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History of Auriculotherapy

Make a habit of two things: to help; or at least to do no harm~Hippocrates

The Classical Era600 BC – 600 AD

The Postclassical Era

600 AD -1450 AD 1800 AD - PRESENT

The Industrial Era

Auriculotherapy History Timeline

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One of the earliest forms of auriculotherapy (also known as ear

acupuncture) can be traced back to the tomb of Egyptian physician

Ankmahor of Saqqara (circa 2500-2330 BC). The tomb was first

excavated by Victor Loret in 1899, paintings found on the tomb depict

earrings being used as a medical treatment. Rudimentary forms of what

we call auriculotherapy today can be traced back over 2500 years ago.

The Beginning of Auriculotherapy

Painting found in the tomb of Ankmahor of Saqqara

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Hippocrates (450-380 BC), known as the father of Western medicine, gave us some of the earliest forms of auriculotherapy used to treat commonly seen medical conditions.

The Ebers papyrus, (circa 1550 B.C.) now at the University of Leipzig, library in Germany describes a system of channels and vessels in the body which approximates more closely to the Chinese system of channels than to any known body system

Hippocrates and Auriculotherapy

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Hippocrates spent four years in Egypt learning medicine from

the ancient Egyptian physicians. While in Egypt Hippocrates

observed the physicians cutting the ear and scarring the ear

to treat conditions from infertility to leg pain. When he

returned home to Kos, Greece, Hippocrates wrote about and

taught that which he learned about in Egypt.

Hippocrates (450—380 B.C)

The Father of Western Medicine

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Iain M. Lonie

The Hippocratic Treatises

“On Generation”

“On the Nature of the Child”

“Diseases IV”

De Gruyter

In his work titled, Generation, Hippocrates writes the following:

“Those who have incisions on the ears’ edge continue to have

coitus and ejaculate, but their ejaculation is scarce, inactive and

barren.” Hippocrates continues to write about using the ear as a

form of treatment in his books The Airs, Waters, and Places. The

Greeks and Egyptians were not the only ones to observe using

the ear as a form of treatment.

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One of the most recognized forms of auricular therapy comes from the

ancient Egyptian sailors. They were the first to wear gold earrings in their

ears. Placing gold needles in their ear lobes allowed the ancient Egyptian

sailors to see better while at sea. This common practice is still seen today

in young girls, women and Pirates. It was also believed that piercing the

ear lobe at birth protected children from various infections of the eye.

The Airs, Waters and Places

The Airs, Waters and Places

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The Persians also would burn the skin behind the ear with the aid of a burning vine shoot was common practice in the treatment of fluxion of humor (also known as discharge or flow of liquid) from the head to hip. The Chinese also mentioned using the ear in some of the early writings around the first century.

The Greek physician Galen introduced Hippocratic medicine to the Roman empire in the second century AD, and commented on the healing value of scarification at the outer ear.

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Cauterization or burning the ear was a common and widespread

practice in Europe from around the 13th century all away up into

the 19th century. By cauterizing the ear, the Europeans were able

to help reduce or relieve certain kinds of pain. This practice of

cauterization even made its way to America in the mid 19th century.

A Rudimentary form of Auriculotherapy

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Dr. Paul Nogier (1908-1996) was a physician from Lyon, France. His father

was a professor at the medical school in Lyon and was one of the pioneers

in radiology. At the age of 18 Paul Nogier entered medical school. Dr.

Nogier graduated with a doctorate in 1939 on the eve of the Second

World War. Before Dr. Nogier begin his practice in Lyon he attended many

seminars on topics such as acupuncture, chiropractic and homeopathy

The Discovery of Auriculotherapy

Dr. Paul Nogier

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It was his love of learning that aided Dr. Nogier in solving the ear’s

2500-year-old secret. In 1951 Dr. Nogier treated two patients in

his clinic one day that had something in common. These two

patients had something in common; they both had a small scar

marking in the upper part of their ear, known as the anti-helix.

Logo of Lyon, France

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Dr. Paul Nogier’s First Auricular Point

If only one patient entered Dr. Nogier’s clinic with this small scar in their ear it might have gone unnoticed. Dr. Nogier questioned his two patients about their scars. Both patients reported that they suffered from sciatic pain.

