history of pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5; prepared in ... · pdf file1863 chakcellorsville....

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Ninety-Fifth Regiment;

THIS command, originally known as the Pennsylvania Zouaves, tlien as the

Forty-fifth, afterwards the Fifty-fourth, and finally as the Ninety -fifth,

was organized at Philadelphia, in the month of August, 1861, under the direc-

tion of John M. Gosliue, a Captain in the Eighteenth Eegiment for the three

months' service, under authority granted by the War Department on the 27th

of July. Many of both officers and men had served in the three mouths'

campaign, and previously in the Washington Blues, an infantry corps of the

State Militia. Between the 1st of August and the 12th of October ten full

companies were recruited and officered, and with the exception of company B,

which was from Burlington county, New Jersey, were from the city and couuty

of Philadelphia. As fast as recruited, the men wore mustered into the United

States service, and sent to camp Gibson, at Hestonville, near Philadelphia,

where clothing, arms, and accoutrements were issued, and drill was commenced.

The following were the field officers: John M. Gosline, Colonel; Gustavus W,Town, Lieutenant Colonel; William B. Hubbs, Major.

On the 12th of October the regiment was ordered to Washington, where

upon its arrival it reported to General Casey, and went into camp at Kendall

Green. It remained here until the 29th, when it was ordered to join the brigade

of General Howard at Bladensburg, and on the following day to report to

General Franklin, in command at Alexandria. It was assigned to General

Newton's Brigade, composed of the Eighteenth, Thirty-first, and Thirty-second

New York regiments, and was immediately placed in camp of instruction near

Fairfax Seminary. After a thorough course of drill and discipline during the

winter months, it joined in the forward movement upon Manassas in March,

and upon the discovery that the enemy had evacuated his works, returned again

to camp. On the 6th of April it was ordered to join the forces of General

M'Dowell; but upon reaching Bristoe Station, on the Orange and Alexandria

Eailroad, a severe snow storm set in, and after remaining three days, it again

returned to camp under orders to join General M'Clellau on the Peninsula.

On the 17th of April the regiment moved by transports from Alexandria,

and proceeded to Shipping Point, where it remained until after the evacuation

of Yorktown. Ee-embarking it proceeded up the river to West Point, arriv-

ing on the 6th of May, in time to take an active part in the demonstration at

Brick House Point, on the 7th, upon the rebel rear-guard, then hastening

up the Peninsula to the defence of Eichmond, and sustained a loss of one

officer wounded, eight enlisted men killed, and six wounded. From this point

it marched daily, and after a short rest at Tunstall's Station, reached the

Chickahominy, where it lay for some time, many of the men suffering from

'* The troops recruited for the Ninety-fourth Regiment never effected a regimental organir-

, and were, consequently, assigned to other commands.



swamp fever, and other diseases incident to exposure to the miasma of this

sluggish stream. The Corps of General Fitz John Porter was attacked on the

27th of June, by the major j)art of the rebel army, at Gaines' Mill, and a terrific

battle ensued. General Franklin's Division, to which the Mnety-flfth belonged,

was ordered across the Chickahominy to Porter's support, and arrived upon

the field in time to check the rebel advance, holding the position, though

opposed by overwhelming numbers, until nightfall, when it was ordered to

return to its former camp. The loss in the Mnety-fifth was very heavy.

Colonel Gosline, Major Ilubbs, Lieutenant Donahue, and twenty enlisted menwere killed, and Captain Edward Carroll, LieutenantHugh O. Eoberts and sixty-

one enlisted men were wounded. The command of the regiment now devolved

on Lieutenant Colonel Town, who was shortly after commissioned Colonel,

Captain Elisha Hall, Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain David F. Foley, Major.

In the memorable change of base to the James, the regiment moved with

the corps, skirmishing by the way, but with little additional loss, and arrived

at Harrison's Landing on the 2d of July where opportunity for much needed

rest was given, though it was frequently engaged in fatigue duty in fortifying

and strengthening the position. Upon the evacuation of the place about the

middle of August, the regiment was detailed for wagon guard, and marched

to Newport i^ews, whence it proceeded by transports to Alexandria. In the

retreat of the army from Bull Eun, at the close of the month, the regiment

participated in covering the movement, and in holding the Centreville Heights

until the evening of the following day, when it fell back to Chantilly, to re-

inforce the troops there engaged ; but fortunately sustained only trifling loss,

and at the conclusion of the battle returned to Camp Franklin, which it had

occupied before departing for the Peninsula.

On the 6th of September the regiment, with the rest of the army, took up

the line of march for Maryland. At Crampton's Gap, on the 14th of Septem-

ber, it was warmly engaged, charging the enemy, at the point of the bayonet,

up the steep and rugged mountain side. At the top, encountering fresh re-

serves of the enemy, the renowned Cobb Legion, led by General Cobb of

Georgia, it renewed the attack with unflinching determination, and drove them

from their strong position, capturing a pi^ce of artillery, with limber, caison

and horses complete, large numbers of arms, and all their knapsacks which

they had thrown off in their haste to enter the engagement. Upon the limber,

attached to the piece captured, was painted the following inscription :" Jenny—

Presented by the patriot ladies of Georgia to the State Artillery." In the bat-

tle of Antietam, on the 17th, the regiment was posted opposite the Dunker

Church, doing efficient service in repelling repeated charges of the enemy,

sustaining a loss of two men killed and twenty-two wounded.

From this time forward until the end of October, it performed various

marches, and was encamped at different points in Washington county, Mary-

land, being occasionally detailed for picket duty below Williamsport, along

the Potomac. On the 2d of November, it re-crossed the river at Berlin, and

proceeded to Stafford Court House, arriving on the 18th, where it remained

engaged on picket and guard duty until December 4th, when it moved with

the division to the neighborhood of White Oak Church, Virginia. General

Burns!de, now in command, was preparing for an active campaign, which cul-

minated in the battle of Fredericksburg. On the 12th the regiment crossed

the Kappahanuock, some distance below the town, with Franklin's Grand Di-


vision, and took position in line of battle, in the rear of the skirmishers, whichposition was held, with slight casualties, until the night of the 15th, whenall attempts to drive the enemy from his well chosen ground proving fruit-

less, the army was withdrawn, and the regiment returned to its former camp.On the 20th of January, 1803, Franklin's Grand Division marched eight milesup the left bank of the Eappahanuock, the whole army in motion, with the in

tention of surprising and attacking the enemy; but on the same evening aviolent rain storm set in, which rendered the roads impassible, and caused theenterprise to be abandoned, the regiment returning to its camp.

The ordinary routine of camp life and occasionally picket duty, engagedthe regiment until the 25th of April, when it broke camp and marched to thebanks of the Eappahanuock, opposite to the place of Franklin's crossing of

the previous December. Before day-break of the 29th the Ninety-fifth andOne Hundred and Nineteenth Pennsylvania, forming the advance, embarkedupon pontoons, which were in readiness, crossed the river, surprised the enemy'spickets, captured their rifle-pits, and drove them back, sustaining only slight

loss, and taking a number of prisoners. Skirmishing was kept up until the

3d of May, when the heights above Fredericksburg having been carried bystorm, the Sixth Corps advanced on the Gordonsville Plank Road, driving the

enemy before it. The Ninety-fifth and One Hundred and Nineteenth, bothunder command of Colonel Town, having been selected from Russell's Brigade,

advanced with other brigades of the division, and having driven the enemysome three miles, encountered, at Salem Heights, determined opposition, wherethe enemy had taken position in the woods, on either side of the road, pre-

pared to dispute its further progress. General Hooker, who had been engagedwith the major part of his army at Chancellorsville, having withdra^m at this

time, left the enemy free to send heavy reinforcements, Avhich could be plainly

seen arriving upon the field. The fighting with the Union advance now be-

came general and desperate, the enemy overlapping it on both wings, the wholeforce engaged consisting of but about ten regiments. It was of vital necessity

that this advanced position should be held until the balance of the corps could

have time to come up, and get into line of battle. Against a vastly superior

body fighting with desperate energy to defeat the corps in detail, and destroy

it, this small force, now under command of General Sedgwick in person, stood

immovable, and though sufi^eriug unparalleled losses, held the ground until

ordered to retire. Near the close of the struggle, and while in the advance,encouraging his men. Colonel Town fell, mortally wounded. Lieutenant

Colonel Elisha Hall, Adjutant Eugene D. Dunton, Captain Thomas D. G.Chapman, Lieutenant David Hailer, and eighteen enlisted men, were killed,

Major Thomas J. Town, Captains Hugh O. Roberts, and George Weest, andLieutenants Frank Stewart, Samuel H. Town, William J. Gelston, SamuelTopham, and Samuel H. Jones, and one hundred and two enlisted men,were wounded, of whom upwards of thirty died, and thirty-seven were takenprisoners and missing, making an aggregate loss of one hundred and sixty-


On the following day the remnant of the regiment, under command ofCaptain Theodore H. M'Calla, re-crossed the river at Banks' Ford, and returned



to its camp at White Oak Church. On the 6th of June, with the Brigade ofGeneral Bartlett, to which it had been transferred, it again crossed the Rap-pahannock and skirmished with the enemy until the 13th, when it returned and

43—VOL. III.


took up the line of marcli for Pennsylvania, crossing the Potomac on the 27th

and encamping near Westminster, Maryland, on the 1st of July. At evening

it started for Gettysburg, marching all night and arriving on the 2d. At

four P. M. it went into action on the right of the road leading to the Emmitts-

burg Pike, and in the rear of the rocky eminence in front of, and to the right of

Little Round Top, losing one killed and six wounded. On the 3d it lay under

cover in line of battle, and on the 4th was pushed forward on a reconnoissance

of the enemy's position. On the 5th, the enemy having withdrawn, it moved

in pursuit and came up with his rear guard, skirmishing and driving it. From

the 6th until the 14th it was engaged in marching and skirmishing, when the

enemy escaped across the Potomac, and the campaign closed.

On the 19th the regiment re-crossed the river and marched to Warrenton,

where it remained in camp until the 31st, when, with the brigade, it returned

to Kew Baltimore for picket duty. On the night of the 4th of September the

headquarters of General Bartlett were attacked by guerrillas. The alarm was

given, and the brigade quickly turned out, repulsing the enemy. On the 15th

it broke camp and moved to the neighborhood of Culpepper, and for three

weeks was engaged in picket duty. In the active campaign which nowopened—the campaign of manoeuvres—the regiment participated with the

corps, sustaining little loss, and on the 1st of December went into winter-

quarters at Hazel Eiver. Near the close of the month two hundred and forty-

five of the original members of the command re-enlisted for a second term.

On the 2d of May the regiment, with ranks strengthened by recruits, broke

up winter-quarters and moved on the spring campaign, crossing the Eapidan

on the 4th. The following extract from the diary of an officer will illustrate

the part it bore : " Marched on the 5th at six A. M. and advancing in line of

battle through the Wilderness, effected a junction with the Fifth Corps on its

right, and encountered the enemy. Became immediately engaged, and drove

him steadily back, the two right companies attaining a strong position in the

advance, which they maintained during the day and until relieved. In the

early part of the day Lieutenant Colonel Edward Carroll was killed, and the

command devolved on Captain John G. C. Macfarlan, acting Major. In lino of

battle all night. On the 6th .skirmishing in front of our position all day until

about live P. M., when the enemy opened a vigorous attack on the right iii

front of the Third Division. The Isinety-fifth Pennsylvania and the OneHundred and Twenty-first l^ew York were ordered to its support, and at night

were detailed for picket duty. The Ninety-fifth was afterwards drawn in, and

marched to take a new line, getting a brief rest until daylight. The morning

of the 7th broke with heavy cannonading. In position all day, and at seven P.

M., moved over on the Orange Plank Eoad, marching past Chancellorsville

towards Spottsylvania, and engaged more or less until the 10th. In the eve-

ning the corps charged the enemy's works. Shifting position and manoeuvring

until the 12th. Charged the enemy at Spottsylvania Court House, on the morn-

ing of that day, and partially captured his works. Eemaining under fire all

day the command was withdrawn at night, and retired in support of a battery,

where it remained until eight P. M., when it moved on to the right, marching

all night. On the 14th a sharp engagement took place at Bleak Hill, in which

the brigade was overwhelmed by numbers, and forced to retreat. On the 21st

the regiment joined in the march to the North Anna, and assisted in destroy-

ing the Gordonsville and Eichmond Eailroad. Ee crossed the North Anna


on the 25tli, and from this time until tlie 10th of July, when the corps wasordered to Washington, the regiment took part in all the operations in whichthe Sixth Corps was engaged." The aggregate losses in this campaign wereone commissioned officer and forty-two enlisted men killed; and five ofiBcers

and one hundred and twenty-three enlisted men wounded, of whom eleven

died of their wounds.

The regiment arrived in Washington at the moment of direst necessity,

and just in time to assist in the repulse ot the enemy at Fort Stevens. Fromthis time to the 22d of September it took part in all the movements of the

Sixth Corps, then attached to the army of the Middle Military Departmentoperating on the Potomac and the Shenandoah Valley, including the battle

of Fisher's Hill, in which it sustained a loss of one man killed and five wounded.

It afterwards moved up the valley to Harrisonburg, and encamiied there until

October 6th, when it proceeded to Middietown. On the 15th, the original

term of service having expired, such of the ollicers and men as had not re-

enlisted and whose term of service had expired, in pursuance of orders from

corps headquarters, left the field and proceeded, under command of Captain

Francis J. Eandall, to Philadelphia,where they were mustered outofservice. The

veterans and recruits, numbering nine officers and three hundred and ninety-

three men, were organized in a battalion of four companies, under commandof Captain John Harper. By special order of the War Department, No. 352,

of 1804, the battalion of the Ninety-sixth Pennsylvania was transferred to

that of the Mnety-fifth, and the consolidated force, numbering six hundred

and. three men, with the i)orper complement of officers, w^as designated the

Ninety-fifth Eegiment.

Early on the morning of the 19th of October, the regiment was aroused

from its encampment at Cedar Creek, by furious cannonading and heavy mus-

ketry firing. Hurriedly forming, it moved on the double quick to the front,

encountering numbers of the Eighth and Nineteenth corps, which had been

surprised and driven from their encampments. Eapidly moving into position

on the left of the Sixty-fifth New York, the regim-ent halted, and the men took

shelter under a partially dismantled stone fence, by which they were in a

measure protected from the enemy's fierce musketry fire. Orders were finally

received from Colonel Hamblin, commanding the brigade, to fallback "by the

right of battalions," which was done in good order. As it went back, in pass-

ing an eminence on which a Union battery was posted, in imminent danger of

being captured, the commanding officer being in the act of giving the word

to spike the guns, Captain Harper ordered a halt, and, rallying a portion of

his men around the colors, attempted to defend it ; but the enemy soon came

on in overwhelming force, and the Captain was compelled to fall back under

a most galling fire. Proceeding to the rear, it again halted, formed line, and

hastily constructed breastworks of rails and stones, where it remained for a

short time, but again fell back in good order, to a ]ioint near Newtown. Here

a line was established and held, and finally, a charge was made, which swept

the enemy back from point to point, until the entire ground, which had been

lost in the morning, was re-gained, and the troops slept that night in their camps

of the previous night. The loss in the engagment was nine killed, and fifty-

seven wounded and missing. Captain Thomas Bm-ns being among the killed.

By the victory at Cedar Creek the mastery in the vallej- was secured to the

Union commander, and the regiment remained quietly in camp near Middle-


town until December 1st, when the corps returned to the lines in front of

Petersburg. It here went into camp relieving a portion of the Fifth Corps.

It took part in occasional demonstrations upon the enemy's right, at Hatcher's

Eun, during the winter, but for the most part remained quietly in camp until

the 25th of March, 1865, when active operations commenced. On the morn-

ing of April 2d the regiment joined in the general movement on the enemy's

works, which resulted in the evacuation of Eichmond and the flight of the

rebel army, and in the subsequent pursuit, being actively engaged in the final

battle of the corps at Sailor's Creek, where Captain James J. Carroll waskilled, and until the final surrender at Appomattox Court House on the 9th.

It afterwards accompanied the corps to DanvUle, in order to co-operate mtbGeneral Sherman ; but upon the surrender of Johnston, returned to Eichmondwithout being called into action, and thence marched to Washington, where,

on the 17th of July, it was mustered out of service. Proceeding to Phila-

delphia, under command of Colonel Harper, it was paid and finally discharged

on the 24th.


John M. Gosline....

Gustavus W. Town


Edward Carroll

John Harper

William B. Hubbs.

David F. Foley

Thomas J. Town

Thco. H. M'Calla ...

John A. Ward

Eupene D. Dunton..H. E. Hindmarsh ...

John HavilandWm. J, Campbell.

Mardon Wilson, Jr

Edw'd B. P. Kelly..

Col ,


Lt. Col,









Q. M,...do..,















23, '61,



Died June 23, of wds. received at Gaines' Mill,Va., June 27, 1862.

Promoted from Lt. Col., June 28, 1862—killed atSalem Heights. Va., May 3, 1863.

Promoted from Cant, company C, June 28, '62

killed at 8alem Heights, Va., May 3, 1863.Promoted from Capt. company F, May 10, '63

killed at Wilderness, Va., May .5, 1864.Promoted from Capt. company 1, to Major, Nov.30, 1864—to Lt. Col., Feb! 7, *'6.5—com. Colonel,April 3, 1865—not rnus.—to Bv. Colonel, April6, 1865—mustered out with reg., July 17, 1865.

Pr. from Capt. Co. I, Oct. 1, 1861—died June 29,of wds. rec. at Gaines' Mill, Va.. June 27, 1862.

Promoted from Capt. company I, June 28, 1862—discharged November 13, 1S62.

Promoted from Capt. Co. A, Nov. 14, 1862—wd.at Salem Heiy;hts, Va., May 3, 1863—com. Col.,May 3, '63—not mustered—resigned Aug. 6, '63.

Promoted from Capt. Co. E. Aug. 6, 1863—to Bv.Lt. Col., March 13, '65—resigned April 14, '64.

Promoted from Capt. Co. D, Feb. 12. 1865—com.Lieut. Col., April 3. 1865—not mustered—mus-tered out with regiment, July 17, 1865—Vet.

Killed at Salem Heights, Va.,'Mav 3, 1863.Promoted from Cor. Co. G, Sept. 8, 1863—to Bv.Capt., Aug. 1. 1864, and Rv. Maj., April 6, '65—discharged by General Order, Julv 17, 1885.

Resigned Sepl.-^mber 20, 1S62.

Promoted from private Co. A. to Com. Sgt., Oct.16, 1861—to Sgt. Maj., Aus. 25, 1862—to Q. M.,Feb. 10, '63—disch. Nov. 2, '64—exn. of term.

Promoted fr. private. Co. C, to Q. jNI. Sgt., Oct.16, 1861—to Q. M., Nov. 25. 1864—mustered outwith regiment, July 17, 1865—Vet.

Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.


C. C. M'Glaughlin..

Thomas jSI. Laney.,Jeft'erson LitzRobert H. Porter...William J. Martin.

William Bj^rnes...

John S. Carpenter

William Stivers...,

James M. Treichler

James S. Day

John B. Thompson

R. J. Williamson...

Benj. F. Clevenger

William Lofland....

Francis C. Nell

Thomas Noble

Earles Barnes

Albert Conipton.James M. Mann.,

Joseph Mackey.John P. Brennan ...

Frederick Myers.














