history of computer ok

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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History of the Computer

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2400 B.C. – 300 B.C.• The first counting device was the abacus, originally

from Asia. • It worked on a place-value notion meaning that the

place of a bead or rock on the apparatus determined how much it was worth.

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• John Napier discovers logarithms.

After his death his bones were used for calculation, as in abacus. The bones are in sets of eleven rods with numbers placed side by side that are used in finding quotients and products of large numbers.

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• Robert Bissaker invents the slide rule.

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1620• William Oughtred

first to used two scales sliding by one another to perform direct multiplication and division.

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1642• Blaise Pascal, a french

mathematician and philosopher, invents the first mechanical calculator using gears, called the Pascaline. Although this machine could perform addition and subtraction on whole numbers, it was too expensive and only Pascal himself could repair it.

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1670Stepped Reckoner• a calculating machine

designed (1671) and built (1673) by the German mathematician-philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz. The Step Reckoner expanded on the French mathematician-philosopher Blaise Pascal’s ideas and did multiplication by repeated addition and shifting.

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1804• Joseph Marie Jacquard used punch cards to

automate a weaving loom.

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Mechanical Calculating Devices

Punch cards• First used in the Jacquard Loom

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• Charles P. Babbage, the “father of the computer”, discovered that many long calculations involved many similar, repeated operations. He designed the difference engine which would be steam powered, fully automatic and commanded by a fixed instruction program.

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• In 1833, Babbage quit working on the difference engine to concentrate on the analytical engine.

Babbage Difference Engine

Babbage Analytical Engine


Mechanical Calculating Devices

The Arithmometer• First commercially

constructed mechanical calculating device

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1840s• Lady Augusta Ada Byron, the “first

programmer” suggested that a binary system should be used for storage rather than a decimal system.

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• George Boole developed Boolean Logic which would later be used in the design of computer circuitry.

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• Dr. Herman Hollerith introduced the first electromechanical punched card data processing machine which was used to compile information for the 1890 U.S. Census.

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Hollerith’s tabulator became so successful that he started his own business to market it.

His company would eventually become International Business Machines (IBM).

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• The vacuum tube was invented by American physicist Lee De Forest.

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Electrical Calculating Devices

First Keyboard• Developed in 1936

by John Dvorak• Designed such that

the least used keys are on the outside corners

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Dr. John V. Atanasoff and his assistant Clifford Berry build the first electronic digital computer.

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Their machine, the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) provided the foundation for the advances in

electronic digital computers.

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1941• Konrad Zuse introduced the first

programmable computer designed to solve complex engineering equations.

• This machine, called the Z3, was also the first to work on the binary system instead of the decimal system.

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• Alan Turing developed a hypothetical device, the Turing machine which would be designed to perform logical operation and could read and write.

• It would presage programmable computers.

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He also used vacuum technology to build British Colossus, a machine used to counter-act the German code of scrambling device.

Colosus II

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• Howard Aiken, in collaboration with engineers from IBM, constructed a large automatic digital sequence controlled computer called the Harvard Mark I.

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This computer could handle all four arithmetic operations, and had special built-in programs for

logarithms and trigonometric functions.

Harvard Mark I

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• Dr. John Von Neumann presented a paper outlining the stored-program concept.

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1947• The giant ENIAC (Electrical

Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was developed by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert Jr. at the University of Pennsylvania.

• It used 18,000 vacuum tubes, punch card input, weighed 30 tons and occupied a 30x50 foot space.

John W. Mauchly

J.Presper Eckert Jr.

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• It wasn’t programmable but was productive from 1946 to 1955 and was used to compute artillery firing tables/artillery trajectory.


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• William Shockley, John Bardeen, & Walter Brattain of Bell Labs invented the transistor.

• It would rid computers of vacuum tubes and radios.

W. Shockley

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• Maurice V. Wilkes built the EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer), the first stored-program computer.

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• EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer), the second stored-program computer was built by Mauchly, Eckert Jr., and Von Neumann.

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1949• An Wang developed magnetic core

memory. • It was patented as the Pulse

Transfer Controlling Device.

• Jay Forrester reorganized the magnetic core memory for it

to be more efficient.

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• Turing built the ACE, considered by some to be the first programmable digital computer.

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Take the QUICK DEX link.

• Click ME!!

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The First Generation(1951-1959)

These computers were bulky, took up large space, and needed to be kept in a cool environment. They use wired circuits that had thousands of vacuum tubes,

each of which was about the size of a light bulb.

