incentives; (5) developing creativity and initiative. The students

recognized that there were benefits and incentives derived from their

participation in the program. They also admitted that it was a challenging task

that developed their creativity and initiative because they have to understand

varying personalities as they embrace their social responsibility. As the

benefits outweigh the challenges, the researchers recommend that the program

be continued.

Keywords: Mathematics, Peer tutoring, Math Buddy Program

Introduction The embryonic concern on the Mathematics performance of the

Filipino students is inevitable. Even the change in curriculum has not led to

any significant improvement. According to results of the 2003 Trends in

International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), Filipino students are

still weak in Math and Science. Based on the report done by the National

Center for Education and Statistics, when TIMSS was first conducted in 1995

among 42 countries, the Philippines were placed in the 41st rank in science and

European Scientific Journal August 2019 edition Vol.15, No.24 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431


30th rank in Mathematics. In 2008, Philippines performed very low by placing

the country in the 34th rank out of 38 countries in Secondary II Mathematics

and 43rd rank out of 46 countries in Secondary II Science. For elementary

level, such as in grade 4, the country performed 23rd out of 25 participating

countries in both Math and Science. This means that Philippines consistently

ranked low in international evaluations on mathematics competence.

These findings mirror the minute trepidation on Mathematics

performance in local scenarios. Each school is tasked to find ways on how to

revitalize students’ performance in Mathematics. As stated by Alexander

(2004), there are many ways to address the need for academic support for

students and the option for tutorial learning can potentially address this.

Hence, the University of San Carlos - South Campus has put in place, on an

experimental basis, a Math Tutorial Program which implements a peer

tutoring format. In general, it sought to improve the Mathematics performance

of academic probationary students (tutees) with the help of students from the

honors class (tutors).

The Math Buddy Program aims to provide a non-threatening

environment for tutees to acquire mathematical skills in order to uplift their

status as academic probationary students in Mathematics. Moreover, the

program aims to: (1)inculcate the values of social responsibility, humility, and

intellectual integrity in response to the school’s mission-vision; (2) provide

avenues for student’s to master their mathematics proficiency through

teaching peers; (3) encourage students’ creativity and critical thinking by

making their own worksheets as springboard for enrichment(high performing

students) and remedial (low performing students) programs; (4) improve

numeracy skills and enhance self-esteem and self-confidence; and (5) promote

camaraderie through bonding with peers.

A person who has achieved proficiency in learning desired content or

skill can assist another person who is yet to achieve such level of proficiency

in a partnership such as peer tutoring (Topping, 1996). In addition, Gartner

and Riessman (1993) found that tutorials in its varied forms catered for more

than just the aim of achieving an accurate answer. Recipients of tutorials are

exposed to a greater variety of learning strategies, and the process of tutoring

aids in learning which in turn translates to the creation of connection between

learning cognitively and developing socially. Alexander (2004) states that

individual achievement is fostered by not only his or her efforts to learn but

also by the support he or she receives from his or her environment.

In the past, tutorials played a significant role in student’s learning and

education process. It even occupied an essential part in the teaching-learning

process (Zaritsky,1989). However, due to the current changes and trends in

the educational and technological world, there is now a deep emphasis on the

need of academic supports services such as peer tutoring (Civikly-Powell,

European Scientific Journal August 2019 edition Vol.15, No.24 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431


1999). According to McGrath and Townsend (1997), these academic support

services provided for students permits them to regulate and do everything to

the best of their capabilities. Normally, the individual student has the sole

responsibility to distinguish his or her academic needs and should pursue for

assistance from the most suitable source(s).

Furthermore, changes in the student population also affected the

academic performances of students. Hence, this resulted in the exploration for

proper academic support systems in organizations (Heckman, 1993). It has

been reported that the Philippines have the worst pupil-teacher ratio in Asia at

45:1 (Flores, 2006). The DepEd’s Basic Education Information System also

shows an imbalance in the distribution of teachers. While some schools have

less than 40;1 ratio, many schools have more than 40 students per teacher.