Com. Sr


Hos. St


PI. Muc...do




A tag,
















15, '61, 3


4. -62,j


4, '64, 13

24, '61, "

22, '61

6, '61,

26, '61,

31, '61,

24, '61,

26, '61,

27, '61,

17, '61,

23, '61,

9, '61,

22, "61,

26, '61,

W, '61,

11, '61,

4, '61,

12, '61,

23, '61,

Sept. 23, '61,

Disch. as Asst. Surg., Nov. 2. 1864— expir?,tionofterm—appointed Surg.. Dec. 1.'64—musteredout with regiment, July 17, 1865.

Resigned July 25. 1864.

Absent, with "leave, at muster out.Pr. to 2d Lt.. 14th reg. U. S. Infantry. Nov. 6, "61.

Pr. from 1st Sgt. company B, Dec" 14, 1861—to2d Lt. company B. Sept. 22, 1862.

Pr. from 1st Sgt. companv P. March 1, 1863—to2d Lt. company F. May 26. 1863.

Pr. from Isl Sgt. company B. May 26. 1863—to1st Lt. company B, Aug." 20, 1864—Vet.

Pr. from 1st Sgt. company A, Aug. 21, 1864—to2d Lt. company A. Dec. 19, 1864—Vet.

Transferred fr. 96th reg. P. V.. Oct. 18, 1864—pr.to 1st Lt. companv G, Dec. 10, 1864—Vet.

Promoted from 1st Sgt. Co. A. Dec. 20, 1864— to2d Lt. Co. A, May 15. 186.5—Vet.

Pr. from 1st Sgt. company B, May 15, 1865—to2d Lt. companj' B, June 17. 186.5—Vet.

Pr. from 1st Sgt. company A, July 1, '65—mus-tered out with regitnent, July 17, 1865—Vet.

Promoted from private Co. C, Dec. 1. 1864—mus-tered out with regiment. July 17, 1865—Vet.Promoted from Sgt. Co. B, Aug. 27, 1862—dis-charged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Promoted fr. Sgt. Co. B, Oct. 25. 1864—musteredout with regiment, July 17, 1865—Vet.

Promoted from private company A, Oct. 16, '61

discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Promoted fr. private company D, Oct. 25, 1864

mustered out with reg., July 17, 1865—Vet.Transferred to company G—date unknown.Promoted fr. Musician Co. K, October, '61—dis-

charged on Surgeons certificate, Sept. 20, 1862.

Deserted Februarv 7. 1862.

Transferred from 96th reg. P. V., Oct. 18. 1864—mustered out with reg., July 17, 1865—Vet.

Promoted from Musician Co. D, May 1. 1865—mustered out with reg., July 17, 1865—Vet.


Jos. Whittington....


Company A.




Robert Stewart


James D. BakerJohn JMiindertield...

Robert B. BrownEdward Cavely...Anner. George" S..

Abbott, Heu'i-y ...

Adams, John....Barneit, JatnesEobb, Alexander...Bobb. JamesBradfield, JohnBeard. GeorgeBobb, WilliamButler, CharlesBroadbont, Jno. H.Betson, :Satbau'l HBess, JosephBoyd, JamesBrady, MatthewBoyce, JamesBlain, JohnCaso3% PatrickCarney, HenryCarney, 'FrancisCiark." TimothyCarson, James









.do ....
















Cunningham, H. C.

Clark, James P

Cooke, William.

Crawford. Thos. F.

Colsher, Job RCampbell. Wni. J...

Collins, GeortieCappell, William L

Caldwell, John R.

Deminger. Jacob.Devers, JohnDoyle, JohnDoi-wart, George..

Dougherty, John HDeviue, James A ..

Downs, JohnDougherty. Hugh...Dobson, JohnDavenport, ShubDorman, Archibald

Don at, Charles

Darmount, CharlesDevine. JohnDoyle, BernardDovle, James AEairles, HughEarles, Robert M ...

Eberle, John SErrickson. Henry SEaton, EdwardFitzgerald, ThomasFitzgerald,David O



Mar. 19, '62,

Sept. 27, '61,

Mar. It), '62,

Aug. 21, '61,

Aug. £n, '61,

Sept. 20, '61,

Aug. 21, '61,































Sept. 24, '62,

Aug. 21, '61,

Mar. 10, '64,

Jan. 27, '64,

Sept. 4, '61,

Aug. 22, '61,

Aug. 26, '61,

Aug. 26, '61,

Sept. 4, '61,

Dec. 14, '61,

Nov. 28, '62,

Sept. 24, '62,

Aug. 21, '61,

Sept, 9, '62,

Sept. 23, '61,

Feb. 8. '65,

Sept. 2??, '61,

Sept. 23. '61,

Sept. 24, '61,

Oct. 3,. '61,

Jan. 25, '64,

Sept. 2, '61,

Feb. 3, '65,

Aug. 31, '61,

Aug. 21, '61,

Aug. 21, '61,

Auii. 28, '61,

Aug. 21, '61,

Feb. 2, '64,



Fitzeeral(l,KearnesFarriijgUni, And....Fitzgerald, MichaelGouldy, IsaacGibson, Benj. MGainer, James A....

Galloway, Geo. N..Gilbert, V'harlea AGalbraith, Thomas.Gawley ,Christoph'r

Gray, AndrewGordon, Geo. W.,

Gamble, Robert...Graham, KeduiondGlandeu. George....Hasson, John....

Harp, Albanas

Hart, CharlesHollocK, Thomas..Harmoning, Aug.,Harmony. Georire..Hinkle. Wm. M....

Hass, CasperHarris, ThomasHaines, Thomas...Hamilton, AlexHogan, MichaelHazzard, Lewis....Jerrard, JacobJennings, George..Kerper, Charles AKeller, Fred-k VVKelly, MarkKell3% JohnKaj'n, James HKane. Daniel JLake, FrancisLex, GeorgeLamb, David HLesage, Henry B..Leary, William A,Loughery, E. PLyons. Lewis RLambert, Geo. W..Leber, Matthias....Lare, Joseph

Lafferty, J.ames.Logue, Robert....Meade, John H.,Moore, Nelson....

Mervine, Isaac. .,

Mullen, James J..,

Murray, JohnMagowan, Sloan....

Mitchell, WilliamMoir, EdwardMurphy, Dennis...Mifflin, Henry R...Matthews, Geo. N...Martin, James F....

Mather, Wm.NMadden, JohnMiller, CharlesiM'Mennmy, D. J....

M'Closkey, John MM'Cauley, Johju F..

M'Callister, Hiram

















Aug. 21, '61,

.do Sept.

.do Sept.




















































Aug. 21, '61,

Discharged on Surjaieotrs certificate, Jan. 19, '63,Killed at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, ISCiZ.

Des. Mar., 1863—ret.—des. again, June 14,1865.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

IMustered out with company, July 17, '65—Vet.Discharged Nov. IS, 1864—expiration of term.Absent at muster out.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 28, '62.

Died May 9. of wounds received at West Point,Virginia, May 7, 1862.

Died at Philadelphia, Pa., December 25, 1863.Wd. at Cedar Creek, Va.. Oct. 19, 1864—trans-ferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, March 21, 186,0.

Deserted ISIay 19. 1862.

Absent, in arrest, at muster out.Not on muster-out roll.

Deserted Dec. 4, 1864—returned June 4. 1865

nmstered out with Co., July 17, 1865—Vet.Captured at Spottsylvania C. H. Va.. May 12,1864—nms. out with Co., July 17, 1S65—Vet.

Mustered out with company. July 17, "65—Vet.Mustered f.ut wuth company, July 17, '65—Vet.Discharged by General Order, June 18, 1865.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29, '63.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Sept. 19, 64.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 22, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 'J5, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 25, '62.

Deserted September 25, 1863.

Deserted Augusts. 1862.

Deserted November 23. 1863.

Mustered out with company, July 17, '65—Vet.Discharged—date unknown.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Discharged by General Order, June IS, 1865.

Discharged by General Order. June IS. 1865.

Discharged Feb. 15. 1865—expiration of term.Killed a>, Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1SG4.T»eserted August 1, 1864.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with com'pany, July 17, 1865.

Discharged by General Order, July 5, 1865.

Discharged by General Order. May 26, 1865.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 7, 1862.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24, '62.

Di.sch. on Surgeon's certificate—date unknown.Discharged—date unknown.Discharged—date unknown.Wounded near Petersburg, Va., June 20, 1864

deserted March 6, 1865—returned—dischargedOctober 18, to date July 17, 1865-Vet.

Deserted June 21, 1865.

Deserted—date unknown.Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1S65—Vet.Wounded at Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6, 1865

absent, in hospital, at muster out.Discharged by General Order, June 18. 186.5.

Discharged Feb. 11, 1865—expiration of term.Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Mar. 22, '62.

Transferred to Co. C—date unknown—Vet.Discharged—date unknown.Killed at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, 1863.Killed at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864—Vet.Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 10, '6i.

Deserted, 1862.

Never joined company.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Discharged bv General Order, June 18, 1865.

Deserted August 31, 1863—ret. April 14, 1864—discharged by General Order, June 18, 1865.

Discharged on "Surgeon's certificate, April 8, '62.


^[(Tonip\l. James... PrivateM'Creijrlit, Charles j...doNaffle, Simon S.

Noble, ThomasPatton, JamesPugh. Charles EPreston, Joseph E.

Phipps, EdwardParker, JosephPlunkett. AlexPhilan, Michael F...

Parr, JamesPrime. JoelReed, George E

Robinson, James....Russell Alex. JRobinson, Croasd'eRodgers, Edgar R..Roussell, Thomas...Roberts, William ARobinson, Henry RRobinson, John C...

ReiflF, Henry CScott, WalterSmith, JohnStreet. JohnStoker, JohnSmith, George W...

Stuard, Charles H..

Shultz, Richard G...

Sediuger, Daniel B..

Slingnrlaud. JosephSmith, Griffith....'...

Schreiner, Jos. H...Smith. Albert TTacy, Jacob FThomson, Joshua...Thompson. Frank BTurner, William....Turuer. John HThomas. Vener B...

Thompson, GeorgeTJlmer. George W...Vanfossen, Aaron...Wolff, Charles

Weber, John C,Wilson, James L....

Wilson, George WWright, James L...

Whippy, Charles CWooland. A. Nevin\Vasson, Charles,

Yeakel, Henry..Young, David ...

Zimmerman, H.





























..do.. .,

























Sept. .5. 'fil,

Sept. 13, '(52,

Sept. 12, '62,

Auir. 26, '61.

Aug. 29, '61,

Jan. 4, '64,

Mar. 7, '62.

Sept. 2.

Sept. 4,

Aug, 21,

Aug. 31,

Aug. 25,Aug. 21,

Dec. 14,

Sept. 24,

Aug. 21,

Aug, 21,

Aug. 27,

Sept. 26,Aug. 21,

Aug. 21,

Sept. IS,

Sept. 17,

Sept. 23,

Aug. 2^,

Jan. 22,

Feb. 27,

Aug. 27,

Aug. 20, '62,




Discbarsed on Surgeon's certificate. Oct. 27. '63.

Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., Mav 12, lSt)4.

Discharged on Surgeon'a certificate, Mar, is, '65,


Promoted to Hospital Steward, Oct, 16, 1861.Mustered out with company, July 17, '6,5—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, '65.

Prisoner from May 14, 1S64, to Feb. 27, '65—mus-tered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.

Discharged by General Order. June IS, 1865.Discharged Nov. 2, 1S64—expiration of term.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 27, '62.

Discharged on vSurgeon's certificate, Feb. 27, '62.

Dischartred on vSurgeon's certificate, Nov. 30, '62.

Transferred to Vet. Keservt- Corps, Feb. 15, '64.

Capt'd at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12,'64—discharged by General Order, May 27, '6.5—Vet.

Discharged, Nov. 2, 1864—expirati(jn of term.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 19. '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 25, '62.

Disch, by order of Sec. of War, Feb, 27, 1864.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 10, '63.

Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 9, '63.

Transferred to company H—Vet.Killed at Spoitsylvani/ C. H., May 12, 1864.Deserted December 1, 1S62.

Mustered out with company, July 17, '6.5—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, '6.5—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 17. '65.

Prisoner from May 12. 1864, to March 1, 186.5

discharged by General Order, June 29, '65—Vet,Capt'd at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 14, '64

discharged by "General Order, June 13, 1865.

Discharged on Surgeon'.s certificate, Feb. 27, '64,

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec, 12, '62.

Disch. forwds. rec. at West Point.Va., May 7, '62.

Died at Fortress Monroe, Va., Ausr. 11, 1862.

Killed at Cedar Creek, Va,, Oct. 19, 1864—Vet.Deserted April 13. 1864.

Mustered out with company, July 17, '65—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, '8.5—Vet.Discharged by special oi'der, April 17, 1864.

Discharged on Surgecju's certificate, Feb. 12, '63.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Mar. 25, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 5, "63.

De-serted April 4, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, '65—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, '65,

Deserted Nov. 27, 1862—returned Sept. 16, '63—mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Mar, 16, '65.

Dicharged June 24, 1862, for wds. rec. in action.

Discharaed on Surgeon's certitLcate, Aug. 25,62.Deserted Julv 9, 1863.

Deserted December 31, 1863—Vet.Deserted March 26, 1864.

Deserted Feb. 8, 1864—returned April, 1864—de-serted again, June 14, 1865—Vet.

Capt'd at Spottsylvania C. H., Va,, May 14, 1864.

Discharged Nov". 2, 1864—expiration of term.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet.

Company B.

recruited at philadelphia.

Enos Baldwin


Wm. J. Macdonald

John S. Carpenter..

Thomas M. Field...

Wm. J.MartinJohn B. Thompson

Charle.s H. Myers..Rudolph K. Bartle.

Edward B. Brown.

Wm. H. Forsythe.,John FineganWilliam H. Smith..

Natlian H. Potts....

H. C. O'DonnellGustHvo WernerWilliam PalmaioryFrancis C. NellWilliam Lofland....

Frank A. Wilson...

Edwin F. UberJohn DerrJohn Campbell, Jr.

Hosea R. TaylorJacob H. Coleman..Theo. GreenmauJohn Nolan

Charles H. Allen ...

G. A. BaldwinEdward Dnflfy

Isaac E. Lippencott

Isaac P. EstlackJohn TyrellIsaac M. Brannin...


1st Lt.


2d Lt...


1st SgtSerg'i..












Daniel A. SweeneyChas. A. ThompsonJoseph A. Baker...Joseph HessWilliam J. BrownLouis C. Zornan....Abel, RobertAndrews, Henry EAllen, Charles G....

Austin, Caleb H....

Andrews, ThomasAlexander, Jas. B.

Austin, Thomas....Andrews, Joseph BBirmin<;ham, IsraelBuck, Robert V...

Bartle, Charles EBitile, Socrates T...

Bean, David NBlack. Frederick RBarlow, James H...

Befiford, JohnB







.do ....

.do ....







Sept. 6, '61,

Aug. 26, '61,

Aug. 22, '61,

Aus. 22, '61,

Aug. 27, '61,

Sept. 4, '61,

Sept. 12, '61,

Aug. 22, '61,

Sept. 17, '61,

Sept. 17, '61,

Aug. 22, '61.

Aug. 22, '61,

Aug. .30, '61,

Aug, 22, '61,

Sent. 4, '61,

Aiig. 22, '61,

Sept. 9, '61,

Sept. 4, '61,

Sept. 19, '61,

Sept. 6, "61,

Aug. 26, '61,

Sept. 18, '61,

Nov. 23, '6.S,

Sept. 10, '61,

Aug. 31, '61,

Aug. 22, '61,

Sept. 6, '61,

Aug. 15, '62,

Aug. 26, '61,

Sept. 12, '61,

Sept. 4, '61,

Aug. 26, '61,

Muc...do ...




















Bassett, William.Bittle, George WBartram, John....






22, '61,

4, '61,

22, '61,

22. '61,

8, '61,

16, '61,

17, '61,

27, '61,

4, '6),

22, '61,

22, '61,

13, '62,

9, '61,

11, '61,

22, '61,

9, '61,

16, '61,

22, '61,

21, '64,

16, '61,

29, '62,

22, '61,

22, '61,

22, '61,

..do iSept. 16, '61,

Promoted from 1st Lt. Co. F, Oct. 16. 1864—com-missioned M;ijor, April 3, '65—not mustered—mustereii out with company, July 17, 1865.

Promoted from Sergeant Major, Aug. 20. 1864—to Captain company H, May 13, 186.5—Vet.Wounded at Crampton's Gap, Md., Sept 14, '62—pr. to Cor., Mar. 20, 1862—to Sst., Nov, 1, '62—to IstSgt., May 26, 1863—to 2d Lieut., Dec. 19,1864—to Isn Lieut., June 5, 1S65—mustered outwith companv, .July 17, 186.5—Vot.

Pr. fromSgt..Ri:aj.,Sept.22.'62—disch. Nov. 8,'63.

Promoted from Sergeant Major, June 17. 1865—mustered out with"company, July 17, '6.5—VetMustered out with compan}', Jnly"l7, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5—Vet.Promoted to Cor., Mar. 20, 1862—to Set.. Nov. 1,

1862—mus. out with Co., July 17, 18ii5—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet,Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan, 20, "63,

Wounded at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, 1863

discharged en Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 24, '64.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 30, '63.

Dis.'harged Oct. 25, 1864—expiration of term.Deserted November 1, 1862.

Promoted to Com, Sersjeant, Oct, 25, 1864—Vet.Pr. fr. Cor., Jan. 1. '62-^to Com. Sgt., Aug. 27,'62.

Promoted to Corporal, Dec, 28, 1863—musteredout with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5—Vet.Mustered out with company, .iuly 17, 186.5—Vet.Promoted to Corporal,' Dec. 1, 1863—musteredout with company, July 17, 1865-Vet.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12,

1864—absent, in hospital, at muster out—Vet.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 23, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 8, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 4, '64.

Wounded at CbarTestown, Va., Aug. 21, 1864—disch. on Surg, certificate, Mar. 18, 1865.—Vet.

Discharged Oct. 24, 1864—expiration of term.Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 14, '64—Vet.Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1862—died of was.received at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec, 13, 1862.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1805—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5—Vet.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 9, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 1, '62.

Transferred to conrpany C, Dec. 28, 1864—Vet.Transferred to company E, Dec. 28, 1864—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865— Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864—absent, in hospital, at muster out—Vet.

Discharged August 1, 1862,

Discharged by General Order, June 18, 1865,

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 7, '63.

Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Mustered out with corai^any, July 17, 186.5—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 18.35.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with companj^ July 17, 1865.

Absent, sick, at nmster out—Vet.Absent, sick, at muster out.Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864—ab-sent, in hospital, at muster out—Vet.

Discharged Nov. 2, lb64—expir.ition of term.Discn. on Surg, cert., April 30, 1863—re-enlisted

Jan. 21, 1864—mus. out with Co., July 17. 1865.

Tr. to Vot. Res, Corps—date unknown—Vtt,


Bennett, JohnBowker. Lorenzo CBannen, VVm. HBrown, WuliamBiggins. JohnBarry, Henry MBlackenheiraer, C...

Cole, Andrew JConipton, Robert.. ..

Campbell, James....Corny, William

Callahan, John C...

Carter, William II..

Carpenter, James...Deets. Georgo HUurham, Thomas...Darnel, Jonn Vv"

Bobbins, Henry S..,

Dougherty, SamuelDecker^ HenryDonneU, JohnEmery, Cieorge W..Fulmer, William...Friend, Wm. CFamous, Augus'sG

Fowler, JosiahFaulkner, James LP'olcy, ThomasFairchiid, Samuel...Flinn, Thomas

Gardner, Henry S..

Ganse, GeorgeGarner, Edward A.

Garrett, Horatio L..

Gross, Henry AGreen, William H..Geiger, Georgo W..Kevener, JohnHaines. HenryHaines, Sanmel B..