Copyright 2018 by Nader Soliman, MD. Reprinted by permission

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Both patients had initially sought out and received conventional

Western medicine and pharmacological therapy for their pain. When

these treatments failed to yield any relief, they sought the help of a local

practitioner in Marseille, France. She succeeded in relieving their pain.

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Intrigued by what his patients told him Nogier asked his patients who this person was. He was very interest by this procedure and results his patients achieved. Paul Nogier met with his patients to find out more about this amazing treatment. Both patients told Nogier that they received their treatments from a practitioner named Madame Berrin in Marseille, France.

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Paul Nogier set out from Lyon to Marseille (200 miles south of

Lyon) to meet Madame Berrin. After meeting with Madame Berrin

he learning her technique of cauterization of the upper portion of

the anti-tragus. Nogier returned to his clinic in Lyon.


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Back in Lyon It wasn't long before Nogier had the opportunity to treat

his first patient with sciatic pain using Madame Berrin’s technique. To

his amazement the patient’s pain dissipated in just a few moments.

Excited about the possibility of this new treatment, Nogier knew he

had to treat more patients to verify this was not a placebo effect.

Paul Nogier, M.D. Treating a patient

The Master at Work in his Clinic

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Over time Nogier was able to relieve most of his patients who

suffered from sciatic pain within minutes to a few hours. To his

dissatisfaction this techquinie only worded for his patient’s who

suffered from sciatica. He tried treating other patients who were

experinceing for example, shoulder pain, neck pain, elbow pain

and knee pain with no success. It was these failures that got

Nogier thinking why does this point only treat this one condition?

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Being a student of multi-disciplines such as acupuncture and chiropractic

Paul Nogier knew that sciatic pain originated from the L5 S1 lumbar

region. It was from this observation that Nogier hypothesized that part

of the ear might be a reflex point of the lower back. It was from this

thought that lead Nogier to his breakthrough, what is now known as the

inverted fetus in the ear, also called the little man in the ear.

Dr. Paul Nogier’s Invention The Inverted Fetus

Inverted Fetus in the ear

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From that one point to treat sciatica, Dr. Paul Nogier was able to map out the entire body on the surface of the outer ear. His original invention the inverted fetus in the ear created two new medical specialties, Auriculotherapy and in 1966 Auriculomedicine.

Copyright 2018 by Nader Soliman,

MD. Reprinted by permission

Nogier’s Little Man In The Ear

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Auriculotherapy Expanded

Nogier observed inconsistent results in some of his patients. Those patients with acute condition responded appropriately to auricular treatments. While his patients who were suffering from chronic illnesses only slightly or failed to respond to his auricular treatments. Nogier's break though came in 1956 with his discovery of what he named the vascular autonomic signal (known as the VAS). This insight aloud him to understand in depth his patient's pathological kinetics.

Copyright 2018 by Nader Soliman, MD. Reprinted by permission

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Auriculotherapy Expanded

The VAS give Nogier clear evidence on where lay his patients stage of disease, is it acute, chronic or degenerate. With this knowledge Nogier expanded his one project on the ear to include a total of 4 projection with this new information. The nomenclature of the phases are as follow, 1, acute, 2, degenerate, 3, chronic, and fourth known as the posterior ear is motor muscular projection

Copyright 2018 by Nader Soliman, MD. Reprinted by permission

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Five years later in 1956, after his first observation of the scar in the

ear, Paul Nogier published his first article on his discovery. It was in

an acupuncture journal that Dr. Nogier introduced the world to his

first map of the ear. His article was later translated into German in a

respected acupuncture journal (DZA) that was circulated worldwide.

Auriculotherapy Introduced worldwide

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This article caught the attention of the Chinese acupuncturists and in

the years to follow China incorporated Nogier’s discovery into their

schools based on his work of ear. At the age of 51 Dr. Paul Nogier went

from an unknown physician in Lyon, France, to worldwide acclaim for his

discovery of this new medical specialty he coined as auriculotherapy

(also known as auricular therapy).

New Medical Specialty

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Confusion Over Auriculotherapy

Over time there were some confusion on who discovered

auriculotherapy. Part of this confusion stems from Paul Nogier's

replacing the barbaric technique of scarring the ear, to using an

acupuncture needle in achieving the same effect..”