Furthermore, one way to attain quality education despite this problem is to

increase support services particularly academic support services through

collaborative learning.

In order to address this gap, the Math Buddy Program has been

designed to cater for these concerns.

Objectives of the Study

This paper focuses on exploring the life experiences of Junior high

school students (grade nine) who engaged themselves in the Math Buddy

Program. It is a tutorial activity specially given to the top 30 performing

students being paired to the academic probationary students in Mathematics

in the school year 2013-2014. Specifically, this phenomenological study

aimed at capturing the life experiences of the tutors and tutees such as (1)

positive and negative experiences; (2) their challenges during the

implementation of the program; and (3) the coping mechanisms of the


Limitations of the Study

This study was limited to the Grade 9 Junior high school students of

the University of San Carlos, Basic Education Department South Campus. The

two groups being studied were identified as low and high performing students.

The 30 low performing groups, which were considered the Math Buddy Tutees

(MB-Tutees), were composed of academic probationary students who got a

grade of 76 and below in the final quarter. Thus, they were recommended for

intervention programs to uplift their academic status. On the other hand, the

30 high performing groups which were considered the Math Buddy-Tutors

(MB-Tutors) were from the cream class with a Math grade of not lower than

80 and a general average of 85 and above. These groups were purposively

being chosen as samples of the study. This is because they belong to the upper

30 and lower 30 in the total population of the Grade 9 Junior High School

European Scientific Journal August 2019 edition Vol.15, No.24 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431


students as identified by the School registrar and the Grade Level Coordinators

in the previous level.

Materials and Methods

This study utilized the qualitative research method, specifically the

phenomenological design. It sought to capture the informants’ life experiences

(Polkinghorne, 1989). Personal interviews were done after every session or

anytime the need arises. There were times that students would approach the

teacher-researcher to tell them their story on what happened during their

sessions. They would tell their difficulties and ask for help from the teacher

on how to solve their problem. Audiotapes were used to record some buddy

sessions. Observations were also noted using field notes. Weekly journals

were written on the last day of the week so they can be able to express and

share their experiences, insights, or difficulties. These journals were then read

by the teacher and then sharing of feedback follows. Focus Group Discussions

(FGD) were also conducted by the researchers. After data gathering,

interpretive analysis was done to answer the questions posed by this study.

The researchers then employed the triangulation method to validate the results

which involved the tutee, tutors, and the researchers.


The participants were purposively chosen and were labelled as high

and low performing group. The high performing group were the students who

have a Math grade of at least 80 and have a general average of at least 85.

They served as MB-tutors while the MB-Tutees were the low performing

group who were considered the academic probationary students in

Mathematics with a Math grade of 76 and below. The latter underwent

intervention programs such as bridge (if they got a grade of 75 & 76),

completion (if they got a grade of 74) and summer classes (if they got a grade

of 70-73). Table 1. The population of the study

Grade 9 f %

Tutors 30 50

Tutees 30 50

Total 60 100


Firstly, the conduct of the Math Buddy Tutorial activity and this

research was done by informing the school regarding the study to be

conducted. This was followed by identification of the format to be used,

selection of the tutoring pairs, preparation of tutors’ skills through training,

and arrangement of the entire environment.

European Scientific Journal August 2019 edition Vol.15, No.24 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431


The study started with sending an informed letter of consent to the

administration stating the objectives and the significance of conducting a math

buddy tutorial activity by following a cross-age tutoring format. The school

was also informed regarding the plan of providing an additional academic

support service in addition to the remedial program and other intervention

programs of the school.

In Grade 9, one class is grouped homogenously being the honors class.

This was the class selected to be the tutors. This class, considered as the high

performing group, was informed regarding the Math Buddy program as part

of their enrichment activity. Enrichment activities comprised of 30% in the

component of their grades together with seatwork, projects, and assignments.

In choosing their partners, they can be paired by the teacher randomly based

on their skill levels (Kohler & Greenwood, 1990). On the other hand, special

attention to behavioral or achievement problems might be another thing to

consider in the grouping strategy (Cooke, Shonnard & Wood, 1983). In this

study, random sampling through a fishbowl technique was used in identifying

the MB-Tutees. They are the low performing group who were classified as

academic probationary students at the start of the school year due to their

failing grades in the previous year.