Harrison, Henry TEausberry, Wash'nHall, Gua'ualoupe..,

Hatidleton, Geo. WHook, Benjamin F.

Hughes, JohnHaines, Bethel M..

Holmes, Charles.,








Hcsser, Edward J...

Holmes. George H..

Jones, Stephen B...

Jamison, William..Keyser, Benj.GKent, WaltonKnapp, David S....

Leary, WilliamThinker, GeorgeLewis, William H.Lindsay, Sam'l P.. ..I. ..do ...

Lewis, 'Daniel '...do ...

aiorris, Ji?,mes do...• Metzler, Eaw'd C do ...

Mohau, Michael do.,.




..uo ...







.00 ....













.00 ....








.do ...










...do ..



1.5, '(54,

22, '61,

18. '64,

22. '61,

7. -61,

2, '61,

22, '61,

22, '61,

K), '61,

29, '64,

9, '61,

Sept. 18, '61,








27, "61,

13, '64,

16. '01,

7, '61,

22, '64,

26, '61,

17, '62,

15, '64,

9, '61,

28, '64.

3. '64,

26, '61,

2, '61,

5, '61.

27, '61,

9, '61,

16, '61,

16, '61,

11, '62,

22, '64,

12, '64,

26, '61,

12, '62,

14, '61,

1, '64,

13, '64,

22, '61,

22. '61,

2, '61,

8, '65,

22, '61,

27, '64.

22, '61,

16, '61,

22, '61,

Sept. 11, '61,


22, '61,

22, '61,

18, 'G4,

29, '62,

1. 'u4,

2; '61,

21, '61,

22, '61,

17, '61,

10, '61,

14, '61,

81, -62,

9, "61,

2, '64,

23, '61,

Transferred to company C, December 2S, 1864.Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps. Nov. 1 5, '63.

Killed at Sailor's Creek. Va.. April 6. 1865.Died at Philadelphia. Pa., September 24, 1861.Deserted May 23, 1865—Vet.Captured at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, '63—pa-roled—deserted—date unknown.

Not on niuster-ouf, roll.

Mustered out wiih company, July 17. '6.5—Vet.Mustered out with compuny, July 17, '65—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17. 1865.Wounded and captured at'Coid Harbor, Virgi-nia, June 2, 1864—Vet.

Deserted June 1—returned Nov. 5, 1864—trans-ferred to comnany C, Dec. 28. 1864—Vet.

Transferred to company C. Dec. 28, 1864.DiedMar.29,ofwds. reij,accidenfly,Mar. 19. '65.

Mustered out with company, July 17. '65—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, '65—Vet.Discharged by General Order, ISIay 24. 18(35.

Discharged September 29, for wounds receivedat Gaiues' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.

Discharged on Surgeon s certificate, Dec. 27, '62.

Transferred to company C, Dec. 28, 1864.Deserted September 16, 1861.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1.865.

Mustered our with company. July 17. 1865.

Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Accidentally wounded, June 10, '62—aisohargedon Surgeon's certificate—date unknown.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 29. '62.

Transferred to company C, Dec. 28, 18ri4—Vet.Killed at Gaines' Alillj'Va., June 27, 1862.

Died at Alexandria, Va., July 7, 1862—grave, 67.

Wounded at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, '62—de-serted—date unknown.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., Juno 2. '64—dis-charged by General Order, July 6, 186.5.

Discharged'on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 29, '62.

Transferred to company C, Dec. 28, 1864.

Transferred to company I, Dec. 29, 186;i—Vet.Transferred to company C, Dec. 28, 1864.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with coinpanj, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out, with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17. 18i)5—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Wounaed at Spottsyivania C. H., Va., May 14.

1864—absent, in hospital, at muster out—Vet.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2, '65.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 29, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 23, '62.

Died at Alexandria, Va., July 1. of wounds re-

ceived at Cold Harbor, June 2, 1864—bu. record,July 8, 1864—grave, 2,350—Vet.Died May 4, of wds. received at Salem Heights,Va., May 3. 1863.

Captured—died at Richmond, Va., July 1, 1862.

Deserted-dite unknown.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Discharged on Surg, certificate—date unknown.Transferred to company O, Dec. 28, 1864—Vet.Mustered out with companj', July 17, 1SG5—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, l.":65—Vet.Mustered out with cr mpany, July 17, 1SG5—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Discharged by General Oraer, June 18, 1S65.

Musterea out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Musieraa out with company, July 17, 1865.


Wounded at Sailor's ('reek', Va., April G, 1865—

imustered out with Co., J uly 17, ibtio—Vet.


Matthews, JohnMalone. JamesMiddleton, Chas. HMorgan, Daniel C...

Mills, Walter P. C.Murphy, Dennis

Middleton, Matt'w.,Mimur, HenryM'Kenna, Thomas.M'Donough, Wm...

M'Clusky, JohnM'Ewen,"^ Thomas...M'Nelly, Wesley B

Nungesser, Wm. ENorton, Michael F.Nungesser. F. R....

Nack, Jacob,

Nichols, Francis....,

O'Xeil. JamesPiatt, William H...

Piper, Francis.Piatt, John

Piatt, Elwood....

Piatt, William...Pool, Amos ,

Phillips, Wm. H....

Prickott, George H

Petitt, JessePoulson. Abraham.,Roat, John JRule. JamesRoat, John WReninger, Wm. A...,

Russell, George P...

Runcer, JohnRobinson, Morris...Russell, James

Shellcup, Geo. A. JShearen. Patrick....Shute, A. BSaylor, Henry T....Shock, Theodore TSharp, George W ...

Sweede, Joseph A...

Smith, George H....

Sailor, JacobSeips, JacobStillwell, David J...

Singer, William H..Shaae. JohnStapes, .John ASmith, WiihamStout, DanielSmith, SamuelSomers, George W..Tyson, Joseph F . ...

Updyke, Wm. D....

Warren, William...West, GeorgeWherly, Adol's WWalker, George W

Aug. 22. '61,

Sept. 16, '61.

Aug. 26, "61,

Feb. 12. '64.

Sept. 12, '61,

Aug. 24, '61,

Sept. II, '61,

Feb. 12, '64,

Feb. 29, '64,

Feb. 16, '64,

Sept. 7, '61,

Aug. 22, '61,

Aug. 22, '61,

Fob. 6, '64,

Aug. 26, '61,

Feb. 3, '64,

Aug. 22, '61,

Sept. 15, '62,

Sept. 21, '61,

Aug. 16, '62,

Dec. 16, '63,

Aug. 22, '61,

Aug. 22, '61,

Aug. 22, '61,

Jan. 18, '64,

Aug. 22, '61,

Aug. 22, '61,

Aug. 22. '61,

Sept. 6, '61,

Sept. 4, '61,

Oct. 10, '61,

Jan. 29, '64,

Sept. 17, '61,

Sept. 14, '61,

Mar. 10, "62,

Sept. 4, '61,

Sept. 7, '61,

Sept. 12, '61,

Jan. 13, '64,

Aug. 30, '61,

Feb. 1, '64,

Feb. 3, '64,

Jan. 22, '64,

Jan. 15, '62,



22, '61,

22, '61,

18, '62.

SO, '61,

2, '61,

2, '64,

30. '61,

6, '61,

1, '64,

9, '61,

22, '64,

4, '01,

14, '64,

18, '64,

18, '64,

15, '64,

22, '61,

Mustered out with comnany. Julv 17. 1865—Vet.Discharged by Genera) Ortier, Aug. 3. 'G5— Vet.Discharged on Surgeon'." certiticate, Sept. 26, '62.

Transferred to company C. Dec. 2S. 1864.

Transferred to company C. Dec. 28, 1864—Vet.Died Mav 1. of wds. received at Sailor's Creek,Va., April 6, 1865.

Died at Alexandria. Va., Jan. 16, 1862.Deserted July 27. 1864.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Wounded at Petersburg, Va., April 2, '65—mus-tered out with company. July 17, 1865.

Mustered our, with company, July 17, 1865.

Discharged—expiration of term.Killed at Petersburg. Va.. June 21, 1864—buriedin National Cemetery, Poplar Grove, divisionD, section C, grave, 157—Vet.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17. 1865—Vet.Discharged by General Order. July 20. 1865.

Discharged October 10. fjr wounds received atGaines' Mill. Va.. June 27, 1862.

Transferred to U. S. Navy—date unknown.Mustered out with company. July 17, 1865—Vet.Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va.,"Oct. 19, 1864—absent, sick, at muster out.

Absent, sick, at muster out.Accidentally wounded, June 3, 1S62—dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, November 22. 1S62.

Wounded at Salem Heights, Va.. May 3, 1863—discb. on Surgeon's certificate—date unknown.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. -Tan. 16, '63.

Wounded at Hatcher's Run, Va., Feb. 6, 1865-discharged by General Order, May 1.5, 1865.

Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Prisoner from May 14, to December 14, 1864

discharged JNIarch 18. 1865.

Killed at Gettvsburg, Pa., July 3, 1863.Deserted October 21, 1862.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 27, '62.

Discharged March lO, 1865—expiration of term.Deserted Julv 4, 1862.

Captured at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862—paroled—deserted November 1. 1862.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Wounded at Petersburg. Va., April 2, 1865—absent, in hospital, at muster out.Wounded at Wildgrness, Va., May 9, 1864—ab-sent, in hospital, at muster out—Vet.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26, '62.

Discharged Nov. 3, 1864—expiration of term.Discharged by General Order. June IS. 1865.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 15, '62.

Discharged—date vuiknown.Transferred to companv 0, Dec. 28, 1864.

Killed at Cold Harbor,"Va., June 2, 1864—Vet.Died at Alexandria, Va., Feb. 25, 1862.Descried July 27. 1864.

Deserted November 30, 1861.Deserted June 22, 1865.

Wounded at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, 1863—disch. on Surgeon's certificate—date unknown.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

JNlustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.


Wobensmith, HWatermeyer, G. Y..

Whitehead, Jas. WWilis. Benjamin C.Watts, AanmWilson, Georiie F...

Wise, William H...Walker, Richard £1

Watson, Albert

Wills, SamuelWilliams, Edw. T.











Dec. 26, '61,

Sept. 4, "61,

AUJT. 15, '62,

Aug. 2rt, '61,

Sept. 4, '61,

Sept. 13, '62,

Sept. 24, '61,

Sept. 9, '62,

Dec. 26, '61,

Aue:. 22, '61,

Aug. 22, '61,

Weaver, SomersS do i Sept. 4, '61,

Welch, John do I Sept. 12, '61,

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Wounded at Spott,sylvania C. H., Va., May 12,1864—absent, in hospital, at muster out—Vet.

Discharged by G. O., June IS, 186.5.

l'i.sch. on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13, 1863.discharged on Surgeon's certiticate, July 28, '63.

Discharged by G. O., June 18, 1865.Transferred to company D, Dec. 28, 1864—Vet.Transferred to company V, Dec. 28, 1864.Died June 2s. of wounds received at Gaines'Mil], Va., June 27, 1862.

Died at Alexandria, Va., May 10, 1862.JViissing in action at Spottsvlvania C. H., Va.,May 10, 1864—Vet.

Deserted November 1, 1862.Deserted J uly 4, 1865—Vet.

Company C.

recruited at philadelphia.

ElishaHallT. D. G. Chapman ..

Samuels. Ford..

Marshall C. Hong.

Hamilton DonohueFrank Stewart...

Jjicob A. Bisbing ...

Alexander H. Fry


William J. Gelston

John Southwell

Michaol Lawn

Henry H. Robinson

Patrick J. Mallen

.fohn B. Bradley...

Juo. B. Thompson..

H. A. M. Sprigman

Albert J. Bannen....William P. Dobson

Wm. H. Hamilton.Thomas D. Hall

Wm. H. Forsyth.


John Nolan

Samuel H. Town.

George W. Tittle.




1st Lt.




2d Lt.

















Sept. 17,

Sept. 16,

Aug. 27,

Aug. 23,

Sept. 11,

Aug. 27,

Aug. 27,

Aug. 23,

Aug. 27,

Sept. 9,

Oct. 12,

Oct. 16,

Feb. 25,

Aug. 27,

Aug. 27,

Oct. 15,

Aug. 23,

Aug. 23,

Aug. -SO,

Sept. 30,

Sept. 17,

Sept. 17,

Aug, 31,

Mar. 8,

Sept. 4,



Wm. A. Reninger..

Edward DufTey

Theo. Greeninan....

Jas. W. Whitehead

Edward H. Carr

Samuel R. ShusterAlbert W. ScottKobert D. Wilson..

William M'Cabe

Jacob K. Rover

John P. Griffith.

William Patterson.Wm. U. Tantield....

John L. Casper......

John Jacoby..


Jacob Winter.

Ijnn Brown.

Charles Nevins ,

George H. Myers ...

Joseph GintherRichard D.Smith...

Charles M. Fowler..William J. .Brown..Chas. A. 'IhoniDsonLewis C. ZornanAllen, Elijah OAllen, JosephBune.sole, Geo. W.


Burns, DanielBogai), DanielBaxter, WilliamBeal, EdwardBrooks. Sylva\sWBeimett, JohnBailey, DavidBarclay, RobertBartraiii, .)oun.Black, Fred'k RBarclay. Edw'd WBerlin, Janiea MBelton, Frederick...Costello. .JohnCarr, .John HCurl, NelsonCallahan. John C ...

Clark, William H...Cox, lOm.inuelCarter, William H..Cooper. JohnCash, NicholasCarig'han. JohnClevinger, Benj. F..

Cooley, FrankCoopeV, William HChew, Iliram FCrawford, Edward..Crosliy, JohnDow ling, William..Dougherty, Geo. WDowney, Robert










Sept. 17, "61,

Aug. 15, '62,

Sept. 10, '61,

Aug. 15, '62,

Aug. 31, '61,

Aug. 30, '61,

Aug. 30, '61.

Aug. 23, '61,

Feb. 3, '64,

Jan. 26, "64,

Aug. 23, '61,

Oct. 10, '61,

Feb. IS, '64,

Sept. 18, '61,

.do Aug. 27, '61,

.do Sept. 17, '61,

Sept. 11, '61,

Sept. 17, '61,

Sept. 2, '62,

Aug. 30, '61,

Sept. 5, '61,

Jan. 1, '62,

Oct. 8. '61,

Sept. 14, "61,

Sent. 16, '61,

Sept. 6, '61,

Aug. 19, '64,

Aug. 23, '61,

Sept. 21, '61,

Jan. 26, '64,

Feb. 27, '64,

Feb. 3, '65,

Jan. 23, '64,

Jan. 13, '64,

Sept. 6. -61,

Sent. 16, '61,

Sept. 16, 61,Sept. 16, '61,

Sent. 1(), '61,

.Ian. 29, '61,

Oct. 31, '02,

Fob. 8, '65,

Jan. 15, '64,

Aug. 23, '61,

Sept. 18. '61,

Jan. 10, '65,

Sent. 2. 'C)l,

Mir. 27, '64,

Sept. 16, '61,

Sept. 24, '62,

Sent. 12, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Jan. 26, '64,

Sent. 9, '61,

Feb. 27, '64,

Aug. 31, '61,

April 3, '65,

.Ian. 23, '64,

Jan. 23, '64,

Oct. 4, '61,


...do ....






































Promoted to Corporal, May ]2, 1S64—transferredto company B, 'November 2, lfS64—Vet.

Promoted to Corporal, May 12, 1864—transferredto company B, NovembeT 2, 1864.

Promoted loCorporal, July 26, 1864—transferredto company B, November 2. 1864—Vet.

Promoted to Corporal, August 1, 1S64— trans-ferred to comnany B, November 2. 1864.

Promoted from" Corporal, Sent. 22, 1863—killed atSpotii>ylvania C. H., Va., May 12, 1864—Vet.

Mustered out with company, July 17, li;65—Vet.Mustered out with company. July 17, 1865—Vet.Promoted to Corporal, January"7, 1865— mus-tered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.

Promoted to Corporal, January 15, 1865—mus-tered out with company, .Iuly'l7, 1865.

Promoted to Corporal. February 24, 1865—mus-tered out with company, .July 17, 1865.

Promoted to Corporal. June 13, 1S6.5—musteredout with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.

Mustered out with'companv, July 17. 1865—Vet.Discharged by General Oroer, May 26. 1865.Promoted toV'orporal, Jan. 1, 1S63—dischargedOctober 17, 1864—expiration of term.

Disch.oti Surgeon's certificate—date unknown.Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1862—dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, January 31, 1863.

Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 6. 1861—dischargedon Surseon's certificate. February 27, 1862.

Promoted to Corporal. October 22. 1802—killedat Petersburg, Va., June 20, 1864-Vet.

Promoted to Corporal, Mav 12, 1864—killed atPetersburg. Va., June 20, "1864.

Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864—Vet.Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 1, 1863—des. Aug. 5,

1864—returned May 9, 1865—tr. to Co. H—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17. 1805—Vet.Transferred to company B.'Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Transferred to company B. Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 4, "68.

Neverjoined cf)mnany.Captured—mus. oiitwith Co.^uly 17,"65—Vet.Mustered out with company, Jttly 17, 1865

Vet.Mustered out w-ith company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17. 1865.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 20. 1864.

Dischartred on Surgeon's certificate. Doc. 8, '64.

Discharged Nov. 2.''1864—expiration of term.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Fob. 27, '62.

Transferred to company B, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Transferred to companv B. Nov. 2. 1864—Vet.Killed at Gaines' Mill, Va., Juno 27, 1862.

Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864.

Neverjoined company.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mtistered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.iSIustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Absent, sick, at muster out—Vet.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 5, '65.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 26, '63.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 11, '63.

Dischargfid on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 22. "62.

Promoted to Q. M. Sergeant, Dec. 1, 1864—Vet.Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 23, '64.

Killed at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.

Deserted Juno 19. 1864.

Deserted August 6, 18(54-Vet.Not on muster-out roll.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

^Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.


Drakp, George W...Donahue, Geo. W...Diiddev, Bernard...Drew, William H...Decker, HenryEllinser. Henry K..

Ellinger, William...Evans, William K..Fetters. NinirodFaulkner, James LFauber, Joseph W.,Goodwin,'Sam"l W.Graham, George .T..

Goodwin, Chas. P..

Geiger, George W..Gross, Henry AGarsed, Harry EGosline, Thomas R.Green, William H..Gourley, JohnH.:..

Gunzer, John D....

Hewitt, John.Hager, John C ,

Hough, Theodore.Hughes, JohnHamilton, John....

Hughes, Thomas HHough, Elias H.

Hart, JamesHendrickson, L. C,Hoffnagle, Henry..,Hilt, George HHeavener, JohnHerbert, GeorgeHarvey, GeorgeJones, Charles R....

Jones, TnomasD....Johnson, DanielJohnston, Richd MJackson, William...Johnson, CharlesKnapp, David S.,

King, Thomas....

Koons, Cljarles N...

Keeler, Wesley W..Knowles, Wm' P....

Kearney, JohnKelsh, James DKelly, Thomas.Lackey, Thos. JLonabaugh, John ALuttou, Kenj. CLayton, NoahLewis, DanielLinker, GeorgeLarason, Wm. H....

Lamb, JohnLogan, JosephLarason, Eaward..Lea, George WMills, Waiter P. CMaraock, Alex'r B,.'...do

Malone. Purnell Wl...do


Milward, Whify H!...do.

Morgan, Daniero...|...do


Moore, Reese H..;.,.i...do.




















Morslander, Jno. BMullen. JamesMyers, HenryMowrey, George HMahike, Goorge W..