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In a 1959 article published in the Chinese periotic Medical Journal Ta-Chung-I-hsueh (translates “Popular Medicine”) the Chinese government officially credited Dr. Paul Nogier on his discovery of the new auricular system of acupuncture and recognized him as the “Father of Auricular Acupuncture.

Credit For Auriculotherapy

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The Actional Article from Ta-Chung-I-hsueh

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Nogier’s Auriculotherapy Timeline

1951 Paul Nogier, M.D. treats two patients in a short period of

time. Both patients had the same small scar on their ears. His

patients report the scar is from a treatment to heal sciatica.

Later that same year Dr. Nogier travels to Marseille to

meet with the practitioner (Madame Berrin) that treated

these patients on the ear to relive their back pain.

In that same year Nogier learns the scarring technique and

uses it successfully in his clinic. Nogier tries to use the same

technique to treat other medical conditions with no success.

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In February of 1956 Dr. Niboyet, a leading authority in

acupuncture, invited Dr. Nogier to present his discovery at

the Societe Mediterraneenne d'Acupuncture in Marseille.

In September of 1956 Nogier was invited by Dr. Gerhard

Bachmann, president of the German Association of

Acupuncture, to give a similar speech in Wiesbaden.

In 1953, while he was studying manipulation techniques of

the lumbo-sacral spine, Nogier discovered a cauterized part

of the antihelix could perhaps correspond to the lumbar-

sacral region of the body. After discovering that the antihelix

represented the entire spine, Nogier systematically maps out

and identification the human body on the surface of the ear.

Nogier’s Auriculotherapy Timeline

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A few months later in 1956, the of journal Deutsche

Zeitschrift für Akupunktur (DZA) published 6 years of

Dr. Nogier’s research in three different issues. The first

detailed maps of the ear were officially born.

China was the first country to translate those articles and

to validate Dr. Nogier’s new discovery. In December of

1958, the Shanghai Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutics and

Medicine, published a summary of Nogier's three articles

entitled “Introduction to ear acupuncture therapy.”

Nogier’s Auriculotherapy Timeline

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In 1959 Dr. Xu Zuo-Lin of Beijing performed clinical

trials on 255 patients using Nogier's auricular maps. Xu

introduced a few new points which were linked to TCM.

One of them was shenmen (the point of vitality) which

became universally popular among acupuncturists.

Shenmen is present on several Western auricular maps.

At the age of 51 Dr. Paul Nogier went from an unknown

physician in Lyon, France, to worldwide acclaim for his

discovery of this new medical specialty. He coined the

term auriculotherapy for his new discovery. It is also

known as auricular therapy.

Nogier’s Auriculotherapy Timeline

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The benefits of acupuncture in early America were known physicians and

common folks. Acupuncture articles didn’t only grace the pages of medical

journals. In 1825 an article in the Philadelphia Recorder (publication of the

reformed Episcopal Church) was published by a Hartford, Connecticut

journeyman printer. The author goes on to talk about his successful treatment

with acupuncture by local physician, Dr. Mason Cogswell of Hartford, CT. The

author revealed that he was familiar with “acupuncturation” and heard much

about it before he sought out treatment from Dr. Cogswell.

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Cogswell was an innovative surgeon, working mainly in surgical

ophthalmology. He was amongst the first in the United States to

operate on cataracts. Additionally, in November 1803 he was the first

American surgeon to ligate the carotid artery.

One of the most eminent of the surgeons in this country during the

latter part of the eighteenth and first part of the nineteenth centuries

was Dr. Mason Fitch Cogswell of Hartford, Connecticut. Cogswell was

chosen the first Professor of Surgery at Yale, although he did not serve


Dr. Mason F. Cogswell

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Dr. Mason Cogswell House

The Home Of Dr. Mason F. Cogswell, located at Thirty Eight Prospect Street, Hartford, CT As it looked in the early 19th century.

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Dr. Mason Cogswell House Today

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The Author at Dr. Mason Cogswell House

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Dr. Cogswell was the adopted son of Samuel Huntington (president of the

Continental Congress and governor of Connecticut). His daughter, Alice,

became deaf at the age of two. Cogswell asked his friend and neighbor

Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet to go to Europe to bring back methods and

instruction for the deaf. While in France Gallaudet found the answer and

method to teaching the deaf. With the help of Laurent Clerc (A French

teacher) they brought French Sign Language to the United States.