The tutors were trained every Friday through advance lessons. The first

30 minutes of their Friday schedule was spent in answering and defending a

Math Olympiad question, and the rest of the hour was spent in creating the

worksheet intended for their Math Buddy. These worksheets were checked by

the teacher-researcher for validity before it will be administered the following

week. Monitoring the two (2) sessions in a week was done and attendance was

also checked. At the end of their Math Buddy sessions, students were told to

fill up the MB monitoring sheets, attendance sheets, and progress charts. The

environment was arranged in such a way that the students would find it

convenient on their part. They were required to do 2 sessions in a week (every

Tuesdays and Wednesdays) with at least 1 hour per week. If they ever failed

to conduct the session, Thursday and Friday were set for an extension session.

Post-test was given every Monday at dismissal time for the low performing

group. Checking and recording were done by the high performing group.

Giving feedback followed after this procedure through writing their journal at

the entry of the week and filling up progress charts.

Then, the researchers gathered all the data. Data were analysed and

themes were extracted. These were reported in the results and discussions.

Results and Discussions

A descriptive analysis of transcripts revealed that five major themes

characterized the Math Buddy Program experiences of the tutors and tutees

involved. Each of the five major themes was labeled by an emergent concept

European Scientific Journal August 2019 edition Vol.15, No.24 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431


based on the formulated meanings gathered from significant statements. This

was taken from the students’ journals, written evaluations, and the focus group

discussions done by the researchers. These five concepts are not to be taken

separately, but it can be understood as interrelated aspects of a single

experience shared by different students. The five themes, as derived from the

present set of transcripts, are as follows:

1. Challenging initial implementation

(We have to adopt and adapt)

2. Embracing social responsibility

(We do our part for this to work because we share what we have)

3. Understanding varying personalities

(We have to deal with their different attitudes)

4. Recognizing benefits and incentives

(We get something out of the Math Buddy Program)

5. Developing creativity and initiative

(We are going beyond our comfort zones)

Theme 1. Challenging Initial Implementation: We have to adopt and adapt

All the tutors and tutees have reported efforts on their part to cooperate

on the implementation of the Math Buddy Program. On the first meeting, the

following journal entry revealed those who have welcomed the program on a

positive note:

“My first session with my math buddy was a bit tense. I didn’t

know how to start a conversation. I just let him answer the questions I

prepared and observed him. It’s good to know that he is eager to know

and learn… Our session was quite a success and I hope this will

continue.”(h4;Journal Entry#1)July 12, 2013

Nevertheless, there are those who saw it on the contrary:

“I only have little experience with my math buddy because he

was very lazy. I have to approach him every time to tell him to go to

our classroom but despite my repeated invitations, he will just say

‘later’ (bisag kapila nako gi-adto, muingon ra siya nga ‘unya na’). I

didn’t get the chance to teach him. I get so frustrated because he

doesn’t listen to what I say.” (h5;JE#1;July 12, 2013).

Since it is not considered as an official part of the academic support services

of the university and is still on its initial implementation stage, the students

shared that they have to exert effort to accommodate the said initiative in their

lives as students. This is evidenced by the following excerpts from the

students’ written evaluations:

“It conflicts with daily routine”

“It adds to our tasks and source of pressure”

European Scientific Journal August 2019 edition Vol.15, No.24 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431


“Teachers forget that we are still students and yet they have high

expectations on us”

“I have to find time for the program.”