4, '61,

14, '(51,

5, '01,

11. 'til,

1.5, '(54,

17, '61,

17, '61,

17, '61,

8, '61,

27, '61,

19, -64,

11* '61,

2, '61,

30, '61,

1, -64,

12, '6-J.

3, '64,

6, '61,

14, '61,

1, '64,

17, '61,

26, '64,

3, '64,

29, '64,

16, '61,

27, '64,

27, '64,

17, '64,

7, '62,

9, '61,

12, '62,

17, '61,

26, '61,

7, '61,

3, '65,

23, '61,

26, '61,

2, '61,

26, '62,

27, '61,

16, '61,

21, '61,

23, '61,

9, '61,

26, '61,

16, '61,

6, -62,

9, '62,

6, '65,

23, '61,

2, '64,

18, '61,

4, '61,

31, '62,

17, '01,

29, '62,

16, '61,

17, '61,

9, '61,

29, '64,

12, '61,

9, '61,

SO, '65,

22. '64,

12, '64,

16, '61,

Sept. 16, '61,

Sept. 12, '61,

Jan. 2, '62,

Sept. 11, '61.

Mar. 13, '62.

Mustered out Avith company. July IT ".8'')5—Vet.Discharged on Surgeon's ceVtifioa'te, May 31, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's ceriiticate, Sept. 13, '62.

Killed at vSalem Heights, Va., May 3, 1863.Never joined company.Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Discharged on Surgeon's certiticate, Nov. 30, '61.

Dischargeci on Surgeon's cer*'ticate, July 26, '62.

Mustered out wiih companj-, July 17, I860—Yet.Transferred to Yet. Res. Corps, Jan. 30, '65—Yet.Never joined company.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Absent, wounded, at aiuster out—Vet.Discharged by General Order, July 14, 1S6.5.

Discharged Feb. 12, 1865—expiration of term.Discharged by General Order, May 29, 1865.

Discharged onSurgeon'scertificate, Nov. 28, '62.

Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Mar. 24, '6.5—Vet.Died at Winchester, Va., Nov. .3, ofwounds re-ceived at Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864.

Not on muster-out roll.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Mustered out witli company, July 17, 1865.Mustered out with company, July 17, 18<')5—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5.

Mustered out with company; July 17, 1865.

Wounded at Petersburg, Va., March 25, 1865—discharged by General Order, May 29, 1865.

Discharged by General Order, July 3, 1865.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 5, '64.

Discharged by General Order, June 18, 1865.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 8, '63.

Deserted Feb. 9,'64—returned—tr. to Co. H—Vet.Deserted—date unknown.Not on musrer-out roll.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865— Vet.Mustereaout with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Discharged by General Order, June 16, 1865.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct." 25, '63.

Mustered out with company, July 17, '65—Vet.Prisoner from May 14, 1864,' to Feb. 26, '65—dis-charged by General Order, June 29, 1865—Vet.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. May 7, '64.

Died at Philadelphia, Pa., July 9, 1862.Died at Fairfax Seminary, Va., Dec. 21, 1861.Never joined company.Never joined company.Not on muster-out roil.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Transferred to U. S. Navy—date unknown—Vet.Disch. on Surgeon's certiticate—date unknown.Transferred to company B, Nov. 2, 1864.Transferred to company B, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Transferred to Vet." Res. Corps, Nov. 8, 1864.Killed at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, 1863.Killed at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.Deserted July 4, 1862.

Never joined'company.Mustered out witli company, July 17, 186,5-Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Absent, wounded, at muster out."Captured—died at Richmond, Va., Feb. 8, 186.5.

Wounded at Crampton'sGap, Md.,Sept. 14,'62

absent at expiration of term.Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Discharf^ed on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 30, '61.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30, '63.

Discharged Sept. 22. 1864—expiration of term.Transferred to U. S. Navy—date unknown—Vet.


Malone, James

Maglone, Fred'kMorris, JamesMurphy, DennisMurphy, Wm. H...

Moore,'Wiliiam J...

Murphy, JamesMorslander, Nath'nMadden, John P....

Miller, JohnMaher, MichaelMurra3', Charles....

MDevitt, DainelJM'Closkev, JamesM Tally, Samuel MM'C.itferty, Edw. TM'Kenzie, Ijewis....

M'Elrov, Bernard..M'Donald,Cha.s.T..M'Fadden, WmM' Lauirhlin, Geo.M'Gettigan, John...M'Callisier, T. R....

M' Kinney, Joseph.Kiblick, GeorgeNeal, JamesNewlin, David F....

Neeld, David PO'Brien, DennisPlunily. Henry F...

Phipps. Tyson...Pluck, James....Pollock, William HPittino-!, Peter..Petfers, Charles,Peuers, EdwardPope, JosephsPreston. George WPope, AlonzoWRiley, JohnReed, John


Robinson, Albert RRobinson, HamptonRoot, John W....Rankin, William HRodgers, Levi M.,

Sterne, EdwardSharpless, Wm. HShade, Johngomcrdyke, GeoSnyder,' W'illiam Is

Shaffer, JosephSchneider, Julius...Shourds, Wm. H,...Sparmater, John WScheetz, William JSeips, JacobStones, RalnhSiekler, William HScarlett, Thomas...Sneicht. Charles....Schaffer, Charles...Stokes, Franklin....Smith. Austin L....

Smith, JamesSaylor, JohnThompson, Jas. H..Taylor, John


Tittle. Charles TThomas, William..Tomlin, Daniel G ..,



































































Sept. 16, '61,

Sept. 17, '61

Sept. 9, '61

Aug. 24, '61

Sept. 16, '61

Sept. 16, '61




11, '61,

7, '61,

14, '61

19, '64

23, '64,

16, '64,

18, '61

30, '65,

26, '64

17, '61

17, '61

4, '61

20, '61

31, '61

16, '61

16, '61

29, '64,

4, '65'

23, '64

23, '61

30, '62,

2-'], '64

28, '64

3, '61

3, '61

7, '61

22, '62,

3, '62,

2, '61,

27, -61

4, '61

14, '61

1, '61

5, '64

10, '6.5

10, '62

17, '61

29. '64

16, '61

Sept. 16, '61


23, '61

5, '64

2, '64

25, '61

23, '61

SO, '61

26, '61

5, -64

9, '61

16, '61

18, '62,

SO, '64

22, '62,

4, '61

16, '61

17, '61

16, '61

20, '62,

4, '65,

11, '65

10, '65

16, '61

6, '61

14, '61

2, '61

W^ounded at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12,

1864—tr. to company B, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Tr. to Vet. Reserve Corps—date unknownTransferred to company B, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Transferred to company B, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Tr. to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 15. 186.3.

Wd. and captured at Gaines' Mill. Va., June 27,

lir62—died at Richmond. July 10, 1862.

Killed at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, 1863.

Deserted November 1. 1862.

Deserted January 2.5, 1862.

Never joined company.Never joined company.Not on muster-out rolLMu.stered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5.

Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865.

Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of terra.

Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Discharged on Surgeon's ceriiticate, Nov. 28,'62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June, 1862.

Discharged—expiration of term.Acoidentallvkiried at Philadelphia, Sept. 30,'64.

Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1S64—Vet.Never joined company.Not on muster-out roll.

Mustered out with company. July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with companv, July 17, '65—Vet.Discharged bv General Order, June IS, 1865.

Killed at Spottsylvania C. H.. Va., May 10, 1864.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5—Vet.Mustered out with companj', July 17, 1865—Vet.Musrered out with companv, July 17, 1865.

Discharged by General Order, June 18, 1865.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept., 1862.

Deserted July 1, 1862.

Deserted July 1, 1862.

Deserted September 6. 1862.

Deserted October 11, 1861.

Absent, in arrest, at muster out—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

TtTiistered out with company, July 17. 1865.

Discharged on Surgeon's cert.—date unknown.Discharged on Surgeon's certifipate. Feb. 23,'63.

Transferred to company B, Nov. 2. 1864.

Wd. and captured at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27,

1862—died at Richmond, July 21, 1862.

Died Mav 13, of wds. received at SpottsylvaniaC. H., Va., May 12, 1864—Vet.

Mustered out with company, July 17. 186.'^—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Wd.—mus. out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with companv. July 17. 1865—Vet.Capt'd—mus. out with Co. .'July 17, 1865—Vet.Wd.—mustered out with Co.. July 17, '65—Vet,Discharged Oct, 25, 1864—expiration of term.Discharged by General Order, June 1. 1865.

Dischargpd on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 22, '62.

Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, March, 1864.

Transferred to comnanv B, Nov, 2. 1864.

Sub.—tr. to Co. F. 45th reg. P. V., March 24, '65.

Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, 1864.

Deserted September 27, 1861.

Deserted—date unknown.Des. Julv 1, 1862-ret.— des. again, June 19,' 64.

Deserted September 17, 1862.

Deserted—date unknown.Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll.

Discharged bv General Order, June 16, 1865.

Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration o/ term.

Discharged on Surcreon's certificate, Nov. 30,'62.

Discharged on Sur'seon's certificate. May 24, '62.

Died at White House, Va., July 1, 1862.




Nathan J. OrnerGilbert LIqsoq.




Perry, JosephPerez, FrancisQuigley, Edwin

Rapine. Lewis SRoberts, JosephRuckstool, James JReid, JohnRiley. LawrenceReed, Jonathan

Ryan, Edward

Reade. CharlesReid. Jonathan J ...

Roney, J<)hnSavins, (leorga D....

Summers. Geo. M...

Savidire ("Charles: HShingie, Washiu'n..

Shuttleworth.G. WSainter, Charles \VSarsfield. Michael PSeokei, Jacob LSewald. HenryShields. .lesse'C

Stanton. Daniel L..

Sames, JacobShultz, Charles

Shinn, Georse W.SomerdykorF. D.Sweeney, James...Thomas"^ Leonard MTackman, WilliamThompson, John WToner, PeterTonpin, AlexanderWise, Wiliiani H...

Walton. Daniel W..Ward, Thomas W...Welsh, JohnWilliams, JohnWalton. Edwin E...

"V\'illiamson, Mills...

Warner, William...

Wyand, JacobWyand. John CWhite, James RWilson. JamesWoodru^ff, Thomas.Williamson, J no. P

Walter, George

Wendling. Jos. A...

Walsh, JosephWalter, Albert F...

Warnick, Palmer NWhite, Thomas 8...

Welsh, William WWalter, Wilbur F...

Williams, George...Wilson, JohnWilson, William W

Private Jan. 27, '64,


Sept. 6, "61,

..do i-eo. 10, '64,





.do• do
























.no ...,


.do ...


















Jan. 27. '64,

Jan. 30, "64,

Jan. 25, "64.

Jan. 3). T>4,

Feb. 17, (34,

Sept. 16, "61,

Jan. 17. '65,

Sept. 18; '61.

Sept. 16. '61,

Sept. 18, "61,

Seut. 16, '61.

Jan. 27, '64.

Jan. 12. '64,

Aug. 23, '61,

Sept. lo, "61.

Sept. 4. "61.

Sept. 7, '61,

Sept. 16, "61,

Sept. 7; '61,

Sept. 11, '61,

April 7, '62,

Jan. 8. "64.

Sept. 18, '61,

Aug. 26, '62,

Sept. 13, '61,

Sept. 1, '61,

Jan. 30, '64,

Sept. 24, '61,

Sept. 12, '61,

Sept. 18, '61.

Sept. 6. '61,

Sept. 24, '61,

Jan. 26, "64.,

Feb. 5, '64,

Jan. 11, '65,

Sept. 17. '61,

Sei)t. 23, '61,

Sept. 20, '61,

Sept. 18, '61,

Sept. 18, '61,

Sept. 17. '6!,

Sept. 17. '61,

Sept. 16, -61,

Sept. 10, '61,

Jan. 27, '64.

Sept. 20, '61,

Sept. 8, '62,

Jan. 26, '64,

Jan. 26, '64,

Sept. 16, '61,

Sept. 17, '61,

Jan. 4, '64,

Sept, 20. '61,

Nov. 8, '62,

Sept. 18, '61,

Sept. 16, '61,

Discharsed bv General Order, May 20, 1865.Died August'20, 1862.

Died June 25. 1S64. of wounds received at Spott-sylvania C H., Va.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Des.—ret.—mus. out with Co., July 17. 1865.

Mustered out with companv. July 17, 1865.

Killed at Cedar Creek. Va.', Oct. 19, 1864.

Discharged by General Order. May 26, 1865.

Deserted January. ]^63—returned Jan. 10. '6.')

discharged by General Order, June 15, 1865.

Wounded at Sailor's Creek. Va., April G, 1865

discharged by General Order, June 16, 1865.

Deserted January 20, 1863.

Deserted January 20. 1S63.

Deserted October 12. 1861.

Mustered our, with company, July 17, 186.5—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5.

Absent, ill arrest, at muster out.Killed at Cedar Creek. Va.. Oct. 19, 1864—bu. inNational Cemetery. Winchester, lot 9—Vet.

Discharged Nov. 2, 1864— expiration of term.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 17,62.Discharged on Surgeon'fi certificate, Feb. 7, "63.

Dropped from the roils. Oct. 31, 1862.

Discharged Sept. 19, 1864—expiration of term.Discharged onSurgeon's certificate. Sept. 22. '62.

Discharged April 13. 1865—expiration of term.Discbarge<i by General OrderrJune 20. 1865.

Killed at Petersbursr, Va., June 20. 1864—buriedin Poplar Grovo National Cemetery, section C,

division D, grave. 15^5—Vet.Deserted November, 1862.

Absent, sick, at muster out.Not on muster-out roll.

Mustered our, with company, July 17, 1865.

Kilied at Sailor's Creek, Va., April G. 1865—Vet.Com. 1st, Lt., May 6. 1864—not mug.—dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, June 29, 1865—Vet.

Deserted October 12, 1861.

Deserted September 26, 1862.

Mustered out with company. July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out Avirh company, July 17. 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Discharged by General Order, Aug. 3, '65—Vet.Discharged bV General Order, Aug. 3, '65—Vet.Wounded at Salem Heights, Va.. May 3. 1863—a,bsent, in hospital, at expiration of term.

Dropf)e(i from the rolls, Oct. 31, 1S62. •

Discharged January 7. 1862.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Dec , 1861.

Dropped from the rolls, Dec. 20. 1863.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2, '63.

Wounded at Petersburg. Va., March 25, 1S65—discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865.

Wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864—dis-charged on Surgeon's cert., June 1. 1S65—Vet.

Discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865.

Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 18, 186.'i.

Wounded at Petersburg, Va., June 22. 1864—tr.

to Veteran Reserve Corps, Dec. 2, 1864.

Died at Savage Station, Va., July 8, 1862.

Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., July 25. 1882.

Killed at Sailor's Creek, Va.. April 6, 1865.

Killed at Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6, 1865—Vet.Deserted November. 1862.

Deserted July 1, 1863.

Not on muster-out roll.




G. W. M'Culloi.ghTheo. H. M'Calla...

Hugh O. Roberts ,

Jobu M. Hushes..

William H. Miller..

James E. Hews.

Frank W.Simpson

William Foreman..

Charles C. Russell..

Philip W. Cool.

William Smith

R. M. BowmanWilliam Logan ,

William F. Lord....

Joseph GeeDaniel T. Wallan..

John Miller.

Emanuel Templin.

Philip Reilly ,

Alex. J. HoefiQingerJohn S. Jefl'ries..

Reuben Balliet

W. J. Whartenby.John Wetzel ."...

John Lafferty


James Sands.


William Daniels...

Edward Ford


John FoleyLewis Frederick..John Berdanier...

James M. Denn .

Henry W. ElvidgFrank Endy

Nathan J. Orner.,




1st Lt.



2d Lt.


..do ...

1st Sgt























25, -61,

5, '61,

Sept. 25, '61,

Sept. 23, '01,

Sept. 13. '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Sept. 23, '61,

Sept. 2, '61,

Sept. 23, '61,

Sept. 23, '61,

Sept. 23, '61,

Sept. 9, '61,

Sept. 12, '61,

Sept, 23, '61,

Seot. 2.3, '61,

Sept. 23, '01,

Sept. 23, '61,

Sept. 23, '61,









2S. '61,

20, '61,

IS, 'Ol,

1, '61,

20, '61,

23, '61,

23, -61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

14, '01,

9, '61,

15, '64,

23. '61.

12, '01,

Sept. 19, '61,

Discharged FeV)rnary 25, 1862.Promoted from Isi Lt. company K, Mav 1, 'Cy2—to Major, August 0, 1863.

Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieut.. Oct. 26, 1S62—toCapt., Sept. 1. 186.3—com. Major, July 19, '64—not. nius.—disch. Nov. 2. 1S6-1—exp. of term.

Transferred from Co. II, 96th reg. P. V.. Oct. 18,1.S64—pr. from 1st Sgt. to 2<1 Lt., Jan. 17, 1865—to 1st Lt., J^Iay 20, 180.5—to Capt.. June 16, 'OS-mustered out with companv, July 17, '65—Vet.

Discharged October 26. 1862.'

Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lieut., October26, 1862—to 1st Lieut., Sept. 1, 1863—dischargedNovember 2. 1864—expiration of term.

Tr. from Co. A, 90th reg. P. V.. Oct. 18, '64—wd.at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1^64—com. Capt.,Oct. 10, '04—not mus.—disch. May 15, '0.5—Vet.Promoted from Sgt. to Is^ Sgt.. Mar. 20. L^63—to2d Lt., Mar. 24, 1864—discii. Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.

Transferred from companv E, 96th regiment P.v.. Oct. 18, 1864—resigned Jan. 13, 1805— V^et.

Tr. from Co. E, 90th reg. P. V., Oct. 18, 1864—pr.fronj 1st Sgt., Jan. 19, 1865—to 2d Lt., June 28,1865—nmstered out with Co. July 17, '65—Vet.

Transferred from company A. 96th regiment P.v.. Oct. 18, 1804—promoted from Sgt., June 28,1805—mustered out with Co., Julyl?, '65—Vet.

Not on muster-out roll.

Promoted to Sgt., Dec. 28, 186.3-to 1st Sgt.. May12, 1864—tr. t(j company D, Nov. 2. 1864—Vet.

Captured—died at Richmond, Va., of wounds re-ceived atSiJOttsylvaniaC. H., May 10,'04—Vet.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5—Vet.Transferred from companv E, 90th regiment P.v., Oct. IS, 1804— pr. froni Cor.. April 8, 186.5—mustered ontwith company, July 17, '05—Vet.

Transferred from company E, 96th regiment P.v., Oct. 18. 1864— pr. from Cor., May 1, 180.5—mustered out with company, July 17, '05—Vet.

Promoted to Cor., Nov. 1, 1804—toSgt., June 28,180.5—mustered out with Co., July 17, "OS-Vet.

Disch. on Surgeon's certihcate, Anr. 8, '05—Vet.Transferred to company D, Oct. 15, 1864—Vet,Promoted to Sergeant, March 25, 1864—trans-ferred to company D, October 15, 1804—Vet.

Mis. in ac"u at Petersburg, Va., April 2, '05—Vet.Not on muster-out roll.

Promoted to Corporal. January 1, 1865—mus-tered out with company, July 17, 186.5—Vet.

Promoted to Corporal, April 8, 1865—musteredout with company, July 17, ls05—Vet.Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-musteredout with company, July 17', 1865—Vet.

Promoted to Corporal, .June 10, lS65—musteredout with company, .July 17, 1865—Vet.

Promoted to Corporal, .June 28, 1S6.5- musteredout with company, July 17, 186.5—Vet.

Discharged by (Joneral Order. Aug. 3, '6.5—Vet.Absent, wounded, at muster out—Vet.Pr. to Cor,, Jan. 19, 1865—wd. at Petersburg,Va., April 2, 1805—absent at nmster out—Ve't.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 28, '64.