Dr. Cogswell Step-Father

Samuel Huntington 1731 To 1796

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Dr. Mason Cogswell assisted in the founding of the first permanent

school for the deaf in North America in Hartford, Connecticut. Alice,

his daughter became the schools first student.

In 1986 The Columbia Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and

the Blind became Gallaudet University. Founded in 1864, Gallaudet

University was the first school for the advanced education of the deaf

and hard of hearing in the world.

Statue of Gallaudet and Cogswell (1889), by Daniel Chester French.

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Daniel Chester French Year 1920© Auriculotherapy Seminars LLC 2018

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Thomas Gallaudet Laurent Clerc

Originally from Lyon, France Louis Laurent Marie Clerc (26 December

1785 – 18 July 1869) called “The Apostle of the Deaf in America”. Clerc

left home at age 12 to study in Paris. Their he was taught sign langue by

Abbe Sicard, at the Institution Nationale des Sourds-Muets (school for

the Deaf). Clerc excelled in his studies and after gradating Sicard hired

Clerc to teach along side him. Gallaudet convinced Clerc to come with

him back to America. Sicard didn’t want Clerc to leave Paris. Before he

reluctant let Clerc go, Sicard made Gallaudet sign a contract stating Clerc

would return to his job at Nationale des Sourds-Muets within three years. © Auriculotherapy Seminars LLC 2018

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Le Havre




On June 18, 1816 the two men board the ship Mary Augusta in Le Haver,

France to Hartford Connecticut. The transatlantic voyage took 52 days, in

1816 the average time to cross the Atlantic (west bound) was 40 days. © Auriculotherapy Seminars LLC 2018

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In January of 1818 Laurent Clerc who only lived in the

United States for a year and a half was invited to speak to

members of US Congress in Washington DC. He was the

first deaf person ever to address the US Congress. At this

historical event Clerc sat next to House Speaker Henry Clay

of Kentucky. Members of Congress wrote questions to Clerc

in English and French, and he answered all there questions.

The United States Capitol Building circa 1818

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James Monroe fifth President of the US

President Monroe was in attendance at Laurent Clerc presentation to

Congress. Monroe was enthralled by Clerc’s signed speech. This was not the

first time President Monroe meet Mr. Clerc. In 1817 the President who was

impressed with the success of Mr. Clerc and Mr. Gallaudet school in

Hartford, CT paid a visit to the school. After Clerc address to Congress he

accompanied the French Ambassador to the United States, Hyde de Neville

to the White House, where President Monroe received them. Congress

voted to give the school 21,000 acres of land in Alabama which was sold for

$300,000 dollars (or about 5.5 million in todays dollars). This money went

towards constructing school buildings and establishing an endowment.© Auriculotherapy Seminars LLC 2018

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Clerc's mode of instruction was French signs. His students learned those signs for their

studies. However, for their own use, they also borrowed or altered some of those signs and

blended them with their own native sign language. As the Hartford students and teachers

widely spread Clerc's teachings in his original and in their modified signs, deaf communication

acquired an identifiable form. This evolved into the American Sign Language, used in

education and assimilated into the personal lives of America's deaf population and its culture.

Consequently, about two-thirds of today's ASL signs have French origins.

Eliza Crocker Boardman Clerc

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James Spader

TV and Movie Actor

3rd great-grandson

Nicholas Gilman

Signer of the U.S. Constitution

3rd cousin 1 time removed via Peter Ayer

John Langdon

Signer of the U.S. Constitution

3rd cousin 2 times removed via William Allen

Robert Frost

Poet and Playwright

4th cousin 3 times removed via Thomas Ayer

Eliza Crocker Boardman Clerc

Family Tree

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James Garfield

20th U.S. President

5th cousin 2 times removed via William Allen

George H. W. Bush

41st U.S. President

5th cousin 5 times removed via William Allen

George W. Bush

43rd U.S. President

5th cousin 6 times removed via William Allen

Jeb Bush

43rd Governor of Florida

5th cousin 6 times removed via William Allen

Eliza Crocker Boardman Clerc

Family Tree

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Elisha Gallaudet (1730 - 1779)Was a master engraver living in New York City and engraved the first US Coin, known as the "Continental Dollar" of 1776.

Peter Wallace Gallaudet (1756-1843)Was personal assistant to President George Washington while Presidency was in Philadelphia.