Students’ reports on their journals and written evaluations reveal the two main

problems in the initial implementation. One source of challenge has something

to do with time allocation:

“She’s very difficult to find since she likes to wander around

along with her friends during break and lunch times so we only got to

meet during dismissal, not to mention that I have a hectic schedule

every day.”(h25;JE#1;July 12, 2013)

On top of this, some students complain about the venue of the tutorial session

as evidenced by the following journal entry:

“If she won’t go to my room, I have to walk a long way from

my classroom to her room not to mention our schedules don’t exactly

meet.”(H27;JE#1;July 12, 2013)

In the desire of the Math Buddy Program to provide avenues for students to

master their mathematics proficiency through teaching peers, problems

revolve around scheduling and the venue of the tutorial session which was

expounded on in the focus group interviews where students exclaimed:

“We always have to adjust to meet the schedule.” (Ang schedule ba

kay magsige mig apas.) (h3 interview Sept 14, 2013)

“The venue, SCB, is very far.” (Didto ba sa SCB. Layo kaayo). (h3

interview Sept 14, 2013)

All of these reports reveal that change is always a challenge to everyone

involved. For all those who take part in the program, adjustments have to be

made. As high school students, they take part in activities that are not only

academic in nature but also co-curricular and extra-curricular. The Math

Buddy Program is seen as an addition to all of these. Given that it is done

during their free time, it competes not only with the demands of school work

but also in the students’ social life.

The researchers found out that despite all these challenges, the students

have adopted the program and have adapted in order for it to work. This leads

to the second theme.

Theme 2. Embracing Social Responsibility: We do our part for this to work

because we share what we have

After collection and analysis, data revealed that students have an

understanding of why the Math Buddy Program is implemented and have

shown an understanding of the concept of social responsibility. Portions lifted

from the questionnaire answers are as follows:

“We are applying what our vision statement says, “what we

have, we share””

European Scientific Journal August 2019 edition Vol.15, No.24 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431


“Not only we study for ourselves, but we also have to study for

other people”

Since they share in the vision and mission of the program, they try to play their

roles and try to play them well. This is supported by the following:

“I tried waiting. I tried going to her classroom but she is not

there. She’s somewhere I don’t know where. Like, my patience is going

little by little. But I don’t want to get mad because she is my tutee after

all. How can you teach when you are angry or like that? You can’t

teach properly. And I love teaching and I want to be a teacher so it is

also like a training for me. But how can I when my student or tutee is

not committed or won’t accept that I will teach her.” (h3 interview Sept

14, 2013)

It is also important to note that the tutors are interested in the learning of their

tutees. More than viewing it as a requirement, they take it as a personal goal

to make their tutees learn and they feel they are responsible when their tutees

do not achieve the expected results as evidenced by these statements:

I will discuss and then I will ask, did you understand? (Kasabot

ra ka ana?). And then she said Yes, I understand but when we get to

the (O, kasabot ra ko pero inig abot sa) post-test maybe she will have

just a passing grade or below the passing grade. So I’m like maybe I

did something wrong or maybe I taught her wrong. (h3 interview Sept

14, 2013)

“We had a shortage of time and I didn’t have the chance to

teach him all my techniques, but then I realize something. He doesn’t

get it at all! He is somewhat like a slow learner but still I believe that

he can do it with my help – we can do it! I’m gonna make him someone

who is smart. I’ll change him!”(1)July 12, 2013

If they get big scores, it’s okay but if their scores are low,

huhuhu. If they get low scores, it’s a sad thing. (If daku, okay ra. If

gamay kay huuhuhu. If gamay kay ka-sad ba. )(h3 interview Sept 14,


More than just their cognitive development, there are also tutors who aim to

develop the whole person of their tutees as supported in the following:

“I hope I can teach her Math and at the same time to be

responsible too.”(H8;Journal Entry#1;July 12, 2013)

This reflects the achievement of one of the objectives of the Math Buddy

Program, which is to inculcate the values of social responsibility, humility,

and intellectual integrity in response to the school’s mission-vision. However,

if there are those who embrace each other’s differences, that means that there

are also cases where personalities differ and they clash. This leads the

discussion of the third theme

European Scientific Journal August 2019 edition Vol.15, No.24 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431