Transferred to company I), Nov. 2, 1864— Vet.Promoied to Corporal. Dec. 28, 186.3—transferredto company D. November 2, 1864-Vet.Promoted to Corporal, Mar. 25, 1804»—transferredto company D, November 2, 1864—Vet.


John W. Shingle....

William Beynon....

John W. MiddletonFrank Miller.



...ao ....


TVilliam H. Baltz..

Theodore Sehvh ....

George W, Moore..George GulpThomas Gribbin....George StprlinrLewis C. Zornan...Frederick Myers...John Carriga'nAbe, SimonAdams, RobertBHrtbolomew, Ja.s..

Britton, William....Buff, Henry.Buchman LeviBean, WilliamBall. JamesBittenbender. Levi

Brown, William....Becker, Jonathan..Becker, HenryBarnes, (ieorge.

Barnes, William...Boyce, Charles G....

Beaver, Franklin..Bond. John HBosley, William....Bowen, Samuel

Buck, William R...

Blain, James






Muc. ..


















..do ....






Bruner, Alabanus...

Brooks, Edward T.Beishliue, Reuben..

Bell, William H..Banks, Benjamin

Bell. Thomas G.C...Bowers. JohnBrink, Cbas. A. K..Bradlev. JohnBuck. John HBaunen. Andw .J...

Canfield, .James N..

Carey, Martin

Cooper, William...

Clemens, Henry....Carter. GeorsreW..i'ochran. .iamesClifton, Manlove...Camp Dell, Henry CCrout, Marcus B....

Cunningham, R. AC()nner,'"Mi('hael....

Campbell, John H...


















Clayton. James A doCarl. Michael do.Castor, Williani D.. ...do.

Clayton, Thomas M ...do .

Cook, John B L.do .

Sept. .5, '61,

Sept. 23, '61,

Aug. 2.3, '61,

Sept. 9, '61,

Sept, 20, '61,

Scot. 17, '61,

Sept. 23, '61,

Sept. 17, '61,

Dec. 1.5, '61,

Sept. 23, '61,

Sept. in, '61,

Sept. 23, '61,

Oct. 9. '61, jo

Aug. 23, '61."

Sept. 2.=5. '61,

Sept. 23, ^61,

SeJDt. 23, '61,

Mar. 15, '64.

Miir. 15, "64,

Jan. 2% '65,

J:m. 28, 'n.5.

Mar. 18, '64,

Sept. 23, '61.

Sept. 23, '61,

Sept. 11, '64,

Jnlv 1. '62,

Aug. 2.3, '61,

Sept. 5. '61,

Feb. 3, '64.

•Tan. 27. '64,

Feb. 3, "64,

Jan. 12, '64,

Oct. 14, '62,

Mar. 17, '62,

Jan. 27, '64,

Aug. 23. '61.

April 22, '64,

Mar. 27, '64,

Sept. 2, '61,

Sept. 18, '61,

Sept. 23, '61,

Sept. 9, '61,

Sept. 23, '61,

.Sept. 24, '61,

Aug. 2.3, '61,

Mtir. 8. '64,

Oct. 1, '61,

Sept. 25, '61,

Feb. 16. '65,

Oct. 15, '64,

Jan. 1, '62,

Aug. 26, "62,

Sept. 20, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Feb. 1, 'ti4,

Jan. 26, '64,

Sept. 17, -61,

Aug. 23. '61,

Sept. 21, '61,

Sept. 20, "'il.

I Sept. 5, "61,

Promotpd to Corporal. Dec. 28, 1S63—transferredto company D, November 2, 18M—Vet.

Died ot'wouniis received at Spottsvlvania C. H.,Va., May 10, 1864—Vet.

Not on niustpr-out roll.

Died—date unknown—buried in W^ilderness Bu-rial Grounds, Va—Vet.

Not on nmster-out roll.

Not o;) muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll.

Transferred to company D, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Discharged .January 23, lSfi.5.

Mustered out with company, .July 17, 186.5—Vet.Mustered out with company. July 17, 1865—Vet.Transferred to company D,''Nov."2, 1864—Vet,Not on nmster-out roll,

Tninsferred tocf)nip,my D, Nov, 2, 1864—Vet,Not on muster-out roll.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out w.th company. July 17, 186.')—Vet,Mustered out with company, July 17, 1805,

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865,

Mustered out with company. Julv 17, 1865.Absent, in arrest, at muster out.Wounded at Spottsvlvania C. H., Va., May 12,18'i4—absent at muster out.

Discharged Nov. 28, 1S64—expiration of term.Discharged Jan, 14, 1865-expiration of term.Discharged by General Onier, June 18, 186.5.

Discharged by General Order. June 18, 1865.

Transferre<i to company I>, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Transferred to company D, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Transferred to company D, November 2. 1864.

Transferred to company I), November 2, 1864.Transferred to company D, November 2, 1864.

Deserted February 21 — reiurned July !», 1S04

transf rred to company D, Nov. 2. 1864,

Transf<>rred to company D. November 2, 1864.

Wounded at Cold HarDor, Va., .June 10, l.s<i4

transferreii to company D. November 2, 1^64.

Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19. "64—transferred to company D, November 2, IS6-1.

Discharged on Surgeon's certiiicato, Dec. 2S, '61,

Missing in action at Spottsylvania C. H,, Vir-ginia, May 10, 1S64.

Deserted December 2, 1864.

Died August 21, 1864—buried in Nat. Cemetery,Winchester, Va., lot 26—Vet,

Not on nmster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll.

Nog on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll,

Mustere^ out with company, July 17, 1865.I>eserted — returnea— mustered out with com-pany, July 17, 186.5—Vet.

Deserted March 1, 1863—returned Jan. 13. 1865—mustered out with company. July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1«65.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1SG5.Dischar<red .Tan. 12. 1S(>5—expiration of terra.Discharged by General Oroer, June 18, 1865.Transferrea to company D, Nov. ij, 1864—Vet.Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12,1864—transferred to Co. D, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.

Transferrer lo company D, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Transferred to comjjany D, November 2, 1864.

Wounded at CharJestown, Va., August 21, '(i4—transferred to company D, Noveniber 2, 1804,r)ischarged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll—Vet.Not on nmster-out roll.

1Transferred to compauy D, Nov, 2, 18u4—Vet.


Crockett, James....Croft, William H...

Cross, (.ieorf!;e W....Culp, JamesCocker, Tbeodore...Brasher, Stf^phen ..

Duneeu, Jeremiah..

Donegan. JohnDay, (jeorjaje

Button, Mauassah..

Beardon. Samuel...Dillman, TheodoreBarraft, William .

Eckert. Franklin.Evans, JohnEastbnrn, John ...

Eastburn, Frank...Ernest. Christian...Enoch, Charles W..Furter, MosesFox, Charles CFry. Georire KFetters, NimrodFisher, ThomasFry, Henry AFizoon, Mordecai...Foreman, JohnFreeze, Henry W...FuUerton, WilliamGumbleton, \Vm....Greenhal^h, JamesGriffith, Mansfield..Garner. William....Ginther, JosephGei,<>;er. JohnGrew, NelsonGilliard, Henry P.

Gravenstine, Chas.

Howard. DavidHettinger, Aaron FHartman, Geo. HHa':e3'^, John, Sr..








Hollister, JamesHoldsvvorth. BavidHedenberg, C. W...

Hamilton, Wm. H..Harmer, James F..

Hendricks. Jesse...

Hough. Theodore...Houseman, <5eorgeHyde, Albert nHutson, Wm. SHummell, Enoch...

Harrison .ThaddeusHarpham, JohnHarned, WilliamGHennessy, James...Hetzell, Matthias...Hir.st. JamesInsinger, AlbertJeffries, George W.Johnson. Win. C...Jones, Joseph JJessup. Alfred B ...

Kishbaugh. Ellas..

Kefe. JohnKiker. Matthias




















.do ....











Sept. 20,

Oct. 1,

Sept. 12.'.,

Sept. 17,

.Ian. 2(5.

Mar. 15,

Mar. 8,

Sent. 23,

Sept. 7,

April 22,

Dec. 17.

Aug. 2.3,

Feb. 1.

Feb. 16.

Mar. 25,

Sept. 24,

Oct. 1,

Mar. 15.

Sept. 20,

Sept. 9,

Mar. 1,

Sept. 17.

Sept. 3.

Aug. 30,

sept. 23.

Sept. 18.

Sept. 2,

Sept. 24,

Feb. 1,

Jan. 21,

April 1.5,

Feb. 6,

Jan. 28,Aug. 30,

Jan. 28,

Sept. 123,

Sent. 19,

Sept. 4, '61,

Sept. 24,

Oct. 10.

Mar. 18,

Sept. 23,

Mar. 17,

Sept. 23,

Jan. 23,

Sept. 24,

Aug. 30,

Aug. SO,

Aug. .30,

Aug. 30,

Sept. 3,

Aiig. 30,

Jan. 19,

April 22,

Aug. 23,

Sent. 6.

Sept. 12,

Aug. 23,

Oct. 22,

Sept. 17.

Aug, 23.

Sept. 17,

.\ug. 30,

Mar, 26,

Sept. 12,

Mar. 15,

Jan. 11,

Jan. 19,

Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll.

Not on nmster-out mil.Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 18G5.Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864—absent at muster out.

Absent, wounded, at muster out—Vet.Transferrea to company D, . fov. 2. 1864—Vet.Died at Washington, B, C. June 10, of woundsrec. at Spottsylvania C. H,, Va., May 10, 1864.

Not on muster-out roll—Vet.Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Bischarged on Surgeon's certificate. Mar. 2.3, "65.

Bischarged Nov. 2, 1K64—expiration of term.Bischarged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Bischarged by General Order, July 6. 1865.

Transferred to company D, Nov. 2\ 1864—Vet.Absent, in arrest, at muster out—Vet.Discharged Mar. 1, 1865—expiration of term.Discharged by "General Order, June 10, 1865.Transferred to company I, November 1, 1861.Transferred to company I, November 1, 1861.Deserted July 2, 18^i5—Vet.Deserted Ser)tember 19, 1861.Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roliNot on muster-out roll.

Mustered out with company. July 17, 1865.

Transferred to company D, November 2, 1864.

Transferred to company B, November 2, 1864.Transferred to company B, November 2, 1864.

Transferred to company I, November 1, 1861.

Beserted July 2, 1865.

Beserted October 7, 1861.

Died Aug. 21, 1863—buried in National Ceme-tery, Winchester, Va., lot 26.

Died at Baltimore, Md., Aug. 31. 1864—buriedin National Cemetery, Louden Park—Vet.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17. 186.5—Vet.Mustered out with conipany, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, Julv 17, 186.5—Vet.Deserted Oct. I, 1864—returned March 27, '65—a.bsent. in arrest, at muster out

Discharged Jan. 16, 186.5—expiration of term.Transferred to company D, November 2, 1864.

Discharged bv order of Secretary of War, De-cember 15, 1861.

Transferred to company I, November 1, 1861.

Transferred to company I, November 1, 1861.

Transferred to company I, November 1, 1861.

Transferred to company 1, November 1, 1861.

Transferred to company I, November 1, 1861.

Transferred to comljany I, November 1, 1861.

Died at Camp Wadsworth, Va,. Feb. 14, 1865.

Missing in action at Spottsvlvania C. H., Va.,May 10, 1864.

Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll—Vet.Not on nmster-out roll.

Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Transferred to company D, Nov. 2, 1S64—Vet.Transferred to companV I, November 1, 1861.

Deserted July 2, 1865.-

Deserted September 12, 1861.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 186,"i.

Mustered out with company, July 17, lS6.r>.





Ramsay, Wm. SRapine, LewisRoberts, JosephReid. JohnRiley, Lawrence...;.Roberts. Franklin..Ro2eis, ThomasRobbins, Del win....Reckard, Chas. T...

Reese. George W....Rhoads, Isaiah

Stair. PeterSimpson. John TSims, Sylvester.

Siple. TilmanSpohn. SolomonSteigcer, George

Shelly, CharlesSavior, Emanuel....Schwartz, Joseph...

Shingle, Washinar'nSummers. Geo. M...Savidge, Charles IIStanton. Daniel L...

Sames. JacobScott, Albert WShaffer, JosephShaffer, IsaacShuster, Samuel 11

Southwell, John ....

Stump, HenrySomers, AaronShea, TimothyStiers, CharlesSmedley. Frank ...

Savins, George D ,.

Stager, JacobStanle.v, Winfield...Thompson, John....Tackman. WilliamThomas, Leou'd MTVplis. JosephTaylor, WilliamWashburn, John ..

"Welsh, Liuert J"Willis. JohnWelsh, Michael A.."SVooaring, Henry.


Walton, Edwin E,."\"\'alton, Wilbur F..

Williamson, Mills..

Walton, Daniel W."Williamson, Jno. R"Walsh, Joseph

Wittock, Wm. R...."Wright, John S"Wisner, EzekielWalker. JamesWarner. John SYoung, John J






..do ...






..do.. ..

..do ...









.do ....








.uo ....

.do ....




.do ....




.do ....




Jan. 27, '64,

Sept. 23, '61,

Jan. 27, '64,

Jan. 30, "64,

Jan. 26, '64.

Feb. 17. '64,

Aug. 30, '61.

Sept. 7, '61,

Sept. 10. '61.

Sept. 20, '61.

Sept. 20. '61,

Oct. 8, '61.

Mar. 26, '64,

Sept. 22, '61,

Mar. 15, '64,

Mar. 15, '64.

Oct. 20. '61,

Oct. 17, '63,

Dec. 31. '61.

Sept. 23, '61,

Sept. 23, '61,


I Jan.Aug.Aug.Aug.Aug.Sept.Feb.Feb.Jan.Aug.Sept.Sept.Aug.Sept.Sept.Sept.Jan.Aug.Aug.Mar.Mar.Jan.Mar.Mar.

23, '61.

27, "64,

12, '64,

7, '62.

8, -64,

SO, '6-,

SO, '61


SO, '61,

30, '61,

9, "61.

2, '65,

2, '65,

16, "65,

23. '61,

17, '61.

16. '61,

23, '61,

20, '61.

23, T)!.

24, "61,

.30, 64,

23, '61,

23, '61,

15. '64,

15, '64,

II, '65.

^ ,'62,

15, "64,

Sept. 23, '61,

SeDt. 20. '61,

Sept. 20, '61,

Jan. 26, '64,

Jan. 27, "64,

Jan. 26, '64,

Aug. 30, '61,

Aug. 30. '61,

Feb. 20. '65.

Sept. 20. '65.

Aug. 23, '61,

Jan. 27, '64,

Died HT Freiierii-'ksburg. Mhv 19 of wounds re-ceived at Sjjottsylvama C. 11., Va., May 12. '64.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—


Transferred to company D,'November 2, 1864.Transferred to company D, November 2. 1864.Transferred to company D. November 2, 1864.Transferred to company D, November 2. 1864.Transferred to company I, November 1, 1861.

Transferre(i to company I. November 1, 1861.

Transferred to company J, November 1, 1861.Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll.

Died— date unknown— buried in "\'\'ilderuess

Burial Grounds. Va.—Vet.Mustered out with company. July 17. 1865.

Mustered out Mdth company. July 17. ISi',')—Vet.Wounded at Spottsylvania C. II.. Va., May 10.

1864—mustered out with company. July 17, "65.

Mustered out with company, July'l7, 1^6fi.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.ijrafted—wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., Va.,May 10, 1864—absent at muster out.

Discharged Dec. 31. 1S64—expiration of term.Discharged March 2, 1865.

Deserted—returned—transferred to company (t,

December 30, 1S64.

Transferred to company D—Vet.Transferred to company 1>. November 2. 1864.

Transferred to company D, Novembi-r 2. 1864.

Transferred to company D, Novembers, 1864.

Transferred to company D, November 2. 1864.

Transferred to company I, November 1, 1861.

Transferred to company I. November 1, 1S61.

Transferred to company I, November 1, 1861.

Transferred to company I, November 1, 1-^61.

Transferred to company I, November 1, 1861.

Deserted July 2, 1865.

Deserted Julv 7, 1865.

Deserted July 2, 1865.

Captured at Warrenton, Va., Nov. 6, 1863.

Deserted September 21, 1861.

Transferred to company D, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-otit'roll—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17. 1865—Vet.Transferred to company D,"Nov. 2, 1864—"Vet.Transferred to company D, November 2, 1864.

Discharged Nov. 2, 1 864—expiration of term.Not on muster-out roll.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out Avith company. July 17. 1865.

Discharged March 2, 18t'>,5—expiration of term.Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps. Oct. 20. "64

discharired on Surgeon's certificate. Feb. 18,65.

Transferred to company D, Nov. 2, lS04--Vet.Transferred to company D. Nov. 2, 1SG4—Vet."\^'ounded at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12,

1864-transferred to Co. D, Nov. 2. 1864— Vet.Transferred to company D, November 2, 1864.

'Transferred to company D, November 2. 1864.

Vv"ounded at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12,

1864—transferred to company D. Nov. 2, 1861.

Transferred to company I. November 1, 1S61.

Transferred to company I, Novemoer 1, 1861.

Deserted June 15. 1865.

Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roil.


Company F .

recruited at philadelphia.





Ki.uerts, Edward...Roberts, HenryRule, JamesKuncer. JohnRush. Wiliiam E...

Shetsline, Wm. S...

Stull. Richard RShare, Geor<;e W...Shiiffee, John CShearer, Patrick....Sheppard, Francis..Sorners, Georj^e W..

Torry. JohnThomas, NathanielTreston. JohnUber, Adam MUpdyke. Wm. D ...

Westerman, Wm...

Whalon, John

Williams, WilliamWatson, Thomas....W^ilson. Joshua M..Wise, William H...Warren, William...Wherly. Adolp's WWest. GeorgeW^hite, Richard

Ware, Andrew J...

Williams. Gottleib..

Mu.stered out with company, Xov. 2. 18(34.

Discharged on tSurjjeon's certificate, Dec. 15, '62.

Transferred to company B, Nov. 2. 1864—Vet.Transferred to coniDany B, November 2, 1864.Deserted October 10, ISfU.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 29, '62.

Discharired on Surgeon's certificate. July .SI, '63.

Transferred to company B. October 16. 1864.

Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov, 15, '63.

Transferred to company B, November 2, 1864.

Deserted June 6, 1863.

Deserted May 12. 1.S64—returned—transferred tocompany B, November 2. 1864.

Mustered out with conit)any, Nov. 2, 1864.

Discharged—date unknown.Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 15, '63.

Mustered out with company, Nov. 2, 18C4.

Transferred to company B," November 2, 1864.

Capt'd at Sfiottsylvania C. H., Va., May 14, '64—discharged Feb. 14, 186.5—expiratioti of term.Capfd at Spottsylvania C. H., Va.. May 14, "64—dischartred Jan. 31, 1865—expiration of term.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24, '62.

Discharge(,i on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 25. '63.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 6. 1864.

Transferred to company B, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Transferred to company B. November 2, 1864.

Transferred to company B. November 2, 1861.

Transferred to company B. November 2, 1864.

Died at Washington, L). C May 24, of woundsreceived at Salem Heights, Va'. May 3, 1863.

Killed at Spottsylvania^C. H., Va., May 12, '64.

Deserted September 17, 1862."

Company F .*

recruited in philadelphia.

Thomas P. Smith..Saiuuei Johnson....Henry L. EsreyJereiniah J. Heilir;

Andrew H. Beatty.Bickley Henszey...William Palmer....