Edson F. Gallaudet (1871-1945) along with his older brother Denison (1870-1927), formed his own company based in Rhode Island, Gallaudet Engineering, in 1908 they become involved in aircraft manufacture. The company officially became the Gallaudet Aircraft Company in 1917 and is regarded as the first Aircraft manufacturing company in the US. Gallaudet was primarily involved in the manufacture of seaplanes for the US Navy. Gallaudet Aircraft is the earliest ancestor of General Dynamics.

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The best doctor gives the least medicines-

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Franklin Bache, MD

Also in 1825, Franklin Bache, MD (the great-grandson of Benjamin Franklin)

translated (from French) the work of J. Morand, Mémoire sur l'acupuncture

(Memory on acupuncture). Bache also wrote the first research paper on

acupuncture in the USA. Thus the connection to the founding fathers of the

United States of America. Acupuncture is as American as Apple pie.

While translating Morand’s book, Bache decided to try acupuncture. He was an

assistant physician at the state penitentiary in Philadelphia. Bache chose 12

patients to treat, who were all in extreme pain and suffered from the following

conditions: three with muscular rheumatism, four with “chronic pains,” three

with neuralgia, and two with ophthalmia.

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Bache concluded that acupuncture caused no harm to his patients. Most

experienced relief from their pain and in a few cases there was no change at

all. In some cases needle insertion would cause moderate to severe pain before

relief was achieved.

Between 1825 and 1826 Bache treated 17 more patients with

acupuncture. This time, not all of the patients were inmates. Those 17

patients suffered from the following ailments: headaches, fever, elbow tumors

and pulmonary inflammation. Bache reported the following results.


Do No Harm

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7- patients were cured

7- patients were considerably relieved

3- patients reported little to no relief

In conclusion Bache reported that acupuncture had

remarkable power for “removing and mitigating pain.”


Below are the results of the 17 patients that Dr. Bache treated using

acupuncture in 1825 – 1826 (first clinical acupuncture report)

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Bache concludes his paper by addressing why he did not go into the

philosophy on acupuncture nor needle insertion. He refers the reader to

his translation of Dr. Morand’s “Mémoire sur l'acupuncture.“

Even though Bache didn’t address the philosophy behind his acupuncture

treatments, it was obvious that he used mainly local points. With some of

his patients he would start off by inserting the needle right in the site of

pain. For some of his patients the pain was to much and Bache had to

withdraw the needle. He also experimented with needle retention. In a

few cases Bache retained the needles in for 1 to 1.5 hours. In other cases

he would retain the needles in from 3 to 10 hours and in two cases the

needles were retained in for 24 hours. Bache discovered that some

patients responded better when needles were left in for longer periods of


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who studied medicine in England, Scotland, France, and received his

medical degree in 1823 from the University of Erlangen in Germany.

While studying in France Dunglison was a student of Dr. Dominique Jean

Larrey, Napoleon’s battlefield surgeon. In 1824 Thomas Jefferson asked

Dunglison to join his faculty at the University of Virginia as a professor

Robley Dunglison

Bache may have been the most active acupuncturist of the 19th century but

Dr. Robley Dunglison was the most well known. Enter the most prominent

acupuncturist of the time. Dunglison was an English-born physician who

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of anatomy and medicine. Dunglison who was considered the "Father of

American Physiology,” He also served as Thomas Jefferson’s personal

physician too.

Major Works: Human Physiology (1832) New Dictionary of Medical Science and

Literature (1833) New Remedy’s, (1839-1856 seven editions ) In New Remedies

Dunglison wrote several accounts on uses and advantages of acupuncture.

These accounts appeared in every edition of his work.

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The operation consists in employing acupuncturation in the usual

way, either with a single needle, or with two or more; and making a

communication between them and the prime conductor of an

electrical machine in action; or they may be made to form part of the

circuit in the discharge of a Leyden jar. In this way, the electrical

influence may be graduated from the simple aura to a full shock.

Electro-Punctu’re and Galvano-Puncture

New Remedies

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Silver Gold Titanium

From New Remedy’s

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Observations from Robley Dunglison Book

Dunglison First produced New Dictionary of Medical Science and Literature

in 1833. In 1903 Thomas Lathrop Stedman became the editor. Stedman’s

first edition of the Medical Dictionary was published in 1911. With The

most currently edition (28th edition) was published in 2005

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The Auricular Finger

Page 89

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Page 534

Who’s Crazy Now?