Theme 3. Understanding Varying Personalities: We have to deal with their

different attitudes

Frustrations from both ends (tutors and tutees) are also linked to

varying attitudes of the students involved in the program. During the

interview, when the students were asked whether they feel that their

personalities are not compatible with that of their Math Buddy, one student

exclaimed: I think so, Maam! (Sus Ma’am, murag)! (h3 interview Sept 14,


The tutors and tutees perceptions on how their student counterpart views the

Math Buddy Program also vary in the positive and negative side of the

spectrum. Two students revealed it in these reports:

Maybe they don’t really like the Math Buddy Program. Because

the first day when I came to her when we drew lots, I went to her

classroom and I have a friend in that classroom and then I asked her

who is… and I mentioned the name and she called her and I told her

that we have this Math Buddy Program and I am assigned to you and

I hope that we could be friends and we have to have sessions in a week

and then she said, is it really needed? I’m really very busy. (Kailangan

pa jud diay na? Busy bitaw kaayo ko…?) And I was like I don’t know

but we really need to have this like that, like that. I told her that I hope

she could come on this day for our session. Thankfully, she came and

we did our first session. But it was like rejection when she said is it

really needed? (Kailangan pa jud diay na?). (h3 interview Sept 14,


“She said that she’s gonna try harder now because she’s now

part of the soccer team this Intramurals. If she fails in Math this time

around, she’ll gonna be kicked out of the team. She is more motivated

now. Getting better, at least.”(h27;JE#2;July 19, 2013)

The variety of student attitudes towards how they perceive the program can

also be supported by the following evaluation entries:

“It is tiring and stressful.”

“I am busy.”

“It is annoying.”

“I might not teach the right thing.”

“Lack of interest on the part of the tutees…and lack of respect,

cooperation and sensitivity.”

“Some tutors are not patient.”

The students highlight this as one of the main challenges of the program

although there are also reports where their tutees are compatible with each


“My experience for the session 1 & 2 of Math Buddy was fine.

I was lucky to have a Math Buddy who is willing to learn and he is the

European Scientific Journal August 2019 edition Vol.15, No.24 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431


one who will directly go in the classroom without being

told.”(h2;Journal entry#1July 12, 2013);

“I really appreciate it when she went to my room just to inform

me that she can’t have a session in order for me not to wait for her.

She’s a considerate Math Buddy.”(h8;Journal Entry#3;July 29, 2013)

Furthermore, there are also cases where the relationships did not start well at

first but have improved later on:

“It was great with my math Buddy because it was not awkward

anymore. We were laughing and talking like we’re great friends. Now,

he is really open and tells me if he finds this item difficult.”(h30;JE#5)

Through these reports, the researchers can also opine that the Math

Buddy Program promotes camaraderie through bonding with peers. In

addition, through these reports of new friendships formed among students, the

fourth theme has now emerged.

Theme 4. Recognizing Benefits and Incentives: We get something out of

the Math Buddy Program

The tutors and tutees both reported that they are receiving something

good out of the Math Buddy Program despite its many challenges. These lines

were taken from the written evaluations:

“Enriching for both me and my math buddy…I am helping him

with whatever he doesn’t understand and I get to learn sometimes,


“Help me increase my grades in Math”

“It gives us the push we need to master each lesson in Math so

that we can teach the right thing instead of fooling ourselves teaching

the wrong thing.”

“Help me become a better individual”

These incentives can generally be classified into two. The first is improvement

in their Math performance. The tutees learn from their tutors and the tutors

also learn more as they teach:

“I really do hope that he understood and learned something

from me. It was fun teaching him because when I teach, I can learn

more about the lesson.”(H32;JE#1;July 12, 2013)

“I guess it was worth it because I also had a review as well. I

learned the value of time too.”(h30;JE#6)

The second is that the participants recognize that they grow:

“I really admire her for being so determined to learn and to

understand Geometry. She went to our classroom and thanked me

again and again.” (h2;JE#3;July 29, 2013)

“Despite my busy schedule and being part of the star section

with lots of works to do, I still find a feeling of charity in doing this

European Scientific Journal August 2019 edition Vol.15, No.24 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431


activity for I was able to help my fellow schoolmate in his subject.”