Warren B.M'Carter

Charles H. GroovesCh:'.ries R. '-mith. .

William B. Deal...•las. Cunningham...William H. Kerns..George B. Gulp ...

John P. Louder

Lewis Wilson ao .

George B. Hicks do ,

Jas. F. Markward do .

Henry L. Ottey do .

John A. Gorman do.

AlbertLundenburg MucWilliam Clopp I .doAbel. Joseph H




1st Lt..

•Jd Lt...

1st Sgt.Serg't..





Corp....do ..




Albany. George. .do











Amons. George W.,Aull, John...Bumgardner, G. WBrady, Patrick J....

Brick, William H...

Boyd, JohnWBeatty, George D...

Bryan. JohTi GBerry, SamuelBoyd, WilliamCorbett, DennisCarnes. John


Connelly. JohnChildress, Wm. T.Carr. <'harlesCasselberry, Ed. HCunningham, ChasCorkrey, Chas. W..,Cafl'rey, LeviDonaghy, JohnDnpee. William H..I'ox, FranklinForbes, Jesse PFarley,. MichaelFlemint;-. Winfield..Freas, .JacobFitch, GeorgeGorman. JSlichael...

Gahau. Matthew HGamble, Henry C...

Grabbv, George B..

Grabby, Ephm B...

Geddes, James S....

Hill. John ,.

Heishley, JohnHarris, EdwardHarris. SamuelHerbert, Charles EHer.st, .StephenHarvey, William....Hare, MichaelJordan. FrancisKelly, OwenKerst, Valentine....King, JohnKatzenburger. HKnight, Abraham,.Kelly, James JKelly, FrankLewis, Edward T...

Martinger, Philip..,

Manthy, Albert C...

Marlim WilliamMitchell, Charles....

Maholland, Robert..Moonev, Vincent....Miller."' Thomas WISIorrow, George WM'Menamy, John ..

Nichols. Edwin W..O'Neil, EdwardPearson, Frank A..

Peift'er, Frederick..Prescoit, William...Eigler, WilliamRigler. HenryRcjbinson, Thomas.Robinson, WilliamRea, ThomasRoach, Thomas ,

Silverthorn, <5eo

Shorde, CharlesSheller.Velerious DLShoemaker. Isaac...!..

Smith, Dallas M I..,

...do Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Jan.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar,Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar.Mar. :

Mar. ;

:*rar. ;

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Mustered out with company, July ]7, ISfio.

Mustered out with company, July 17. ISO.5.

Mustered out with fompany, July 17, ]8ii.5.

Mustered out wi; h company. July 17, 18(i5.

Mustered out with company, July 17, ISGo.Mustered out with company, July 17, lsi]r,.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 180.5.

Killed at Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6, 1865.Deserted July 8. 18(5.5.

IMustered out with company, July 17, 186.5.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5.

Mustered out with com{)aiiy, July 17, 186.5.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1S65.Mustered ont with company, July 17, 1865.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865,Not on muster-out roll.

Mustered our with company, July 17, 1865.]>eserted—date unknown.Wd. iu action—disc'h. by G. O.. June 14, 1865.Discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865.Deserted July 1, 18t)o.

Not. on muster-out roil.

Not on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.ISlusiered out with company, July 17, 1865.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Mustered out with company, July 17, 18'i5.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Discharged by (^eneral Order, Au'gust 18. 1865.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company. July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company. July 17, 1865.

Discharged by General Order, August 28, 1865.Not on nmster-out roll.

Discharged by (ieneral Order, June 14, 1865.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865,

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Discharged by General Order, July 22, 1865.Deserted July 1, 1865.

Deserted July 8, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Mustered out with conapany, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company. July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.Deserted March 17, 1865.

Deserted July 8, 1865.

Not on muster-(Hit roll.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865.

Not on muster-out roll.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out Avith company, .July 17. 1865.

Discharged by General Order, June 16, 1865.

Mustered out with company, Juh^ 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1S6.5.

Mustered out with companj', July 17, 1865.


Slidfr. Henry HSmitli, TheophilusSnyder, JohnTaylor, John MTriiphagen, H. C...

Taylor. ThomasVanosren, Daniel...

Wilt, Henry CWeisinan, PeterWillis, John >











William MegaryJohn L). Rentz..Cornelius M'NultyJohn HoverWilliam' H. FoxThomas MorganPutrifk BorauEdward Fugh

William H. Buck.

George C. Reeves.Evau AI. Gery

H. E. Hindmarsh.Henry E. Fetiinger

Robert Stewart

Edward Eaton-

William Jajvis




...do ...


...do ...




Henry LawJoseph KutledgeCharles H. Davis....

Atinore, William...Ash, James BAuner, George SBear, GeorgeBetz, WiliramBetz. IsaacBeard, ChtrlesBeard, JohnBrennan, .JamesBalliet, JosiahBrobst, SamuelBell, Samuel BBerthal. Charles WBanfield. Wm. H...Boyd, WilliamBrobst. .JohnBisell, BennevilleHBurns, .James....,

BoratF, John ,

Boyd, John J .....

Beard, Gideon....

Sept. Iri, '61

Oct. b, "Ol

Oct. 10. '61

Oct. 9, '61

Sept. 24, "61

Oct. 15. "61

Sept. 22, '63

Sept. 23, '61

Oct. 14, '61

Sept. 20. '61

Oct. 22, '61

Oct. 1, '6LOct. 2, "61,

Alar. 19, '62,

Feb. 2G, '62

Sept. 30, '31,

Bird, JoelBrown, Vincent P.

Blaiu, John

Blain, Alexander.Bean. TimothyBrown, Zachary ...

Carroll. Timothy..Curran, Patrick"!...

Curran, Jeremiah.

Clark, Timothy

Carter. James NCraudail. EihanCarney, FrancisCarney, HenryCarson, JamesCampbell, Felix

Curran. William....Compton, AlbertCavanaugb. WalterDonovan, Cornelius


















Oct. 22.

Oct. 1,

Oct. 1.

Sept. 30.

Sept. 28,

Sept. 20,

Mar. 8,

Mar. 5,

Mar. 5.

April 4.

Oct. 3,

Feb. 24,

Oct. 10.

Sept. 16,

Sept. 24,

Sept, 11,

Sept. 27,

Fep. 10,

Sept. 16,

Sept. 1<,

Oct. 14,

Sent. 19,

Sept. 10,

Oct. 3,

Oct. 10, '61,

Sept. 19, '61,

Sept. 23, '61,

Sept. 23, -61

June cO, "62

Jan. 15, '64

Mar. 23, '64

Oct. 2, '61

Dec. 15, '61

Sept. 24, '61

Sept. 30, '61,

Mar. 30, '62,

Sept, 23, "61

Sept, 23, '61

Oct, 3, '61

Sept. 25, '61

Dec. 15, '61

Oct. 11, '61

Mar. 6. '62

Sept. 29, '61

Deserted February 28, 1S63.

Mustered out with company. July 17, ISoS—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, "6.5—Vet.Mustered out wiih company, July 17, '65—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, '65—Vet.Mustered out with company, .July 17, '65—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Promoted to Corporal, May 15, 1865—musteredout with company, July 17. 1865—Vet.Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, '64—dis-charged June 8, 1865—Vet.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 12, '61.

Captured at Wilderness, Va., May 7, 1864—dis-charged Jan. 20, 186.')—expiration of term.

Pr. to Cor., Nov. 6, 1861-to Adj., Sept. 8. 1863.

Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 1, 1862—transferredto company A, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.

Promoted to Corporal, May 12, 1864—transferredto company A—Vet.Promoted to Corporal. March 23,'63—transferredto company A, Nov. 2, 1864.

Promoted to Corporal, November, 1863—killedat Spottsylvaiiia C. H., Va.,May 12."64—buriedin Wilderuessi Burial Grounds—Vet.

Mustered out with company, July 17, '65—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, '65—Vet.Transferred to co.mpany D, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 23, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22, 1.2.

Transferred to company A, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with companj', July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 18()5.

Mustered out with company. July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, '65—Vet.Mustered out Avith company, July 17, 1865.

Absent, sick, at muster out—Vet.Absent, wounded, at muster out.Absent, wounded, at muster out.Discharged—date unknown.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 15, "62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14. '62.

Discharged by General Order. June 18, 1865,

Discharged by General Order, June 18, 186.5,

Discharged March 22, 1865.

Transferred to United States Navy, April 13, "64.

Killed at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, 1863.

Killed at Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6. 1865—bu-riedin PoplarGrove'National Cemetery, Peters-burg, division E, sec. E, grave, 743— Vet.

Deserted April 28, 1865.

Deserted September 17, 1862.

Deserted June 30. 1862—returned—transferredtocompanv A, Nov. 2, 1864.

Deserted August 26. 1862.

Deserted July 10, 1863.

Deserted January 16, 1864.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mastered out with company. July 17, 1865.

Prisoner from Aug. 21. 1S64, to Feb. 2^ '65—dis-charged bv General Order, Alay 8, 1865.

Deserted Aug. 26, 1862—returned Feb. 24, 1864—captured at Spottsylvania C. H.. May 12, '64 —transferred to company A, Nov. 2, 1864.

Dischnrgedon Surgeon's certificate, July 25, "62.

Discharged March'29, 1865—expiration of term.Transferred to company A, Nov. 2, lc64—Vet.Transferred to company A, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.

Transferred to company A, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.

Died June 1, of wds. received at Salem Heights,Va., Mav3, 1863.

Deserted Jul V 2. 1865—Vet.Deserted July 26, 1862.

Deserted August 25. 1863.

Discharged on Surgeon s certificate, Dec. 27, '62.


Deal. William B....

DuftV, JosephDuffy, JohnDougherty, James..Dalryinple. Smith..Duni>ar, John HDreibelbeis. Abr"uiDeninger, Jacob..Downs, JohnDixon, William ..

Devine, John

Davis. Owen MEveland, Henry J.

Erdmau, Jonathan.

Eveleih, George H.Edwards. Wm. K..Fowler, John W....Fink. John HFerree, Uriah DFlahertv, Owen... .

Fritz, LewisFinn, ianiesFarrell, John G..,.

Faust, DanielFraiiey, William..Gross,'JacobsGleason. JohnGloss, JohnGetz. (jeorge..

Gallowav, Geo. N.

Gainer, James AGouldy, IsaacGarrett, James A...

Hill, Samuel SHolleran. Thomas..Hawk, Jeremiah. ...

Hennessy, Daniel...Holland. Thos. W..,Henderson, RobertHappersett, Henry.,Herkesheimer, J....

Hughes, Andrew...

Harvey, Joseph S...

Hodgson, Edward...Holhck, Thomas....Hassoii, John

Hart, CharlesHemple, Thomas..,

Hardinger, Elias....

Hasley, GeorgeHarlan. William...,Haveland, Wm. NJerrard, JacobJohnson, <ieorge....

Keener, EliKenuev, Walter

Kistling, Christian.

Kagle, WilliamKennedy, ilob't B...

Keniiey, tiamuelKennei.n% George...









Sent. 24,

Oct. 1,

Sept. 24.

Sept. 25,

Aug. 2,

Aug. 16,

Sept. 23,

Sent. -20,

Sept. 8,

..do Sept. 16.

do Sept. 16,

Sept, 25,

0<-t. 30,

Sept. 25,

Oct. 11,

Oct. 11.

Oct. 14,

Sept. 22.

Sept. 30,

Mar. 23,



.do ...








.do ...















.do ...









1, '61,

30, '61.

.do Oct.

.do Sept.

.do Seot. 27, '61,

.do Sept. 19, '61,

Kerper, Joseph H... .do Sept. 2S, '61,KeuLiug, David do Sept. 16, '61.

Oct. 16, '61,

Oct. 10, '62,

Sept. 23, ^61.

Sept. 16, '62.

Feb. 24, -64,

Sept. 23, "61,

Sept. 24. '61,

Nov. 1. '61,

Sept. 11, "61,

Sept. IS, '61,

Feb. 21, '62,

Jan. 14, '64,

Sept. 16, '61,

Feb. 4. '64,

Dec. 15, '61,

Sent. 23, '61,

Feb. 28, '64,

Oct. 3, '61,

Sept. 2i, '61,

Sent. 17, '62,

Oct. 11, '61,

Sept. 21, '63,

Aug. 16, '62,

Sept. 24. '62,

Sept. 20, '61,

Sept. 24, '61,

Sept. 24, '61,

Feb. 14, '62,

Mar. 13, '64,

Sept. 20, '61.

Oct. SO. '62,

Oct. 30, '61,

Sept. 2.5, '61,

Dec. 2, '62,

Oct. 14, '61,

Jan. 27, '62,

Sept. 30, '61,

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 16, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 16, '63.

Discharged on Surgeon's certiticate, Dec. 8, '63.

Discharged by Gtnleral Order. June 26, 1865.Discharged by General Order. June IS, 1865.

Discharged b}-- General Order, June IS. 1865.

Discharged on Surg, certiticate, Apr. 6, "65—Vet.Transf^^rred to company A, Nov. u, 1864—Vet.Transferred to company A, Novemuer 2, 1864.

Died>September 1, 1864.

Deserted April 17, 1862—returned— transferredto- company A. November 2, 1864.

Deserted August 26. 1862.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Prisoner from May 14, "1864, to April 20, 1865—disc^harged by General Order, June 13. '65—Vet.

Discharged on Surgeon's certiticate, Nov. 30, "62.

Deserted October 12, 1861.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Wound *1 and captured at Cedar Cre^,Va., Oct.19, 1864—nifUstered out with Co., July 17, 1865.

Absent, woundeti. at master out—Vef.Discharged on Surgeon's certiticate, Dec. 2, '62.

Discharged June 2. 1865.

Discharged by General Order. June 18, 1865.

Captured—discharged June 14, 1865.

Mustered out with cotnpany, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1S65—Vet.Discharged by General Order, Aug. 21. 1865.

Idscharged Nov. 2, 1S64—expiration of term.Deserted July 1—returned Sept. 20, 186,3—trans-ferred to company A, November 2, 1864.

Transferred to company A, Nov. 2, 18 i4—Vet.Transferred to company A, November 2, 1S64.

Died Aug. 14, lS62—i)uriai record, April 4, '62—at Point Lookout. Md.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with companj', July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Absent, wounded, at muster out.

Discharged on Surgeon's certiticate, Nov. 12, '61.

Discharged on Surgeon's certiticate, Nov. 30, '61.

Disch. on Surizeon's certificate—date unknown.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 9, '63.

Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, '64—dis-charged on Surgeon's certiticate, Jan. 9, 1865.

Discharged by General Order, June 18, 1JS65.

Discharsred by General Order, June 18, 1865.

Transferred to company A. Nov. 2, lSi)4—Vet.Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, lS64-tr.to company A, November 2, 1864—Vet.

Transferred to company A, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Accidentallv killed on "Manassas llailroad, Va.,April 6, 18ti2.

Captured at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 10,

1864—died at Annapolis, Md., March 16, 1865.

Deserted October 22, 1861.

Deserted October ,30, 1862.

Deserted December 1, 1863.

Transferred to company A, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Deserted December 2, 1862.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, '64—discharged Feoruary 2. 1865.

Wounded at Ceaar Creek, Va., October 19, '64—discharged by General Order, Aug. 3, 1865.

Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Mis. in action at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 'C>2.

Prisoner from May 14, 1864, to March 1, 1865—discharged April 4, 1S65.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 18, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 4, '63.


Kelly, Peter T.Luke, John

Lettich, Jacob....

Long. Abraliam.Lutz. Henry H ..

Landis, Henry...Leech, Paul ..'....,

Levering, Sarn"l S..

Latt'erty. .JamesLatterty, JamesLare. JosephLlewellyn, Jos. C...

Landback, David...

Lewis, JohnLanais, Benjamin..Murphy, JamesMaley,'TbomasMoore, JosephMoore, JesseMiller, William P..

Musgrove, James...Moser, EphraimMinnier. William...Moore. NelsonMorris, Robert W...Mucklow, Fred'k...Mervine, IsaacM"Monigal, Bern'dM'Laughlin, John..M'Divitt, JamesM'Namara, Mich'l..M'Coy. John..M'Namara, Kich'd..M'Nally, Patrick ...

MGowan, James...M'Cauley, Wm ....

Nice, JacobNagle, Simon S.O'Donnell, James...ONeil, JamesO'Brian, JohnO'Dell, MartinPascoe, JosephPlunketc, Thos. J...

Quilian, Benj. HRuraberger, Jona'nReynolds. WilliamRumberger. HenrvRyan, Patrick "..

Raiveley, Edward..Raiveley, George ...

Schwartz, Joseph...Schott, PhilipSchmick, EliasSchoUenberger, J...

Stahl, DanielStahl, EliasStrasser, IsraelSnyder, George R...

Severs, George W.Stroup, George ....

Smith, Charles, Jr..

Slack. James F...

Schreiner, Jos. HSwedes, JohnSanders, JosephThomas, John AThompson, C. WThorn, John ......

Tyson, Peter

Private' Sept. 23. '61,

,..do Mar. 14, '64,

.do [Oct. 4. "61,

.do Oct. 30. '62,

.doIOct. 9, '61,

.do Sept. 2.i, '61,


Sept. oO, '61,


















...do ....









































Dec. 19, -61,

Sept. 30, '61,

Mar. 9. "64,

Sept. 2.5, '61,

Sept. 25, '61,

Sept. 18, '62,

47—VOL. III.


25. '62,

25; '61,

23, "64,

22. '64,

8, '62,

4, '61,

0, '61,

19, '62.

8, '62,

21, '62.

11, "61,

20, '61,

1, '61,

12, '62,

1.5, '61,

20, '62,

15, '65.

24, '64,

23, '61.

23, '61,

19. '62,

28, '61,

24, '63,

4, '61,

12. '62,

4, '61,

24, '64,

29, '64,

27, '61,

23, '61,

1, '61.

24, -62,

30, '61,

16, "62,

2.S, '61,

24, '64,

24, '61,

11, "61,

23, '61,

9, -62.

3, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

10, '61,

22, '61,

19, '61,

19, '61,

11, '61,

16, '61,

24, -62,

19, '61,

25, '61,

20, '61,

3, '61,

24, '61,

28, '61,

24, '61,

Di.scharged by General Order, Juno IS, 1865.

Prisoner from Ang. 21, 1864, to April 23. 1865

mustered out with company July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Absent, wounded, at muster out.'

DisRharged by General Order, Aug. 3, '6.5—Vet.Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Prisoner from May 14. 1864", to Feb. 26, 1865—discharged April 1, 1S65.

Discharged on Surgeons certificate, July 30, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Jan. 5, '63.

'Jransferred to company A, November 2, 1864.

Transferred to company A, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Died Aug. 11, '62— buried in National Cemetery,(ilenciale, Va.. section D, grave. 28.

Died at Winchester, Va.. Oct. 22, of wds. rec. atCedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864—buried in NationalCemetery, lot 25.

Deserted August, 1862.

Deserted September 12, 1862.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Absent, wounded, at muster out.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 30, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certiticate, June 26, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 12, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 22, '63.

Discharged by General Order, June 18, 1865.

Discharged by General Order, June 18, 1865.

Transferred to company A, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Mar. 15, 1864.

Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 16, 1863.

Transferred to company A, November 2, 1864.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with companV, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Absent, wounded, at muster out.

Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Discharged by General Order, June 18, 1865.

Transferred to Vet. Res. Coi-ps-date unknown.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Mar. 1, '63.

Tr. to V. R. C, Jan. 7, '65—deserted Feb. 26, '65.

Absent, in arrest, at muster out—Vet.Transferred to company A, November 2. 1864.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Deserted August 30. 1862.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vot.Dis(-harged—date unknown.Died April.26, 1862.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Absent, wounded, at muster out—Vet.Absent, wounded, at muster out.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 24, '62.