Admissions to La Salpêtrière Hospital (now called The Hôpital universitaire

Pitié-Salpêtrière) in Paris, France for the insane. Maybe France held there

pollical elections in the summer in the 19th century? © Auriculotherapy Seminars LLC 2018

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The top table shows the number of admissions for a few European counties

and the state of Pennsylvania from 1756 to 1812. The state of Pennsylvania

had only 2 admissions for Insanity in 1812. While in the bottom table political

evens was the third leading cause of insanity, while wounded self-love was the

8th leading cause of insanity at La Salpêtrière © Auriculotherapy Seminars LLC 2018

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The Supplies Needed to Preform A Hearing Test in the 1830’s According to Dunglison

Enough opium to

Knout a person out

One Pietta Model .36 caliber

cap & ball black powder pistol

You will also need the following to conduct this test, an outdoor clinic or

an office staff that dose not mind load noises. Remember it’s the 1830’s

and guns were STILL legal and there were only 2 people deemed crazy in

the whole state of Pennsylvania.

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Page 385, 387

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The title says it all.














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Léopold Deslandes, M.D.

Is Fornication Really A Sin?

In his book titled Treatise On The Disease Produced By Onanism,

Masturbation, Self-Pollution, And Other Excesses. Deslandes writes the

following “Lallemand entertains the same opinion and has also employed

acupuncture and he says with success. He has known patients who after

the application of needles between the posterior parts of the bursae and

the anus, have passed three or four months without pollutions”.

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Page 236

1790 - 1854

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Before there was Battlefield Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been practiced by the U.S. Military for quite some time, but

that fact is not well known. Acupuncture was used 127 years before Drs. Maj

Norman Rich and Lt Col Francis Dimond, MD wrote their article, “Results of

Vietnamese acupuncture seen at the Second Surgical Hospital” in the October

1967 Military Medicine Journal (the article referred to observation of the use of

acupuncture that occurred in 1965). This is147 years before sources indicate that

acupuncture has been used as an alternative treatment at Walter Reed Army

Medical Center in the 1980s and 157 years before Dr. Richard Niemtzow was

credited with establishing the first military medical acupuncture clinic at the

Walson Air Force Hospital in Fort Dix, NJ, in 1995.

In 1838 U.S Navy surgeon, Dr. William S.W. Ruschenberger was using

electro-acupuncture to treat his patients, and according to reports curing them

too. This is one of the earliest accounts of acupuncture used by the U.S. military.

The report was published in 1843 by T. B. Curling in his book titled “A Practical

Treatise Disease of the Testis and of the Spermatic Cord and Scrotum.”

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About Dr. Ruschenberger, in 1826, at the age of 19 he was appointed

a "surgeon's mate" in the United States Navy. Ruschenberger was

immediately sent to the Pacific, and after his return entered the

University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, he received his

Doctor of Medicine, on March '24, 1830. In 1831, Dr. Ruschenberger

was commissioned as a surgeon in the United States Navy© Auriculotherapy Seminars LLC 2018

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From 1836 to 1839 Dr. Ruschenberger serviced as the Navy’s Fleet

Surgeon, and in that position he saw tours in Southern Arabia, the

Persian Gulf and various parts of the East Indies and China,

which at that time were rarely in the track of travels. On October

23, 1839, Dr. Ruschenberger married Miss Mary Baynton Wister,

of Germantown, Pennsylvania. At the conclusion of the Civil War

Dr. Ruschenberger took over as the commanding officer of the

Philadelphia Naval Hospital. He serviced here till he retired in

1869 with the rank of Commander.

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Dr. Ruschenberger military services, in 1871 the United States Navy

established the position of medical director. Ruschenberger was

recalled to active duty to service in this position and was promoted to

the rank of Commodore (O-7, Rear Admiral Lower Half). When he

officially retired in 1873 Dr. Ruschenberger serviced at total of 68 years

and 8 months in the US Navy. 43 years on active duty and 26 years on

the retirement list. Ruschenberger serviced as the Vice President of the

American Philosophical Society from 1885 – 1895. Dr. Ruschenberger

was an accomplished author who published many books and articles.