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• Mauchly and Eckert Jr. built the UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer), the first computer designed and sold commercially, specifically for business data processing applications.

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• She was also credited for the

term debugging in the 1940s.

• Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper developed UNIVAC I compiler.

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• The programming language FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator) was designed by John Bacchus, an IBM engineer.

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Jack St. Clair Kilby and Robert Noyce

of Texas Instruments

manufactured the first integrated circuit, or chip,

which is a collection of tiny little transistors. Robert Noyce

Jack St.Clair Kilby

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The Second Generation(1960-1965)

Unlike the 1st generation computers, which used vacuum tubes, these computers used transistors

which were smaller, more efficient, and less energy-consuming.

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• Gene Amdahl designed the IBM System/360 series of mainframe (G) computers, the first general purpose digital computers to use integrated circuits.

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1961• Dr. Hopper developed

validation software for the programming language COBOL and its compiler as part of a COBOL standardization program for the entire Navy.

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1963• Ken Olsen, founder of DEC, produced the PDP-

I, the first minicomputer (G).

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BASIC (Beginners All-purpose

Symbolic Instruction Code)

programming language

developed by Dr. Thomas Kurtz and Dr. John


Dr. John Kemeny

Dr. Thomas Kurtz

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Mechanical Calculating Devices

• Codex Madrid• Discovered from the manuscripts of

Leonardo da Vinci

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Mechanical Calculating Devices

• Replica of Codex Madrid• Created in 1967

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The Third Generation

1969-1971Called minicomputers, these computers were

compact, reliable, and less expensive. Instead of transistors, they use integrated circuits (ICs) or

chips which are much smaller compared to transistors.

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• The Internet started.• October 29, 1969 ARPANET (Advanced

Research Projects Agency Network) introduced the network of today's Internet.

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• Dr. Ted Hoff developed the famous Intel 4004 microprocessor (G) chip.

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• Intel released the first microprocessor, a specialized integrated circuit which was able to process four bits of data at a time.

• It also included its own arithmetic logic unit, PASCAL, a structured programming language, was developed by Niklaus Wirth.

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The Fourth Generation1975-present

These computers are much smaller, faster, and more powerful than the earlier models. The use

of microprocessors make them more multi-functional. Consist of million of transistors, they

can do millions of calculation per second.

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Xerox Alto was the first prototype computer to used a graphical user interface (GUI)

GUI (gooey) provided graphics or symbols


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• Ed Roberts, the “father of microcomputer” designed the first microcomputer, the Altair 8800, which was produced by Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS).

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• William Gates III and Paul Allen approached MITS and promised to deliver a BASIC compiler.

• Microsoft was born.

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• Seymour Cray developed the Cray I supercomputer (G).

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1976• Apple Computer, Inc. was founded by Steven

Jobs & Stephen Wozniak.

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Modern Day Computer

Assembled boards with wooden casing Had video terminals and keyboard

interface Includes cassette interface and Apple


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• Jobs and Wozniak designed and built the first Apple II microcomputer.

Apple II

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Tandy Corporation released their first personal computer which include a keyboard and screen.


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• IBM offers Bill Gates the opportunity to develop the operating system for its new IBM personal computer.

• Microsoft has achieved tremendous growth and success today due to the development of MS-DOS.

• Apple III was also released.

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• The IBM PC was introduced with a 16-bit microprocessor.

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• Time Magazine chooses the computer instead of a person for its “Machine of the Year”

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The first TCP/IP wide area network was operational by

January 1, 1983 (this is technically the birth of the



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Modern Day Computer

Lisa (1983) First PC to use GUI

(use of mouse, windows-like interface, etc)

Too costly

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• Apple introduced the Macintosh computer, which incorporated a unique graphical interface, making it easy to use.

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• IBM released the 286 AT.

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Laser Writer printer was introduced.


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• Compaq released the DeskPro 386 computer, the first to use a 80036 microprocessor.

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IBM announced the OS/2 operating system technology.

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A non-destructive worm was introduced into the Internet network bringing thousands of

computers to a halt.

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• The Intel 486 became the world’s first 1,000,000 transistor microprocessor

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• Timothy “Tim” Berners Lee developed the World Wide Web.

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• The Energy Star program, endorsed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), encouraged manufacturers to build computer equipment that met power consumption guidelines.

• When guidelines are met, equipment displays the Energy Star logo.

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Several companies introduced computer systems using the Pentium microprocessor from Intel that contains 3.1 million transistors and is

able to perform 112 million instructions per second (MIPS).

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