Killed at Salem Heights, Va., May .3, 1863.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5—Vet.Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5—Vet.

Mustered out with company, July 17, ls65—Vet.

Absent, wounded, at muster out—Vet.

Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 14, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 19, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. May 4, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Mar. 2S, '62.

Transferred to company A—Vet.Deserted October 12, 1861.

Not on muster-out roll.

Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 29, '61.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 24, '62,

Died May 21, 1862.




Marcus C. Phelps...

Sam'l L. Schwartz..

Isaac J. Morris

John Bell

Fred'k Goodwin....

Jacob A. Miller

Edmund Harigan.

Arthur B. Lawson

JohnC. KellyJohn H. Shannon.James F. Gallen...

Joseph DunneJoseph Shaw

Robert M'NuttJohn M'Fetrich...,

George B. Brown


JohnShullWilliam M'Intyre..Lewis 0. 0'Neii._.

James D. Baker....

Joseph HinkinHugh BegleyAckerman, Geo. HApple, JohnAtkins, Edward....Brennan, Stephen...Brennan, Dennis,Burkholder. HenryBun, James W...Buchanan, JacobBush, William....Bell, Joseph

Bitner, DanielBums, DanielBiggins, JohnBenily, William....

BiDus, JohnBlackburn, And. JBritt, JohnCBoylen, Thomas....Conner, George W.Costello, Charles....

Connady, Henry...Cauffmaa, Adam..Carrey, JamesCarter. George W...Carroll, James A...

Carrigan, TimothyCrosby, JohnDavid, John WDearry. Amb'se, JrDunham, Thos. FDrew, JamesDorwart, George..Dunham, JohnDoran, John WDominginz, Touis,Ennis, William H.Earles, Hugh

Eherle, John S do.Earles, Robert M do.






..do ...,
































do ....


do ....





Mar. 15,

Mar. 27,

Mar. 23,

April 3,

April 3,

Feb. 27,

Mar. 15,

April 4,

Oct. 4,

Sept. 17,

Sept. 2J,

Sept. 17,

Sept. 24,

Sept. 26, '61,

Sept. 26, '61,

Sept. 28, '61,

Sept. 17, '61,

Sept, 24, '61,

Mar. 30, '64,

Sept. 27

Oct. 7

April 1,

Mar. 18,

Sept. 21,

April 3,

April 3,

Mar. 18,

Mar. 28,

Mar. 18,

April 3,

Mar. 7,


Sept. 30, '61,

Oct. 9, '61,^

Substitute—promoted to Corporal. June 1, '65—mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Substitute—promoted to Corporal, June 1. '65

mustered out with company, July 17, 1S65.

Substitute—promoted to Corporal.' June 1, '65—mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5.

Promoted to (Corporal, June 1. 1865—musteredout with company, July 17, 1865.

Substitute—promoted to Corporal. June 1. '65

mustered out with company, July 17, 1S65.

Drafted—promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865

mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Substitute—promoted to Corporal, June 1, '65

mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Promoted to Corporal, June 1. 1865—musteredoui with company, July 17, 1865.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 30, '61.

Discharged—date unknown.Discharged—date unknown.Discharged—date unknowrr.Promoted to Corporal, March 23. 1863—woundedat Salem Heights,Va., May 3. 1863—dischargedon Surgeon 's'certificate, September 1. 1864.

Transferred to company A, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet,Transferred to company A, November 2, 1864.

Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12,

1864—transferred to Co. A, Nov, 2, 1864—Vet.Died at Philadelphia, Pa., September 18, 1862.

Killed at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, 1863,

Died at Alexandria, Va„ June 3, of wds. rec. atSpottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864—Vet.

Transferred to compan}' A, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Died at vSavage Station, Va., June 30, 1862.

Deserted June 16, 1862.

Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 17. '65.

Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24, '61.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered ouKwith company, July 17, 1865.

Drafted—mustered out with Co.. July 17, 1865.Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 17, '65.

Drafted—mustered ^ut with Co.. July 17, 186.5.

Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 17, '65.

W^ounded at Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6, 1S65

absent, in hospital, at muster out.Drafted—disi-harged by G. O., June 16, 1865.Transferred to company I, Dec. 27. 18o.3—Vet.Transferred to company F. Dec. 27, 1863—Vet,Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Julv 1, 1863.Transferred to U. S. Artillery, Oct., 1862.

Killed at Salem Heights, Va,', May 3, 1863.Deserted October 12, 1861.

Deserted April 17, 1862,

Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865.Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 17, '65,

Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 17, 186.5.

Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865.

Discharged on Surgeon's certiricate, Nov. 30, '63.

Transferred to company E—date unknown.Died at Hagerstown, Md., December 19, 1862.Deserted October 9, 1861.

Deserted July 1!, 186,5.

Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 17, '65.

Discharged Nov. 2. 1864—expiration of term.Discharged on Surgeon's ceriiticate, Oct. 23, '62.

Discharged on Sur^ieon's certificate, Jan. IS. '62.

Transferred to company A, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Killed at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.

Killed at Gainos' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.

Deserted August 24, 1862.

Disch. on Surgeon's certificate—date unknown.Deserted April 17, LS62—returned Aug. 8, 1864—transferred to company A, Nov. 2, 1864.

Transferred to company A, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Deserted—ret.—tr to Co. A, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.


Ellingsworth, Rob'tFender, Jacob....

Fallon, JohnForder. Benj. F.Fagan, Thomas.Farner, Gabriel.Finn, JamesGunter, John ....

Glaser, Conrad..Gibson, George A...Glaser, DanielGodshall, JohnGoodwin, Sam'l WGraham, Redmond

Grubb. Jacob NHeavener, JohnHomer, William HHill, Stephen THeller. JohnHayes. JacobHamilton, James..Haines, AdatnJackson, William..Kirk, John TKelly, JohnTKohn. I^azarusKane, Thomas

Kelly, MarkKelly. JohnKeir, JonathanLevi, John

Layburn. JohnLawler, PatrickLowery, George H.Lockhart, WilliamLogue, DanielMover, Ephraim....Martin. Joseph, Jr.Merrion, JosephMiddleton, George.Miller, Edward


Morrison. Thomas ..

Meade, John HMurray, JohnMurray, Stephen ...

Morris, John CM'Laughlin, Pat'k..M'Govern, BernardM'Combs, Thomas..

M"Caughan. DanielM'Combs, Joseph...M'Kenna, Thomas..M'Nulty, JamesM'Swiggan, John FM'Coy,' James W...M'Coy. JohnM'Combs, John, JrM'Guigan. James...Norris, John C

Neylon. Joseph0"Neil, JamesPurcell, Edward....Pevran, Fredk E...

Peiflfer, William HPreston, Joseph E...

Reinley, DavidRyan, LawrenceRobinson, Henrv RRule, James .'


























Oct. 1,

April 1,

Mar. 4,

Mar. 25,

Mar. 28,

Mar. IS.

April 4.

April 1,

April 3.

Mar. 29,

April 3,

Sept. 23,

Oct. 11,

Oct. 14,


8, '61,

26, '61,

1. '65,

17. '61,

28, '65,

17, '61,

23. '61,

8, '61,

3, '65,

6. '65,

6, '65,

23, '65.

24, '61,

Sept. 9, '62.

Feb. 15. '62,

Sevt. 23, '61,

Oct. 3, '64,

Mar. 6, '65,

April 3, '65,

Sept. 2), '61.

Oct. 3, '61,

Sept. 24. '61.

Mar. 13, '65,

Feb. 22, '65.

April 3. '65,

Sept. 23, '61,

Sept. 24, '61.

Jan. 17, '65,

Oct. 8, '62,

Sept. 23, "HI,

Oct. 2.5, '61,

Sent. 18, '61,

April 3. '65,

April 3, '65.

Sept. 23, '61,

Sept. 11, '62,

Sept. 23, '61,

Sept. 25, '61,

Sept. 23, '61,

Oct. 1, '61,

Oct. 11, '61,

Sept. 21. '61,

Sent. 23, '61,

Sept. 27, '61,

Sept. 18, '61,

Mar. 15, '65,

Sept. 21, '61,

Mar. 13, '65,

Feb. 2, '6.5,

Oct. 3. '61,

Mar. 7, '62,

Mar. IS, '65,

April 3, '65,

Aug. 21, '61,

Oct. 10, '61,


Deserted—date unknown.Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 17.

Siibstitute—mustered out with Co., July 17,Died at Cold Harbor, Va., June 7, 1862.


Substitute—died Juno 23. 1865.

Drafted—deserted June 16, 1865.Not on muster-out roll.

Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 17,

Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 17, '65.

Absent, sick, at muster out.Substitute—discharged by G. O., June 27. 1865.Discharged Nov. 2, 1864—expiration of term.Transferred to company I, Dec. 27, 1863—Vet.Deserted Aug. 28, 1862—returned July 8, 1864—transferred "to company A, Nov. 2, 1»64.

Discharged on vrvit of habeas corpus, Oct. 10. '61.

Mustered out with company, July 17, '65—Vet.Substitute—mustered our with Co., July 17. '65.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22, '62.

Drafted—died at Danville, Va., May 1, 1865.Deserted July 26, 1862.

Never joined companv.Deserted October 10, f861.

Mustered out with company, July 17. 18R5.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1J<65.

Substitute—mustered out with Co.. July 17, '65.

,Wounded at Salem Heights, Va.. May 8. 1863—discharged Nov. 2. 1864—expiration of term.

Transferred to company A, Nov. 2, 1864.

Transferred to company A. Nov. 2, 1864.

Deserted September 25. 1861.

Drafted— deserted — returned— mustered outwith company. July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Dropped from the rolls—date unknown.Discharged on Surgeon's certificatG, Feb. 27, '62.

Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, April 15, 1864.

Mustered out with company. July 17, 1865.

Drafted—mustered out with Co.. July 17. 1865.

Discharged by General Order, July 17, 1865.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 29, '62,

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. April 24,'64.

Transferred to company E—date unknown.Wounded—tr. to company A, Nov. 2, 1864.

Deserted—ret.—tr. to company A. Nov. 2, 1864.

Died at Hampton, Va., Nov. 9, 1862.

Deserted August 27, 1862.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Substitute—discharged by G. O., June 16, ISe.*!.

Wounded at Salem "Heights, Va.. May 3, 186-3—

discharged Nov. 2, 1S64—expiration of term.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. May 4. '63.

Transferred to company I, Dec. 27, 1863—Vet.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16, '62.

Killed at Gaines' Mill. Va., June 27, 1862.

Died at Philadelnhia. Pa., Julv 23, 1862.

Killed at Gaines' jNIill, Va., June 27, 1862.

Deserted October 31, 1863.

Deserted March 1, 1S63.

Deserted Mav 3, 1863.

Deserted July 29—returned Oct. 5, 1S64—mu5».tered out with company, July 17, 1865—Vet^

Substitute—mustered out with Co., July 17, "65.

Transferred to company F, Dec. 28, 1863—Vet.Mustered out with com'pany, July 17, 1865.

Discharged by special order, April 1, 1865.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 5, '63.

Cantured at Spottsylv.ania C. H., May 14, 1864—transferred to company A, Nov. 2, 18i')4—^Vet.

Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865.

Drafted—mustered out with Co., July 17. 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, '65—Vet.Transferred to company F, Dec. 27, 1863—Vet.


Robinson, Sam'l J..

Roach, DavidRowe, AaronRedan, Edwardymith. Richard D...

Shoatf, Jeremiah....Stull. John «Shields, FelixShrier, JosephSchduins, Wrn. M..Strine, HarmonSailor, James MStreet, WilliamStuard, Wm. MShearrer, Geo. M...Stnard, Charles H


Scott, WalterSteveasou, WmShaw, William J ...

Sparks, IsaacSmith, JohnThompson, Joshua


Tacy, Jacob FUber, Frederick....Von Hartleben,0. HWeimer, Henrv E...

Wolff, Georgo W,...Woltr. William y...Wilson, JamesWray, Albert GWoodward, James..Wagoner, WilliamWagoner, John.White, JosephYobe, W^illiamZumbro, William...





























Benj. F. Clevinger,

John Southwell

Wm. H. Hamilton.*

William F. Street..

Samuel R. Shuster.

Abraham Good

Benjamin KayGeorge R. ParryEmanuel Cox

William P. Dobson

Charles S. Friofer...

Jos. R. Hntchison,..

Albert J. BannenJoseph Ginther . .

SamlC. Kuiherford

William Dowling..

Charles M. Fowler.

Abe, SimonBolton, Charles W.Buckly, Richard...

Bunesole, Geo. W..

Buckley, Wilson...Bannen, And'w J..

Brooks, Edwin T...

Barnes, William....Burns, DanielBrooks. Sylvan"sWBogan, Daniel....

Berlin, James MBryan, John W.,Cox, Sylvester...Curl, Nelson

Crout, Marcus BCunningham, R. ACarl, MichaelCooley, Frank....Carr, John HCarey, Edward ..

Cook, Christian..•Doan, Thomas F. BDillman, TheodoreDougherty, Geo. WEhrmau, Nicholas.,Elvidge, Henry W.Faris, Samuel


Fisher, Thomas



















Flood, James

Fowler, John J...

Fetters, Nimrod.

Goodfellow, RobertGillian, Thomas.

Aug. 23, '61,

Sept. 9, '61,

Aug. 30, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Aug. 30, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Aug. 23, 61,

Sept. 2, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Aug. 30, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Feb. 8, '62,

Jan. 1,


23, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,




23, '61,

23, '61.

23, '61,

23, ^61,

21, '61,

23, '64,

26, '64,

29, '64,

23, -61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

26, '64,

15, '64,

23, '61,

5, -64,

23, '61,

23, '61,

23, '64,

23, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

30, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Sept. 3, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Promoted from Corporal, May 14, 1862— trans-ferred to company C, Nov. 2.' 1864—Vet.

Pr. to Cor., June 27, 1862—to Sgt., May 3, 1863—transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.

Pr. to Sgt., Nov. 18, 186"3—wd. at Cedar Creek,Va., Oct. 19, '64—tr. to Co. C. Nov. 2, '64—Vet.

Promoted to Corporal, January, 1864—musteredout with compan}^ November 2, 1864.

Captured at Spottsvlvania C. H., Va., Mav 12,

1864—transferred to Co. C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 1, 1862—dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, March 22, 1863.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 25, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 30, '62.

Promoted to Corporal, May 4, 1863—transferredto company O, November 2, 1864—Vet.Promoted to Corporal, May 23. '63—transferredto company C, November 2. 1864—Vet.

Promoted to Cor., May 1, 1862—wounded at Sa-lem Heights, Va,. May 3, 1863—transferred toVet. Reserve Corps—date unknown.Promoted to Cor., May 1, 1862—wounded at Sa-lem Heights, Va., Mav 3, 1863—transferred toVet. Reserve Corps, September SO, 1863.

Transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Transferred to company C—Vet.Wounded at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862—transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, July 1, 1863.

Deserted Aug. 12, 1862— returned— dischargedon Surg, certificate, Dec. 17, 1862 — re-enliscedJan. 23, 1864—tr. to company C, Nov. 2, 1864.

Deserted May 19, 1862—returned April 11, '68—transferred \o company C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.

Transferred to company E, November 1. 1861.

Mustered out with company, Nov. 2, 1864.

Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12,

1864—absent, sick, at muster out.Captured at Spottsvlvania O. H., Va., Mav 12,

1864—transferred to Co. C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15, '63.

Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861.

Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861.

Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861.

Transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.

Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.

Transferred to ^ompanv C.Died at New York, June 6, 1862.

Mustered out with company, Nov. 2, 1864.

Captured at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., Mav 12,

1864—transferred to Co. C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861.

Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861.

Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861.

Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.

Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.

Died at Philadelphia, Pa., December 7, 1862.Never joined company.Discharged October, 1861.

Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861.Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.Mfistered out with conipany, Nov. 2, 1864.

Transferred to company E^November 1, 1861.Mustered out with company, Nov. 2, 1864.

Wounded at Gaines" Mill,"Va., June 27, 1862—prisoner from June 27, to October 28, 1862—dis-charged—date unknown.

Wounded at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, 1863—transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 3, 18(33.

Wounded at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, 1863

transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 1, 1864.

Deserted Feb. 23. 1864— returned — transferredto company C, November 2, 1864—Vet.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 11, '62.

iDischarged on Surgeon's certificate, April 2, '63.


Goodwin, Chas. P...

Goodwin, Sam'l W..Garsed, Harry E...

Green, Wiliia'ni H.Grifflth, John PGourley, JohnH...,Harmer, JamesHelms, Henr}'

Hough, Theodore...Hvde, AHiertHHoffliger, Philip J.,

Hyneinan. Geo. W.,Heimessy James....Hevves, JamesHarrison. ThaddeusHager, John CHewitt, JohnHough, Elias HHughes, Thomas HHuichinson, E. J...

Hendricks, J«sse...

Housman, George...lusinger, AlbertJonnson. Joseph P..

Jones, Charles R

Johnson, Wm. CJohnston, Rich'd MKing, Thomas

Kerns, Samuel P...Lout, George.Laohman, WilliamLefferts, Edward...Lennaky. William..Lackey, Thos. J

Lonabaugh. John ALarason, Wm. H....

Lea, George WLamen, 'William J..

Mullineaux, John5tlills, JesseMagee, Henry

Miller, Harrisonllillor. AlbertMiddleton, J no. WMilward, Whit'y H

Milligen, Abijah B

Mecann, GeorgeMullmeaux,Joshua

Myers, Georse H ...

MNeely, William..

M'Mahan, Conrad..

M'Cally, Sam'l M...

M'Cabe, William...M'<:ielland, John JM'Coiiibs, Joseph..Keal, JamesNeeld, David P ,

Kiblick, GeorgeKeal, Edward

O'Brien, DennisPlumley, Henry F.

Private Aug. 30, '61.

...do Oct.





...do Feb.

...do I Aug.

...do ' Aug.

...do Aug.ao i Aug.do










Jan.do Auf.do Auc
















11, '61,

3, '64,

14, '61,

23, '61,

1, '64,

30, '61,

23, '61,

30, '61,

80, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

3, '64,

26. '64,

17. '64,

25, '64,

23, '61,

30, '61,

30, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

80, '61,

26, -62,

Aug. 23, '61,

4, '62,

2.3, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

2, '64,

23, '64,

29, '64,

23, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

20, '61,

SO, '61.

23, -61,

23, '61,

22, '64,




Aug. 30, '61,






3, '61,

23, '61,

13, '62,

23, '61,

23, '61,

26, '64,

3, "64,

23, '61,

23, '61,

23, '61,

2.3, '64.

23, '64,

23, '61,

28, '64,

3, '61,

Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12,1864—transferred to Co. 0, Nov. 2, 1S64—Vet.

Transferred to company O, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.Transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864-Vet.Transferred to company C, Nov. 2. 1864—Vet.Transferred to company O, November 2, 1864.Discharged Sept. 5, 1864—expiration of term.Wounded at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862—died—date unknown.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 28. '62.

Dishonorably discharged, February 12, 1862.Discharged on Surgeou'scertificate' Mar. 20, '63.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Nov. 3, '62.

Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861.Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861.Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861.Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.Transferred to company C, November 2, 1S64.Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.Killed at Spottsylvania C. H,, May 12, '64—Vet.Died May 14, of wounds received at Spottsyl-vania C. H., Va.. May 12, 1864.

Deserted September 17, 1862.

Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861.Mustered out with company, Nov 2, 1864.Captured at Spottsyivania'C. H., Va., May 12,1864—transferred to Co. C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.