See a brief list of his literary works on the following page.

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1833. A List of the Plants of Chili. In Silliman's Journal.

1834. Three Years in the Pacific. 2 Vols.

1835. A Voyage around the World

1835. A Voyage around the World. Republished in London the same year.

1838. Meteorological Observations on a Voyage from Peru to the United

States, around Cape Horn. In Silliman's Journal.

1845. Hints on the Reorganization of the United States Navy.

1846. Elements of Natural History.

1850. A Lexicon of Terms used in Natural History.

1854. Notes and Commentaries during Voyages to Brazil and China.

1856. On the Mercury of New Almaden, California.

1867. Statistics of Human Growth.

1873. On the Value of Original Scientific Research.

1887. An Account of the Institution and Progress of the College of

Physicians of Philadelphia during 100 years.

Dr. Ruschenberger Published Works

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With Illustrations





P. B. GODDARD, M.D., M.A.P.S., M.A.N.S.,





Acupuncture In The U.S Navy

The book that presents Dr. Ruschenberger case in using acupuncture © Auriculotherapy Seminars LLC 2018

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Electro-puncture has been recently proposed for the cure of

hydrocele. It is performed by introducing two acupuncture

needles into the sac and connecting one to the positive and the

other to the negative pole of a Daniel's constant battery. The

action may be kept up from ten minutes to an hour. Dr.

Ruschenberger of the U. S. Navy succeeded in curing a case

after both seton and injection with iodine had failed, by a single

introduction of the needles kept excited for half an hour.

Below is the passage about Dr. Ruschenberger uses of acupuncture

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Below is the original page documenting Dr. Ruschenberger use of acupuncture

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With the discoveries of medical anesthesia in the 1840’s

acupuncture articles started to disappear from medical

journals. A search of the Surgeon General’s library index

catalog from 1850 to 1900 showed only 6 references to

acupuncture published in American medical literature during

that time. No such reference appeared in Edward Warren’s

Civil War surgical manual An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for

Field and Hospital, where acupuncture was used to stop


In 1850 Dr. Fritz ROEKER of Cincinnati, USA (spelled Dr.

RÜLKER in some publications) mentioned cauterization of

the helix as a good treatment for sciatica – employing the

method of J. F. Malgaigne (Cauterization on the ear as a

treatment for sciatica. Journal Medicine Chirugicale. June 1850).

Ear Acupuncture (Ear Cauterization) Arrives in America

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Dr. Fritz ROEKER

Dr. Friedrich Roelker is originally from Osnabruck, Germany. He

immigrated to the US when he was 26 years old. Living in New York for

two years before setting in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1835. Dr. Roelker worked

as an English teacher for two years, Before being promoted to the

principal of the Catholic Trinity School. After One year he resigned his

position to study medicine. In 1841 Dr. Roelker graduated with honors

from the Ohio Medical College. In 1849 Dr. Roelker set off to Europe in

Pursuit of advanced medical knowledge. After returning in 1850 Dr.

Roelker practiced medicine till his retirement in 1864.

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Christian Wulff served as President of Germany from 2010 to 2012. A

member of the Christian Democratic Union, he served as Prime Minister of

the state of Lower Saxony from 2003 to 2010. World-famous diarist Anne

Frank (12 June 1929 – February or March 1945). The Diary of a Young Girl

(originally Het Achterhuis; English: The Secret Annex). Frank and her family fled

Osnabruck, Germany in 1937 to Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Henry Ford (Founder and owner of the Ford Motor Company) wrote about

the accomplishments of Dr. Roelker in his book “The History of Cincinnati

Ohio”. Like Ford, Roelker too was a visionary in the field of medicine and his

devotion to public education in Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Roelker was elected to

the Cincinnati board of education in 1843 and later was appointed to

chairman on The Instruction of German. He is credited with the

advancement of The German-English schools in Ohio. To read with Mr. Ford

wrote about Dr. Roelker See pages 1 and 2

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Ralph Waldo Emerson Letters

Dr. Roelker commutated with the famous American essayist, Ralph Waldo

Emerson. The letter below is from Emerson’s book of letters, Vol. 4:1848-1855

My Dear Sir,

I dispatched to you yesterday, by the “American Express”, your books Gervinus & Vischer,

with a note written on the steamboat. I am a little anxious that Such good books should

arrive safely at your proper shelves & therefore trouble you with Additional line to

announce the fact & to repeat my thanks for your goodness. When you Shall be in

Massachusetts, it will give me great pleasure to show you my little library at Concord. Ever

your obliged servant.