(h23;JE#1;July 12, 2013)

These findings highlight how the Math Buddy Program has improved the

numeracy skills, and it has also enhanced the self-esteem and self-confidence

of the students. These cannot be sweeping statements because those who have

participated in this initiative have seen growth in certain areas of their

development. Development means that the students have grown from where

they were which leads to the last theme identified in this study.

Theme 5. Developing Creativity and Initiative: We are going beyond our

comfort zones

The Math Buddy program encourages student’s creativity and critical

thinking by making their own worksheets as a springboard for enrichment

(high performing students) and remedial (low performing students). Critical

thinking is covered by the previous themes as well. However, the highlight of

this theme is the recognition of student’s decision to be proactive rather than

reactive to the Math Buddy Program.

The following answers to the written evaluation highlight how this

program has helped them to go beyond their comfort zone:

“It’s nice because we can interact with other people around


“It is a new experience for all of us.”

“We are forced to study to understand the lesson.”

“I really tried my best to fully understand the lessons by

scanning books, asking help from my classmates and even through the


These statements reflect how they recognize that this program has paved the

way in meeting new people. For the tutees, initiative means going to the

classrooms of their tutors and this happens for the tutors as well. The students

from the honors class exert more effort as they study the lessons to gain more

understanding so that they may accurately teach the lesson. There are even

those who go beyond the required number of sessions when the need presents

itself. These are duly supported from the following interview excerpts:

“I eat my lunch fast.”(Magdali ug kaon ug lunch.) (h3 interview

Sept 14, 2013)

“Sometimes, they (tutors) don’t really understand so they ask

their smartest classmate.” (Panagsakay di pod sila kasabot,

mangutana pa sila sa ilang kinabraytan.) (h3 interview Sept 14, 2013)

These excerpts highlight how tutees also do what they can to accommodate

their tutorial sessions even if it means eating their meals fast. The tutees also

recognize that when their tutors find a particular lesson challenging, the tutors

European Scientific Journal August 2019 edition Vol.15, No.24 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431


also look for a way to fill the gap. On the part of the tutors, they also think of

ways to improve on their “teaching”.

In the journal entries, these experiences can also be lifted to support this


“Our last session was quite fun. We had a little game and I am

happy that he cooperated. And I am thankful that he is willing to do

sessions with me and doesn’t complain about things. He just answered

the worksheet and whenever he doesn’t know the answer or understand

the problem, he asks. It’s great to know that he is progressing. (h4;

JE#5) August 15, 2013)

“I told her some funny clues to understand and remember key

words and formulas for the test. I realize that people that are neither

kinesthetic nor visual learners learn a lot through mnemonics. I might

also teach others in a simpler and fun way lie what I did to my math

buddy.” (h18; JE#6; Aug.22,2013)

Conclusion After careful analyses of the journals, written evaluations and

transcriptions of the focus group interviews, the essence of the students’

experiences of the Math Buddy Program might be read as follows:

The students believe that there are benefits and incentives derived from

their participation in the program but they also admit that it is a

challenging task that developed their creativity and initiative because

they have to understand varying personalities as they embrace their

social responsibility.

The participants reported positive and negative experiences related to the

tutorial activity. They have received something out of the program in the form

of an increase in their Mathematics performance and in their personal growth

as well. However, they recognize that the program is demanding much from

them. Their coping mechanisms are tested because they are asked to move out

their normal routines and schedules as students. This is considered as an

addition to their already mounting tasks as students. The challenge is not only

limited to the adjustments they make to the program per se, but they also adjust

to each other’s varying personalities. Over all, all the participants see the link

of the Math Buddy Program based on the mission of the school which is to

share what they have been given.


We acknowledge the assistance of Ms. Mary Rose A. Banas of Carlos

Hilado Memorial State College, Talisay City, Negros Occidental; Mr. Sonny

C. Chiu from Cebu Normal University, Cebu City; and Mr. Jigger B. Ababon

from University of Cebu, Cebu City for the data gathering.

European Scientific Journal August 2019 edition Vol.15, No.24 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431


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