Transferred to Signal Corps, August 1, 1863.Wounded at Salem Heights. Va., May 3, 1863—des.—ret.—tr. to Vet. Res. Corps, May 1. 1864.

Captured at Spottsvlvania C. H., Va.,'Mav 14,1864—transferred to Co. C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.

Deserted July 1. 1862.

Mustered out with company, Nov. 2, 1864.Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861.Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861.Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861.Deserted February 23, 1864— returned-trans-*ferred to company C, November 2, 1864—Vet.

Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.Transferred to company C, November 2. 1864.Died at Fortress Monroe, Va., May 16, 1862.Discharged on. Surgeon's certificate, July 30, '62.

Discharged October 28, 1862.

Captured at Savage Station, Va.—paroled June,1862—discb. on Surg, certificate, Nov. 1, 1662.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21, "63.

Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861.Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861.Wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864—transferred to company C, November 2. 1864.

Died May 8. of wounds received at West Point,Va., iMay 7, 1862.

Died at Newport News, V^a., Sept. 18, 1862.

Died July 1, of wounds received at Gaines' Mill,Va.. June 27, 1^62.

Deserted July 15, 1863.

Wounded at (iaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862—discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 24, "63.

Wd. at Guines' Mill, Va., June 27, '62, and SalemHeights, May 3, '63—tr. to V. R. C, Dec. 1, '63.

Transferred to cotnpany C, November 2, 1864.Transferred to companv C, November 2, 1S64.Killed at West Point, Va., May 7, 1862.

Killed at Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864—Vet.Transferrtd to company C, Nov. 2, 1664—Vet.Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.

Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.

Deserteu September 13-^returned December 10—deserted again, December 12, 1862,

Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.

Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown.


Phipps, Tyson

Perry, George K.



Ruck, JamesRighter, ChailesRi^hter, LewisRedifer, Benjamin.Rittenhouse, Theo.,Robbins, Dilwin....,

Rodgers, Thomas..,Ritcliie, Morris A...

Reggelman, A. F..,

Rover. Jacob KRiley, JohnRoberts, Franklin.

Shafer, IsaacSmith, GeorgeSnyder, William N

Stiller, EdwardScheetz, Samuel....,Stonemetz, Geo.W.Stager, Jacob ,

Shingle, Washing'nStiers. Charles...Sterne, Edward.,Scott. Albert W.,Shaflfer, Joseph .

Sharpless, Wm. HSbourds. Wm. H...Stones, Ralph....Smith, Henrv....Tyler, William B...

Toplis, Joseph ,

Tavlor, William...Tahfield, Wm. C.

Thatcher, Wm. C.

Teafe, CharlesVannatter, Theo. PWhitlock. Wm. R..Wilson, Robert D...

Warner, John S.

Whartenby. Wm. JWalters, Joseph.,

Walters, Joseph W ...do

Warner, Edward P ...do

Walrath, Henry M ...do
































Sept. 3, '61,

Aug. 23, '61,

Aug. 2.3,

Aug. 23,

Aug. 23,

Aug. 23,

Aug. "23,

Sept. 10,

Sept. 7,

Aug. 23,

Nov. 13,

Jan. 26,

Feb. 5,

Aug. 30,

Aug. 30,

Aug. 23,

Aug. 23,

Sept. 1.

Aug. 23,

Aug. 23.

Aug. 23,

Aug. 23,

Aug. 23.

Aug. 23.

Aug. SO,

Aug. 30,

Feb. 5,

Feb. 5,

July SO,

Aug. 23,Sept. 1,

Aug. 23,

Aug. 23,

Feb. 18,

Aug. 23, '61,

Sept. 1.

Jan. 23,

Aug. 30,

Aug. 23,

...do Aug. 23,

...do Aug. 23,

...do Sept. 7,

Wernzell, WilliamWright, John SZener, John




Feb. 3,

Feb. 1,

Jan. 27,

Jan. 15,

Aug. 30,

Aug. 23,

Deserted June 6—returned Sept. 15, 1864—tr. tocompany C. November 2, 1864—Vet.

Diseh. on Surg, cert., Aug. SO, "62—re-enlisted

killed at Salem Heights. Va., May 3', 1863.Mustered out with company, Nov."^2, 1864.Mustered out with company, Nov. 2. 1864.Mustered out with company, Nov. 2. 1864.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18, '62.

Discharged October 8. 1862.

Wounded at Salem Heights. Va.. May 3, 1863—transferred to Vet. Res. Corps. Nov. 'l5, 1863.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12, '62.

Dischar<red on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 30. '61.

Wounded at Salem Heights. V?,., May 3, 1863—transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 15, '63.

Transferred to company C. Nov. 2, 1864.Transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864.Died at Washington, D. C, July 8, of wds. rec.at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, 1863.

Mustered out with company. Nov. 2, 1864.Wd. and pris. at Gaines' Mill,Va., June 27, 1862.Captured'at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 14,1864—tr. to company C, Nov. 2, 18t*4—Vet.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 4, '63.

Tr. to Western Gunboat service, Dec. 20, 1863.Transferred to company E, Nov. 1, 1861.Transferred to companV E, Nov. 1, 1861.

Transferred to company E, Nov. 1, 1861.Transferred to company 0, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Deserted Feb. 23, 1864—returned—transferred tocompany C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.

Transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864.

Transferred to company C. Nov. 2. 1864.Substitute—tr. to company C, Nov. 2, 1864.Died December 18, 1862.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 30, '62.

Transferred to company E, Nov. 1, 1861.

Transferred to companv E, Nov. 1, 1861.

Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, lS64--tr.to company C, Nov. 2, 1864.

Died May 16, of wds. rec. at Salem Heights, Va.,May 3, 1863—bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C.

Deserted May 19, 1862.

Transferred to company C, Nov. .2. 1864.

Mustered out with com'pany. Nov 2, 1864.

Wd. at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862—des.—ret.—tr. to company C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.

Transferred to company E, Nov. 1, 1861.

Transferred to company E, Nov. 1, 1861.

Deserted—ret.—wd. at Salem Heights, Va.,Mav3, 1863—tr. to company C, Nov. 2. 1864.

Wd. at Spottsylvania C. H.. Va., May 12, 1864—transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864.

Transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864.

Wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, 1864—transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864.

Transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864.

Died at Philadelghia, Pa., Dec. 24, 1862.Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 30, '63.

Company I.*


Jacob C. Schiller...

William Sharpley.

Samuel Rutter

April 13, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 17, '65,

Absent, without leave, at muster out.Promoted to 1st Lieut., June 16, 1865—musteredout with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

* New company, assigned April, 1865.


George A. Henry ..

Robert Watt ,

August Lang,

Charles O. StevensWilliam R. Haynes

Archib'd M'Henry

Jacob R. FarnceJohn Tombilson

Thos. B. Thompson

David F. Cramer ...

William Evans

Samuel Hough

William Kennedy.

James E. Lowry....

William ShanerJohn SmithAvery, DanielBatzig, CharlesBennett, Wm. W..Bryan, Thomas ... .

Bryan, ISiathaniel.,,

Borner, Georgo ,

Boavett, Charles....

Blackwood, A. B...

Baumgard, Geo. WBranoer. JamesCooper, SamuelCarter, Thomas O..

Chandler, Richard.Costello, PaulCress, CharlesCourtnev, Harrj'...

Clark, WilliamCrippen, George A.Cole, EawardDuey, George ,

Drew, FrancisFisher, Valentine..Foreman, AbrahamGropeugeiser, A. WGraham, JacobGillmau, William..Gray, JohnGillette, James H..Gallagher, James ..,

Greenwood, SamuelHood, RobertHorty, PatrickHodgkins, Edm'd..Horner, Henry J ...

Hogg, CharlesJohnson, JohnJackson, John AJones, Ptobert FKane, Thomas H ...

Klemm, JohnKlinck, Matthias ...

Kinkade, James CBower, JohnLoudenslager, JLingo, David R.Lingo, Nauman H..

Miller, GeorgeMatthews, Lewis ...











April 8, '65,

April 8, '6.5,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '05,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April S, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65.

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

"April 8. '65,

April 8, -'65,

April 8, '65,

April 8. '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8. '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8. '65,

April 8, 'Go,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

^pril 8, '65,

April 8, -65,

April 8, 'G5,

April 8, '65,

April 8, "65,

April 8, '65,

Apn*i 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8. '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, 'C5,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

April 8, '65,

Mar. 28, '65,

Mar. 27, '65,

April 8, '65,



8, '65,

Promoted from Sergeant, July, 1865— musteredout with companv, July 17, 1865.

Deserted Julv 1, 1865.

Pr. to Cor., May 22, 1865—to Sgt., July 9. 1865—mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered our with company-,' July'l7, 1865.

Pr. to Cor., May 22, 1865—to Sgt., July 9, 1865—mustered out with company, July 17, 1S6.5.

Promoted from private. May 22, 1865—musteredout with company, July 17, 1865.

Deserted July 2, 1865.

Promoted to Corporal, May 22. 1865—musteredout with company, July 17, 1865.

Promoted to Corporal, INIay 22, 1865—musteredout with company, July 17, 1865.

Promoted to Corporal, May 22. 1865—musteredout with company, July 17, 1865.

Promoted to Corporal, May 22, 1865—musteredout with company, July 17, 1865.

Promoted to Corporal, July 9, 1865— musteredout with company, J uly 17, 1865.

Promoted to Corporal, July 9, 1865— musteredout with company, July 17, 186,5.

Promoted to Corporal, July 9, 1865— musteredout with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Deserted Juno 28, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.5,

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1866.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Absent, sick, at muster out.Deserted May 18, 1865.

Mustered out with company, .Tuly 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Deserted July 1, 1865.

Deserted—date unknown.Not on muster-out roll.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Deserted June 29, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1S65.

Mustered out with coujpany, July 17, 186.5.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Deserted June 20, 1865.

Deserted July 1, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Absent, sick, at muster out.

Deserted July, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1866.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1S65.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Deserted June 22. 1865.

Fot on muster-out roll.

Not on muster-out roll.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.

Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.




H. A. M. Spriginan Serg't...

Thomas J. Cross.... Corp...

Luke S. Brass.,

James Belford.,

A. B. Elliott

Charles N. Snyder.George W. Drake...

George J. Graham

Henry H. Robinson

Edward M'Anally

Abraham J. Quinn

Philip Shaffer, Jr


James M. MannWm. J. BrownGeorge Somerdyke

Allmond, Henry.Atkinson, L. H'..

Anderson, John...Bray, John WBelderback, ThosButcher, Benj. M...Begly, Chas. FBingham, JohnBaxter, William...Burton, Thomas...

Batsell, William...Berry, JohnCampbell, Jas. M..Coleman, Charles..Cullen, Andrew....Dressier, Alfred....Dickinson, R. CDouglass, William.Downey, Robert....Dougherty, James.Druuihelier, Geo...Eddy, Edwin S

Farley, JohnFisher, CharlesFarley, JamesGeary, Wm. HGallen, EdwardGunning, LeonardHaupt, Benjamin FHalloweil, Lewis MHart, JamesHugues, JohnHamilton, JohnHotfuagle, Henry...Hendrickson, L. CHutchinson, G. F...

Heckman, Wm.

Hunter, John C.Hunter, George D..

Jones, Edward R...



Johnson, Daiiiel do Sept. 2, '61,




24, '61,

4, '61,



4, '61,

8, '61,

25, '61,

30, '61,

lo, '61,

5, '61,

27, '61,

5, '61,

9. '61,

27, '61,

10, '61,

27, '64,

4, '61,

14, '61,

3, '62,

24, '61,

13, '61,

27, '61,

24, '61,

4, '61,

7, '61,

4, '61,

27, '62,

8, '62,

10, '61,

10, '61,

16, '61,

26, '61,

7, '61,

26, '61,

17, '65,

24, '61,

9, '61,

7, '62,

16, '61,

27, '64,

12, '62,

9, '61,

26, '61,

Sept. 25, '61,


30, '62,

30, '62,

5, '61,

Promoted to Corporal. Feb., 1.S64—to Sgt., Aug.,1864—transferred to Co. C, Nov. 2. lHr>4—Vet?

Promot-ed to Corporal, July 1, 1862—wounded atSalem Heights, Va., May 3, '6,3—mustered outwith company, November 2, 1864,Wounded at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862—discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 7. '63.

Wounded at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862—discharged on Surg, certificate, Nov. 'ZS, 1862.

Promoted to Corporal, March 1, '62—dischargedon Surgeon'.s certificate, Oct. 2, 1862.

Pr. to Hos. Steward U. S. A., Jan. 14, 1863.Promoted to Cor., June 6, 1S64—transferred locompany C, November 2. 1864—Vet.

Promoted to Corporal—transferred to companyC, November 2, 1,S64—Vet.

Promoted to Cor., Nov. 1, 1862— transferred tocompany C, November 2, 1864—Vet.

Promoted to Corporal, April 11, 1863—died May18, of wounds received at Salem Heights, Va".,May 3, 1863.

Promoted to Cor., July 1, 1862—killed at ColdHarbor, Va., June 2, 1864—Vet.

Promoted to Cor., Nov. 1, 1862—killed at Spott-sylvania C. H., Va., May 12, 1864—Vet.

Promoted to Principal Musician, Oct., 1861.Transferred to company B, Jan. 5, 1864—Vet.Deserted July, 1864—returned—transferred tocompany C, November 2, 1864—Vet.

Discharged on Surgeous certificate, Jan, 7, 1863.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 30, 61.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 22, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30, '61.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15, "62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. SO, '61.

Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, June 22, '63.

Transferred to c()mpany C, Nove'mbor 2, 1864.Wd. ami captured at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27,1862—died at; Richmond, July 4, 1862.

Deserted October 20, 1861.Deserted July, 1864.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 18, '62.

Died at Baltimore. Md., July 28, 1862.Deserted October 4, 1861.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20, '61.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30, '61.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 30, '61.

Transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Deserted September 6, 1862.Deserted October 7, 1863.Died at Baltimore, Md., Aug. 1, of wounds re-ceived at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.

Tr. to Western Gunboat service, Fe'o. 7, 1862.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 28, '62.

Dlsoh. on Surgeon's certificate—date unknown.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 27, '62.

Deserted September 0, 1862.Not on muster-out roll.

Disch. on Surgeon's certificate—date unknown.Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sent., 1862.Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.Transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.Transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Wounded at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, 1863transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Jan.,"l864.Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., Aug. 8, of wds.rec. at Gaines' Mill, "Va., June 27, 1862.

Deserted October 14, 1862.

Deserted October 14, 1862.

W^ounded at New Market, Va., Sept. 24, 1864^mustered out with company, Nov! 2, 1864.

Transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.


Jones, Thomas D...

Jones, RichardKeiler, Charles*Kelly, PatrickIvlink, Nicholas

Kelly, JamesKneiss, AlonzoLindsly, DanielLewis,'Paul L. k,.,

Lilly, William ,

LLVckey, WalterMendenhall, P. H..Murdock, Alex. B..

Matthews, Charles.M'Calla, Georixe A..

M'Farland, JosephM'Carty, Francis ..,

M'Aleer, James

M'Devitt, Daniel JM'Getiigan, Jobn ...

M'Allister, Theo. RM' Bride, JohnM'Carty, DanielM'Aleer, Edward...M'Cann, GeorgeM'Donnell, Peter...M'Gonly, Patrick...Noble, James ANelson, William BNorgraves, Wood'dNewlin, David F....

Oldham. HenrvO'Neil, Peter .".

Patterson, William

Pollock, Wra. HPorter, Robert H ...

Pluck, James

Pope, Alonzo W


Pendengast, Mich'lPyle, MarshallQuay, William N...

Quinn, PatrickRourke, JohnReese, Charles L....

Rittison, Thomas ...

Robinson, Wm. E..Shannon, Henry C

Shafifer, Philip, Sr.

Swavel, Jacob8hauney, James.Smith, Silas


Schneider, Julius..Sweede, .Joseph H.Sutton, Edmund....Slater, JohnSimpson, JohnTygh, Peter

Vasey, Walker ....

Wallace, William.

Warren, Edward ..

Woodruflf, CharlesWilliams, Jos. W...Wadington, HenrvWood, William....',.


































































26, '61,

7, '61,

17, '61,

30, '61,

11, '61,

23, '62,

17, '65,

27, '61,

27, '61.

3, '61,

26, '61,

2. '61,

9, '61,

7, '61,

27, '61,

30, '61,

7, '61,

23, '62,

18, '61,

16, '61,

29, '64,

27, '61,

8, '61,

14, '61,

25, '61,

4, '61,

26, '61,

27, '61,

4, '61,

10, '61,

30, '62,

8, '61,

27, '61,

10, '61,

22, '62,

24, '61,

7, '61,

9, '61,

27, '64,

24, '61,

29, '62,

14, '61,

2, '61,

27, '61,

28, '62,

25, '61,

Aug. 18, '62,





10, '61,

24, '61,

26, '61,

29, '61,

15, '62,

10, '61,

30, '61,

21, '65,

27, '61,

12, '61,

16, '61,

16, '62,

2, '01,

10, '62,

11, '61,

19, '65,

Transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Deserted October 9, 1861.

Disch. for was. rec. at Gaines' Mill, June 27, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4, '63.

Died at Potomac Creek, Va., May 20, of woundreceived at Salem Heights, May 3, 1863.

Deserted August, 1862,Not on muster-out roll.

Discharged on writ of habeas corpus, Oct. 2, '61.

Discharged on writ of habeas corpus, Oct. 2, '61.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. SO, '61.

Discharged by special order, June, 1864.Mustered out'with company, Nov. 2, 1864.

Transferred to com panv C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Killed at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 25, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 24, '62.

Discharged by writ of habeas corpus, Oct. 1, '61.

Wounded at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, 186»—transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 30, 1863.

Transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.Transferred to company C-—Vet.Transferred to companv C, Nov. 2, 1864.

Killed at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.

Killed at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.

Killed at Spottsvlvania C. H., Va., May 14, 1864.

Deserted Octobe'r 10, 1S61.

Deserted October 10. 1861.

Deserted May 13, 1863.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 16, '63.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 20, '62.

Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 13, '62.

Deserted October 4, 1861.

Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864—transferred to company C, Nov. 2, 1864—Vet.

Transferred to company C, November 2, 1S64.

Promoted to Sergeant Major, October, 1861.

Deserted Aug., 1862—returned Dec, '63—trans-ferred to company C, November 2, 1864.

Deserted July, 1864— returned—transferred tocompany C, November 2, 1864—Vet.

Deserted September 6, 1862.

Not on muster-out roll.

Died at Camp Franklin, Va., Jan. 27, 1862.

Deserted February 23, 1862.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 27, '62.

Died of wounds received at Spottsylvania C.

H., Va. May 12, 1864.

Deserted October 4, 1861.

Deserted November 1, 1862.

SVounded at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, '62—dis-charged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 21, 1862.

Wounded at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, 1863—discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 22,'63.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 7, '62.

Transferred to U. S. Cavalry, Dec. IS, 1862.

Wounded at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, '62—dis-charged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 29, 1862.

Transferred to company C.

Transferred to companv B, Feb., 1864—Vet.Killed at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.

Deserted October 4, 1862.

Not on muster-out roll.

Killed at New Market, Va., Sept. 24, '64—buriedin Nat. Cemetery, Staunton, sec. A, grave, 124.

Dropped from the rolls, September 0, 1862.

Wounded at Wilderness, Va., May, 1864—mus-tered out with company, Nov. 2, 1864.

Transferred to company C, November 2, 1864.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18, '62.

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 11, '62.

Killed at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, 1863.

Not on muster-out roll.




top related