history 1302 1200 exam 2 review

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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History 1302Review for Second Major Exam

Spring 2011

Material from first exam that may be on the second exam

Definition of Reconstruction Ten Percent Plan Wade-Davis Bill Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan Reconstruction Acts of 1867 Homestead Act of 1862 Jim Crow Laws Definition of the concept of New South Disenfranchisement George Custer

New Material

Reasons for the rise of big business Definition of corporation Interstate Commerce Act Hepburn Act Difference between Interstate and intrastate Andrew Carnegie John Rockefeller Trusts Standard Oil Trust Sherman Anti-trust Act Vertical Integration “Unethical Practices of Standard Oil Company” United States vs. E.C. Knight Company Inventions—Sewing Machine, telephone, light bulb Positive and negative impact of big business Stats on the number of industrial workers Changes in the factory in the late 19th century Hardships of industrial labor Characteristics of the labor crisis Homestead strike Pullman strike Problems created by the rise of large urban areas Stats on the growth of American cities Rural migration to the city Immigration

o New immigrantso Motivations for immigrationo Ellis Islando Chain migration

Slums and ghettos Victorian morality Political machines

o Political bosseso Thomas Nash

Salvation Army Charles Parkhurst Anthony Comstock The Social Gospel Baseball, saloons, boxing Know the time frame for the Gilded Age What were the characteristics of the Gilded Age? Know the differences and similarities between the Republican and Democratic Parties

during the Gilded Age. Laissez-faire Grand Army of the Republic Legal Tender Act The Spoils System Understand the impact of the 1877 and 1880 elections on the Spoils System Assassination of James Garfield Chester Arthur Pendleton Civil Service Act The Depression of 1893 J.P. Morgan August Belmont Imperialism, isolationism, and foreign alliances Alfred T. Mahan, Henry Cabot Lodge, and Theodore Roosevelt in terms in imperialism Reasons for change in U.S. foreign policy in the late nineteenth century and how it

change. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History Review reading material over Hawaii and the Panama Canal Spanish American War

o Who was involved in the war?o Valeriano Weylero Impact of newspapers and which newspapers are involved in the evento U.S.S. Maineo George Deweyo Rough Riderso Naval blockadeo Military Action on July 1, 1898o Secretary of State John Hay’s famous quote

o Impact of war on Theodore Roosevelto Teller and Platt Amendmentso Treaty of Paris 1898

Imperialists vs. Anti-Imperialists Terms of the treaty

Emilio Aguinaldo Philippine conflict Philippine Government Act of 1902

o William Howard Taft 1900 Presidential Election

o Know the candidateso Assassination of McKinley after the election and his replacement

“Speak softly but carry a big stick” The Open Door Policy

o Secretary of State John Hayo The Boxer Rebelliono The Second Open Door Notes

Impact of Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Progressivism

o Reform movement; not radicalismo Versus populismo The Muckrakers

Henry Demarest Lloyd Upton Sinclair

Read about the features of progressivism o Democracyo Efficiencyo Regulation

Prohibitiono Women’s Christian Temperance Uniono Anti-Saloon Leagueo 18th amendment and 21st amendment

Teddy Roosevelt’s square dealo Northern Securities Company o Elkins Act

Presidential Election of 1904 Meat Inspection of 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 1908 Election William Howard Taft

o Tariff Issueo Ballinger-Pinchot Controversyo Roosevelt vs. Tafto Dollar Diplomacyo Antitrust Case against U.S. Steel

1912 Electiono Progressive partyo Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and William Howard Taft

Woodrow Wilson the Progressiveo Federal Reserve Act of 1913o Federal Trade Commission (1914)o Keating Owen Child Labor Law (1916)

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