R. W. Emerson


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Dr. Cornelius G.W. Comegys

1816 – 1896

The accidental doctor from Delaware

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Cornelius George Washington Comegys was born July 23, 1816 in

Delaware. His father was Cornelius Parsons Comegys, who was the

Governor of Delaware, from 1838 to 1841, and serviced in the war of

1812, as a Lieutenant Colonel. In 1846 Cornelius entered the

University of Pennsylvania school of medicine. He became a private

pupil of Dr. George Horner, Professor of Chemistry at the university. © Auriculotherapy Seminars LLC 2018

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Cornelius also studied French while attending medical school under the

esteem French teacher, Delacroix. Dr. Comegys graduated in 1848, with

his degree in medicine, and practiced for about a year in Philadelphia.

Passionate about medicine Dr. Comegys wanted to expand his clinical

knowledge. He sought out best physicians in the world at the time, Dr.

Comegys set off to study in London and Paris in 1851 for one year.

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In Paris, Comegys studied under Professor J. M. Charcot, M.D. known

as "the founder of modern neurology”. He was the first to describe

multiple sclerosis. Charcot studied under the revered, Dr. Duchenne de

Boulogne. Charcot was a medical pioneer who influence all those who

studied with him, these men include Sigmund Freud, Joseph Babinski

just to name a few. A song "Let Yourself Go" from The Alan Parsons

Project's is dedicated to Doctor Charcot. Charcot Island in Antarctica

was discovered by his son, Jean-Baptiste Charcot, who named the Island

in honor of his father

J.M. Charcot 1825-1893

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Upon returning to Cincinnati, in 1852 Dr. Comegys gave a course of

lectures on Anatomy in the College of Physicians and Surgeons. He

then became a professor of Medicine at Miami Medical College. He

held this position until 1857, when the college merged with the Ohio

Medical College. At the close of a brilliant career Dr. Comegys believed

the Presidents Cabinet incomplete without medical representation. He

urged congress to create a Cabinet Officer to be known as ''Medical

Secretary of Public Health.“ His death in 1896 cut short his work.© Auriculotherapy Seminars LLC 2018

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Western Lancet and Hospital Reporter

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Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller service as President Gerald Ford’s Vice

President from 1974 to 1977 when Richard Nixon left office. Nelson

Rockefeller’s father, John D. Rockefeller Jr. had a hand in the history of

acupuncture as you will see - enter the Rockefeller Foundation.

John D. Rockefeller John D. Rockefeller Jr Nelson A Rockefeller

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Peking Union Medical College Hospital

James Reston was diagnosed with acute appendicitis and had his

appendix surgically removed. Two days later, Mr. Reston received

acupuncture for his post surgical pain. Most acupuncturists have

heard this account before, but most don’t know much about the

hospital where Scotty received his surgery procedure and

acupuncture treatment.

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Construction of Peking Union Medical College, 1918

In 1913, the Rockefeller Foundation was created to oversee all the grant-

giving programs of the Rockefeller family. A top priority on their list was

establishing a school that would introduce American-style medical science

to Asia. In 1914 the China Medical Board launched the second major

program by the newly established Rockefeller Foundation which was to put

the ideas of the China Medical Commission Study into practice© Auriculotherapy Seminars LLC 2018

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PUMC Near Completion

The Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) in Peking was comprised

of 14 hospital, medical school, and laboratory buildings. The school

was modeled after Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and

completed in 1921.© Auriculotherapy Seminars LLC 2018

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Meeting of the first Board of Trustees, September 1921

The Board Of Trustees At PUMC

Fourteen members of the Board of Trustees, including John D.

Rockefeller, Jr. (pictured in the middle with a goatee, the guy who

looks like Colonel Sanders)and Chairman of the Board, Martin

Ryerson from the University of Chicago.© Auriculotherapy Seminars LLC 2018

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In 1924 PUMC scientists discover and isolate ephedrine

from the Chinese herb mahuang (ephedra sinica).

A scientist working at PUMC lab on the discovery

PUMC Scientists Isolate Ephedrine

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